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An Agent for Zennia: Pinkerton Matchmakers, #55
An Agent for Zennia: Pinkerton Matchmakers, #55
An Agent for Zennia: Pinkerton Matchmakers, #55
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An Agent for Zennia: Pinkerton Matchmakers, #55

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An almost fiancé is in trouble. A Pinkerton agent determined to save her. An eager tycoon's daughter joins the Pinkertons. All are thrown together in the crime of the century or maybe the romance of the year.

Release dateMar 8, 2024
An Agent for Zennia: Pinkerton Matchmakers, #55

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    An Agent for Zennia - Patricia PacJac Carroll


    Kyle Logan read the telegram for the tenth time in the two minutes since he’d received it. Slapping it against his leg, he tamped down the anger that exploded inside him. Amanda was in trouble.

    He was the only one who could rescue her, but how was he going to get Archie, the head detective of the Denver Pinkerton Office, to let him go to Chicago? The man was Scottish cheap and would want to send someone from the local office.

    On his way to the agency, he paused to let his senses recover from the shock. Then he watched as a young woman pulled on the big oaken doors of the Pinkerton Agency. After a small struggle, she entered.

    She’s determined. Kyle leaned against the oak tree and toyed with an idea. Archie had come up with the plan of pairing women with experienced agents with good success. Kyle could use a female agent to get into Amanda’s college and help him find her.

    With a bit of determination of his own, Kyle entered the agency and headed for Archie’s office. After a quick knock, he opened the door, barged in, and threw the telegram on his boss’s desk. I need to rescue her.

    With an irritated look, Archie pointed across his desk. I am busy.

    Kyle followed Archie’s finger. There was the young woman he’d seen enter the building. She’d work fine and looked to be the right age of those in the girl’s college that Amanda attended. He smiled at the young woman. I didn’t mean to intrude, but I have an urgent case that needs attending. Frankly, I could use the young lady’s help. Kyle turned to Archie and leaned one hand on the desk and pointed to the telegram. Read it.

    Archie put his glasses on and picked up the crumpled piece of paper. Help. I’m in trouble. Amanda. Archie sat back in his chair and stared at Kyle. Who is Amanda, and what kind of trouble?

    That was from this morning. She’s my fiancé, almost anyway. Her father sent her to a girl’s college in Chicago, and she told me in her letters that someone had been following her. I have to save her. Kyle stood and waited.

    The young woman jumped out of her chair. I can help. I am excellent at noticing things other people don’t. I can sketch people. I’m smart. I can go undercover. I can shoot a gun. I am your, er, woman. She held her hand out to Kyle. Zennia Fields, at your service.

    Archie groaned. You know Chicago doesn’t like it when I step on their territory.

    Kyle shook the woman’s hand. Kyle Logan, Pinkerton Agent. He pulled his gaze from Zennia and looked at Archie. I know Ulyssa works out of the Chicago office, now. She’d vouch for me. Maybe. I did hear she’s softened a lot since marrying that professor fellow.

    Shaking his head, Archie put the telegram down. Against my better judgment, I’ll agree to it. He looked at the woman. You’re very young. In the past, I have made my female agents marry the agent in charge of their training to protect their reputation. Kyle just said he has a fiancé, so I can’t see forcing you two to marry as a viable option.

    Zennia leaned on the desk, inches from Archie’s face. I’ll do anything. I was born to be a Pinkerton Detective, and you will not regret it.

    Archie sat back to get away from her. This is what I’m willing to do. Kyle, you’re an excellent agent, and I don’t want to lose you. I read the telegram and agree you need to go and see what you can do for, Archie glanced at the telegram. Amanda. Zennia, you can go as his partner, but under cover of being his younger sister.

    Perfect. Kyle slammed a palm on the desk. That is just what I was thinking. She can go undercover and find out what has happened to Amanda. He grinned at the woman. You’ll be Zennia Logan. My little sister.

    She put a hand out to him. Nice to meet you.

    Kyle shook her hand and was surprised at her firm grip. Sis.

    Archie set out a paper for them to sign. Kyle, I know you’re a good man, so I’m not worried about you. But watch out for her. She’s young and eager. The very ones who can get into the most trouble.

    Archie handed a pen to Zennia. You do exactly what Kyle says. No going off on your own. Understand?

    Yes, sir. I will make you proud. Zennia stood straight and saluted.

    With a grimace, Archie shook his head. That’s not necessary. Just do what Kyle tells you to do.

    She nodded. When do we leave? Do I get a gun, or should I buy my own? Are we riding horses?

    Kyle put his hand up. Whoa. We’ll leave on the next train to get us to Chicago. You can get a derringer, but just for your protection. I don’t want you shooting up the place. Follow me.

    After a nod to Archie, Kyle left the office without looking back. Zennia’s quick footsteps let him know she was following. Despite his worry for Amanda, he liked his new partner. She was smart and eager, but like Archie said, that could get her into trouble. Kyle decided he’d keep a tight rein on her.

    Once outside, Kyle turned left to go to the train station. He’d taken several steps when he didn’t hear her behind him. He turned and saw her walk across the street and enter Walt’s Gun Store.

    Kyle rolled his eyes. What he didn’t need to be doing was to be following after her. Then he shrugged and followed her. Once inside the store, Kyle saw Walt showing her a lady’s special. The small gun fit neatly in her hand.

    Zennia saw him and smiled. This one is perfect. It will fit in my skirt pocket or reticule. She turned to Walt. I’ll take it and a box of cartridges.

    Yes, ma’am. Walt nodded at Kyle and then took a box from under the counter and set it in front of her.

    Zennia paid and then pocketed the gun and turned to Kyle and headed for the door.

    Kyle caught her and tapped her on the shoulder. Did you load that thing?

    She turned and blushed. I didn’t check.

    That’s the first rule of owning a gun. Always check and see if it’s loaded.

    She yanked it out of her pocket and opened the chamber. It’s loaded.

    Kyle saw the way she handled the derringer that she was no stranger to guns and figured she must have been nervous. Now, you know. It wouldn’t do you any good if you needed it, and it wasn’t loaded.

    Swallowing hard, Zennia nodded and looked at him with a serious frown. Note taken. I won’t forget again. Sorry.

    I’m sure you won’t. Kyle held open the door. Now, follow me and continue to follow me.

    Her bouncy attitude returned. Where are we going?

    Hoping he wouldn’t have to explain his every move, he took the lead but called back to her. To the train depot.

    Zennia caught him and took his arm. I need to pack my clothes. Surely, you’re not going to leave with only the clothes on your back. She pulled him to a stop.

    He nodded. Go ahead and meet me at the depot. Don’t worry, I’ll pick up my bag. I keep one packed for quick trips.

    Pink tinted her cheeks. Oh, I see. You are the expert.

    Meet me at the depot, he pulled out his pocket watch, in an hour and a half.

    Yes, sir. Zennia walked quickly away from him and up the street.

    To say she was eager was an understatement. Kyle just hoped he could keep up with her. He stopped at his nearby boardinghouse, picked up his bag, and then went on to the depot. With the advance Archie had authorized, Kyle bought the tickets. The next train left later in the afternoon, so he’d have time for dinner. If Zennia got back in time.


    Zennia ran to the livery and rented a hackney cab to take her to her home. She had the driver drop her off several blocks from her house and paid the driver to wait. Keeping an eye out for her father, she quietly slipped in the back door and tiptoed up the stairs to her room.

    If he knew what she was doing, he’d have stopped her and locked her in her room. Of course, that never worked because she would climb down the trellis, but she didn’t want to risk a confrontation.

    Quickly, she packed some clothes and tiptoed down the stairs and back out the door. Her father had made a small fortune from the silver and gold he’d found and mined. Her brothers were scattered between the mines and the ranch Father had bought.

    She was left to herself and had tired of going to socials and having young men fall at her feet. Not that she was the most beautiful woman in Denver. That would go to Sheila Caldwell. Still, at every dance, the boys flocked to Zennia because of who her father was and his money. Zennia wanted a man who saw her for who she was.

    She also wanted an exciting life, and not the coddled life of a wealthy man’s daughter. Too bad she hadn’t been born a boy. She could take over the family business. Yet, she did enjoy being a woman. To save time, she kept her brown hair tied back to keep her hair out of her face, but that usually failed.

    She picked up her bag and ran back to the cab and told the driver to take her to the depot. Kyle Logan seemed like a nice enough man and capable agent. She thought of him and his light brown hair and blue eyes, although

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