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Chronicles of the Cozy Museum Murder: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective, #3
Chronicles of the Cozy Museum Murder: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective, #3
Chronicles of the Cozy Museum Murder: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective, #3
Ebook189 pages2 hours

Chronicles of the Cozy Museum Murder: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective, #3

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I thought my days of unraveling mysteries were behind me, but when the Mayor of Picklesquare calls me in the dead of night, I'm plunged into a new enigma that sends chills down my spine.


A murder has tainted the hallowed halls of the Picklesquare Museum of History, and a priceless artifact has vanished without a trace. The chilling detail? The killer used magic, a shapeshifter's spell, to infiltrate the museum.


As Detective Grey Thompson and I delve into the heart of this perplexing case, we discover a world teeming with historic secrets, a cast of eccentric characters harboring their own truths, and whispered tales of an ancient map leading to forgotten treasure.


But what I'm about to uncover isn't just another puzzle to solve. It's a revelation about my own family, a revelation that shakes the very core of who I thought I was.


As we race against time to unmask the shapeshifter and retrieve the stolen artifact, I realize that this case is more dangerous than anything I've encountered before. With each passing moment, the killer slips further through our fingers, and the secrets of Picklesquare create an enchanting labyrinth of deceit.


I must embrace the magic coursing through my veins to solve a case that grows more perilous with each passing moment.


Will I unmask the shapeshifter in time, or will they disappear into the shadows, leaving this historic mystery forever unsolved?

PublisherAlice Stone
Release dateJan 13, 2024
Chronicles of the Cozy Museum Murder: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective: The Misadventures of a Cat Detective, #3

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    Book preview

    Chronicles of the Cozy Museum Murder - Alice Stone

    Chronicles of the Cozy Museum Murder

    A Paranormal Cozy Mystery

    Alice Stone

    MM Innovative Creations

    Copyright © 2023 by Alice Stone

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.


    1.New Girl

    2.Night Call

    3.The Letter in the Museum

    4.Eternal Deceit


    6.Three Grannies and a Brawl

    7.The Map Maker

    8.The Sound of Moonlight

    9.The Wanderer's Desire

    10.Gems of Mystery

    11.The Applemans

    12.The Man from Hivensrock

    13.The Red-Haired Family

    14.Town on the Rocks


    16.The Girl With The Red Car


    18.The Doctor

    19.A Bowl of Cat Food

    20.Secrets Revealed

    Chapter one

    New Girl

    On October 5th, the end of Picklesquare began.

    But it didn't start with the doom. It started with a celebration.

    In fact, that very morning, I had the chance to witness the vibrant swirl of colors, laughter, and infectious music that painted the atmosphere all around Picklesquare on its Independence Day.

    I found myself among the cheering crowd, eyes fixed on Mayor William Cowell as he stood on the grand stage. His voice resonated through the bustling square, each word reaching every corner thanks to the magic of the loudspeakers. 

    Dear citizens of Picklesquare! Mayor Cowell said, beaming at the crowd, his hands open wide. 

    A man of small stature, he had a distinctive mustache and a knack for wearing old-fashioned clothes that made him seem distinguished. 

    Today, as we celebrate the spirit of unity and freedom that defines our beloved town. Let us remember the sacrifices of our forefathers and honor their legacy by building the bonds that make our community strong! 

    He moved his hands so that they were knit together in front of his chest. For it is these very bonds that brought us together as a community in the beginning. 

    Men, women, young, old. All were gathered today. A closed sign hung on every business door, except, of course, the gas station.

    It might as well have been closed though, as all the employees are in the crowd with us. I looked around at each familiar face, so glad I decided to stay, even after the mysterious happenings in this town.

    So, let the echoes of our past guide our actions today, as we commit ourselves to celebrating our little town. The mayor lunged his hands back up into the air, his eyes fiery with hope.

    The crowd erupted into applause, our enthusiasm a testament to the profound sense of togetherness that defined Picklesquare. I never knew a whole town could feel so close. 

    Children darted through the crowd, their cheeks adorned with face paint. Food trucks lined the edges of the square, releasing aromas that mingled with the tunes of local musicians.

    Diana Milligan, my chef, was there and so were half of the workers from my mansion. 

    After inheriting a mansion several months ago, I've come to love it and everyone who lives there with me. I stood in the crowd, my petite frame dwarfed in comparison, my dark brown curls blowing in the wind.

    Also, I've got a white, fluffy cat named Pearl. She's the cutest cat I've ever seen even if she was possessed by my grandmother’s spirit after Detective Grey gifted her to me. Aside from my other cat who ran away after we moved here, I’ve never loved another animal more than her. 

    I'm surprised the mayor hasn't talked about the Four Legendary Soldiers of Picklesquare, Diana said to me, her lips curling into a smile.

    I glanced at her, wondering what she meant by that. Huh?

    Diana laughed. You really don't know anything about Picklesquare, do you?

    I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks, embarrassed by my own lack of knowledge about our town's history. I guess not, I admitted with a sheepish grin. But I do know one thing. There's magic in this little town, and I'm glad everyone here is willing to accept that.

    After Detective Grey and I successfully arrested a murderer, the man behind the unsettling mystery of the petrified bodies, Mayor Cowell and the police decided that it was time for the citizens of Picklesquare to know the truth, hoping to prevent further mishap… And deaths… 

    On a dark, stormy day, the mayor called a town hall meeting. 

    Ladies and gentlemen, I could still remember the mayor's words. We stand here today to share something extraordinary that has been a part of our town for generations. A secret that has woven its tentacles into every corner of Picklesquare. He sure knows how to put on a show. 

    The crowd leaned in as the mayor continued. The very essence that has fueled the mystery surrounding Livingstone's Mansion is, in fact, magic! The tales of the Livingstone Mansion and the petrified bodies, these inexplicable events—all of them are a testament to the enchantment that dwells in our town.

    Nobody had run me out of town with pitchforks yet, but with Detective Grey usually standing next to me, I wasn’t too scared. 

    But talking to Diana, I felt a tinge of sadness that he wasn’t standing by me today to celebrate.

    So, who are the Four Legendary Soldiers of Picklesquare? I asked Diana. Care to share?

    The chef leaned in, her voice dropping into a conspiratorial tone as she began to weave a story that sent my imagination soaring. 

    Well, about a hundred years ago, Picklesquare faced battles that threatened its very existence. But we had the Four Legendary Soldiers who rose to defend our town. They were skilled warriors, each with their own unique strengths and abilities. They fought valiantly, their bravery secured a victory that is etched into the history of Picklesquare.

    I was captivated by Diana's tale, the image of those legendary warriors battling to protect our town filling my mind. As she continued, she dropped a revelation that hit close to home. Your great grandfather, Derek Appleman, was one of those soldiers, she said, her eyes locking onto mine.

    I blinked, taken aback by the connection. My great grandfather? I have no knowledge of him at all. 

    Her words were both surprising and intriguing. I felt curiosity tug at me, wanting to learn more about this hidden part of my family's history.

    Diana's voice faded as my thoughts drifted, my mind now wandering to my former life before I came to Picklesquare a few months ago. 

    My mother, Tiana Appleman, had never spoken of her hometown, Picklesquare, to me. After Melinda, my grandmother disappeared, Tiana had been put into foster care because she was a result of my grandmother's secret affair with a Picklesquare outsider. 

    No wonder that by the time she turned eighteen, she left Picklesquare for good.

    She never mentioned this town, and up until her death fifteen years ago, she always claimed she was from Detroit—my father's hometown.

    I let out a sigh, realizing that my lack of knowledge wasn't my fault—it was the legacy of secrets that my mother had carried with her to her grave. A part of me wished she had shared these stories with me, but her silence spoke volumes about the complexity of her own journey in this little town.

    As Mayor Cowell finished his speech, the crowd erupted into applause again, the energy of unity and community thick in the air. Among the clapping and handshakes, Mayor Cowell made his way toward me, a warm smile on his face.

    Charlotte, I'm delighted to see you here, he said, extending his hand in a friendly gesture. I hope you're enjoying the festivities.

    I returned his smile, his cordiality putting me at ease. Absolutely, Mayor Cowell. It's a fantastic celebration.

    He chuckled, the lines around his eyes crinkling with amusement. Glad to hear that. By the way, have you seen Detective Grey Thompson around?

    I shook my head. No, I haven't. But I assume he should be here.

    As Mayor Cowell moved away to greet others, my mind drifted to earlier that morning. I had tried calling Detective Grey, but he hadn't picked up or returned my call. A pang of concern flickered within me. I wonder if everything is alright?

    Diana's voice snapped me out of my thoughts as she teased, Seems like you're quite invested in our dear detective, aren't you?

    I rolled my eyes playfully. Oh, please. You're reading too much into it.

    I saw the disappointment on your face when he didn't pick up your call this morning.

    That was nothing. I pushed my hair behind my ear, distractedly.

    Diana laughed knowingly, her eyes twinkling mischievously. Sure, Charlotte. Whatever you say.

    But deep down, I couldn't deny it. There was something about Detective Grey that intrigued me. He was a good man, dedicated to his work, and committed to helping others. Spending time with him was always interesting, his sharp wit and unique perspective on life captivating my attention.

    As Diana's teasing subsided, she suddenly pointed towards the crowd. Look, there's the detective!

    I turned my head in the direction she indicated, my gaze falling on Detective Grey. He stood tall and composed, his hair catching the golden rays of the setting sun. He stood tall, with frizzy brown hair, sharp blue eyes, and a prominent jawline.

    He was dressed casually, yet there was an air of confidence about him that drew people's attention. He was deeply engaged in conversation with a woman I hadn’t seen before.

    A slight pang of jealousy tugged at my heart as I wondered who the woman was. Despite my protests to Diana, it was clear that my feelings for Detective Grey went beyond mere friendship. He had become someone I cared about, someone who had sparked an unexpected connection in the midst of the mysteries that surrounded us.

    Diana's inquisitive gaze looked alarmed when she asked, Who's that woman talking to Detective Grey? I don’t know her.

    I shook my head, my curiosity matching hers. Honestly, Diana, I have no idea.

    From where we stood, I could observe the interaction between Detective Grey Thompson and the woman. Their body language spoke volumes—they leaned in, their conversation accompanied by animated gestures and shared laughter. It was clear they knew each other well, their connection evident even from a distance.

    A twinge of jealousy prickled at the edges of my thoughts, but I pushed it aside. There was no room for such feelings amidst the excitement of this festive occasion. With a determined exhale, I decided to approach them.

    As I neared them, my focus shifted to the unfamiliar woman. She had a vibrant presence, her bright red hair cascading in loose waves around her shoulders. Her eyes held a spark of mischief, and her confident stance gave off an air of someone who was unafraid to embrace life's adventures.

    She wore a flowing dress that swirled with hues of deep green and ocean blue, its beautiful fabric seeming to capture the essence of a forest and a sea in motion. She looks like a mermaid. A silver necklace adorned her neck, its pendant glinting softly in the sunlight. Maybe she’s Uresela. 

    Detective Grey must have sensed my approach, for he glanced in my direction and exchanged a few hushed words with the woman. With a subtle nod, she offered a warm smile and departed, leaving us alone.

    Hey, detective, I greeted him, my voice light despite the curiosity that burned inside of me.

    He turned his full attention to me, his lips curving into a welcoming smile. Charlotte, it's good to see you. Enjoying the celebration?

    I nodded, though my thoughts couldn't help but circle back to the woman who had just left. Definitely. Who was that? Even Diana didn’t know her.

    Detective Grey's expression seemed to momentarily flicker, a fleeting shadow crossing his eyes. Oh, just an old acquaintance passing through town. Catching up for a moment before she heads out of town again.

    I raised an eyebrow, sensing his evasive tone. An old acquaintance, huh? Well, it seemed like you two were quite friendly.

    He chuckled softly, though his eyes didn’t glimmer like they usually did when he laughed. Appearances can be deceiving. He turned his gaze to the crowd.

    The conversation seemed to hit a dead end, but his guarded response only fueled my curiosity. I can’t shake the feeling that there is more to the story than he is letting on…

    As we stood amidst the festivities, I decided to bring up the morning call I had made to Detective Grey. 

    I began, my tone casual, I tried calling you this morning, but you didn't pick up. And you didn't return my call, either. Is everything okay?

    Detective Grey scratched his head, his expression one of genuine confusion. Really? I don't remember getting a call from you.

    There is something off about that. Really? You don't remember? You always have your phone in case the station calls.

    Detective Grey's brows furrowed slightly, his confusion deepening. He folded his arms. Honestly, I have no recollection of receiving any calls this morning.

    I pressed further, my curiosity growing with every passing second. It's strange because I definitely dialed your number. Are you sure?

    He scratched his head again, then almost shouted as he continued to look in any direction but mine. Oh, wait! You did call me!

    So why didn't you call back?

    Detective Grey shrugged. No reason…

    I frowned, watching his gaze. You seem a bit distracted, detective. Is everything alright?

    He looked momentarily lost in thought before meeting my gaze, his tone almost distant when he finally answered. Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. Just a busy day, you know?

    Are you sure?

    With a small smile, the detective offered a vague explanation. Well, sometimes things just slip through the cracks.

    I wasn't entirely convinced, but I didn't

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