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More Than a Small Town Fling: Romancing Sugarville, #2
More Than a Small Town Fling: Romancing Sugarville, #2
More Than a Small Town Fling: Romancing Sugarville, #2
Ebook45 pages33 minutes

More Than a Small Town Fling: Romancing Sugarville, #2

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About this ebook

From sharing a table to sharing a bed...

My summer plan is simple: sell my art at the weekend flea market and soak up the sun. But when I arrive, I discover my table is double-booked with Troy, a rugged stranger with irresistible blue eyes.
At first, I'm annoyed at the idea of spending every weekend next to this man. But when my friend suggests I throw caution to the wind and have a fling with him—just for the summer, nothing serious—I'm torn between caution and curiosity.
As the scorching days pass, and our connection deepens, I find myself questioning whether a quick fling will be enough.
Can I resist the allure of Troy's tempting charm, or will I lose myself in the heat of our summer romance?

Romancing Sugarville is a series of short and sweet standalone romance novellas with just a touch of small-town spice before a guaranteed happy-ever-after. They can be enjoyed in any order.

PublisherDelilah Rohm
Release dateJul 9, 2023
More Than a Small Town Fling: Romancing Sugarville, #2

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    Book preview

    More Than a Small Town Fling - Delilah Rohm



    The summer sun is warm on my face as I push my cart toward my reserved table at the Sugarville Market Square flea market. The air is filled with the sounds of excited voices and laughter as people set up and explore the bustling scene of Sugarville's annual summer flea market weekends on its very first day. I can't wait to set up my artwork and chat with potential customers, but as I approach my table, my excitement turns to annoyance.

    There, right at my spot, is a man unpacking his handcrafted wooden trinkets, spreading them across the table. My heart sinks, and I clench my fists, trying to keep my irritation in check. Excuse me, I call out, attempting to sound polite. I think you're at the wrong table. I reserved this space.

    The man lifts his head, his dark hair framing a strong jawline. As his blue eyes meet mine, I feel an unexpected flutter in my stomach. Funny, he says with a hint of sarcasm. I reserved this table.

    My face grows hot with impatience. Clearly, there's been a mistake, I say, gripping the handle of my cart tightly.

    He gives me a slight smirk. Yeah. Your mistake.

    I can't believe this is happening today, of all days. Fine, I huff, folding my arms across my chest. Just then, I spot Graham, the flea market organizer, walking by. Let's just see about that, I say, waving him over.

    Graham comes over, concern etched on his face. Is there a problem here? he asks, adjusting his glasses and looking between us.

    Actually, yes, I say, my gaze still fixed on the attractive table thief. This guy is trying to steal my table.

    "Excuse me? You're the one who's trying to steal my table," he shoots back, crossing his arms defensively.

    Okay, let's just calm down here, Graham says, pulling out his notebook and flipping through the pages. Now, Luna, you're supposed to be at table number... ah, here it is. Table six. And Troy, you're supposed to be at...

    Table six, Troy says firmly.

    Graham's eyes widen, and a frown creases his forehead. Oh dear, it seems I've made a mistake. I accidentally double-booked this space. I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience.

    Great, I mutter, feeling my anger simmer. So what now?

    Graham hesitates, glancing at both of us. Listen, I understand that you both have every right to be upset. How about this: I'll offer a 50% refund for each of you if you're willing to share the table, or a full refund for whoever gives up the spot.

    Troy and I stand in a tense silence, eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. My stubbornness refuses to let me back down, and it appears Troy feels the same.

    Fine, I grit out. "I guess we'll

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