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Reckless Behavior: Secret Agents in France - Espionage in World War Two
Reckless Behavior: Secret Agents in France - Espionage in World War Two
Reckless Behavior: Secret Agents in France - Espionage in World War Two
Ebook72 pages51 minutes

Reckless Behavior: Secret Agents in France - Espionage in World War Two

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About this ebook

A cuckold hotwife, fake marriage, age gap, grumpy sunshine spy team. The battle lines were drawn between them. But if sparks flew in their forced close proximity, a grudging connection formed - one that might ignite, enemies to lovers. The fates of millions rested on their shoulders. And yet, their biggest obstacle could prove to be each other.

Release dateJan 15, 2024
Reckless Behavior: Secret Agents in France - Espionage in World War Two

J. E. Michelle

Naughty stories set in historical settings, especial erotic Victorian or Regency fiction with kick-ass, innocent, wantonly willing women, with gaslight era rakes, dominant Lords, and some gorgeous cinnamon roll, heart of gold heroes you'd love to love. J. E. Michelle writes short reads packed with everything that we know and love about erotica with romantic overtones—action, adventure, heroes worthy of our love—or lust, and strong, feisty women. Why choose and menage may occur in the short stories, even spanking. Nothing offensive but not too tame either, just raunchy fun and anything consensual goes—it's all sweet and spicy, historical fun short reads—a satisfying HEA is guaranteed.

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    Book preview

    Reckless Behavior - J. E. Michelle


    A cuckold hotwife, fake marriage, age gap, grumpy sunshine spy team. The battle lines were drawn between them. But if sparks flew in their forced close proximity, a grudging connection formed - one that might ignite, enemies to lovers. The fates of millions rested on their shoulders. And yet, their biggest obstacle could prove to be each other.



    Every fiber of Maximilian Max Devereaux's being recoiled at the sight of Isabella Izzy Morales. She was to be his partner on this high-stakes mission, the general's orders. But as he gazed down at her from his vantage point, a sour taste lingered in his mouth. The woman exuded an air of confidence that made Max's blood boil with frustration. He knew she would be trouble.

    Her wild, dark curls framed a face that held no fear. Despite the darkness of the street below, Max could see the piercing green of her eyes scanning for any sign of movement. And when their gazes locked, a challenge passed between them like a bolt of lightning. Izzy's full lips curled into a smirk, daring him to underestimate her.

    In that moment, Max realized that she would be more than trouble - she would be a formidable opponent, one he couldn't afford to overlook. And as they prepared to embark on their mission together, Max knew that he would need to keep a watchful eye on Izzy, for she was not just his partner, but his equal in every sense of the word.

    Isabella Izzy Morales leaned against a wall with an air of confidence that made Max’s jaw tighten. Wild, dark curls framed her face. She scanned windows above looking for movement, As she connected gaze with Max’s, her full lips curved into a smirk. In that moment, a challenge passed between them, her piercing green eyes flashing as if to say, Don’t underestimate me.

    Max's heart raced as he turned to face General Moran. The gravity of the situation seemed to crush down on him, threatening to suffocate him with its weight. You can't be serious, he gasped out.

    But the general's expression was stoic and unyielding, his eyes burning with determination. I am deadly serious, he replied in a voice like steel. You and Izzy are our best chance at destroying the German weapons program before they unleash their nuclear plans upon the world.

    Max's eyes flickered over to Izzy, who stood beside him with an air of cool confidence. But beneath her composed exterior, he could see the fire burning in her eyes. She was a force to be reckoned with, and he knew that she would do whatever it takes to complete the mission.

    As they made their way towards the secret base, Max couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping up his spine. This was their most dangerous mission yet, and the fate of millions rested on their success. He stole another glance at Izzy, taking note of her alluring appearance. Despite her youthfulness, she exuded a powerful aura that could easily deceive those around her. But as they entered the base, Max couldn't shake off the feeling that things were about to go terribly wrong.

    They'll never believe she's my wife.

    The general's voice echoed with urgency, his piercing gaze never leaving Max as he laid out the mission plan. You'll dye your hair, of course, to appear older. We need you to replace a scientist who has defected and is now working for Oppenheimer on our side. Izzy's skills in assisting you with your disguise are crucial for this mission. Not only does she speak fluent German, but she also knows the territory and can distract anyone who gets too close.

    Max's jaw clenched as he listened, his mind racing through every possible outcome. She'll get us both killed, he blurted out.

    The general's patience snapped like a twig. I don't have time for your arrogance, Max. You've been out of the field for too long, gotten complacent. I need you sharp. He pointed a finger at the window, where shadows moved in the night. There are lives at stake here. Lives that depend on you completing this mission successfully. Now stop wasting time and get to work.

    The gravity of the situation weighed heavy on Max's shoulders

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