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Darcy's Gambit: A Pride & Prejudice Variation: Shadows of Pemberley, #1
Darcy's Gambit: A Pride & Prejudice Variation: Shadows of Pemberley, #1
Darcy's Gambit: A Pride & Prejudice Variation: Shadows of Pemberley, #1
Ebook119 pages1 hour

Darcy's Gambit: A Pride & Prejudice Variation: Shadows of Pemberley, #1

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Elizabeth Bennet's memories lie tattered in the wake of an accident, leaving her to the mercies of London's society. She awakes to Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy—a man who promises an engagement she doesn't recall.

As Elizabeth grapples with fragments of her past, the heat of Darcy's gaze that promises a future she never imagined. Deceptions muddy the waters of propriety as accusations swirl; is Darcy a cunning puppeteer of scandal, or the harbinger of a love that defies the constraints of society?

With every whispered endearment, her heart risks surrender to the enigmatic suitor who claims her as his own. Her blood rushes when he comes into the room and she thinks that Darcy must be something to her, or else why does her body react to him like it does?

But why does her father go to such lengths to protect her from him?

PublisherEmma East
Release dateJan 2, 2024
Darcy's Gambit: A Pride & Prejudice Variation: Shadows of Pemberley, #1

Emma East

Emma East loves three things: Darcy, Darcy, and Darcy. Writing since her teenage years, she delights in putting characters into steamy situations, creating a need for smelling salts for unwary readers.

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    Book preview

    Darcy's Gambit - Emma East


    The letter was but a few pages, but it felt so much heavier. Elizabeth sat alone in the small guest room, clutching the letter from Mr. Darcy in her hands. She traced her fingers over the elegant script, barely seeing Darcy’s handsome lettering. Her mind churned.

    The revelation about Mr. Wickham’s sordid past had shocked her. To think, the charming soldier who had so captivated the ladies of Meryton was little more than a scoundrel and a liar—and poor Georgiana, to have nearly eloped with such a man! What they had endured, secretly, would make any lady in the ton faint, and yet Darcy had no choice to keep the wicked deed secret or else allow his sister to suffer shame and humiliation.

    However, despite her sympathy for Darcy, her heart still ached for her beloved sister Jane. Darcy had admitted to actively separating Jane and Mr. Bingley, convinced it was an unsuitable match. Her serene composure had hid her attachment to the gentleman, according to Darcy. Elizabeth had railed against the idea, knowing Jane’s intense heartbreak over Bingley’s sudden abandonment. Only now, weeks later, could Elizabeth admit that Darcy might be right. That Jane’s reserve did her no favors, and that Darcy had every right to be cautious on his reckless friend’s behalf.

    Elizabeth sighed, setting the letter on her bedside table. She stood and paced the small room, her footsteps muted on the braided rug. What was she to make of Darcy now? This letter painted him in a new light, more complex than the cold, arrogant man she had thought him to be. But was it enough to excuse his interference in Jane’s happiness?

    Her time here was ending, and soon she would be back at Longbourn. Back with Jane. Elizabeth’s stomach twisted. How could she possibly reveal to Jane the reality behind Bingley’s absence from her life?

    Lizzy? Her aunt’s voice sounded outside the door. Are you ready to depart?

    Elizabeth started at the intrusion into her reverie. I’ll be right down, she managed.

    With a heavy heart and a deep breath, Elizabeth turned from the window. She retrieved the letter, tucked it securely in the side pocket of her packed trunk, and left to join her aunt and uncle downstairs. There would be time enough to dwell on Darcy later. For now, she needed to focus on her errands.

    Elizabeth took a deep breath as she stepped outside the Gardiners’ home, bracing herself against the chaotic energy of London’s streets as they moved out of Cheapside toward the more fashionable, yet busier, adjoining neighborhood. The clatter of carriages resounded loudly over the worn cobblestones. At nearby stalls, vendors shouted and customers haggled. The churning crowds and pungent smells threatened to overwhelm Elizabeth’s senses.

    Mind yourself, Lizzy, Mrs. Gardiner cautioned, taking her niece’s arm as they merged into the jostling pedestrians. It’s busy today. I might wonder if there were an event I was unaware of happening today.

    Elizabeth murmured something in response. The noise and chaos was good for her. She almost wished for the commotion of the street to be louder, to drown out the thoughts that plagued her.

    Out of nowhere, a horse burst free from a stopped carriage up ahead. Elizabeth froze as the massive beast reared up, eyes rolling wildly. Its hooves pounded against the pavement, the stark whites of its eyes projecting profound terror. The horse bolted directly towards Elizabeth and her aunt.

    Look out! Mrs. Gardiner cried in alarm. She tried to pull Elizabeth back, but there was no time.

    The runaway horse slammed into Elizabeth head-on, throwing her roughly to the ground. Pain exploded through her body as the world went black. Her aunt screamed.

    Elizabeth’s eyes fluttered open, her vision blurred. She was lying on her back, staring up at a gray sky. Why was she on the ground? When had that happened? How indecorous.

    Faces hovered over her, voices garbled and distant.

    Miss? Can you hear me? A man’s anxious tone cut through the fog in her mind.

    Elizabeth tried to respond but only managed a soft moan. Her body felt disconnected, floating, even as fiery pain radiated through her right leg. She blinked slowly, struggling to focus.

    The man’s face came into view. You’ve had a nasty spill, miss. Just lie still, the doctor’s on his way.

    Spill? Elizabeth’s muddled thoughts struggled to make sense of it all. The events leading up to this moment were a disjointed jumble in her mind. She remembered walking...a horse...screaming.

    Like a face resolving in the pond’s reflection, the memory returned. The runaway steed barreling towards her, the bone-jarring impact as it struck her down. A vicious, radiating pain as her aunt shrieked.

    Elizabeth groaned, finally comprehending her situation. She must have been trampled by the rampaging horse. Her whole body throbbed, her leg feeling as though it was on fire. If only she could sleep! All she wanted was peaceful oblivion, but the pain kept her tethered to consciousness like a fish caught on a line.

    Lizzy! Her aunt’s distraught face appeared next to the man’s. Just hold on, dear. You will be fine.

    Elizabeth tried to nod, tears blurring her vision. She focused on each shallow breath, willing herself to stay strong as the ache continued to build. All she could do was pray—

    The line cut, and Elizabeth fell back into oblivion.

    Elizabeth blinked slowly, her gaze drifting around the unfamiliar room. She was lying in a small bed with plain white sheets. A simple wooden chair and dresser were the only other furniture. A stranger and her aunt stood anxiously beside her.

    Where... she croaked, her throat dry.

    You’re in the rooms above the chemist’s shop, her aunt said gently. After the accident, we brought you here quickly to await the doctor.

    Elizabeth’s forehead creased. Accident, she said.

    A nasty bump you earned, after that horse knocked you down. The doctor should be here any minute, the man said. His weathered face was kind, his simple clothes marking him as a laborer or tradesman.

    Mrs. Gardiner smiled fondly at the gentleman. Mr. Darling graciously offered his assistance in conveying you here.

    Elizabeth tried to thank him, but could only manage a weak smile. He returned it, eyes crinkling. You rest easy, miss. Help is coming.

    Elizabeth relaxed back against the pillow, too spent to keep her head up. The room wavered before her eyes. She focused on her breathing, willing the pain and nausea to abate. Fortunately, she couldn’t recall the accident’s entirety; the fragments she did were scary enough.

    Soon there was a bustle outside and heavy footsteps on the stairs. The doctor had arrived. He was an older gentleman with spectacles and a serious demeanor. After briefly examining Elizabeth, he administered laudanum for the pain and set her leg with swift, businesslike motions.

    No broken bones, just some deep bruising, he told her aunt. She’ll need to stay off that leg for a few weeks. I’ll stop by daily to check on her recovery.

    Relief swept through Elizabeth as the medication dulled the throbbing ache. Though her body was battered, she had survived. In time, she would heal. Her consciousness floated as her aunt made arrangements for a runner to be sent to Mr. Gardiner, and a litter arranged for Elizabeth. She drifted, and only pulled apart her sticky eyelids when her aunt’s face swam in front of her vision again.

    As much as I love seeing your face, my aunt, where is my father? Her brow furrowed and she didn’t notice Mrs. Gardiner’s expression creasing with dismay. And why am I not in Hertfordshire? I was only there this morning.


    Darcy stood near the window, his gaze lost in the bustling streets of London, blind to his well-decorated study. His mind, however, was far from the city’s hustle and bustle.

    You are the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry.

    A knock on the door interrupted his ruminations. A familiar one. It had been one of the worst days of his life. Darcy turned away, grateful for the reprieve, even though Bingley’s cheeriness contrasted sharply with Darcy’s dour mood. He could use some cheering up.

    But it only took moments for him to notice that his old friend was not his usual self. His expression was drawn, his lips turned down into a frown. Bingley seemed as preoccupied as Darcy felt these days.

    Is something the matter? he asked as Bingley crossed the room.

    "I had

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