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A New Dawn Among the Trees
A New Dawn Among the Trees
A New Dawn Among the Trees
Ebook50 pages30 minutes

A New Dawn Among the Trees

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About this ebook

Sarah lives a solitary life in her small homestead, surrounded on all sides by a vast forest that seems to go on endlessly. While she finds peace in her daily routines and connection to the natural world, Sarah also feels a deep loneliness as the sole human inhabitant in this isolated place.

PublisherAry S. Jr
Release dateJan 17, 2024
A New Dawn Among the Trees

Ary S. Jr.

Ary S. Jr. is a Brazilian author who writes about various topics, such as psychology, spirituality, self-help, and technology. He has published several e-books, some of which are available on platforms like Everand, Scribd, and Goodreads. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and insights with his readers, and aims to inspire them to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

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    A New Dawn Among the Trees - Ary S. Jr.

    A New Dawn

    Among the Trees


    Sarah walked along the edge of the forest near her home, bundles of firewood in hand. It was nearing dusk and she wanted to get back before night fell. As she walked, her mind wandered to the strange events of the past weeks. It had started slowly at first, odd noises and lights in the night sky that could maybe be explained away. But things had been escalating, with more sightings reported daily.

    A few days ago, old Mr. Johnson who lived on the outskirts of town swore he saw a flying object descend behind the hill by his property. A group of locals went to investigate but found nothing, writing it off as the ramblings of an old man. Yet Sarah couldn't help but feel unsettled by it. Something felt different in the air, a subtle change that set her senses on edge.

    Sarah came to a stop when she ascended the slope that overlooked her house. There was a luminous ball hovering just above the ground in the valley below, where her modest farmhouse should have been. It released beams of light that flashed across the countryside, moving back and forth. Silently, Sarah stepped back, her curiosity and trepidation fighting for control. She stared, gasping for air, as figures came out of the orb and started looking around her land.

    Were they what had been sighted all over the region? Had the stories and rumors been true all along? Why had they come here, to her little corner of nowhere? As night fell, the orb lifted silently into the sky and disappeared, the figures boarding once more. Only then did Sarah let out the breath she'd been holding, shoulders slumping under the weight of all she had witnessed. She knew sleep would not come easily that night, her mind racing with questions and possibilities.

    In the morning, Sarah cautiously made her way down the hill, half expecting to find some grotesque aftermath of the visitors. But all seemed normal, her house and land undisturbed. Peering inside found everything as she left it if a bit dusty. Yet she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, of lurking unseen eyes all around. Each small sound in the brush now took on new meaning, sending her nerves jangling.

    Days passed with no further sightings, though rumors continued spreading through town of strange lights and encounters. Most still doubted, but Sarah saw the uncertainty growing in people's eyes. The local general store became a meeting place, where

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