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Breastfed By a G-Cup: An Encouragement to Breastfeeding
Breastfed By a G-Cup: An Encouragement to Breastfeeding
Breastfed By a G-Cup: An Encouragement to Breastfeeding
Ebook82 pages52 minutes

Breastfed By a G-Cup: An Encouragement to Breastfeeding

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About this ebook

Put the baby on the breast.

Moms, especially breastfeeding moms, are faced with perpetual challenges, judgement, and unwanted opinions. This can, and I include myself, make us feel like we are inadequate or going about loving on, and feeding, our babies the wrong way. 
But I am here to silence the naysayers and tell you that you are strong, capable and fully equipped, and with the help of this guide, you will successfully breastfeed this child. 
Forget everything you have learned previously, throw away the opinions of your grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, and friends and join me as I debunk myths, set your mind free and show you what your body was meant to do.  
I am not a medical expert; I am just a 33-year old mother of two, encouraging you to keep going and above all, 

Put the baby on the breast.

PublisherAmanda Browne
Release dateJan 17, 2024
Breastfed By a G-Cup: An Encouragement to Breastfeeding

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    Breastfed By a G-Cup - Amanda Browne


    Iam not a medical professional.

    I am not a lactation consultant. I am just a mom that breastfed successfully and would like to see other moms do the same.

    So, the information presented in this book is my opinion and does not constitute any health or medical advice. The content of this book is for informational purposes ONLY and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this book.




    Put the Baby on the Breast!

    Why Should We Breastfeed?

    Debunking Breastfeeding Myths

    Experiencing the First-Born

    Experiencing the Second-Born

    Differences In Experiences

    Pumping at Work

    Your Baby in Someone Else’s Care

    Who Is In Your Village?

    The Challenges of Long-Term Breastfeeding

    Breastfeeding and Post-Partum Depression

    Prepare For Success





    My deepest, greatest praise goes to God, my Father. Thank you Lord for allowing me to reach people. I do not deserve your blessings, but I am immensely grateful. 

    To the husband that believes that his wife can do and achieve ANYTHING; thank you. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for seeing me as smarter, and more capable, than I see myself. Thank you for always pushing me to do and achieve more. I will love you eternally.

    To my lovely boys, S1 & S2, being your mom has been the greatest privilege that life could have ever afforded me.

    To the readers, thank you for taking the chance. I hope that this guide is informative to you.

    Happy reading!

    P.S. HOLY CRAP I WROTE a book. This is surreal.

    Put the Baby on the Breast!

    P ut the baby on the breast.

    That was my motto.

    In every instance and every situation. My response to anyone that asked a question about breastfeeding.

    Put the baby on the breast.

    I feel like I’m not making enough milk.

    Put the baby on the breast.

    My baby cries a lot.

    Comfort him. Put the baby on the breast.

    My breasts are too big for my baby.

    Put the baby on the breast.

    It was, and still is, my opinion that a lot of the challenges that breastfeeding moms are faced with, stem from the views of those around us.

    We are bombarded with information and opinions from all sides. Grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, and friends, that believe that they know what is best for our bodies and our babies. Opinions that are often contradictory to what we are currently experiencing and goes against the goals that we are trying to achieve. Add that to the challenges of the 4th trimester, and we are often left with a sad, frustrated, irritated version of ourselves, at a time where if we are to believe the movies, we should be basking in a post-partum afterglow.

    Speaking of movies, is it me, or are there never any breastfeeding scenes? I mean, I understand that we would not want to see an actor’s titty in a fake baby’s mouth, but I mean, come on! We could at least pretend.

    I digress.

    But if movies are to be believed, the 4th trimester is the best trimester. After all, we have a wonderful baby in our arms. We wake up, after a restful night of sleep (because the baby sleeps through the night), we have time for a morning coffee (or tea), before we wake our beautiful chunky baby (who sleeps in their own room). They wake up goo-ing and smiling, just happy to be in the world of the living. If that was your experience, I am so happy for you, but I can confidently say, that that was not the reality for most of us. We try to get through the day, cleaning and cooking, taking care of other kids in the home, attempting to sleep when the baby sleeps, and just when we are at the end of our rope, a well-meaning spouse or friend asks us, "why is the baby crying so much? Are they getting enough milk?".

    That happened to me. I thought about it for days. It filled my every waking thought. Every time he woke up, every time he was hungry, every time he cried, my mind was

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