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After Giving Birth, I Encounter My One-Night Stand
After Giving Birth, I Encounter My One-Night Stand
After Giving Birth, I Encounter My One-Night Stand
Ebook337 pages3 hours

After Giving Birth, I Encounter My One-Night Stand

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One night's mistake meant that Meisya had to bear the consequences alone. Her lover, who should have been responsible for her pregnancy, instead ignored her and thought Meisya's pregnancy was a joke.


Meisya, who was discovered to be pregnant, was thrown out by her family and forced to raise her child alone. She is required to live independently and be strong for the sake of her child.


However, the wheel of fate kept turning, setting the stage for an unexpected reunion between Meisya and Ello—the man who had casually shed his responsibility, unaware of the seed he'd sowed. Faced with the father of her child, would Meisya reveal the truth that had so drastically reshaped her life?

Release dateJan 19, 2024
After Giving Birth, I Encounter My One-Night Stand

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    After Giving Birth, I Encounter My One-Night Stand - Itta Haruka07

    Yesterday's Mistake

    Chapter 1

    The sound of the bell, signaling the end of school, rang loudly. The students who had just finished their final exams rushed out of their classrooms. Meisya, the beautiful girl from class 12 IPA 1 and the smartest student in her grade, was no exception.

    The girl walked out of the classroom carrying her empty shoulder bag since they were still in the midst of their exams. After this, they would all be free to determine their own futures.

    Hey, let's go! said the handsome guy who was Meisya's boyfriend. The tall guy with flawless white skin had been waiting in front of Meisya's classroom even before the end of school.

    Where are we going? Meisya asked shyly. They had been dating for over a year, but Meisya was still captivated by the charm of her handsome boyfriend.

    Well, let's just go for a drive. Do you want to? her boyfriend asked.

    Aw, how cute, going on a date. I want to come too, El! teased one of Meisya's friends.

    Sorry, there's no space on the motorbike! You can hang out with Reno instead! replied Ello, the nickname of the handsome guy. So, what do you say, Sya? Do you want to go on a drive with me?

    Meisya thought for a while, until finally she nodded in agreement. But I need to ask permission from my older sister first, Meisya said, slightly afraid of her sister's husband.

    Okay, dear.

    Meisya had lost both her parents some time ago, and at the moment, she lived with her sister and her sister's spouse in a luxurious house. After making a call to her sister and getting permission, Meisya and Ello could finally leave without going home first.

    Now, the two teenagers had changed into new clothes that Ello had bought. Meisya was sitting behind Ello on his big motorcycle. Even though it was not the first time she had ridden on Ello's motorcycle, Meisya still felt an incredible happiness.

    Sya, can you hug me, sweetheart? Ello said, reaching for Meisya's hand with his left hand.

    Modestly, the girl embraced Ello's waist and rested her helmet-clad head on his back. Meisya was truly enjoying this journey with Ello, because perhaps in the future, they wouldn't be able to experience moments like this anymore.

    Ello smiled happily, feeling the warmth of Meisya's embrace behind him. He loved that girl so much, and it was painful to know that Meisya couldn't go abroad with him.

    Every now and then, Ello gently caressed Meisya's hand that was hugging him. That afternoon, the hot weather on the road seemed to be replaced by the warmth in their hearts. The two lovers were immersed in their own feelings.

    Meisya smiled happily as Ello took her to the beach. The day had turned into evening, and Ello finally invited Meisya to create beautiful memories together that they would cherish when they had to part.

    This place is amazing, El! Meisya exclaimed, as it was her first time visiting this place. The girl got off the motorcycle and breathed in the coastal air with joy.

    Seeing her sweet smile, Ello truly couldn't bear to part with Meisya. However, Ello wanted to give Meisya the perfect happiness by becoming a successful architect and developing his father's construction company.

    It's beautiful, isn't it? Ello asked, now standing beside Meisya.

    It's incredibly beautiful, Ello! I want to go there, to that bridge in the middle of the sea! Meisya exclaimed, pointing to the wooden bridge that led visitors to the sea.

    You're even more beautiful, Sya! Ello replied, gazing at his girlfriend's face.

    Meisya smiled shyly in response to Ello's remark. She lowered her head, hiding the blush on her face. But suddenly, Ello embraced her and led Meisya to the place she desired.

    Ello! Meisya exclaimed with joy.

    Instead, Ello kissed her forehead and took her running. The two of them were so happy this afternoon, playing on the beach to create beautiful memories that would always be cherished.

    Until finally, Meisya received news from her sister that he and his brother-in-law would not be coming home today due to some urgent matters. By that time, it was almost dark, and they were still enjoying the sunset by the beach.

    I won't be coming home, El! Can you take me to Vanesa's house instead? Meisya asked her lover.

    Ello looked closely at Meisya's restless face. He reached for her hand, causing Meisya to look at him.

    What if we look for a nearby inn! So that we can spend the whole day together. Before I find out whether I'll be accepted in London or not! Ello suggested, honestly wanting to spend more time with his beloved girlfriend.

    Meisya thought for a moment. The distance from the beach to her house was quite far, and honestly, she also wanted to spend more time with Ello.

    But is it okay for us to stay alone together? We're still dating, Ello. We're not married yet! Meisya protested, wanting to envision a bright future without being influenced by an unhealthy dating relationship.

    We can book separate rooms, Sya. Your mind is so dirty! Ello exclaimed, accompanied by laughter. Fortunately, he had a lot of money today because he purposely wanted to make Meisya happy the whole day.

    Okay. You pay then! Meisya decided.

    Okay, Miss! Ello hugged Meisya's back and took her into his embrace. They then enjoyed the beauty of the sunset bidding farewell to the sky, courtesy of the sun.

    Ello and Meisya had difficulty finding a place to stay because most places were already full. Maybe because it suddenly started raining heavily, causing people to prefer staying at the beach rather than getting caught in the rain.

    What do we do now, El? Meisya asked, looking at the heavy rain falling. The inn they approached only had one room left.

    Let's just take it. I can sleep on the floor instead of you getting soaked! Ello answered after considering various factors.

    Meisya sighed heavily before nodding. The two of them finally got a fairly comfortable room.

    The room is quite comfortable, do you want to shower first or should I go first? Ello asked, taking off his jacket.

    You can go first!

    Ello nodded and went into the bathroom. They were still fine and took turns using the bathroom to freshen up.

    After cleaning up, Ello and Meisya sat back on the bed, discussing their future.

    I will definitely become a great architect, and you will make all women in the world jealous because I chose you to be my wife! Ello said while gazing into Meisya's eyes with love.

    Will I really become your wife, Ello? You will surely be surrounded by many beautiful women, Meisya teased.

    How can I be tempted, Sya. My heart only belongs to you, and I would never turn to another woman, Ello said seriously. He leaned closer to Meisya and locked their gaze. I love you, Sya!

    Ello tightly held Meisya's hand, then he leaned in to kiss the girl he adored, who now looked at him with racing breath.

    Everything flowed naturally until Meisya and Ello forgot that they were still too young, especially since they were not yet married.

    Ello caressed Meisya's face with overwhelming emotions. The thought crossed his mind to fully possess Meisya and tie her to him, so she wouldn't leave him no matter what happens.

    Sya, I... I love you. Do you love me too? Ello asked, now consumed by his desires. His hands wandered along Meisya's body, indicating his intentions towards the girl.

    Chapter 2

    Meisya stared into Ello's eyes, which seemed to be tearing apart her heart. The heavy rain falling outside intensified the atmosphere in the hotel room, creating the perfect setting for the two teenagers to express their love for each other.

    I love you too... but this is wrong, Ello! Meisya tried to resist Ello's advances. She pushed him away and got up from the bed.

    Ello didn't give up. He embraced Meisya from behind and kissed her neck. I want to have you completely, Sya. This is proof of your love for me. That way, no other man can take you away from me, Ello whispered, his desire taking control.

    This is wrong, Ello. It's not supposed to be like this. What if you leave me?

    Meisya's mind still worked amidst the temptation of Ello's gentle touch, which had already beguiled her. She could feel Ello's warmth as he held her tightly, accompanied by kisses in sensitive areas.

    You know where I live, you know my family. If I leave you for another woman, you can sue me, Sya. There must be CCTV footage in this hotel, you can use that as evidence. We've been to many places today, you can use that if I ever leave you. I love you so much, Sya. Before I go, please give me reassurance that you won't turn away from me!

    Ello began to sweet talk Meisya, trying to convince her. His desire to tie her down grew stronger. He was truly afraid of losing the beautiful girl who would surely be coveted by many men after he left.

    Meisya loved Ello so much. She couldn't bear the thought of him turning away, but her current worry was about her future. What if Ello eventually leaves her for another woman?

    I'll come back to propose to you before I graduate, Sya. You know how hard I've been fighting to have you?

    Ello used every persuasive tactic he had to achieve his goal. This was a perfect opportunity to bind the woman he loved. Ello's aim was not just to satisfy his desires, which he had never experienced before, but also to make sure Meisya stayed by his side forever.

    Meisya looked at the handsome man who still held her tightly from behind. She could see the tenderness and love in Ello's eyes. The girl knew how much Ello desired her at that moment.

    Suddenly, the beautiful girl turned around. She knew that the consequence of their relationship would be pregnancy. If she became pregnant, not only would her future be ruined, but Ello's future as well.

    What if I get pregnant? A question filled with doubt finally escaped Meisya's lips.

    Hearing the question, Ello sighed heavily. I won't make you pregnant, Darling. I just want our relationship to get closer. I promise not to leave you! We can do it safely, you won't get pregnant, Sya.

    Not only did Ello utter sweet words, but he also engaged in actions that were intoxicating. Eventually, Meisya surrendered and succumbed to his persuasions.

    But, promise me that if anything happens, you won't leave me! Meisya requested as she turned to face her lover.

    Ello flashed a victorious smile and continued his efforts. I promise, Sya. You're the only woman I love, forever!

    The man cupped Meisya's face and planted a kiss on her lips. The two individuals, still in their student years, committed an abhorrent sin. They forgot that fate might play tricks on them in the future. However, tonight, Ello and Meisya did everything based on mutual consent.

    After receiving Meisya's promise that night, Ello showed even greater love towards her. This made Meisya confident that their relationship would survive and thrive, even if they had to endure a long-distance relationship.

    However, the thing Meisya feared the most finally happened. One month after they engaged in the forbidden relationship, Meisya vomited in the morning and her monthly period had not arrived yet, even though it was already a few days past its due date.

    I can't possibly be pregnant, right? Ello and I only did it once and he pulled out. How could I be pregnant? It must be just a stomachache! Meisya quickly splashed her face with water, trying to push away any negative thoughts that might occur because she had been feeling nauseous and vomiting in the morning for two days now.

    The woman who was no longer a girl finally bought a pregnancy test because she continued to feel anxious. Carefully and waiting for the minimarket to be empty, Meisya managed to get the disposable tool and hurried home to check the result.

    She closed her eyes and pressed her pounding chest. Calm down, Meisya. It's probably just a stomachache. The result must be negative! the girl muttered, trying to dismiss her dark thoughts.

    Eventually, Meisya gathered the courage to read the test result. Two red lines were clearly visible, and it made her knees go weak instantly.

    I-I'm pregnant? How could I be pregnant? This must be wrong! Meisya dropped the test kit that showed two red lines. She cried because she still couldn't believe what was actually happening to her.

    While Meisya was still battling with her turbulent thoughts, Ello contacted the unfortunate woman and asked to meet her. Meisya thought, maybe this was a perfect opportunity to tell Ello that she was carrying his baby.

    The two teenagers who had now graduated from high school finally met at the cafe where they used to meet. Ello's face looked very happy and enthusiastic, which was in stark contrast to Meisya's anxious appearance. It seemed like Ello was receiving good news.

    Darling, look at this! I got accepted! Ello said, unable to hide his happiness. He was really eager to share this good news with his beloved.

    Meisya stared at the paper with the logo of a prestigious university in London, feeling sad. Clearly, Ello was happy, but was she willing to shatter his happiness by revealing her pregnancy?

    Oh, congratulations, El! Your dream will come true soon! Meisya said with a fake smile.

    Thank you, dear. I promise I will study hard so that I graduate quickly and we can get married, Ello said sincerely. He hugged Meisya tightly as she struggled to hold back her tears.

    Hearing her partner's words, Meisya's heart felt like it was being squeezed. Now, how could she tell Ello that she was pregnant?

    Yeah, good luck with your studies, Meisya answered sadly. Her voice sounded hoarse and weak. It was as if Meisya was not happy at all with the news Ello had shared.

    What's wrong with you, Sya? Why does it seem like you're not happy that I got accepted to study in London? Are you against long-distance relationships? Ello asked, narrowing his eyes.

    It's not like that, Ello! I... Meisya closed her eyes, trying to hold back her lips from uttering the truth that would shatter Ello's dreams, but she also knew that the baby in her womb needed a father figure.

    What's wrong, Sya? Are you starting to doubt me? Are you afraid I'll find someone else there? Ello asked, confused.

    Ello, if I tell you that I'm pregnant, would you believe me?

    Chapter 3

    Don't joke, Sya! I'm about to leave. You didn't give me permission to go?!

    Ello held Meisya's hand, hoping that what his lover said was just a joke. She couldn't be pregnant in this situation. After all, Ello was leaving for his studies, and it was also for their future together.

    Why do you think I was joking, El? Didn't you say before that you would take responsibility? Meisya asked, now lost for words.

    She had initially wanted to tell him everything and find a solution together. After all, what was growing inside her womb was Ello's own flesh and blood.

    Ello smiled faintly. It seemed that Meisya, who was very intelligent, had forgotten the biology lesson their teacher had taught them. Ello was sure that what their teacher had said was true - pregnancy occurs when an egg is fertilized by sperm. And that night, Ello had released all of his seeds far from Meisya's sensitive parts. So, Ello thought, how could Meisya be pregnant if they had done it safely?

    Yes, I will take responsibility, but not now, Love. I have to go to university, work first, then we'll get married and think about having children. That's why I didn't release inside you that night, so you wouldn't get pregnant, Sya. Ello remained firm in his own thoughts. To him, what Meisya was saying now was just to hold him back from leaving.

    Meisya closed her eyes. Her body felt weak, as if drained of energy. However, for the innocent fetus, Meisya still had to tell Ello the truth. If you don't believe me, we can go to the doctor and check everything. I am really pregnant, Ello!

    Ello's face changed because what his lover said was no longer a joke. With a cold look, he said, Sya, enough! Don't act like a child! I am leaving to fulfill my dreams, to secure our future. If you keep acting like this, I don't know what to do anymore. The doctor will surely laugh at us. We will be suspected of engaging in improper relations, and then my parents and your sister will be called to marry us off. In the end, I will have to abandon my dreams, and we will lose a bright future by getting married at a young age!

    Ello's voice was louder than usual. It seemed that he intentionally raised his tone so Meisya wouldn't manipulate him and would be fully supportive of his journey abroad.

    Meisya simply stared into Ello's eyes, without intending to utter a word. She wanted to hear what else her lover had to say in this situation.

    You can't be pregnant with my child, Sya! Ello spoke again. This time his voice was soft, almost inaudible.

    He couldn't believe he had been so cruel to hurt Meisya like that. Ello didn't mean it that way, he was just confused about what his lover wanted.

    Are you accusing me, Ello? Meisya asked, her voice trembling and quick to respond to Ello's words.

    She never expected her lover to accuse her so casually. Fine. If you no longer believe me, then that's okay. Just consider me making excuses to keep you from leaving, Ello! And because you still want to leave, I want us to break up! Meisya said in despair.

    Sya, that's not it. Why are you being so selfish, Sya? I'm going to university, not for an affair. Why are you asking for a breakup? Ello desperately wanted to embrace Meisya, but she was already preparing to escape from the cafe, and their argument would surely attract the attention of the customers.

    I am selfish. That's why I want us to break up. I hope you succeed, Ello! Meisya truly left Ello in that cafe.

    With all his strength and as quickly as he could, Ello chased after his beloved. He didn't want to lose Meisya, even if they had to be separated by distance and time.

    Sya, listen to me first! Ello grabbed Meisya's arm to stop her in her tracks.

    Swiftly, Meisya brushed off Ello's hand and looked at him with a disappointed gaze. She was hurt by Ello's words and considered them as rejection. For Meisya, there was no need to explain anything to the father of her unborn child because Ello no longer believed in her.

    Don't bother me anymore, Ello! It's better for you to leave and chase your dreams! Meisya's eyes pierced through. She was waving the flag of war at Ello, accusing him of infidelity.

    Meanwhile, Ello became even more engulfed in his own foolish thoughts. Instead of apologizing and asking calmly, Ello seemed to accuse Meisya of holding him back and wanting to get married young without a clear future.

    "Why, Sya? Why have you become so selfish? Where is the Meisya who always supported me? Where is the Meisya who always believed in me? Why have you changed now, Sya? Committing a major lie out of selfishness. Yes, you're selfish because you don't

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