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God, Insanity, and Poetry
God, Insanity, and Poetry
God, Insanity, and Poetry
Ebook91 pages30 minutes

God, Insanity, and Poetry

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About this ebook

About the Book
God, Insanity, and Poetry is a collection inspired by De La Cerda's struggles with addiction and how his spirituality was his saving grace. The message is very relevant in this day and age, as almost all people are dealing with afflictions that separate them from what is most important in life, but it will be particularly relatable for addicts.
About the Author
Isaac De La Cerda felt qualified to share this poetry because of his life with a broken family, addiction, spiritual disconnection, death, confliction, and mercy.

Release dateDec 27, 2023
God, Insanity, and Poetry

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    God, Insanity, and Poetry - Isaac De La Cerda


    Hello reader,

    Part of my story is in my poems, but my whole story is not too dissimilar from any other addict. My primary goal is to help a struggling addict by telling part of my story. Also, my goal is to build awareness of spiritual disconnection. I feel the world needs to be aware of spiritual dissonance. I know I wasn’t aware, because of my addiction and disillusion in trusted institutions. With that being said God, Insanity, and Poetry was written to shine a light on my journey; why I became separated, and to praise the Lord for his patience, love, and mercy. Secondly, I hope you, the reader, become a little more aware and awake.

    Author’s note

    I want to encourage anybody reading this, if you or someone you know is struggling to seek God, there is hope! Do not give up; continue to seek Him, He will answer. Do not be afraid; fear is the opposite of faith, and it’s the enemy’s favorite weapon. Deception is the art of making someone believe something false. Pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment. This is a Literal (in the metaphysical sense) war. Discernment will help you search for answers to your questions. Life is neither fulfilling nor purposeful if you’re asleep. Wake up before you perish and before your family perishes. No man or woman is too far gone. The Lord knows your heart; he sees our pain. reach out of yourself a little more every day. Find somebody and ask for their testimony. There are brothers and sisters in recovery, in Christ, and in the name of love ready to help you. If you’re cynical, know that the State of Texas and the generosity of others is why I am sober. You’re not alone. It’s ok to need help.

    (Proverbs 3:5-6)

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.


    I love you and God bless you.

    Finite Poetry

    Oh, the ways to articulate living poetry, that is mine.

    Divine philosophy is not organic in my mind.

    I am the man behind this impenetrable glass.

    Limitations depending upon assimilation, an amalgamation of a task.

    Life’s essence In the palm of my hand,

    when power manifests, I miss manage like any other man.

    The poem that is my philosophy has its limits,

    but there is an infinity that is not finite like me,

    the parameters lie in the Holy Spirit.

    A Circus within A Prison

    Using a toxic mind for outside-the-box solutions can only result in more toxicity.


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