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The Warriors of Atlantis and the Fallen Knight
The Warriors of Atlantis and the Fallen Knight
The Warriors of Atlantis and the Fallen Knight
Ebook443 pages6 hours

The Warriors of Atlantis and the Fallen Knight

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About the Book
Thousands of years ago, before its famous descent into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean,
the island of Atlantis was home to a wondrous kingdom, ruled by a noble king. Upon his mysterious death, the kingdom erupted into a whirlwind of chaos and confusion. An army of brave knights, a coven of bloodthirsty vampires, a village of magical elves, a forest of ferocious beasts, a race of killer machines, and a hoard of ravenous zombies will fight for control of the kingdom. The only hope to return harmony to the once peaceful kingdom lies the hands of the Warriors of Atlantis.
About the Author
Christopher Sage Nelson was born in American Fork, Utah in 1990. He started writing stories in third grade, and at age 22, began creating characters and writing stories for the Warriors of Atlantis series. After ten years of writing, he finally set out to get the first book published.

PublisherRoseDog Books
Release dateDec 6, 2023
The Warriors of Atlantis and the Fallen Knight

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    The Warriors of Atlantis and the Fallen Knight - Christopher Sage Nelson



    Thousands of years ago there was a large island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The island remained relatively warm year-round. It was a wonderful place to live, but it would not last forever. One day the entire island sank to the bottom of the ocean. The island was called Atlantis.

    Atlantis was divided into three sections. The northernmost part of the island was composed of high mountains with a large valley below the mountains where a small village of people lived. The center of the island was almost entirely composed of a large forest, which was abundant in trees and animal life of all kinds.

    The southern section of the island was the largest, with tall mountains to the west of the great kingdom, which was inhabited by thousands of families living harmoniously together.

    In the northern part of the kingdom, just south of the forest was the large stone castle, which had sixty-foot rectangular towers connected at each corner. The castle was surrounded by eight fifty-foot-tall cylinder-shaped towers connected by stone curtain walls, the entrance to which was a large wooden drawbridge in a great stone building. Between the entrance building and the castle there was a large courtyard, covered in grass. Inside the castle, there were five floors with dozens of rooms.

    Many kings ruled over the people of the kingdom of Atlantis over the centuries. Prior to the sinking of the island, the Atlantean people were led by King Lucas, who was highly respected by his people. He ruled alongside his beautiful wife before her untimely death, a tragic day for the kingdom, however the king never lost his ability to rule the kingdom well.

    The forty-five-year-old king was very large and stood over six feet tall. He had light brown eyes, a big gray mustache and beard combination and was nearly bald, with small puffs of short gray hair. He wore a large purple robe with gold and silver stripes on the sides of it, and a large gold crown with many different jewels embedded in it.

    The king had command of a large army of knights. The knights of Atlantis would often practice their sword fighting in order to be prepared for any future battles they would have to fight in. The courtyard was normally used as a dueling yard. During the dueling sessions, the king would sit on a throne, which was located on top of the entrance building in order to easily see the dueling yard.

    One beautiful morning, in mid-summer, in the kingdom of Atlantis, King Lucas hosted a dueling session between some of the knights. The knights were clad in silver suits of armor, which were made of a light iron, which was very strong and durable. As they were assisted with putting on their body armor, dozens of peasants gathered to the stands on the east and west sides of the courtyard to watch them.

    Two of those peasants were Titus and Duke. They were twenty-year-old peasants who had grown up next door to each other in the kingdom. They were arguably the biggest fans of the sport of dueling, having witnessed every dueling session since they were five years old.

    Titus had blond hair and sky-blue eyes. He was six feet tall and very muscular, having worked as a blacksmith, making hundreds of swords he would sell to the knights of the kingdom.

    Duke was a few inches shorter than Titus and had brown eyes and short black hair. He was not as muscular as Titus, since he worked as a baker, alongside his sister, taking over for their deceased mother.

    Oh, it looks like Victor’s dueling first, Titus commented to Duke as they walked to the stands to watch the first duel. This should be quick, he predicted.

    General Victor was the most beloved knight in the king’s army. He was thirty-eight years old, six feet tall, and had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was twenty years undefeated. His dueling skills impressed the entirety of the kingdom, and greatly intimidated the other knights.

    As Titus and Duke sat down, they watched Victor being handed his sword and shield. In front of him was another knight, William. The two of them approached each other, ready to square off as the crowd began to cheer loudly for them with Victor receiving most of the cheers.

    The king sat on his throne overlooking the dueling yard, holding the royal scepter, which had been passed down from one king to the next for centuries. The scepter was a long golden rod with a large golden orb on the end, which had a bright purple jewel embedded in the top of it. Below the orb was a golden cuff with nine smaller jewels embedded in the sides, which were white, aqua blue, maroon, tan, brown, silver, black, blood red, and forest green.

    His daughter, Princess Lucy, sat on a smaller throne beside him. Lucy was seventeen years old. She was five foot three, and very lean, and beautiful. Her long, semi-curly, dark red hair reached the middle of her back, with her bangs reaching her eyebrows. She always wore a silver necklace she was gifted by her parents when she was younger.

    Are you excited for the duel? the king asked Lucy.

    Sure, she replied, with a shrug.

    She was far less enthusiastic about dueling as her father and the rest of the kingdom were. More like her mother, she had a love for gardening and loved to sit around outside the castle in the rose garden smelling the flowers, but she attended the dueling sessions to please her father. She did not have the heart to tell him that she thought the practice was barbaric and unnecessary, since they had not had a war in Atlantis in centuries.

    The king stood up in front of his throne. We will now begin the first duel between the undefeated General Victor and his opponent William! he announced.

    The crowd cheered and the king raised his right hand, which he was using to hold the royal scepter.

    READY?! he hollered to Victor and William.

    The crowd ceased cheering immediately to listen to the king, as Victor and William looked up at him and nodded.

    SET?! the king asked them.

    Victor and William nodded to the king again and looked back at each other, Victor grinning, confidently, and William sweating, nervously.

    BEGIN! the king announced loudly, before sitting down.

    Victor immediately darted toward William, with his sword swaying back and forth, spun around, and knocked William’s sword out of his hand before he knew what happened. Victor slashed his sword with great force to knock William’s shield to the ground and pointed his sword at William’s chest. William stood nervously, looking at Victor’s sword and raised his hands in surrender.

    On the side of the stands, an old man sitting on a small wooden chair in front of a wooden table with a small metal bell on it struck the bell three times with a little hammer to signify the end of the duel.

    Yay, it’s over, Lucy cheered.

    The king stood up from his throne. Here is your winner! The still undefeated – VIC–TOR! he announced, followed by the crowd of peasants and knights cheering for Victor, who raised his sword, and walked away from William, who sighed and shook his head, disappointed in his own poor performance.

    I can’t wait until we make it to be knights, Titus exclaimed, as he admired the knights that stood around the dueling yard.

    Yeah, but besides the dueling, being a knight doesn’t really sound all that exciting, Duke commented. I mean, there hasn’t been a battle or need for the knights in the army to really do anything, well ever, Duke mentioned.

    Yeah, not that I’ve ever heard of, Titus agreed with a shrug.

    Not for centuries, at least, Duke added.

    But it’s good to know that the kingdom is prepared for it, if it ever does happen, Titus commented.

    Well, let’s hope by then, we’re as good at dueling as Victor, Duke replied.

    Yeah, let’s hope we’re that good, one day, Titus agreed, with a nod.

    Victor’s the best knight this kingdom has ever seen, Duke complimented. I don’t think we could beat him in a duel if we fought him at the same time.

    Oh, come on, no one is good enough to beat both of us at the same time, Titus argued, looking at Duke, with skepticism.

    Duke looked back at Victor and saw two knights in full suits of armor approaching him holding their swords and shields.

    Well, Victor’s about to, Duke pointed out.

    Titus turned back to look at the dueling yard and saw the two knights cautiously approaching Victor. No way! he argued.

    It looks like we have two knights challenging Victor! the king announced loudly to the crowd. Matthew and Fredrick!

    Titus joined Duke and the rest of the crowd of peasants and knights as they cheered for Victor.

    This should be fun, Victor said aloud.

    Matthew and Fredrick held their swords, more confidently than William had, as they circled Victor, tightening their grips on their sword handles.

    READY?! he hollered to the three knights.

    The crowd ceased cheering immediately to listen to the king, as the three knights looked up at the king and nodded.

    SET?! the king asked them.

    Matthew and Fredrick looked at each other as Victor looked at the king and nodded. Then Matthew and Fredrick looked at the king and nodded.

    BEGIN! the king announced loudly to the three knights, who were facing each other.

    As the king sat down on his throne, he watched intently as Victor held his sword up and smiled arrogantly as Matthew and Fredrick cautiously approached him.

    Come and get me, Victor taunted his two opponents.

    Matthew lunged at him, and he blocked his sword with his own sword and kicked Fredrick in the chest to stop him from hitting him with his sword. They crossed blades a few times and Fredrick tried to sneak up on Victor and hit him with his sword, but Victor quickly turned and got behind Matthew and using his shield pushed Matthew into Fredrick as he approached him.

    Matthew and Fredrick stumbled and nearly fell upon collision, but they were able to stay standing. They looked at each other and then at Victor. He smiled and taunted them to come at him. They both ran at him with their swords held high.

    Bring it on! Victor said as he fought them both at the same time, blocking Matthew’s sword with his own sword and Fredrick’s sword with his shield.

    Matthew and Fredrick stood on opposite sides of him, and they swung their swords at Victor’s head at the same time. Victor quickly ducked, causing their swords to collide. He quickly spun around and hit Matthew in the back of the helmet with his sword, knocking him down. Victor blocked Fredrick’s sword with his shield, and kicked him in the stomach, knocking him down. Seeing both knights lying on the ground, the bell ringer struck the bell three times with his hammer.

    Once again, the winner is VIC-TOR! the king announced.

    Victor bowed down with an arrogant grin, and the crowd roared his name over and over, as he slowly spun around with his hands in the air.

    Titus stood up, clapping. That was great, he said.

    Yeah, Duke agreed, as he joined Titus, on his feet clapping and whistling.

    One more duel! the crowd cheered. One more duel! One more duel!

    You want another?! Victor asked the crowd.

    Yeah! the crowd cheered loudly in unison.

    Alright then! I issue an open challenge to any knight who wishes to fight me! Victor yelled for all the knights around to hear.

    After a moment of silence from all the knights, Victor shook his head, looking disappointed. No knights? Then an open challenge to anyone! he yelled.

    Titus nudged Duke with his elbow.

    Oh no, Duke argued, shaking his head. Not me. Why don’t you get in there with him and see what you can do? he suggested, confident in Titus’s refusal.

    Alright, Titus agreed, as he stood up.

    Wait, what? Duke asked him, as Titus made his way through the crowd toward Victor.

    Is there anyone brave enough to face me?! Victor asked the crowd.

    I accept your challenge! Titus informed him.

    Victor turned around and looked at Titus.

    It appears our local blacksmith, Titus is accepting Victor’s challenge! the king announced.

    Blacksmith? Victor questioned.

    Titus? Lucy asked, leaning forward to see him better.

    Not even a knight! Victor scoffed. What chance have you against me?

    Oh boy, Duke said to himself, as he slouched in his seat.

    I believe you knew my father, Titus replied. He was general before you.

    You’re Marik’s boy? Victor asked him.

    That’s right! Titus answered, and although, he died, before I was even born, I’m gonna make him proud! he declared.

    That would make you twenty years old? Victor asked him. You’re still just a boy. I’ve been undefeated since before you were born! he bragged.

    Two men brought armor, a sword, and a shield to Titus.

    I was hoping I could use my father’s sword?! Titus asked the king.

    Oh, yes, of course! the king replied, with a nod.

    It doesn’t matter what sword you use, Victor taunted.

    I’ll be back! Titus informed them.

    Titus went into the blacksmith store he worked in, passing dozens of swords hanging on the walls, to arrive at a wall with which his father’s sword sat in a wooden case on a high shelf.

    This one’s for you, father, he said with a deep breath, as he took the sword out of its case and admired it.

    In Titus’s absence Victor turned to the audience. Looks like he’s chickened out! he declared.

    Embarrassed for Titus, assuming that Victor was right, Duke left his seat. Titus, why’d ya chicken out? he asked himself.

    A moment later Titus returned with his father’s sword.

    There he is! Lucy announced, pointing at Titus.

    Duke looked up at Lucy and saw where she was pointing.

    Looks like you’re not a chicken after all, he said as he greeted Titus.

    Who said I was a chicken? Titus asked him.

    Victor, Duke answered. But don’t worry, you can do this, he assured him.

    The knights put the suit of armor on Titus and handed him a shield to hold in his left hand, as he held his father’s sword in his right hand.

    Duke patted Titus on the back. Good luck, buddy, he said as he backed away from him.

    You’re gonna need it, Victor said arrogantly to Titus.

    Ready?! the king asked Titus and Victor.

    Ready to be humiliated? Victor asked Titus.

    Titus glared at Victor, annoyed at his remark, and they both looked up at the king and nodded their heads.

    Set?! the king asked them.

    They nodded again and looked back at each other.

    Begin! the king announced.

    Victor confidently approached Titus with his arm outstretched and his sword pointed at Titus’s chest. He ran at Titus, but he quickly blocked Victor’s sword with his shield. Victor swung his sword at Titus’s helmet, but he ducked down under his shield, using it to block the blow.

    Not bad, the king said aloud, where only Lucy could hear him.

    Lucy smiled as she watched Titus block another of Victor’s quick strikes with his shield.

    Why isn’t he using his sword? Duke heard a peasant sitting in the row behind him ask another peasant.

    He can’t win by defense alone, the other added, in agreement as Titus again blocked Victor’s sword with his shield.

    Come on Titus. Fight back, Duke said to himself, as Titus backed away from Victor’s attack, using his shield to defend himself, without swinging his sword.

    Not gonna use your sword? Victor asked Titus. Then I won’t be needing this, he added as he tossed his shield to the ground.

    It would appear Victor is discarding his shield! the king announced to everyone watching.

    Titus looked confused at Victor’s actions. He swallowed hard and tossed his own shield to the ground.

    Titus is also discarding his shield! the king announced, sitting at the edge of his throne.

    Victor grinned and darted toward Titus with his sword held high. Titus blocked with his sword and the crowd cheered as they crossed blades several times, over and over again, circling each other as they swung their swords at each other. Titus blocked Victor’s sword with his own and kicked Victor in the chest knocking him back a few feet. Victor slid in the dirt and angrily spat on the ground.

    Nice! Duke complimented.

    Titus smiled confidently and Victor leaped in the air, slashing his sword downward at Titus. He jumped to the side to avoid Victor’s attack, causing his sword to hit the ground. Titus looked away from Victor at the cheering crowd and Victor glared at Titus as he realized they were cheering for him.

    Victor ran full speed at Titus again. He blocked Victor’s sword and Victor swung his sword at Titus’s helmet. He quickly ducked down to avoid the hit and dodged another swipe from Victor’s sword. He kicked Victor in the chest, knocking him back, causing his helmet to fall off, as he inadvertently drop his sword.

    Yes! Lucy cheered, getting the attention of the king, who turned to see her grinning ear to ear.

    Victor reached down for his sword. Before he could get a grip on it, Titus stepped on the blade, holding his sword up to Victor’s neck.

    It looks like Titus is the winner! That means that Victor has been dethroned! the king announced loudly.

    The bell ringer quickly hit the bell three times with his small hammer to signify the duel was over.

    Way to go, Titus! Duke called out as he whistled loudly, joined by the rest of the crowd.

    Titus removed his helmet and looked around at the crowd. He smiled and waved to his cheering fans.

    TI-TUS! TI-TUS! TI-TUS! the crowd cheered.

    Victor scowled at the crowd as they cheered for Titus. He looked up at the king as he clapped for Titus and saw Lucy next to him staring googly-eyed at Titus.

    Thanks for the great duel, Titus said to Victor.

    Titus raised his right arm, holding his sword up high in the air.

    Way to go Titus! Duke cheered.

    Victor glared at Titus. He reached down for his sword and picked it up. He looked up at the king and saw him standing up in front of his throne.

    Everyone, give it up for TI-TUS! the king shouted.

    Victor sighed angrily and walked over to his helmet, picked it up, and slowly left the arena, with his head down.

    Congratulations, my boy! the king said to Titus.

    Titus looked up to see the king and Lucy were standing in front of their thrones, clapping, and cheering for him, along with the rest of the crowd of knights and peasants.

    Victor turned around and looked up to see Lucy, but she was gone. Realizing that she had to have gone to the nearby staircase, he decided to meet her at the bottom of the stairs.

    After the cheering stopped, the crowd began to disperse. Peasants left the castle grounds to go to their homes, which were a short distance from the castle.

    Lucy was walking down the stairs when she heard her friend calling for her. Hey Lucy! Rachael called to her.

    Rachael was a peasant girl, the same age as Lucy, but a few inches taller than her. She had dark brown eyes and long, light brown hair.

    Oh hey, Rachael, Lucy replied as they approached each other.

    They started walking together, heading toward the castle.

    Did you see today’s duels? Lucy asked her.

    Yeah, Rachael answered. What’d you think?

    The first two were alright, Lucy answered, shrugging her shoulders.

    That Titus is something isn’t he, though? Rachael asked her. I mean, talk about hunky; he took Victor out, in his first duel!

    He sure is, she replied, with a grin.

    You’ve been in love with Titus since you were six, Rachael commented.

    But we’ve never been alone together, Lucy complained.

    Well, I should probably get going, Luce, Rachael said reluctantly. People are probably hungry, and bread doesn’t bake itself.

    Alright then, Lucy replied. I’ll see you later, Rach.

    See ya, Luce, Rachael replied, and they headed in separate directions.

    Victor was listening to their conversation from nearby and tightened his closed fists. Titus, he complained to himself.

    That night, as the full moon rose through the dark sky, Titus was closing up the blacksmith store for the night. He approached the front door to leave and go to Duke’s house to join him and some other peasants for dinner to celebrate his victory in the duel against Victor.

    As he opened the door, he was surprised to see the king was about to knock. Your Majesty? Hello, Titus said as he bowed to the king.

    Hello, Titus, the king replied. I wondered if I could have a moment of your time, he asked.

    Of course, please come in, Titus offered, as he stepped aside, offering for the king to enter the shop.

    This won’t take long, the king insisted.

    Alright, Titus replied. What can I do for you? he asked.

    I must say, you are a very skilled fighter, the king complimented.

    Thank you, Titus replied. I practice every day, he revealed, showing off a large wooden pole with several sword marks in it.

    It shows, the king replied as he looked past Titus to the practice pole.

    I’ve always wanted to be a knight, Titus replied, with a grin.

    In his day, your father was the best knight, the king revealed. He was knighted at age eighteen and became general by age twenty-two.

    Yes, my mother told me, Titus replied.

    Well, it would appear you have inherited his talent, the king complimented, and I would like to make you a knight, he offered.

    Titus stared at the king for a moment in stunned silence.

    Wow, a knight? Titus asked.

    Yes. Your skills are magnificent. No one can deny that! the king complimented, putting his right hand on Titus’s left shoulder.

    Thank you, Your Majesty, Titus replied. I appreciate that.

    So, what do you say? the king asked him.

    I would be honored, Titus replied.

    Great! I will tell the other knights tomorrow morning! the king revealed, patting Titus on the shoulder.

    Alright, sounds good, Titus replied as the king left the blacksmith store to return to the castle.

    Titus was still in disbelief at the king’s invitation. He was unable to contain his grin as he let himself into Duke’s house. There he saw Duke and a few other peasants sitting at the dinner table. They often joined together for dinner the evenings of dueling sessions to talk about them.

    Titus, you decided to join us? one of the men commented as Titus sat down across from Duke, looking hungrily at the large plate of food in front of him.

    Duke looked up from his plate to see Titus smiling brighter than usual.

    What’s up, man? Duke asked him, as he picked up a chicken leg from his plate and ripped off a piece with his teeth.

    Titus shook his head, containing his grin.

    Oh, come on, I know it’s something, Duke argued.

    It’s nothing, Titus assured him.

    Come on, man, I know you, Duke reminded him.

    I’m not supposed to say, Titus replied.

    I won’t tell anyone you told me, Duke assured him.

    Titus took a deep breath and shook his head again.

    Duke pulled Titus’s plate away from him.

    Hey! Titus complained.

    Tell me the news, and I’ll give it back, Duke wagered.

    I’ll tell you, later, Titus replied.

    Alright, Duke agreed, pushing Titus’s plate back to him.

    After dinner, the other peasants left Duke’s house, and Titus headed for the door. See ya later, thanks for dinner, Titus said as he opened the door.

    Duke stopped him by pressing his hand on the door, forcing it closed. You promised to tell me the news, Duke reminded him.

    Oh right, Titus replied.

    You thought you could get away without telling me? Duke asked him.

    Alright, I’ll tell you, but don’t tell anyone, Titus requested.

    I won’t, Duke assured him.

    Well, the king has asked me to be a knight, Titus revealed.

    Wow, Duke said enthusiastically.

    Yeah, Titus replied.

    That’s great, man. Do you think you can put in a good word for me? Duke asked him.

    Yeah, sure thing, Titus answered as he left Duke’s house.

    As Titus walked toward his own home, he was unexpectedly ambushed by Victor.

    Hey! Titus shouted, as Victor tackled him to the ground.

    I’ll kill you for making me look like a fool, Victor threatened, keeping his voice down to avoid being heard, as he lifted his sword to stab Titus in the heart.

    Titus! Duke called out as he wrapped his arms around Victor’s neck and pulled him off his friend.

    Stay out of this, boy! Victor commanded, as he elbowed Duke in the face, knocking him backward.

    Titus got to his feet and punched Victor in the face, causing him to drop his sword. Titus quickly picked it up and pointed it at Victor.

    Go ahead, Victor dared Titus, but Titus stood unmoving.

    What’re you waiting for? Duke asked Titus, as he stood up.

    He doesn’t have the spine to kill me, Victor taunted, as he took a step toward Titus.

    Titus wiggled the sword. Don’t move, he commanded.

    How dare you? Victor asked him. I am the general!

    The three of them suddenly turned their heads when they heard two knights approaching them.

    Garin, Peter, stop him! Victor commanded, as he looked up at the approaching knights. He’s trying to kill me!

    Titus lowered the sword and backed away from Victor.

    No, he’s lying, he tried to kill me! Titus revealed.

    Titus is telling the truth, Duke assured them. I saw it, myself.

    He just attacked me, because he’s jealous that I beat him in our duel today! Titus accused.

    Jealous?! Victor snapped.

    Yeah! Titus replied.

    What do we do? Peter asked Garin.

    You will listen to your general! Victor demanded.

    Let’s bring them to the king, Garin suggested, ignoring Victor.

    Peter agreed and he and Garin escorted Titus, Duke, and Victor, through the great hall of the castle to the throne room. The king entered and approached his throne.

    What’s this about? the king asked them, as he sat down on his throne.

    Victor tried to kill me, Titus revealed.

    Liar! Victor argued. It was he who tried to kill me!

    I saw the whole thing, Duke revealed. Victor tried to kill Titus.

    Stay out of this, Victor started to say to Duke, but he was silenced by the king putting his hand up.

    The king looked at Titus and Victor for a moment.

    Did anyone else witness this incident? the king asked them.

    Just me, Duke answered.

    And you? the king asked Peter and Garin.

    Victor looked at the two knights.

    No, they answered, shaking their heads.

    Victor lowered his head, and sighed, angrily.

    Who are you gonna believe? Victor asked the king, as he pointed at Titus and Duke. These peasants, he asked him, glaring at Titus and Duke, or me, your general who’s been a loyal knight for over twenty years?

    Titus was going to be knighted in the morning, the king revealed.

    What? Victor asked the king.

    I spoke to him a few hours ago, the king informed him.

    Victor looked at Titus, in disbelief.

    I assumed you wouldn’t mind if I knighted him, the king said.

    Titus grinned at Victor.

    After all, he deserves it for defeating my top knight in a duel, the king complimented, as he looked at Titus. I just didn’t think you’d be shallow enough to try and kill him for it, he said, shaking his head at Victor.

    I’ve told you. I didn’t try to kill this boy. I would never betray the oath I took when I became a knight, Victor lied. I know the penalty for such a crime. I would be a fool to do it!

    There is only one way to settle this, the king said.

    Titus, Victor, Duke, Garin, and Peter looked at the king, eagerly awaiting his decision.

    You will both sit in the dungeon until the real culprit admits to the crime, the king announced.

    What? Victor asked him, in disbelief.

    Titus looked at Victor’s angry expression. Fine with me, he replied, grinning at Victor.

    Garin approached Victor and Titus to take them to the dungeon.

    No! Victor thundered, as he grabbed Garin’s sword from his sheath, shoving him in the process.

    Victor approached the king with Garin’s sword and Peter intercepted him, reaching for his own sword when Victor slashed him in the neck with Garin’s sword, and shoved him aside.

    As Victor darted for the king, Titus and Duke tackled Victor to the floor, causing him to drop the sword and forced his arms behind his back.

    Get off me! Victor demanded.

    Garin stood up, picked up his sword, and pointed it at Victor.

    Well done, boys, the king said to Titus and Duke, before turning to face the hallway, Edward! William! the king called.

    Two more knights approached him. Yes, Your Majesty? they asked him.

    Take Victor to the dungeon for the murder of Peter, and the attempted murder of Titus, and myself, the king commanded.

    Yes, Your Majesty, they said together, as they took the struggling Victor to the dungeon.

    Garin, Titus, Duke would you three take Peter’s body to his family and inform them what has happened? the king asked them.

    Yes, Your Majesty, they replied.

    The next morning the king gathered all of the knights in the great hall of the castle. The most tenure knights among them were Garin, Edward, William, Matthew, George, Fredrick, Luther, Michael, Philip, Sebastian, Lector, Felix, and Caleb.

    Men, last night Victor killed a fellow knight, Peter, the king informed them. He attempted to kill Titus, and myself. He has been imprisoned, which means there are two openings in the army, he said, pointing to Titus and Duke who were standing nearby.

    As the knights began talking amongst themselves, the king beckoned Titus and Duke to come forward.

    I have decided to make Titus and Duke knights for their heroics in protecting me from Victor’s attempt on my life, the king announced, as he pointed to Titus and Duke.

    First, Titus, as promised, the king said.

    Titus got down on one knee and bowed to the king.

    The king took Titus’s father’s sword and put it on Titus’s left shoulder then his right. Titus, I dub you an official knight of Atlantis! the king declared.

    Thank you, Your Majesty, Titus replied as he quickly stood up, and joined the other knights.

    Now you, the king said to Duke.

    Yes, Your Majesty, Duke replied as he knelt and bowed his head.

    Duke, I dub you an official knight of Atlantis! the king declared as he tapped Duke’s left shoulder with his sword, followed by his right.

    Titus and Duke looked at the other knights, unable to contain their grins.

    With former General Victor in the dungeon, I must also name a new general for the army! the king announced to them. After giving it much thought, I have decided that that man will be… Titus!

    Duke and the other knights looked at Titus and began talking amongst themselves again.

    "General?" Titus asked the king, with equal astonishment.

    Yes, general, the king answered.

     I’m honored, but I’ve only been a knight for a few seconds, he pointed out. I’m not sure if I’m ready to be general, he said, humbly.

    You proved yourself to be a great fighter yesterday, the king reminded him. "You saved my life last night, and Duke told me that when Victor attacked you, you could have killed him, but you chose to spare his life and

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