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The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within: A Key to the Kingdom: The Karmatic Diet Series, #1
The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within: A Key to the Kingdom: The Karmatic Diet Series, #1
The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within: A Key to the Kingdom: The Karmatic Diet Series, #1
Ebook511 pages5 hours

The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within: A Key to the Kingdom: The Karmatic Diet Series, #1

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Embark on a transformative journey with "The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within," the captivating second installment in the groundbreaking Karmatic Diet series.

Discover the Karmatic Diet – a holistic approach to life that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. Unveiling the secrets of ancient wisdom dating back to the dawn of existence, this five-book series serves as a profound guide to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.


"The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within" delves into the intricate tapestry of the omniverse, shedding light on the 108 monsters within—the unilluminated aspects of ourselves waiting to be brought into awareness. Gain profound insights into the delicate balance connecting every element of the universe, including your own emotional state.


Explore the 108 emotional states, often referred to as the states of ego or defilements of the soul. These are the energetic entities, the whispers on your shoulder, the biblical demons influencing your thoughts. Authoritatively guiding you, the book not only helps you recognize these states but empowers you to transcend them. Learn simple yet effective breathing techniques, meditations, and mental wellness practices to rise above the monsters within.


Unlock the secrets of pratyahara, a practice focusing on the withdrawal and disillusion of the senses, particularly the mind and emotion. "The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within" is a beacon for those new to this transformative thinking or for truth-seekers eager to deepen their understanding.


With practical keys, tools, and time-tested practices, this book lays the foundation for mental, emotional, and physical oneness with the universe. Elevate your everyday life with this enlightening guide, designed to inspire balance, neutrality, and a harmonious connection with the cosmos.


Embark on your journey to self-discovery and transformation—purchase and download "The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within" today. Your path to enlightenment awaits.

PublisherKarmatic Diet
Release dateApr 18, 2022
The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within: A Key to the Kingdom: The Karmatic Diet Series, #1


Embark on an illuminating journey with Malakhiyah, a distinguished author and coach dedicated to imparting the profound knowledge and wisdom derived from extensive training with masters worldwide. Malakhiyah's Karmatic Diet series integrates diverse cultures, practices, and disciplines, including martial arts, yoga, qigong, meditation, breathwork, plant medicine, gnosis, and emotional healing. Pioneering tried-and-true practices, he lays the foundation for intentional mental, physical, and spiritual evolution. Guiding seekers to unveil their hidden abilities, Malakhiyah illuminates the intricate world of mind, emotion, and senses. Join him in constructing a stable foundation for the path ahead, revealing the bigger picture. The name Mál'akhîyah, meaning 'my messenger, my angel' in Sanskrit and Hebrew, serves as a position rather than a mere title. Born Matthew Waters, Malakhiyah transcends sects and religions, identifying as a spiritual being navigating a human experience. The name transformation reflects a rebirth, a profound shift in awareness on the stage of life. Malakhiyah's lifelong quest for understanding and assembling the puzzle of existence has shaped his journey. With an early curiosity about our place in the cosmos, he dedicated his life to exploring divine knowledge and wisdom, culminating in the creation of these transformative books. His extensive training in internal and external arts, starting at age three under his father's guidance, led to induction into the US Martial Arts Hall of Fame as Teacher of the Year in 2014. The roller coaster of life propelled him to explore paths of liberation, culminating in a deeper understanding shared in these books—a compilation of his life's work. Enlightenment, once perceived as an ultimate childhood goal, evolved into a pursuit of understanding the intrinsic design of the human body. Malakhiyah's journey, documented in the Karmatic Diet series, is a personal guidebook to enlightenment and a legacy for future generations. These journals, initially written for personal reflection and future generations, are now extended to you. Malakhiyah's promise to share valuable wisdom, ease suffering, and spread awareness compels him to illuminate the obscured messages in life's book.

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    Book preview

    The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within - Malakhiyah


    Also by Malakhiyah

    The Karmatic Diet Series

    The Universal Paying Field - Wheels and Cogs of our Verse Shattering the Illusion

    The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within: A Key to the Kingdom

    Watch for more at Malakhiyah’s site.


    A Key to the Kingdom

    The Karmatic   Diet Series



    The Dark Kingdom - 108 Monsters Within

    Copyright © 2021 Matthew Waters (‘Mál’akhîyah’)

    All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be used or reproduced in any form without written permission from the author; exceptions are made in the case of brief quotations in critical articles and reviews.

    Karmatic Diet Series

    Cover Illustration - Tony Koehl

    Copy-editing – Annie Jenkinson

    Author: Mál’akhîyah

    First Edition

    Title: The Karmatic Diet Series, The Dark Kingdom - 108 Monsters Within

    978-1-7379104-3-5 Hardback

    978-1-7379104-4-2 Paperback

    978-1-7379104-5-9 Ebook

    Authors Note

    Have you ever wondered what is your purpose in life? Have you ever felt as though something must be missing from your life, yet you couldn’t seem to fill that void? Have you tried to change for the better, but experienced difficulty in finding tangible tools to help you achieve it? Do you want to achieve your full potential and unlock a high level of awareness?

    I answer these questions and more by providing you with the keys to master your mind and body. I have used these principles to unveil my best self and elevate to a level I never thought possible.

    It is not that I have gained something I never had.

    Instead, I have learned to find and de-program false belief structures and self-made barriers. Before embarking on my journey, I had an overwhelming feeling that something was missing from my life. No matter how I tried to fill that hole with outside desires, it just got worse and held me captive. However, today, I am free from this oppression and in its place, I find a stillness and purpose. More specifically, the concepts that you will learn in this book have enabled me to:

    Develop the emotional intelligence to navigate and overcome obstacles that were hindering me previously.

    Conquer physical defects from birth such as aphasia (a form of brain damage) and diagnoses such as severe ADHD, bipolar disorder and manic depression.

    Obtain freedom from the many overwhelming emotions and desires that were plaguing my mind and weighing heavily on my conscience.

    Discover my genuine purpose in life and gain victory over my black hole of emptiness, pointlessness, and despair.

    Removed much of the dis-ease in my body and mind.

    I will expound on just a few of the ancillary benefits that I experienced from the tangible tools and knowledge I am going to share with you through this series. This way, you can see just how much this may impact you too in becoming more flexible in your body and mind, thus releasing needless suffering in multiple areas of life, with the end result of bringing about a beautiful, incredible harmony within yourself.

    It is a harmony that then reflects to the outside world through the gained insight of your personal connection and responsibility to everything, then living as a mother, the world (including yourself). Healing from the inside out!

    I have gone from being stuck in a deep depression for years of my life, where I simply wanted to die—to now, with no depression! I thought I was stuck with manic depression and suicidal thoughts but found the suffering I was enduring came from choices I was making unconsciously—and I was doing this to myself because I was living like so many other on autopilot, living my emotions reactively.

    In short, I had no idea of any other choices, other ways to live my life that would not destroy me from the inside out. So I struggled on, hating life itself.

    I had no reverence towards life whatsoever and had a real difficult time seeing the beauty in it all, what with all of the ugliness that exists in the world.

    I was very disconnected from the Source of creation because I didn’t—and just couldn’t—appreciate anything about life. How could the Source of creation deliver us all into this stressful state of living?

    Now, my life is nothing like that at all. Peace fills me.

    I feel connected to and see beauty in everything, filling me with reverence.

    The tensions I was holding onto were building up over time, creating much dis-ease within my body, with a plethora of problems including myofascial, tight tendons, painful or cramped muscles, which all had me wound up like a top.

    Needless to say, this caused me to always feel in a state of high tension because I never took the time to listen to my body’s needs and attend to them.

    I went by for some time in that state of discord, immersed in it, not knowing any other way to go, trapped in a partially self-inflicted, pain-filled limbo of inflexibility emotionally, mentally and physically. But then I discovered a way out, a route to becoming more aware in order to make different choices.

    I was creating with purposeful intent a life worth living. And that was an enormous revelation in itself—that it was even possible to bring about such a change state in myself. Then it made me think: what can other people also do to help themselves in this same way toward a life of enjoyment, calm, peace and tranquility?

    Now, I habitually listen and tend to my body’s basic and simple needs such as healthy foods, daily exercise, tendon lengthening and strengthening, as well as meditation. These practices have managed to alleviate so much tension and dis-ease that life is a joy to be a part of and it has given me far more conscious control over my body and mind, which I hope you too may adapt and achieve for yourself.

    For example, my mind and body are more flexible. I have increased physical strength and speed, a retentive memory, and a vivid visual imagination. My focus and attention span are acutely accurate, and my intuition has been enhanced with certain psychic and telepathic abilities and travel of the astral realm, accessing the 3rd eye to be able to access both the micro and macro cosmos—inner and outer worlds of the physical planes—as well as some more capabilities which I will add toward the end of this book.

    The Karmatic Diet is a series based on ancient knowledge dating back to the beginning of existence and is full of keys to unlock the great mysteries. These guidebooks for life and the afterlife break down the construct of the material world, revealing the path to rise out of suffering.

    I endeavor to help you see things that are unseen, by providing you with the tangible tools to do so. I have created a roadmap to guide you through this holographic omniverse—similar to that of a video game—in which there are hacks, abilities learned through breathing, dissolving, emersion/absorption, and many other techniques. All you need to do is the work.

    I have notes on some of the above, although I go into deeper detail in the other books in this series. Since I have already written tens of thousands of words in the other books for that purpose, I will not expound on these same areas here because I want to keep this book somewhat short.

    However, for now, I want you to see more of what is available to you and why it would benefit you to try the experiment for yourself.

    The information in these books is spiritual alchemy, and not gained from any one particular religion or sect. In fact, it is the gnosis, translated to mean knowledge (awareness) or insight into humanity’s true divine nature. This knowledge of divine wisdom is to assist humanity’s deliverance from the constraints of earthly existence. Gnosticism spans all religions and sects, revealing the foundational truth.

    In the Acts of Thomas, translated by G.R.S. Mead, the ‘motions of gnosis’ are also referred to as ‘kingly motions’[1].

    This series of books goes into depth on the human and spiritual experience from a scientific base in the most simplified way, for one to be able to see the actual structure of this universe and beyond. Existence from the micro-quantum level to the macro multiverse level, and how it repeats itself in its expansion is illustrated and demonstrated using math. This will show you what we are actually a part of, so that you can navigate through it with greater understanding.

    I will take you on a tour of the fierce nature of the beast and show you the war raging between darkness and light.

    The war manifests out into the world we co-create consciously and subconsciously. But to show you, you must let go of what you are not and relearn what you are, allowing you to realize your complete purpose and direction.

    Books in

    This Series 1-5

    Book One – The Universal Playing Field

    The Universal Playing Field, essentially a book of threads, is a journey of discovery into the threads that weave the tapestry of the verses. This book explicates, through an in-depth analysis, the micro and macro of creation in its expansion and contraction, bringing to light a deep understanding of the underlying language and coding of the omniverse.

    I break down some of the many kingdoms, realms, planes and dimensions in a relatable manner that is easily understood. With a deep exploration designed to assist you in understanding the structures, and complementing sight from the singular eye (third eye) or astral travel, I deliver a guide-map of the inner, middle, and outer worlds.

    The Universal Playing Field has a little bit of everything: emotional self-help, science and math-based facts, and spiritual guidance for all walks of life.

    Book Two – The Dark Kingdom - 108 Monsters Within

    The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within continues the journey through the omniverse tapestry, focusing with elucidation on the 108 monsters within. These pages illuminate that the darkness within, or monsters, are that which has yet to be illuminated by awareness.

    This guide helps the reader transcend their understanding of the universe and how everything shares a balanced connection, right down to an individual’s emotional state. The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within teaches the reader the dangers of certain emotional states, and how to not only recognize when these states arise within oneself, but also how to redirect them to become more balanced and positive through a series of simple breathing techniques and mental wellness teachings.

    Utilizing sensible keys, tools, and tried-and-true practices, this second book in the series creates a foundation for the reader to build on, to utilize in their everyday life as they strive toward mental, emotional, and physical oneness with the universe. The pages contain a practice known as pratyahara, meaning a withdrawal or disillusion of the senses. Here we focus on pratyahara of the mind and emotion.

    This book is perfect for individuals who are new to this line of thinking or those who would like to continue seeking truth, The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within has a little bit of everything: emotional self-help, science, and spiritual guidance for all walks of life.

    Book Three – Golden Kingdom - the Karmatic Diet

    Book Three is dedicated to dissolving the material world through dissolving the senses, known in yoga to be one of the most important meditation practices, although widely unknown to the average seeker.

    I have compiled a long list of pratyahara practices for withdrawal or hyper-sense, as well as beginner-to-advanced breathing practices and meditations. Included is a helpful provision of tools for you to raise your energetic system and sync the two hemispheres of the brain, as well as a multitude of tangible techniques to help with mind and body mastery and the enhancement of innate abilities.

    Unlock your hidden potential and start unraveling the great mystery with the practices in this guide

    Book Four – Dissolving the Material World through Dissolving the Senses

    A book dedicated to soul food and based on moral virtue, for the development of a Karmatic diet that nourishes the soul, mind, and body. The techniques and tools herein will reconnect you with both your moral compass and your intuition for a proper Karmatic diet.

    Book Four shares the pathway to navigate this world and enter the next, as well as how to develop and strengthen the energetic body, accumulate soul currency, and seal energy leaks of the physical and spiritual bodies.

    Book 5 - The Body and the Martial Way

    The body is one of the most highly advanced machines known. In Book Five I break down suppressed information about aspects of the body, illuminating how to get the body to function at a higher level. I discuss proper nutrition, including information about the medicines of the earth—which our ancestors knew—and how the industrial and pharma(farm-a)ceutical age has disconnected us from proper health.

    Book Five also encompasses a blend of multiple internal and external arts that I have found effective in my forty-five-plus years’ experience with multiple masters around the world. These techniques teach how to hone and fine-tune the body with myofascial, tendon, and muscle strengthening and lengthening to improve health and extend longevity.

    The mechanics and mindset of self-defense techniques will allow you to develop the savvy to avoid being victimized while remaining integrous, virtuous, and intact in a world embroiled in madness.

    Also coming from the Karmatic Diet: The 108 Monsters Within A - Z Tabletop Art Illustration Book will be available in color, unlike its parent book, The Dark Kingdom - 108 Monsters Within, which is illustrated only in black and white, along with the 108 Adult Coloring Book containing bonus illustrations to bring to color.

    Table of Contents

    Authors Note


    Chapter 1 School for Ego-based Life

    Chapter 2 Our Personal Energetic Grid

    The Chakras and Nadis System

    Chapter 3The Monsters Within

    The 108 Monsters Within A - Z

    Divisions of the 108

    Chapter 4 Emotions


    Group Emotion

    Emoting Emotions


    Suffering, a Path to Self-Awareness

    Emotional Welling

    Emotional Harnessing

    A Warning!



    Neutral or Numb: The Equanimous Mind

    Emotional Intelligence

    Notable Empathy Killer

    Chapter 5 The Senses

    Some Additional External Senses

    Dissolving or Withdrawal of the Senses

    Chapter 6 Engaging the Darkness Within

    Chapter 7 ‘Sitting with the Devil’ Meditation


    Chapter 8 Energetic Entity Removal and Defense

    Technique 1: Clearing

    Technique 2: Self-Illumination

    Technique 3: Starving the Entities over Time

    Technique 4: Location

    Technique 5: Breath

    Technique 6: Mindfulness

    Technique 7: Grounding

    Technique 8: Stillness Meditation

    Technique 9: Acupuncture

    Technique 10: Dissolving the Senses – Pratyahara

    Technique 11: A Tool to Combat Night Terrors

    Technique 12: Mala beads

    Technique 13: Hemi-Sync and Other Audio Techniques

    Technique 14: Primal Roar

    Technique 15: Movement

    Technique 16: Virtue

    Technique 17: Chanting

    Technique 18: Tree Meditation

    Tree Meditation

    Technique 19: Intention Shield

    Technique 20: Yantras

    Technique 21: No Enemy, No Self Technique

    More Tools to Develop

    Defining a Full Meditation

    Chapter 9 Sorcery

    Chapter 10 Conclusion

    108 Monsters Within Glossary



    About Mál’akhîyah


    This book is part of a series to help you understand the mysteries of the universe and beyond. Be mindful that the information in the book is likely to trigger noticeable changes in your perception, especially if you are new to these topics.

    Note, too, that you may receive some pushback from friends and loved ones when they observe such changes in you, or when you begin to discuss what you have learned.

    This is all natural and normal, demonstrating that you are growing perceptually, expanding your knowledge horizon. There is nothing to fear in this shift.

    You may also feel as though you are leaving loved ones behind when you grow to accept the universe’s mysteries as I present them in this book.

    The topics about which you are reading will feel alien to friends and family—and probably uncomfortable to discuss. Suddenly, you have a new set of favorite topics and study areas in which no one around you seems to share much interest. They may even see your interest as some passing fad. They may feel you have ‘lost the plot’!

    No matter. The more you immerse yourself, the more likely your fresh and open mindset will attract many new and fascinating experiences to transcend any worries about others’ opinions, enhancing your depth of understanding and your fascination to keep on growing.

    Ultimately, you will reach a stage where you can be still and at ease with all your learnings, irrespective of the input of those around you.

    I mention all this now to prepare you for that learning path and these likely questions from others. You may even find your own mind pushing back a little. Don’t let it persuade you that the topics are too incredible to accept or not relevant.

    Remain open-minded and inquiring.

    Forge ahead anyway.

    You will be surprised by the amazing truths you will encounter in this book—and by the extent to which they come to change your worldview.

    I also recommend that you reflect on the information slowly, re-reading the book a second or a third time because you will gain a greater level of awareness each time you read it.

    Last, I will be using the term ‘one’, ‘we’ or ‘ourselves’, but this could be substituted for ‘you’ or ‘yourself’. Our languages can never satisfactorily convey that which is outside the realms of most people’s experience.

    Therefore, while ‘you’ are working from the individual perspective, I encourage you to see yourself and others as deeply connected, to see we are all one family.

    I exist in you.

    You dwell in me.

    We are One and in One.

    If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.[2]

    ~ Rene Descartes

    Fork in the Road ~ Vytautas Bikau

    A road that has a fork in it, the left path lead to a roller coaster that some people are falling off of. The right path is less traveled, at the end of the path a person is walking through a tear in the page.A drawing containing a person stepping out of a rip in the page.


    School for

    Ego-based Life

    I believe if you truly reflect on the grand scale of everything of which we are part in all its glory and magnitude and only limited to the imagination of consciousness, which is limitless, it would be difficult not to fall to your knees in reverence and awe. Wearing the blinders of the material world, we tend to see through a monoscopic lens! In other words, we see what we are conditioned to see—the things we have been told we will see.

    It begins in early childhood when well-meaning adults tell us that what we think we see, hear or sense is simply make-believe.

    But is it? All of it?

    In quashing what children tell us they see, feel, hear, sense in any way, we also severely restrict our own horizons. Just as we become the products of the stories we hear when young, so too do we see only the world we have been told exists. Each time we tell a child that something they believe in does not exist, we are reinforcing the belief in ourselves.

    In adulthood—in Western culture anyway—many experiences gain labels designating them ‘other than normal’. We assign the term paranormal to them, for example. And, of course, many would then say that those who accept aspects of the paranormal have it all wrong. They are frequently considered abnormal. The problem with this view is we cannot take on anything new; we are looking through that monoscopic lens again. This rigid stance stops us learning—halting us right there at a checkpoint of what is usual and acceptable in our respective societies.

    I invite you to venture beyond the checkpoint.

    What if the paranormal is in fact, the normal—or a good chunk of it is—and we have been conditioned to reject it as possible? It’s worth thinking about. This is only one example of how the stories people tell us soon become the only reality we believe exists.

    Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while,

    or the light won’t come in.[3]

    ~ Alan Alda, 1936

    My books are organized journals of my journey in seeking answers to some of the biggest questions and pursuing mastery of the body and mind. I will share the things I have learned and unveiled. I have found an appropriate name for them: the Karmatic diet.

    This book contains keys and tools for you to start breaking through veils of what you think you are, and what is possible or available. We are advanced technological machines, capable of tapping into areas of the conscious quantum gridwork and able to travel it with the mind’s eye, even if we have not discovered it yet.

    This book lays out the grid, along with beginner techniques with which to develop emotional intelligence and tap into the abilities available within all of us.

    Using these techniques or keys and proper practice, you should be tapping into the fourth dimension and beyond in no time. The techniques teach how to connect, align and harmonize the mind and body so that you may see the need to develop the conscious connection with the soul.

    This book is a foundation to build on and contains a practice known as pratyahara, a withdrawal or disillusion of the senses, although in this book I go over the disillusion of emotional ties, the ego. As this book is the second of the series, it will break down the basics, the rest of the series expounding on more advanced materials.

    I will take you on a tour of the fierce nature of the beast of physical and nonphysical existence, showing you the war between darkness and light. The war manifests out into the world we co-create consciously and subconsciously. To show you, you will need to let go of what you are not and relearn what you are. Only this way can you realize your complete purpose and direction.

    I, like so many others, was drifting through life, vacant of purpose and direction! I was emotionally unstable, driven by addictive ‘seeking’ behavior patterns and self-centered around immediate needs and gratifications. An empty pit was inside me and I couldn’t fill it, even when I had the perfect wife, a job I enjoyed doing. We were not hurting for money, but I was not happy even though I felt stable in what I thought I had.

    I was still my own worst enemy!

    My major changing points came across two periods.

    I shared this story in the first book of the series but will be sharing it again in this book for those who did not read it. It is important, giving a foundation for where I restarted on my spiritual path and reconnection with God.

    The first changing point, I am about to tell you. But to give you some reference for the story, let me first share something from further back when I was a teen, something that gave me a glimpse into the fact there was much more going on than most people accepted. It showed me that we were all capable of amazing things incredibly early on in life.

    I spent some time in a summer-type camp, where one of the counselors shared with me the possibility of astral projection. This is where someone’s spirit body leaves their physical body, often known as an out-of-body experience or OOBE.

    I had not heard of this, and it sounded remarkably interesting.

    After I insisted, I was able to get him to share how he had been taught to do it. Later that night, I lay down in bed and attempted to do exactly what he had told me. Lo and behold, I was able to do it! At first, however, my astral body started coming up and out of the top of my head, then I felt sucked back into my vessel as if a vacuum had a hold of me.

    I repeated the process from the start, consciously deep breathing, aware of the need to remain calm and composed. This was a skill I needed to learn like any other I wanted to master. It was going to take patience and the right attitude, as well as composure.

    This time, it was much easier and my spirit just slid right out of the top of my head. I found myself hovering above my bed, looking down at myself lying there. The second time had been much smoother. Most probably, this was because—as most people find when they have their first astral projection experiences—I had responded with shock and emotion on the first attempt.

    On realizing what was happening, my emotional response produced the common ‘jolt back into the body’. The second time, I knew a little of what to expect and was able to reach a calmer state.

    So, now I was somehow floating high in the room, by the ceiling. Everything looked just the same as it normally would, except duller in its color hues, and nothing was solid.

    Things did appear tangible until I tried touching them. Then, my hands passed through, unable to grasp anything.

    I thought I should find the camp counselor who had shared this with me. Then the next thing I knew, I was passing right through the wall of the building, heading outside. I moved to the next-door premises where I found myself looking in through a window; here, five of the male staff counselors were playing a game of cards.

    I wonder what cards are in my counselor’s hand?

    No sooner had I thought it than I found myself positioned behind him, able to see the cards. After a few minutes of watching, it was time to travel around the camp a little more, after which I went back to my room. As before, my spirit had drifted up against the ceiling, looking down. On trying to touch my physical body, it ‘swallowed’ me back up.

    At first, the counselor found it hard to accept the truth of my astral travels. It seemed too easy, too fast for me to have had the experience so many people were spending years trying to attain and never quite getting there. Well, there was one way to show the truth of it: the revelation of his card game.

    Next door, you were playing cards with four other counselors. Let me tell you what cards you were holding…

    So, I did, then watched his face turn ashen, mouth gaping.

    Here was where the love affair with astral projection came to a temporary halt; stunned by my revelation, he told me things that made me nervous to keep doing it. But I never forgot the experiences, and every now and then when I lay down to sleep, it would happen. But I had stopped straying from my physical body.

    Much later in life, there came a second transformative event.

    I was in the company of a couple of friends and my ex-wife, when one friend pulled out a dried plant, salvia divinorum. He asked if I wanted to try it. I was curious. What could something from a tobacco store do? It looked harmless.

    Smoking this stuff out of a pipe, I took a big inhale, and held it... It was harsh on the lungs and not very pleasant tasting, though that thought disappeared quickly as the next thing I knew, my spirit ejected out of my physical body as if someone—or something—had hit the eject button. Of course, having experienced it before purposefully, I knew what that experience was.

    This time, however, was a new experience, and not one for which I felt prepared since there was no sense of control. Forcefully projected far from my physical body, I took off into space, literally. It seemed as though several galaxies passed in seconds. Then, I was inside a hallway with a woman standing with her back to me. She turned; she was very appealing, tall with platinum-blonde hair, a kind and loving face. She wore a look of surprise, saying:

    Greetings, you don’t belong here yet! But, since you are here, I will share with you something. You’re doing it wrong! You went there for a purpose, and need to figure it out! Take this. Truth, respect, and nurture life. Understand the polarities! You only have two chances left!

    I was

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