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Unashamed Observations
Unashamed Observations
Unashamed Observations
Ebook149 pages1 hour

Unashamed Observations

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About this ebook

Unashamed Observations contains prose poems about my experiences living in Japan, driving a taxi in New York City, growing up in an orphanage in Pennsylvania, detailing my contact with animals on a dairy farm along with the many men and women that I have met.  The poems draw out those idiosyncrasies I have experienced, whether it be a moment of cruelty on a bus in Japan, my response to an orange on a table, the relationship of a hemophiliac to his condition, the shocking reply to someone's politeness, or my experience towards an amputee sitting before me on a Japanese train.  These are the first five poems in the collection. There are 105 remaining poems.


Release dateJun 25, 2024
Unashamed Observations

Richard Krause

Mr. Krause lives in Southwest Florida, he is sixty-six years old, and he is a retired government worker, He has a degree in Network Engineering and Administration specializing in Computer Security, and has an extensive background in Environmental Sciences. He is married with two adult children and three furry four-legged children.Mr. Krause has been writing books and short stories since way back in 1982. Mainstream publishing has overlooked his work and he has now decided to move on to self-publishing with Smashwords and Amazon. His first published work is "The Book On Evil, Wicked, Mean & Nasty / A Whimsical Guide to Payback and Revenge" Later works include "The Fine Art of Getting Even" available through and and "The Ancient Wisdom of an Old Shadow Warrior" available in paperback and Kindle through and paperback through Barnes & His most recent work is "The Plucking of the Golden Years Goose" a study on the scams, frauds, and abuses perpetrated against the elderly and how to recognize them and guard against them.He is currently working on a space opera trilogy, "The Far Star Trilogy" consisting of "The Perilous Star", "Trouble on Tyree", and "Destiny's Star". He expects to finish these books within the next six months to a year.His hobbies other than writing and reading are, scale modeling, he builds and paints 54mm military miniatures, cutting and polishing semiprecious gemstones which he has found on his yearly mining vacations and then turning them into unique handcrafted jewelry pieces, he also does gunsmithing of vintage weapons.

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    Book preview

    Unashamed Observations - Richard Krause


    These poems first appeared in the following magazines:

    Standing at the Sink (as Liking, Liking) Portland Review

    Politeness, She Said She Wrote Me a Letter (as A Letter) Aura

    Those Stories You Hear, A Little Boy’s Balloon, Horses in the Street The American Poetry Review

    Finger, The Little Japanese Girl, Character, Know Thyself Waves

    Her Hands (as Hands) Ellipsis

    The Hand, Refills, Candy,  I Often Try to Freeze Faces, What Happens When You Don’t Read? FragLit

    Respect for Books (as Books) qarrtsiluni

    Irving Scapegoat Review

    Vermont Winter Turk’s Head Review

    People Pry, The Tea Ceremony, Talent Courtship of Winds

    Nails, An Ugly Sounding Name Offcourse

    The Hand, Books That Correspond to the Memory Poesis

    Birds in Cages Shot Glass Journal

    Insight into Myself Poemeleon

    An Amputee Triggerfish Critical Review

    Teeth Menacing Hedge

    "A Split Mind Is Convenient to Hide the AxeThe Five-Two

    Table of Contents


    Table of Contents


    On the Bus

    The Orange

    The Hemophiliac


    An Amputee



    Her Hands

    The Hand

    One Japanese Man

    The Little Japanese Girl

    The Tea Ceremony



    A Story Later

    Some Mornings

    What Happens When You Don’t Read?

    Respect for Books

    Books That Correspond to the Memory

    The Bookworm

    Choice Cuts of Wit

    Beating a Dead Horse

    I Write Fast This Morning

    Currents of Thought

    What If There Were a Person?

    The Notebook Company


    Those Stories You Hear

    Horses in the Street

    He Thought He Was Entitled to More

    An Ugly Sounding Name

    Two Lovers

    Picture of His Wife in a Kimono

    Standing at the Sink


    The Laughter of Virgins

    Her Tears

    A Little Boy’s Balloon



    I Often Try to Freeze Faces

    People Pry



    Your Heart Is in the Right Place

    A Cloud

    Propagating the Species


    Insight into Myself

    An Empty Soup Bowl


    The Evening Clouds

    What If You Had the Sensitivity?

    Her Cats

    The Donkey

    The Cat Below My Window

    Donkey Ears


    A Thinning Principle

    Something Clambering Up Your Face

    The Range of Personality

    The Clouds

    Dad Tickling Me




    She Said She Wrote Me a Letter


    Sometimes I’m Afraid

    My Feelings for Her

    A Woman’s Naked Back

    What Frame of Mind Is She in?

    The Imperfections of Face


    The Ugly Woman


    The Dress



    Feeling Ebullient


    The Piano Player




    Half a Head of Hair


    One Day in the Philippines


    The Carpentiers


    When Your Mood Is Destructive

    Rock Candy

    A Split Mind Is Convenient to Hide the Axe

    The Aberrations of His Friends’ Backgrounds

    The Hernia






    Vermont Winter

    Imaginary Dresses



    The Balding Athlete


    At the Louvre

    In the Bar


    Burnt Out

    Signs of Yellow

    Know Thyself

    The People You Show You’ve Made It

    Van Gogh’s Chair

    Birds in Cages

    The Bat

    Every Movement of the Gills

    About the Author

    About the Press


    On the Bus

    Yesterday on the bus, while I was quickly searching my pockets for the change I had misplaced, and the bus was fast approaching my stop, what seemed to be a short fat boy left his seat and bulled into me to get past.  It seemed intentional.  I then, before I had even found the change in my pockets, stepped forward onto his foot, crushing it with that half-inadvertence that tries to better position itself for a departure.  Even before I found my money, so intent was I on getting him back.  Both of us, I felt, knew that what I had done was not unintentional.  Finally, I found my money just before the bus pulled up to the stop.  He got off first and I strode past him only to find that we both were going to cross the street at the same time.  It was then that we caught each other's eye simultaneously.  He stood at an angle.  He was short, stocky, and had a military cap on.  Rather older looking than a student, but dressed like one.  He then limped across the street almost forgetting me—he was crippled.  I didn't know what to think of having crushed his foot so decisively.  Only, was it the good one I had stepped on, or the lame foot?

    The Orange

    Repeatedly I sunk the knife into the orange as it rolled across the table further and further away from me the more I stabbed it. The juice rose in beads each time I withdrew the knife, and gradually left a trail anyone could follow to the orange.  Its pulp soon collapsed and left only the torn rind on the table.  The skin had indeed merged with the flesh; the sacs seem all to have been broken open and unable to give the torn orange the structure it had before.  It was an abortion of an orange.  A piece of fruit miscast.  A miscarriage.  It no longer looked like an orange, but like something that had suffered repeated collisions and released the vital juices beneath it with no longer a desire to function as anything identifiable.  Disgusted with having so distorted the orange, with having changed its identity, I cocked my head and as best I could licked up the trail of juice it made on the table.  What were the orange live could be called wiping up the trail of fear that it had left behind.

    The Hemophiliac

    The hemophiliac walk through the world is a constant series of dangers.  Projecting points, tables’ edges, the snaps on women's dresses, sheets of paper, blades of grass.  The very ground he walks on in a moment he could be tumbling towards.  The softest earth that seems to hold no danger in a moment will trip him and exact the libation it desires.  The ground, having passed the day when portions of it were consecrated, exacts its rights from the hemophiliac, the easy mark who in an instant will spill blood for it.  And how many years will one track of land wait for the hemophiliac, how many bunches of flowers will it support, and how much practice will it get absorbing rainfall?  And how it will finally disdain it as not the real thing.  All the time waiting

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