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One Day, Maybe She'll Come
One Day, Maybe She'll Come
One Day, Maybe She'll Come
Ebook207 pages2 hours

One Day, Maybe She'll Come

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Embark on a captivating journey through the vibrant corridors of youth and love in "One day, maybe she'll come." This enthralling novel intricately weaves the bitter-sweet complexities of affection, tradition, and secret pasts. Meet Aryan, a hopeful romantic, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Tanvi, the enigmatic girl of his dreams, amidst the bustling university campus in New Beginnings.

As friendships blossom, witness Aryan's heart set ablaze by Tanvi's mysterious charm in the unfolding tale where Sparks Ignite, drawing him into the magnetic pull of love at first sight. The Heart's Strategy reveals Aryan's creative proposals in a heartwarming chess game to win Tanvi over, each page turning with anticipation.

Experience the Flavors of Love as Aryan and Tanvi's bond grows over street food and shared laughter. However, Love Under Lockdown brings forth the challenges they face as strict traditions and parents become barriers to their deepening connection. Whispers of the Past unravel secrets that could alter everything, testing the strength of their bond in Questioning the Bond.

The climactic build-up in Unveiled Sorrows adds weight to the power of emotions, leading to a heart-wrenching test of love at The Fork in the Road. In At the Edge of Forever, suspense reaches a peak, and fates are entwined in unexpected ways. Rising From the Ashes depicts characters rising resiliently from tragedy, culminating in a touching denouement, Letting Go and Holding On.

Release dateDec 7, 2023

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    Book preview

    One Day, Maybe She'll Come - Parbhis Rehan


    In the quiet corners of North East Assam, where mist-kissed landscapes weave tales of mystery, and the pulse of life echoes through the hills, emerges a new narrative. I am Parbhis Rehan, a 17-year-old dreamer, and the architect of worlds both tangible and imagined. As I pen down One Day, Maybe She’ll Come, I invite you to traverse the realms of emotions, mystery, and the delicate dance of young hearts.

    Growing up amidst the lush beauty of Assam, my love for storytelling found its voice in the fabric of fiction. This book, like the gentle rustle of leaves in my hometown, whispers the tale of Aryan and Tanvi. Against the backdrop of a vibrant Mumbai college, their story unfolds—a tapestry woven with the threads of friendship, love, and the poignant notes of unforeseen tragedy.

    Beyond the pages, my journey extends into the digital realm, where I’ve navigated the intricate codes of websites like Hola Teen, Gobblesshop, and Turbo Vpn. Coding, much like crafting a story, is an art of creation, and in both, I find the power to shape worlds.

    Running on the Strange Road and Are You All Right marked the early chapters of my storytelling odyssey. Now, One Day, Maybe She’ll Come ventures into the realms of unspoken secrets, forbidden love, and the resilience that emerges in the face of heartbreak.

    As you embark on this literary journey with me, I hope to transport you into a world where every coded line and written word converge to paint a vivid tapestry of emotions. Whether you are a fellow dreamer, a coding enthusiast, or simply someone seeking solace in the embrace of fiction, I welcome you to join Aryan and Tanvi on their quest for love and self-discovery.

    May the pages ahead unfold like a well-crafted algorithm, leaving you with a symphony of emotions and the anticipation of what lies beyond the next line.

    With storytelling dreams,

    Parbhis Rehan

    Ig - @parbhisrehan

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    Welcome to an intuitive dance of words where emotion takes precedence and every moment is an intricate step in the waltz of life. This tale emerges as a canvas, painting the story of characters whose lives are rich with longing and a zeal that can only be quenched by embracing the roller coaster ride called love. It begins with Aryan, with his undying optimism and heartfelt daydreams, a hopeless romantic in the truest sense. His path soon crosses with Tanvi, a young woman with eyes like the monsoon sky—stormy yet brimming with unspoken tales. Their rendezvous sets forth a journey where secrets and smiles are just a heartbeat away.

    Through the vibrant corridors of youth and into the amphitheater of complex emotions, we will traverse with a trio inseparable by trials or time. Rahul, Rohit, and Raj—friends bonded by their shared experiences—adventure and support each other as they each find their footing in a world constantly challenging their beliefs and bonds. Just as the hues of dawn promise the day’s potential, this ensemble of characters lights up the narrative with their individual sparkle that collectively illuminates the landscape of our story.

    As the narrative unfolds, we are invited to peer into the tapestry of relationships, where every thread holds a sentiment tenderly intertwined with another. In this quiet corner, let the pages flutter like autumn leaves, whispering of love nurtured, love challenged, and love rediscovered. Here, in these very lines, a poignant tale of resilience awaits—a chronicle of youth and yearning, where every triumph and tribulation is a note in the symphony of the human heart.

    Introduction Of Characters

    The heart of our story pulses with the lives of characters rich in dreams and drenched in the hues of their complexities and desires. First, we are acquainted with Aryan, whose every breath whispers the promise of love. He wanders through life with poetry in his pocket and hope as his compass, embodying the spirit of a romantic not yet jaded by the cynicism of the world. His open heart is a beckoning canvas, inviting the bold strokes of an epic love story to unfold across its expanse.

    Next, we meet Tanvi, a young woman cloaked in allure and enigma. She carries within her a tumult of secrets like hidden pearls, too precious and piercing to unveil. Tanvi is an intricate mosaic of strength and vulnerability, a contradiction of sorts, who holds within her the power to draw Aryan into a whirlwind of emotional depth he has yet to comprehend.

    The narrative would be amiss without the boisterous camaraderie of The Three Musketeers: Rahul, Rohit, and Raj. These friends weave a tapestry of support around Aryan, their jests and bonds as fierce as they are endearing. They are the echoes of laugher in a quiet room, the providers of respite from the solitude that often shadows one’s quest for love. Each friend, with their distinctive quirks and personal journeys, contributes to the symphony of experiences that guide Aryan’s path.

    Together, these characters form the cornerstone upon which our saga is constructed. They offer us a glimpse into the myriad ways in which love shifts the tectonics of one’s being. They are the avatars through which we navigate the labyrinth of relationships and personal growth, their stories interlacing to reveal patterns of the delicate human condition.

    As each person steps onto the stage of this tale, the curtain lifts on a tableau of youthful aspiration and yearning, set against a backdrop painted with the vivacious colors of university life, the whisperings of friendships, and the silent language of glances exchanged in corridors. Thus, our stage is set, the players introduced, and we await the first act to begin, where hearts will be lost and found within the turning pages of this journey.

    Aryan: The Hopeful Romantic weaves a tale of heartfelt aspirations and the tender quest for love. With a heart worn bravely on his sleeve, Aryan’s unceasing optimism in the pursuit of affection casts a warm glow upon the pages of his story. He strolls through the winding pathways of the campus, where the scent of ancient books mingles with youthful dreams, ever vigilant for that serendipitous moment when fate would have him stumble upon his destined one. His romantic daydreams are not mere flights of fancy but the lifeblood that courses through his veins, endowing him with the courage to believe that beyond every corner and within every shared glance, a love story awaits its dawn.

    In his ceaseless reverie, Aryan is the epitome of the lovestruck poet, albeit in the guise of an everyday college student. His friends often chuckle at his grandiose declarations of finding ’the one', yet they cannot help but admire his unwavering faith in the magic of love. To Aryan, the ordinary is but a canvas for the extraordinary—a chance meeting at the library, an exchange of smiles in the cafeteria, the languid afternoons spent under the sun-dappled canopy of the campus gardens—all potentially pivotal scenes in his future love story.

    Yet, beneath the veneer of his romantic idealism, Aryan harbors a quiet fortitude. He understands, albeit through a lens tinted with hope, that love is not simply about grand gestures or poetic confessions; it is also about patience, understanding, and the gentle intertwining of lives. He’s determined to find someone who resonates with his soul, and with whom he can share the symphony of life’s experiences. His journey of love is marked not by a series of conquests, but by the depth of connection he seeks—an odyssey not just to find love, but to nurture and sustain it through life’s unpredictable voyage.

    Tanvi: The Girl With a Secret subtly commanded the whispers of her cohorts at the university, a lone figure flanked by mystery. Her eyes, dark as the monsoon clouds that shrouded her hometown in secrecy, seemed to flicker with untold tales every time they caught the piercing gaze of Aryan. She danced through the hallways with an enigmatic grace, her laughter a light veneer over the depth of her silence. Beyond her charismatic allure and academic brilliance was a labyrinth of truths waiting to be discovered, truths that she held closely, like the fragile wings of a butterfly.

    In the midst of a budding infatuation, Aryan yearned to know the girl whose laughter was as infectious as a melodious tune yet guarded like a treasure. Each encounter was a maze, a delicate dance of questions and half-answers. It was more than the blush of first love that painted Tanvi’s presence in soft, pastel shades; it was the tightening grip of a secret that seemed to etch shadows beneath her eyes. Her friends, the Three Musketeers, cast knowing glances each time her name crossed someone’s lips, their loyalty forming a protective shield around her hidden heartaches.

    The campus breathed her name with a mix of reverence and curiosity. Tanvi’s life was a tapestry rich with vibrant threads, yet there were knots and tangles hidden on the underside, a hidden narrative only hinted at in hushed tones and half-conversations. Aryan’s quest to win her heart felt like navigating through a starlit sky, each flicker of intimacy a constellation to chart, drawing him closer to unlocking the celestial secrets she harbored within. Little did he know that what lies beneath was not just a story of tender vulnerabilities but a testament to the resilience of a girl who loved as fiercely as she guarded her past.

    The Three Musketeers: Rahul, Rohit, and Raj emerged not only as the staunch comrades to Aryan but as harbingers of mirth amidst the trials of heart that our protagonist faced. It was in the dormitory’s moonlit sanctum that their brotherhood was forged, between idle banter and shared aspirations. Though distinct in disposition—Rahul with his undying optimism, Rohit with his quick wit, and Raj with a steadfast loyalty—their unity lay in an unspoken pledge to sail together through the turbulent seas of their college years.

    Rahul, often the instigator of their escapades, carried an infectious energy that could turn the dreariest of days into a cascade of laughter. It was he who pulled Aryan from the shadows of his reveries, teaching him to dance in the rain of life’s uncertainties. Rohit, on the other hand, wielded sarcasm like a fencer’s foil, each jesting parry leaving behind a spark in the eyes of his friends, igniting a fire that would light their way through the darkest of times. Yet, beneath the razor-sharp humor, lay a profound thinker, ever ready to untangle the threads of emotional quandaries that entwined their hearts.

    Raj, the quiet guardian of their trio, spoke seldom but with words weighed by thought and laden with sagacious empathy. His advices, though given sparingly, echoed with the wisdom of an old soul, offering solace when the burdens of love’s labor grew heavy upon Aryan’s heart. Together, Rahul, Rohit, and Raj stood as pillars for one another, their bond a testament to the unwavering spirit of youth; where each challenge was met with solidarity, each joy amplified by shared triumphs, and every sorrow lessened by the balm of brotherly love.


    New Beginnings

    The morning held a treasure of soft golden hues as the sun broke free from the gentle grasp of the horizon. Aryan adjusted the rearview mirror of his weathered sedan, capturing the dorm buildings that stood with architectural pride on the rear canvas of his new journey. Today marked not just the beginning of his college journey, but a fresh chapter in his existence. With the rear mirror reflecting the past that was his home, Aryan felt a pang of excitement mingled with a silent whisper of nostalgia.

    As the engine idled, emitting a low thrumming rhythm, he couldn’t help but wonder about the faces and friendships that would fill the voids of these upcoming chapters. The university campus lay sprawling before him—a huge canvas on which he’d soon paint his days with the vibrant colors of youth, aspiration, and possibly... love.

    Aryan was the hopeful romantic, his heart ever beating in anticipation of a grand love story, much like the ones he’d seen in films and read about in the tattered novels that adorned his shelf. With a familial legacy of successful arranged marriages, he harbored a tender hope to break the mold and experience a romance that was all-consuming, unplanned, and passionate.

    His thoughts were gently interrupted by the animated chatters and the shuffle of eager new students around him. Lugging his bags up the steps to the residence hall, he joined what was the beginning of numerous moments of ‘firsts.’

    Somewhere amidst the excitement, down the corridor of the Arts Building, walked Tanvi. Tanvi, the girl with heavy kohl eyes and a guarded demeanor, peppered with mystery in every step she took. She was carrying more than her art supplies in that battered brown leather bag of hers — a secret nestled close to her heart — one that made her cautious, yet intriguingly complex.

    They hadn’t met yet, Aryan and Tanvi, but their stories were about to intertwine, creating a tapestry rich in emotions and adorned with the unexpected. It was a tale that promised to embroil not only them but a cast of characters who would become pivotal to their journey.

    Among those were The Three Musketeers, as they’d come to call themselves—Rahul, Rohit, and Raj. Three best friends, distinct as individuals but united in their bond, they would soon form Aryan’s inner circle, challenging him, supporting him, and at times, unintentionally throwing his heart into disarray.

    The first day buzz was the electricity that powered the campus, its current running through every handshake, every polite introduction, and the quiet sifting through class schedules. Aryan stood outside the main hall, taking a deep breath, readying himself for the thrum of new voices that would soon learn his name.

    Glimpsing his reflection in the glass door of the lecture hall, Aryan straightened his jacket. His mother’s parting words echoed gently,

    Remember who you are and who you’re meant to be. He didn’t just carry expectations in his backpack; he carried the dreams of those who saw

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