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Summer's Hope
Summer's Hope
Summer's Hope
Ebook181 pages2 hours

Summer's Hope

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About the Book
In Summer's Hope, Summer is a little girl who has challenges in her life and has made a special bond with a horse. They grow up together and learn that obstacles can be overcome with patience, determination, and lots of support and love from family and friends. Their bond is so special like they were meant to find each other and be able to complete in anything they set out to accomplish.
About the Author
Maryann Martinez has been working as a registered nurse for the past thirty years. She loves her job, taking care of patients of all ages. She has four children and eight grandchildren, who are all very special in her life and give her inspiration.
Like Summer, Maryann also has her own horse, Thor, whom she raised from the day he was born. He is her passion and she loves going for long rides after work to clear her mind and decompress. Maryann’s grandchildren also love riding him, and it is wonderful they get that experience, something they will always remember.

Release dateDec 14, 2023
Summer's Hope

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    Summer's Hope - Maryann Martinez


    The contents of this work, including, but not limited to, the accuracy of events, people, and places depicted; opinions expressed; permission to use previously published materials included; and any advice given or actions advocated are solely the responsibility of the author, who assumes all liability for said work and indemnifies the publisher against any claims stemming from publication of the work.

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    Copyright © 2023 by Maryann Martinez

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    ISBN: 979-8-89027-138-9

    eISBN: 979-8-89027-636-0

    Summer’s Hope is dedicated to all children.

    With lots of love, help, and encouragement,

    children can overcome any obstacle.

    Chapter One

    It is the spring of 1975 in Green Falls, Montana, and all of the flowers are in bloom, birds singing and hummingbirds looking for all of the sweet nectar. Not a cloud in the sky, sun shining so bright that it hurts your eyes. It is a perfect day, thinks Mrs. Sarah Billows, who is nine months pregnant and waiting for the blessed moment. Mr. David Billows is outside checking to make sure that everything is in order with all of the animals and anxiously waiting for Sarah to tell him that it is time to go the hospital. The dogs and cats are fed and they can feel the anxiety of David as they follow him around, not leaving his side. It appears they are anxious too. Why shouldn’t they be, for there is going to be a new addition to the family and everyone is prepared for the arrival of the new baby, which can happen any day now.

    David and Sarah have decided to be surprised as to the gender of their child. The baby’s room is decorated with soft yellow and soft green colors. The crib is decorated with a quilt that was made by the neighborhood quilt club. It is a beautiful soft white with a rocking horse in each square. There are blue horses, pink horses, purple horses, black horses, yellow horses, brown horses, and let’s not forget green horses. Sarah is keeping herself busy tidying up the house, for she wants it to be perfect for when they bring their child home. Sarah’s thought is that a tidy house is a happy home.

    Walking up and down the stairs has become a chore the last couple of weeks, but Sarah keeps on going. While walking up the stairs to put laundry away, suddenly Sarah feels a strange cramping that she has never had before. She wonders, could this be the first sign that the baby will be coming soon! Sarah continues to do her chores and about thirty minutes later, along comes another cramp. Sarah calls to David and he comes rushing in.

    Is it time to go the hospital?

    She responds by saying, I’m not sure! I have been having strange cramps, and I believe they are contractions.

    David goes to the phone to notify Sarah’s doctor about the contractions. Her doctor informs David to monitor them and when they start to get fifteen minutes apart, then she should go to the hospital.

    David tells Sarah what her doctor had said. He tells Sarah, You should relax, and you know that!

    Sarah tells him, I can’t; I am nervous. I will just keep walking around; it helps me to relax.

    She continues to walk around the house, goes outside and with the dogs and cats following her around, then suddenly she stops and says, Ouch!

    David comes rushing outside and asks her if she is alright.

    Of course I am; it is just part of the labor. Got to have a little pain in order to have our child.

    After about fifteen minutes, another contraction comes along and off to the hospital go David and Sarah.

    Arriving at the hospital, David is so nervous. It seems like he drops everything. You would think he is the one having the baby. Sarah reminds him to calm down.

    How can I calm down? Our child will be here today, he says.

    Sarah just laughs at him and smiles very calmly. Meanwhile her contractions increase and are becoming stronger.

    Sarah is checked into her room and her nurse is very calm and tells her and David that everything will be alright, for women have babies all of the time.

    Sarah tells her, I know, but just remind David when he seems to be on edge.

    The nurse just laughs and tells the both of them that it happens all of the time. You would think that the father is the one having the baby.

    Sarah laughs and says, Right!

    Sarah’s doctor comes in and talks with the both of them and explains the process that will happen, such as they will break her water and then the contractions will become stronger. Once she gets to ten centimeters, then it will be time for their baby to come into the world. Sarah looks at David and she swears he is about ten shades of green. David sits down for a few minutes to get his stomach to stop turning. Sarah asks him if he is alright.

    Of course I am, he tells her in a very nervous, trembly voice.

    The nurse asks him if he would like something to drink, and he gladly accepts a glass of water.

    About two hours go by, and David is pacing the floor. Sarah tells him to sit down because he is going to wear a hole in the floor. David finally sits down in the chair and he nods off.

    Finally, Sarah tells herself quietly, now maybe I can close my eyes for a few minutes.

    An hour passes by, and the nurse comes into the room and informs Sarah and David that it is time for their baby to be born. She goes and gets Sarah’s doctor as they prepare for the arrival of their baby. Both of them are so excited and anxiously await their new addition to their family.

    The doctor and delivery team come into the room and prep for the arrival of the new baby.

    Sarah’s doctor asks them both, What are you going to name your baby?

    Sarah tells her that they never really thought about names because they do not know the gender. Sarah told her that when their baby is born and they look into his or her beautiful face and eyes, they would then be able to name the baby.

    The doctor and nurses state, How beautiful that is!

    Sarah is starting to have stronger contractions at this point.

    Her doctor states, Okay, Sarah, it is time for your bundle of joy to come into the world.

    David is so nervous that he is biting his fingernails.

    Okay, Sarah, let’s give a good, strong push.

    Sarah holding her breath and pushing with everything she has, her doctor tells her to stop for a moment and tells her that the head is out. David looks in total disbelief; he can’t believe that their baby is coming. He is so excited that he is kissing Sarah on the cheek over and over. The doctor tells Sarah that it is time for another good, strong push. With a deep breath, Sarah pushes again with everything she has. All of a sudden, there is a loud cry and her doctor tells both of them that it is a girl.

    David is crying with joy, and Sarah is smiling and tears of joy are also coming down. David is allowed to cut the cord, and the little girl is wrapped up in a blanket and placed on Sarah’s chest. The little one opens her eyes to look at her mom. Sarah looks at David and tells him that she is a ray of sunshine in the summer sky. David looks at Sarah and tells her that the beautiful girl will be named Summer Rae Billows. The nurses and doctor state that is a beautiful name and fits her perfectly.

    Sarah told David, We will always have a ray of sunshine in our house as long as Summer is here.

    There’s a knock on the door, and in comes a middle-aged woman with a white lab coat on. My, my, aren’t you beautiful? she says, looking at Summer.

    Yes, she is, says David very proudly.

    My name is Dr. Leaf, and I am going to be this little one’s pediatrician. So what is this lovely child’s name? asks Dr. Leaf.

    David, in a proud voice, says, Summer Rae Billows.

    Dr. Leaf nods her head and looks at Summer. My, that is perfect, for she does look like a ray of sunshine.

    Dr. Leaf takes Summer into the nursery to check her over to make sure that she is healthy. She comes back into the room and tells Sarah and David that she is healthy, but she does suspect that she has Down syndrome. She asks permission to do a test to check, and Sarah and David do agree to the test.

    Meanwhile, Summer is cuddled by her parents, and of course friends and family come to see the new addition to the Billows family. Dr. Leaf returns several hours later and tells Sarah and David that the test does indeed show that Summer does have Down syndrome. Sarah and David explain to Dr. Leaf that no matter what, Summer is their child and they will love her and do everything possible for her. Dr. Leaf explains to them that she may have some challenges in her life while growing up. Some of the challenges can be that she will be slow to learn, slow to walk, and may have difficulty with all or some of her milestones. Sarah and David inform Dr. Leaf that it will be alright because she is their child and they will help her with anything that she needs and will always encourage her to do the best that she can.

    I wish all parents were like the both of you, states Dr. Leaf.

    Sarah cuddles Summer a little tighter and kisses her forehead and tells her that she is special and will be able to accomplish anything that she wants to in life.

    It has been a week since Sarah and David brought Summer home. The dogs and cats just sit and listen for any sounds coming from the baby. They know that there is a new addition, and they just want to see her and play with her. David tells them to go and lie down and be patient, for she is too young to play just yet. They act like they know exactly what he is saying, and off to their beds they go. With every little sound and peep, up come heads and they look around and wait patiently for Summer to grow up.

    Summer is getting stronger and stronger every day. She is developing her own personality, and both Sarah and David see all of the little changes that take place every day. She is finding her toes, her mouth, and her eyes. New challenges occur every day with every new adventure that Summer is taking on.

    It is time for a checkup, and Summer is going to see Dr. Leaf. Summer is now six months old and very bright and loves to have people talk to her. She appears to be a social butterfly and enjoys watching other people around her. Dr. Leaf comes into the room, and there is an instant smile from Summer.

    Dr. Leaf tells her, My, you are growing up and you sure are a pretty young lady.

    Summer laughs as if she knows exactly what was said. Sarah and David just smile and enjoy watching Summer and Dr. Leaf interact with each other. Dr. Leaf asks how she is doing with eating and if she is rolling over. Sarah tells her that she loves food and occasionally she will try to roll over. One time she made it all the way over and couldn’t figure out how to get back over again. Boy, did she get upset.

    Dr. Leaf just laughs and mentions that it is good that she is progressing as well as she is. Keep up the good work with Summer, and she will grow to be a fine young lady, states Dr. Leaf.

    While the doctor is trying to listen to her heart and lungs, Summer grabs the stethoscope and puts it in her mouth.

    Sarah laughs and states, Everything goes straight to the mouth.

    Dr. Leaf tells them that it is typical for all babies to do that. Keep up the good work, she tells Sarah and David, and remember that if you have any questions or problems, just let us know. We are here for all of you and your needs.

    We will, both Sarah and David reply.

    Sarah and David promise each other that no matter what the challenge is, they will always be there for each other to provide the support that is needed with raising Summer. They decide that a positive outlook and positive actions are the key for Summer’s future.

    While walking out of the doctor’s office, everyone tells Summer Bye and See you next time. Summer smiles and waves bye-bye.

    Sarah looks at David with a perplexed look. Did you teach her to wave bye? she asks.

    He looks at her and says no.

    Just then a staff member in the office states, We always wave bye-bye to all of the children as they leave; we are sure that she is copying us.

    Just then Dr. Leaf reminds Sarah and David, She will learn from the both of you doing the same thing over and over. All children learn that way. Just remember that this is a good sign for Summer and all children.

    Winter has set in, and it is Christmastime. Summer is rolling over and crawling all over the place. She has started to pull herself up on

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