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Natural Society: The Unexpected Solution To Social Problems
Natural Society: The Unexpected Solution To Social Problems
Natural Society: The Unexpected Solution To Social Problems
Ebook133 pages1 hour

Natural Society: The Unexpected Solution To Social Problems

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Society needs to be organized. We can all agree on that. The question is how to do it. There are two options. One is top down organization by a central authority. The other is to let society organize itself based on natural law. A society like that is called natural society.
Release dateJan 25, 2024
Natural Society: The Unexpected Solution To Social Problems

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    Natural Society - David Ferguson


    Natural Society:

    The Unexpected Solution To Social Problems

    ©2023, David Ferguson

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    ISBN eBook: 979-8-35093-878-4

    *This book is based on content from my blog and from TCC Dialogue.

    Read Anatomy Of The State by Murray N. Rothbard for context that might affect how you perceive this book’s subject matter. (available at online distributors)


    What Is Natural Society?

    What Is Property?

    What Is Ownership?

    Public Property

    What Is Natural Law?

    Is It Natural Or Artificial?

    Locke, Jefferson, and Natural Rights

    Social Application: Jury Nullification

    More On Jury Nullification

    Complexity And Dispersed Knowledge

    Spontaneous Order

    Work And Property

    Social Application: Praying On A Football Field

    Social Application: Privacy And Property

    The First Amendment

    Living In Natural Society

    How To Produce Money

    Hard Planning Versus Soft Planning

    Social Application: Discrimination

    Social Application: Climate Control

    A Greater Depression

    Social Application: Public Education

    Some Natural Laws



    The Goldsmith Principle

    Hierarchy Versus Spontaneous Order

    Comparative Advantage

    The Marvelous Price System

    You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy

    Is Understanding Natural Society Natural?

    Time Preference And Economic Growth

    Social Application: Land Ownership

    Methodological Individualism

    Austrian Business Cycle Theory (ABCT)

    Natural Order

    Opportunity Cost


    What Is Money?

    .Price Controls

    Social Application: The Drug War

    Different Kinds Of Laws

    Natural Law Cannot Be Repealed

    Not On My Property

    Political Voting Versus Marketplace Voting

    Individuals Are Society

    Profit And Loss


    More On Time Preference

    Political Power

    Stocks, Bonds, And CD’s

    Social Application: Economic Justice

    Is Economics Value Free?

    The Downside Of Interdependence

    Reality And Delusion

    Conservatives And Liberals

    Some Thoughts On Political Philosophy

    Negative Feedback Loops

    Earthquake Analogy

    Gradually Then Suddenly


    The Drive To Centralize

    The Unnatural Corporation


    Deficit Spending And The National Debt

    The Collectivist Mindset

    Say Versus Keynes

    The Gini Coefficient

    The Iron Law Of Centralized Power

    Emotions Are Not Logical

    Dispute Resolution Companies

    Fiat Law Versus Natural Law

    The Giant Negative Feedback Loop

    Racism, Nationalism, and Collectivism

    Inflation And Debt

    Thank You/ Thank You

    What Is An Economist?

    Creativity And Entrepreneurship

    The Tragedy Of The Commons

    The Two Fishermen Again

    Jefferson, Madison, And Hamilton


    Capitalists, Entrepreneurs, And Stockholders

    Accounting And Banking

    Society Is Not A Family

    Keynes Versus Mises

    Liquidity And Banks

    Positive And Negative Feedback Loops

    Exploitation And Opportunity Cost

    The Camel’s Nose

    Scientists, Kings, And Police Officers

    Social Contract Theory

    More On Natural Rights And Natural Wrongs

    Natural Law Versus Authority

    Economics Versus Politics

    A One World Order

    Borders And Fences

    Power Seekers

    Liberty Or Political Power

    Social Application: The No State Solution

    Social Application: Conscription And Utilitarianism

    More On Land Ownership And Control

    The People Versus The Power Seekers

    A Social Organization Paradigm Shift

    This Could Be Our Future

    What Is Natural Society?

    Natural society is based on natural law, natural rights, and natural order. It is a society that is neither planned nor administered by central authorities. It is a self organizing complex adaptive system designed to function according to the immutable laws of nature. In this book you will learn about self organization and the natural laws of social organization. You will also learn about laws that are not natural. These are called fiat law.

    What Is Property?

    Property is what you own. There are four ways to become a just owner of property according to natural law. Acquiring property according to natural law does not cause conflict with the potential for violence. 1. You can produce it. 2. You can trade for it. 3. You can receive it as a gift. 4. You can homestead it. For example I can own berries by growing them myself, trading for them, receiving them as a gift, or finding them unowned in a forest.

    What Is Ownership?

    To own something means it is naturally right for you and only you to control it. You can trade it or you can give it away or you can keep it and use it. For example if I own my car no one else can use it without my permission but I can sell it, donate it, drive it, or just keep it in my garage. If I wanted to I could even discard or destroy it.

    Public Property

    Public property is an oxymoron whereas the phrase private property is redundant. If property and ownership are correctly defined there can be no such thing as public property. Property by definition is private. The public cannot own property because property ownership by definition means that the owner is entitled to exclusive use of the property which means no one else can use it without permission. If everyone owns something then no one owns it. Of course this does not mean that no one controls it. You would find this out if you ever try to enter a public building without permission. It just means that the person controlling it is not the owner.

    What Is Natural Law?

    Natural law is a relationship between entities or actions and consequences. To qualify as natural law the relationship must be universal and independent of time and place. For example the law of gravity applies no matter the time or place. There are two categories of natural law. One pertains to physical natural law such as the law of gravity. The other pertains to human nature. According to this category of natural law there are natural rights and natural wrongs. Actions that are naturally wrong result in conflict and violence. . Natural law holds that there are universal moral standards that are inherent in humankind throughout all time, and these standards should form the basis of a just society. Human beings are not taught natural law per se. Instead, we discover it by consistently making choices for good instead of evil. - internet quote What is naturally right or naturally wrong like all natural laws is discovered by observation or experience. It can then be taught to others. For example, stealing property is naturally wrong. Actions that are naturally wrong create conflict with the potential for violence. That is a natural law.

    From the Stoics to Aquinas to Locke to Rothbard natural law pertaining to society has been discovered and explained as the correct way to minimize conflict and violence. Humans are animals that have the capacity to reason. That is what makes us different from other animals. Other animals are not capable of understanding concepts like property, ownership, and morality. Therefore they live by the law of the jungle. The law of the jungle is a system or mode of action in which the strongest survive, presumably as animals in nature or as human beings whose activity is not regulated by the laws or ethics of civilization. —Internet quote Observing our current unnatural society,

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