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My Spiritual Coffee
My Spiritual Coffee
My Spiritual Coffee
Ebook110 pages52 minutes

My Spiritual Coffee

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About this ebook

This short book, My Spiritual Coffee, introduces the reader to an inspirational collection of scripture verses from the Bible.

The purpose of this book is to draw the reader into discovering the Bible for themselves through the experiences of the author. My goal in writing this book was to encourage readers to discover the beauty, truth, hope, and encouragement in God's words.

Colossians 3:15-17 says to "let the peace of Christ control your hearts" and "the word of Christ dwell in you richly". Hopefully, by reading His written words, you will be able to find the same peace I did. 

Release dateJan 26, 2024
My Spiritual Coffee

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    My Spiritual Coffee - Judy Skelley

    The Living Word

    A black and white illustration of a bible Description automatically generated

    HEBREWS 4:12 SAYS, The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

    In John 4:14 Jesus refers to himself as living water and those who drink of it will never be thirsty again.

    We need to first come before the Lord when we start to read his word and ask Him to give us understanding. His Holy Spirit will start to open our spiritual eyes and illuminate the word to us. I experienced this several years ago when I approached the Bible again, after a few failed attempts to understand it on my own. Suddenly it was making sense to me, and I remember thinking, I didn’t know all of this good stuff was in here!

    God speaks to us through His written word. It gives us understanding, clarity, peace, strength, and guidance—also comfort and encouragement, and even conviction.

    Everything we need to get in the right frame of mind to handle the day. If I don’t spend enough time in the word, I can tell. Both spiritually and mentally. Just like when I know I need another cup of coffee, I know I need to get back into the word, into my spiritual coffee! Once you come to the fountain and drink from the living water, you will never be the same.

    Hebrews 4:12 John 4:14

    Our Helper

    A black and white illustration of a bible Description automatically generated

    KNOWING AND EXPERIENCING the Holy Spirit makes all the difference in our faith. It changes everything. The Holy Spirit illuminates God’s word to us and gives life to our spiritual being. He enlightens us, changes our perspective, and helps us to see things as God does.

    In John 16:7, Jesus tells his disciples that it is better for them if he goes away because he is sending them an advocate. He will be their teacher and will guide them into all truth. (John 16:13). Jesus says in Luke 11:13, that all we have to do is ask our heavenly Father to fill us with his spirit. He compares this to an earthly father who gives his children gifts. How much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?

    He is a good God and our heavenly father, and he wants to bless us. He wants to fill us with his spirit. God sent his son to us here on earth, and Jesus left us His Holy Spirit. Jesus also said the holy Spirit will remind us of all that God’s word teaches us. So many times, when I am studying scripture and trying to remember where a certain verse is, I’ll ask the Holy Spirit, and within minutes, I will come to it! Or I’ll ask him to help me remember something, and he does! It’s amazing, yet true.

    He is our good, and perfect Father!

    John14, John 16

    Silver and Gold

    A black and white illustration of a bible Description automatically generated

    THE BIBLE SAYS THAT the benefits of gaining godly wisdom and knowledge are better than silver and gold! It’s like finding a rare gem. God was so impressed with Solomon’s prayer for wisdom, that he made him the wisest person on earth, (1st Kings 3:12). The book of James tells us that if we ask God for wisdom, it will be given to us, generously. (James

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