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Jasper And The Salamander: The Carrigan Chronicles, #1
Jasper And The Salamander: The Carrigan Chronicles, #1
Jasper And The Salamander: The Carrigan Chronicles, #1
Ebook375 pages5 hours

Jasper And The Salamander: The Carrigan Chronicles, #1

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About this ebook

It's nothing like what I expected.

It's like a poem that doesn't rhyme. It's so special...

This book has values and priorities, struggles and development, friendship and loyalty, love and partnership. It gives you so many things to think about. One minute, it makes you smile and laugh, another - you're so deep in your dark thoughts that it seems that there is no way out.

I truly enjoyed this journey.

Alinar Den, author and Unfamous Book Reveiws


In "Jasper and the Salamander," the intertwining threads of love, time travel, and divine intervention create a captivating narrative. J. J. Caler masterfully weaves the tapestry of Jasper's journey, from the sun-soaked shores of the 1720s Bahamas into an unpredictable future.

The novel takes readers on a rollercoaster through history and emotions, surviving wars and witnessing the unpredictability of fate.

The blend of historical drama, mythology, and the supernatural ensures "Jasper and the Salamander" stands as a riveting journey through time and beyond.
Sally Rooney, author

PublisherJ. J. Caler
Release dateJan 25, 2024
Jasper And The Salamander: The Carrigan Chronicles, #1

J. J. Caler

I am just your basic guy who was born in the mid south. I have travelled to every state in the continental U.S. and have crossed into Canada and Mexico for short visits. I spent half of my early years in the Pacific Northwest, taking on the love of the ocean. I joined the Navy as soon as I received my diploma. Short lived, still an experience I would never trade away. I have worked in many jobs and professions, and finally, have discovered that I really love to write. Not so much telling stories as relaying them from the characters I create.  I do this purely because I enjoy it. I have no illusions. But I hope that there are many people out there that can enjoy these tales and go along on the journeys with me.

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    Jasper And The Salamander - J. J. Caler

    For my wife and children and to David ’Blejack’ Lint  J.J.C.

    IN JASPER AND THE SALAMANDER, a novel by J. J. Caler, Jasper is a reluctant pirate who falls in love with Maeve, a beautiful tavern girl, in the 1720s Bahamas. After their daughter Erin is born, they are transported to 1912 by a vortex and witness the sinking of the Titanic.

    They then discover that they are part of a cosmic conflict between the Greek gods, especially Ares, who wants to claim Jasper as his warrior, and Aphrodite, who is Maeve's mother and protector. Jasper resists Ares' temptations and earns the support of Athena, Eris, and Poseidon.

    They settle in England and survive two world wars, only to be killed by a V2 rocket. However, in another twist of fate they reunite with their daughter, who inherits a magical talisman and armor from Aphrodite, Eris and Athena.

    The story ends with a cliffhanger for the sequel, where Erin will embark on a new adventure with her parents, uncles, and the goddesses.

    1: Branded

    THE OLD MAN SAT ON the stepped bench inside the small open walled building, looking across at a tombstone that read, Jasper and Maeve Carrigan. Their Final Port of Call, January 21, 1945. Their Voyage Begins.

    He looked around at the faces. He estimated about six hundred were present. About as many as were there for their wedding all those years ago.

    He tapped his cane on the stone walk as two young ginger headed boys were making a ruckus, getting their attention.

    Come over here, let me tell you about the man your grampa was.

    The boys stopped scuffling and looked over at him.

    Well come on, we are only immortal for a limited time.

    One of the boys asked, You knew grampa?

    Oh yes, I knew him. We were friends. Jasper had a lot of friends. I was there the day he met your grandmother. Oh boys, she was a sight to see. He never had a chance.

    The boys climbed up on the bench on either side of the old man who sat there, wearing a weathered old suit and steel rimmed glasses.  He flipped a gold pocket watch open and looked at the inscription inside, To Joey. My faithful sailor and friend. your Cappy. He held it up to his ear and listened to the tiny melody.

    Let me tell you about Jasper and Maeve Carrigan and the Salamander...

    IN THE 18TH CENTURY Bahamas, you would likely find Jasper sitting inside a dimly lit tavern. A barkeep cleans glasses at the bar that runs along on his right, diagonally, toward the door. He was seated at a rough wooden table with his legs crossed and his boots pointing to the ceiling from the tabletop. There are other sea-worn men seated beside him at the table, and several scattered around the room.

    The captain, a tall, slim but muscular man with reddish hair and a small red beard, sits with his first mate, who is just as tall, but a bit thicker and bears a black beard and black hair. They were both coming in at six foot one, and then there was Paul, the quartermaster. You could add another cantaloupe of height for him. He came with matching black hair and beard. Jasper was the oldest, close to thirty, but not by much. All young for their positions.

    Just above and around his toes, leans a pretty tavern girl, wearing a white top and a blue apron, standing out like a dove in a coal mine. Her blazing hair, like waves on the sea, flowing down beside her face. She peeks up at him with a smile as she loads the tray with empty mugs. She blocks the sun shining through the door with her smile, just for a moment. And those blue eyes captured his soul in that instant. I tell you, she bewitched the man.

    He gave her a smile back, and tried not to let on that anything was there. But Ol’ Joey, he knew from that moment. It might have taken a bit longer for the others. But Joey could taste it on the air.

    Just as he was about to say something to her, there was a loud commotion outside. He looks out the window and sees a group of soldiers marching towards the tavern. They are wearing the red coats of the British army, and they are armed with muskets and swords. They look angry and determined, as if they are on a mission.

    Jasper realizes that they are here to arrest him and his crew. They are wanted for piracy, plundering, and murder. There is a bounty on his head, and the British want to hang him from every gallows between the island and the Empire. He knows they have no time to waste. It was time to set sail.

    He grabs his hat and his sword and stands up from the table. He signals to his mates, who are also getting ready to fight. Jasper looks at the tavern girl and sees a mix of fear and concern on her face. He wants to take her with him this time, but he knows that it would be too dangerous. He has to leave her behind.

    He leans down and kisses her softly on the hand. He whispers, I’ll be back for you, my fair maiden. Wait for me. He doesn't believe for a moment there will be any waiting. Nor does he allow the seriousness of his feelings to show through his light-hearted invitation.

    She throws her hair back, grabs her chest, Of course, my gallant hero, there could be no other. I will count the moments. Then she turns and yells, Soldiers coming, everyone behind the bar. She turns back to Jasper, Well, off you go, before we are all shot.

    Jasper turns around and faces the door, where the soldiers are about to enter. He draws his sword and shouts, Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Come on, you scurvy dogs! Let’s show them what pirates are made of!

    Blejack, his first mate looks at him as the first bullet hits the mud and brick wall behind his head, Really? You are going to let that be the last words I hear from you?

    I wasn't leaving without you.

    Jasper and his mates charged towards the door, ready to fight their way out. They don't know if they will survive, but they don’t seem to care. They live for adventure, freedom, and love. They are pirates, and they are proud of it. Yeah. That was drivel. Jasper and his crew didn’t buy the whole pirate mantle. They were seamen. They were fighters. They even helped out the crown from time to time, and now they were pirates. Hell, now they were being hunted for bounties.

    As Jasper reaches the door, he sees the soldiers waiting for them outside. They are outnumbered, but they have the advantage of firepower. They aim their muskets at the tavern and fire. Jasper hears the loud bangs and sees the smoke and the sparks. He feels a sharp pain in his shoulder, as a bullet grazes him.

    Arr, this is my good coat!

    He ignores it and keeps running. Jasper swings his sword at the nearest soldier and cuts him down. He sees the look of blood and fear in the redcoats' eyes. He feels a rush of adrenaline and anger. He shouts, Arrr, ye landlubbers! Ye’ll pay for this! He looks back at the soldier on the ground, Not you, you just stay down there, and you can see tomorrow. These folks will patch that up like new. Jasper shifts his head as another bullet pierces his hat. Oh, for heavens sakes!, he looks back down,

    I think it makes you look more distinguished, sir The soldier on the ground offers.

    The soldier tries to reach to his musket, and Jasper puts his foot on it. Look, just behave. We aren't savages here. Then a big fellow with black beard and hat cracks the fellow in the head with a bottle, giving him some much-needed sleep.

    JASPER AND THE BOYS make their way to the street not far from where their ship is docked. He hopes that his crew is ready to sail. He knows that he has to get out of here and soon, or the port would be blockaded and filled with soldiers. He sees more soldiers coming from different directions. They are closing in on them. They are going to have to fight their way through them.

    Jasper looks for an opening, a gap, a chance. He sees a horse-drawn cart nearby. He runs towards it and jumps on the back of it. The cart being kind enough to take a few shots for him. He grabs the reins and whips the horse. He steers the cart from the rear straight towards the soldiers, breaking their formation. He yells out, Make way, make way! Coming through!

    The cart plows down the soldiers, who fall into wooden crates on the side of the path. The crew mates, dive for the wooden cart, with some success, and some, well, forgivable missteps. Grabbing the one who almost got away and pulling him in, Jasper steers the cart around the first corner getting out of the line of fire.

    He let the whip slip on the horse’s back again, taking up some speed while the street was open before them. Then soldiers ahead carry a large beam across the road in front of them.

    Jump! he yells as he bounds forward onto the back of the horse.

    Two large men bail out of the cart, one on each side, rolling into doorways on either side of the street.

    He leans down on the steed and spurs it forward, jumping the beam, the cart wheels hit it and are smashed behind him. The sound of broken wood and metal drags behind him, and he sits up to look back and laughs at the pursuers. And... is caught by a bar across the chest that spanned the street holding signs.

    He hangs there a moment, dangling above the ground as the horse and broken cart run away from him and the soldiers point their muskets up towards him, walking slowly to him with a laugh on their own lips now.

    After a quick look back at them, he turns forward and gives himself a thrust upwards, swinging onto the metal pole, he stands up, wobbling as he tries to balance.

    A soldier fires and he hops to his right. Another one fires and he jumps to his left. Each time he lands the bolts holding the bar start to loosen from the brick walls they are mounted into.

    He does half a spin to face the soldiers and a striped canvas canopy catches his eye. He watches the soldiers begin reloading and squats and flips backward, landing on the soft fabric and sliding off onto the ground. He pops up, flashing them a sheepish grin that belies his racing heart and starts to run toward the dock. As he runs, he sees his two men running in the same direction from a block over on each side of him.

    They all exchange glances as they run. Then horse hooves come up behind him and a hand reaches down. He takes hold and swings up behind his first mate. Blejack passes him his musket and turns back toward the soldiers.

    Jasper takes a shot, not really aiming at them. The soldiers dodge and run for the alley. More riders arrive to pick up his other men and they all race for the dock. John was watching Jasper, who was looking at John as first one, then a second musket ball passed through the captain's hat.

    Jasper rolled his eyes up, then reached up and felt the holes with his fingers. As Blejack kept the horse sailing across the open causeway, he pulled his hat off and probed the holes again.

    I really liked this hat! He yelled across to John.

    John heard a ball whizz by his own head and leaned forward on his own horse and yelled, We should go now.

    Yeah! We should go. Jasper yelled back, matter of fact like.

    He pulled his hat back on and leaned in beside Blejack, still piloting them to the dock.

    With the horses running as rapidly as their hearts were beating, and some fanfare of flying poultry and tables and the occasional peasants, the sound of hooves on wood over water was echoing in the afternoon air. Not a minute was lost, blades cut through rope, setting the ship free from its moors.

    Yells broke the still on deck, Hoist the mainsail! Clear the foxhole! To the sea me mateys or die on the end of the Kings rope!

    The ship came alive with movement. Drunken sailors found sobriety in short fashion. The ship moved away from the planks as the soldiers' bullets began to hit the wooden planks of the ship, its timbers shivering even. In a small lead bullet kind of way.

    A strong breeze pushed the ship out to the open waters, shrinking the angry men in red into the distance. Along with the hopes of getting to know the delicate flower of beverages and taverns on this day.

    But there was the Sea. Never forgiving but always welcoming. She would hold us in her arms tonight. And we could only hope for a calm temper and a good wind in our sails.

    The sun began to fall at the edge of the world, dipping itself into the deep waters. We would have to travel south and then turn back inland to the east to find shelter away from the open waters. This time of the year was not the time to be taking long voyages, but better to keep a good harbor in range. The storms would sweep a ship right to the heart of Davey Jones' locker and throw away the key.

    Jasper's eyes drifted as he thought of the tavern girl and her smile, and he suddenly found a longing in his chest. This was something new and not something that he would go looking for. In fact, it needed to be put to rest with as much rum as necessary and immediately. Keeping a firm grip and a clear mind is what kept a pirate alive. Not getting misty eyed over some pretty face in a tavern.

    Somewhat disappointed with himself, and somehow happy and sad at the same time, he made his way to his cabin. As he walked, he told himself, She was just making friendly, that puts silver in her purse. There is no use in thinking any more about it.

    He opens the door of his quarters and steps inside, letting his eyes adjust to the dark, he digs a match out of his pocket and lights a brass lantern hanging from a stake on the wall. He sets it down on a small table with a single drawer and takes a glance around the room. Barely polished wooden plank walls, a few clothes on the floor that missed their place. It was clean, but it was busy with tools and books and assorted objects. One of them, a well-played guitar. You could tell it had been with him for some time. The finish worn to the wood in several places. Bits of the headstock were chipped off. But it still held all six strings.

    To his right as he entered was a dressing cabinet and mirror on the fore side of the cabin with a large wardrobe at the end in the corner. He stepped up to the dresser and opened the drawer, pulling out a linen handkerchief. He shrugged off his jacket, took a bottle of rum from a slot near the mirror, and began pouring it into his wound. He bit down but didn't make a sound.

    Now, he pulled his suspenders to the side and took off his shirt, bearing a back with not only other bullet and knife wounds, but the long trails of the cat of nine down his back. He grabbed the handkerchief with his teeth and pulled a few strips of cloth from it then folded what was left of the white linen into a block just large enough to cover the now bleeding gash across his right arm. He made careful rounds with the strips and tied the bandage secure.

    He gets a fresh shirt and as he is pulling it on there is a pounding on the door.

    What is it?, he asks as he opens the door.

    Sir, it looks like we have company.

    Jasper steps back out and the crewman hands him a spyglass, pointing back to the north. A quick sweep and he spots it. A British sloop. This was going to be a long night. These ships are fast. The crew of the Salamander would need to navigate their way out of this.

    Get the Crew on deck, all quarters. All sails. We are going to have to fox them cause we canny beat ‘em. Jasper looks back at Joey, I will grab my gear. Tell Paul I need to see him, then you can get back in your nest and keep watch to the front. We don’t need any surprises."

    The captain rushes to his cabin and grabs his gear. He puts on a fresh jacket and hat and straps his sword and pistol to his belt. He shoves a brass telescope into his sash and a compass into his coat pocket, and finally, a leather tube with a map of the sea around the Bahamas. He has no idea where they are going yet, but it would be nice to find a safe place to break away and hide.

    Jasper runs back to the deck, where the crew is waiting for him. They are all armed and ready to fight. They look at him with the respect and loyalty gained from many battles and flights. They know that he is their captain, and that he will lead them in victory or in death. Jasper feels a surge of pride and gratitude. He reckons he has the best crew in the world.

    He reaches the wheel, where his first mate is steering the ship. Blejack is a tall and burly man, with a long black beard and a scarred face. He has been with Jasper since they were boys stealing grain from cattle to make a meal, and he is Jaspers most trusted friend. He nods at the captain and says, Sir, the sloop is gaining on us. They have more speed, but we have more guns. What do we do?

    Paul stepped up to the quarterdeck, Cappy, you called for me?

    Yes, Paul. How did we do on balls and powder?

    Paul looked down a bit, Well, we have plenty of balls sir, but there was a problem with some of the powder.

    Jasper turns back to him, What kind of problem? Did we get enough powder?

    Well, we did. But they were trying to play games, sir. And that led to an incident, and, well some of the powder is not exactly dry, and we are a bit shorter on rum than we had planned. But we should be ok on the rum. Paul paused for a second, Problem is, that powder needs time to dry, and even wet, the way it is now, it isn't really safe.

    So, we have the sloop out manned, and outgunned, but we can't fight them. And they are faster, so we can't outrun them.

    Captain Jasper looks at the horizon, where the sloop is closing in. He can see the British flag waving in the wind, its cannons primed, waiting for their moment. There would be no mercy in the hold of that ship. They will either sink the Salamander or capture it and every man on board. Jasper will have to live up to his legend today and outsmart them, because there was no 'outrun them' available.

    Alright then, Paul. Do the best you can with what we have. You can tell me about the incident when we get time to sit down and deplete our rum supplies.

    He takes his brass telescope and scans the sea. He looks for any islands, reefs, or rocks that he can use to his advantage. He pulls his map and tries to figure out where they are. Jasper spots a small island to the south and recalls a narrow channel. It pretty well splits the island into two, most of the time. He says to his first mate, We’re going to make a run for that island. There’s a channel there that we can squeeze through. Maybe we can lose them there.

    Blejack looks at the island and says, Are you sure, sir? You know that channel is too tight. We are more likely going to get stuck or bury the Salamander into the walls than make it through there in this brigantine.

    Jasper nods, It’s our shot. We have to take it. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.

    Yep. Blejack replies, less than convinced, I always do.

    Jasper noticed the subtle undertone in his friend's comment. Blejack always trusts him, but not that he necessarily agreed that Jasper knew what he was doing.

    Blejack turns to the crew and shouts, Listen up, lads! We’re going to make a run for that island over there. There’s a channel there that we can squeeze through. Maybe we can lose the sloop there. But it’s not being handed to us. We need to be fast and agile. We need to work together. Not a man down. These brits behind us mean to hang us, and them fish out there, well they mean to eat us? Let's disappoint everyone but ourselves today.

    The crew cheers and shouts, Aye, aye, Let's show em Captain! We’re with you!

    Jasper smiles and says, Good. Then let’s do this, Blejack. Full sails!

    Captain Jasper steers the ship towards the island, hoping to reach the channel before the British sloop catches up. He feels the wind in his hair and the spray in his face. The sails flap and the waves splash and crash against the hull. He watches the island get closer and closer. And he also sees the smaller ship getting closer and closer. The Salamander was a fast ship, but it was just stocked. And they all knew a Sloop was faster. If not for the powder, a good fight would have been in the cards. The brigantine carried more than its normal 8 pounders. And the crew would fight before running any day. But today was just not the day. She was heavy, and she wasn't ready.

    It seems like the sea is only giving up an inch at a time. The bow of the ship behind them slowly grows larger. Jasper checks his gold pocket watch, again and again. Blejack looks over, noticing the watch. Then he grins.

    Arrr, you have a plan, Cap'n. Well done.

    Jasper gives his first sign a sly grin, We aren't out of it yet. Keep the men ready, we are going to turn hard and when we hit the channel, it is going to be arsis and elbows. He pulls the spyglass from his waistband, Take the wheel, Blejack. Keep the course.

    The captain peers through the small lense looking at the shoreline. The water marks faded into the sand of the beaches. Tropical palms dance in the breeze, seemingly oblivious to their current plight. There weren’t many of these small islands left empty. Well, empty of men. This one had a few problems though. No fresh water. Lots of things that wanted to kill a man. It was small and didn’t provide much protection from the storms. But today, it might be just what we need.

    Get ready men, Jasper shouts.

    Blejack, hard starboard rudder now!  

    Blejack yells, All hard starboard!

    Jasper grabs the railing as the entire ship lisps to the port side, Bury the mainsail! he yells out as the ship rounds the edge of the island, heading into a small narrow harbor. The men start pulling down sail into piles of canvas. The walls of the cliffs start to close in fast as the ship washes into the channel. You could hear uneasy gasps as rocks caress timber. Joey lays in the crow's nest gripping the mast like a small boy holding his sleeping toy.

    Every man could feel the sweat leaving their pores as the ship slides through the passage barely wider than its breadth. Jasper stares into the water ahead, intensely watching and hoping. Behind them, the Sloop rounds the breech of the channel and sets its sights on the Salamander once again.

    It is only minutes now, as the ships get caught in the draft of the tide. The Salamander breaks through to the sea with the same abruptness of a body broken loose from the floor of the ocean pierces the surface. And behind the stern comes the glorious sound of a wooden keel burying itself into wet sand and rocks dragging against keel and bow.

    Well, that's a real shame there. Low tide must have slipped up on them boys. Hoist the canvas and let's go someplace where there is less British Sloops and hateful faces.

    Jasper takes the wheel and steers the ship in a quick pass on the small British vessel, stuck in the sand and the rocks. You know, just to show off the side cannons. The crew can see the British soldiers cursing and waving their fists at the Salamander. Captain Jasper laughs and waves back, mocking them. He yells, So long, boys! Thanks for the chase! Oh, don't get out of the ship! He points down to the waters, now showing a few dorsal fins.

    The captain turns to his crew and shouts, Well done, lads! We keep our lives another day! And another day we have lived them?

    The crew cheers and shouts. The captain hears someone shout, We are the best pirates in the world!

    Jasper smiles and says, That’s right, we are! And we deserve a reward for our bravery and skill. Let’s go find a drink somewhere there aren't folks trying to stretch our necks.

    The crew suggests various places, such as Nassau, Tortuga, Port Royal, or Havana. They all sound tempting, but The Captain has another place in mind. He says, How about we go back to the Bahamas? Those clods wouldn't expect that. They are only going to be there ‘til the tide comes back in.

    The crew agrees, and they say, Aye, aye, captain! We meant to say the Bahamas! Let’s go back to the tavern! Yeah, we love that tavern the most.

    Paul’s younger brother looks at Paul and asks. Does he mean to get us hanged?

    Paul gave Billy a shove, Shut up. You ain’t learned enough to ask questions about the captain yet.

    Jasper had other things on his mind than a drink. There was one man back there with some answering to do. He was supposed to be one of them. In fact, he was supposed to be the best of them, by his accounts. The slithering eel sold out every person that called him friend. He got himself a pardon, was supposed to make that offer to every other pirate, but instead, he reported everyone refused it, and was trying to collect the bounties on their heads.

    It isn't like Jasper and his men cared anything for the King of England's pardons. They were free men, not British subjugates. Hornigold has been getting away with this for long enough. Jasper called Blejack over to him.

    Blejack, how do you feel about us making it our business to put an end to old Ben?

    Why, I say, what's taking us. The low-down sea urchin.

    Jasper let himself slip away in thought for a few minutes. Hornigold had been chasing down other pirate ships, then laying traps for them. He kind of favored himself as Bermuda Royalty now. Friend to the Governor. He had his spies in town back there. That is what got the brits after the Salamanders crew. And it is more than betting money, what interfered with Paul getting the provisions back to the ship in order.

    Jasper speaks up finally, Well mister Ben has gotten away with this business for a year. He could have left us out of it. We never had any business with the politics of the island, or their little pirate's union. But he didn't. So now it is our business. Ol Hornigold is going to find himself out at sea on his last voyage real soon.

    You are a preaching to the choir, Cappy.

    Jasper keeps going, "Why, Blejack, far as pirates go, we might as well both have white collars and

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