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Murder Was Necessary: An Amy Bell Mystery
Murder Was Necessary: An Amy Bell Mystery
Murder Was Necessary: An Amy Bell Mystery
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Murder Was Necessary: An Amy Bell Mystery

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Scott Maybank had achieved his life's dream by founding and becoming president of the very successful Best Bodies Super Gym. Then he and his VP for finance were both shot dead while in Scott's office for a private meeting after closing time.

Scott's friend Paul hired sexy supersleuth Amy Bell to solve the murders. Amy discovered that while many people had reasons to be jealous of or dislike Scott, no one seemed to have a strong enough motive to kill him. Or maybe was the killer's intended victim actually the VP?

To solve these murders, Amy would have to think way outside the box.

Author David Schwinger, when not writing Amy Bell mysteries--there are now sixteen--enjoys composing songs, playing pickleball, and traveling the world with his wife, Sherryl. David first met Sherryl when she was his student in a mathematics class he taught at City College of New York. Their secret romance became the inspiration for his first Amy Bell mystery, The Teacher's Pet Murders.

Release dateJan 18, 2024
Murder Was Necessary: An Amy Bell Mystery

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    Book preview

    Murder Was Necessary - David Schwinger


    Murder Was Necessary

    An Amy Bell Mystery

    David Schwinger

    Copyright © 2023 David Schwinger

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2023

    Although some named locations, such as City College, are real, all depictions of persons, events, and policies at any and all locations in this book are intended to be completely fictional.

    ISBN 979-8-89157-214-0 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-89157-235-5 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Also by David Schwinger

    Wednesday, July 18, 2018

    Monday, August 13, 2018, Afternoon

    Monday, August 13, 2018, Evening

    Wednesday, August 15, 2018, Morning

    Wednesday, August 15, 2018, Afternoon

    Thursday, August 16, 2018

    Friday, August 17, 2018

    Saturday, August 18, 2018, Afternoon

    Saturday, August 18, 2018, Evening

    Monday, August 20, 2018, Morning

    Monday, August 20, 2018, Afternoon

    Tuesday, August 21, 2018

    Wednesday, August 22, 2018, Morning

    Wednesday, August 22, 2018, Afternoon

    Thursday, August 23, 2018

    Friday, August 24, 2018

    Saturday, August 25, 2018

    Sunday, August 26, 2018

    Monday, August 27, 2018

    Tuesday, August 28, 2018, Afternoon

    Tuesday, August 28, 2018, Evening

    Wednesday, August 29, 2018

    Friday, August 31, 2018

    Thursday, September 13, 2018

    Saturday, September 15, 2018

    About the Author

    Also by David Schwinger

    The Teacher's Pet Murders

    Murder Spoils the Perfect Romance

    Murder with Magic

    Murder Takes the Top Prize

    Murder on the Lido Deck

    Letter-Perfect Murder

    Willing to Murder

    Retirement Was Murder

    Reputation for Murder

    Murder Couldn't Wait

    Murder Makes Music

    Murder Hits the Campaign Trail

    Murder Saves the Day

    Murder Finds a Way

    Murder in Reverse

    To Dennis Green, who read the initial draft of my first book and made a perceptive suggestion that greatly improved that book and all my subsequent books. Dennis passed away in early 2023, and he is greatly missed, especially for his wonderful sense of humor. Dennis proudly served our country in Vietnam.

    Wednesday, July 18, 2018

    It was nearly eight thirty in the evening, and as Scott Maybank was walking down the hall toward his office, he contemplated the magnitude of his success in the exercise business.

    Five years earlier, he had quit his job in finance to cofound the Best Bodies Super Gym, and he served as president and chief operating officer of the company. Scott had carefully selected the appropriate location in Astoria, Queens, and he had set up what he felt was the perfect balance of equipment, instruction, and ambiance.

    The success of Best Bodies had exceeded even Scott's high expectations. It had become the gym to go to for many New Yorkers. The profits were rolling in for Scott and his partner, Howard Marks, who had put up two-thirds of the initial funds but, unlike Scott, did not play an active role in day-to-day management.

    As Wednesday was an early closing day—eight in the evening versus ten on some other days—Scott had developed the habit of returning to his office at the gym after closing, between the hours of eight fifteen and nine, to go over the accumulated paperwork and contemplate any developing issues. Scott sometimes left earlier than nine, if he ran out paperwork to do and stuff to think about.

    Lately, Scott also spent some of that time working out details of his planned expansion, consisting of opening two additional Best Bodies Super Gyms, in Phoenix and then in Denver. He had found what he believed were two perfect locations, but he was not yet in the final stages of planning. Scott hadn't yet told Howard about these plans as he knew Howard would require a lot more details before seriously considering anything.

    Scott usually spent this time, after hours, alone, but, on occasion, if Scott wanted to spend some time discussing a topic at length with one of his gym employees, Scott would invite that employee to meet with him at the president's office during this Wednesday evening period. For this particular evening, Scott had asked his VP for finance, Frank Magnus, to join him at eight fifteen to discuss some accounting and tax issues.

    Scott was a quarter-hour behind schedule due to a phone call he had received right before his appointment time with Frank while he was washing up in the men's room. It was from a young lady, regarding what he assured her was a misunderstanding, and it was very important to Scott—sexually speaking—that the misunderstanding be cleared up immediately and to her total satisfaction. But now all was well, and Scott opened his office door.

    Hey, Frank, sorry I'm late; would you like a drink? Did you get to look at the tax questions I sent you?

    No answer.

    Scott looked around.

    No Frank. Not on the sofa where both men would normally sit. Not on any of the other chairs in the spacious office.

    But then Scott saw his VP lying on the floor next to the sofa with his head surrounded by a pool of blood. Scott bent over in an attempt to determine whether Frank might possibly still be alive, but before he could do any investigating, someone came up behind him and shot him three times in the head. Scott died instantly.

    The killer, wearing gloves, left the gun on the sofa and proceeded to exit the building unnoticed by anyone.


    The double murder had the police completely baffled until a beautiful, smart private detective, hired by Scott's good friend, solved the whole thing for them.

    Monday, August 13, 2018, Afternoon

    At 2:30 p.m., Amy Bell was relaxing in her office at the Manhattan headquarters of Spy4U Services, Inc., located in the Forties, just off Ninth Avenue. She was listening to a medley of songs sung by her rock and roll idol, Johnny Maestro. Amy fondly recalled how, on her sixteenth birthday, in 2001, her parents had taken her to one of his live concerts and had arranged for Johnny to surprise Amy by inviting her onto the stage and singing for her his hit song Sixteen Candles.

    Her fond reminiscence was interrupted by a knock on her office door. It was her boss, Chester Murray, the founder and president of Spy4U.

    Hi, Amy, I see you're listening to your favorite singer.

    You bet, Mr. Murray; listening to Johnny always gives me such joy!

    All other employees at Spy4U addressed Chester by his first name—at his request. But Amy almost always addressed and referred to him as Mr. Murray. When asked about this, she would respond that it was a sign of the tremendous respect and gratefulness she felt toward her boss.

    In the summer of 2003, Amy had just completed her freshman year at City College (CCNY) as a political science prelaw major. Her family was not well-off financially, and Amy was seeking a part-time job to help pay her expenses. A neighbor told Amy that they had heard there was a part-time job opening at Spy4U for someone who would work mornings only.

    Early the next morning, without a CV or any other documentation of her background, Amy proceeded by subway to the Spy4U headquarters and waited outside Chester's office for him to arrive. When Chester showed up, Amy told him she was applying for the part-time job and would do anything and everything required to achieve excellence at any task required of her.

    Amy's neighbor had been mistaken. There were no job openings of any kind at Spy4U. But, despite that fact and despite Amy's lame and hackneyed presentation, Chester saw something in her—something very special. He immediately offered Amy the part-time job she was requesting. Amy was so excited that she did not bother to inquire about her salary until she had been on the job for a week.

    In 2007, when Amy graduated from CCNY, Chester offered Amy full-time employment at Spy4U. In 2009, Amy solved the murders of three fellow students in an adult education class she was taking at CCNY. Amy's role in the case gained her some media attention, and as Chester did not want to lose her to another detective agency, he promoted Amy to her current title of VP for sensitive investigations.

    Chester never regretted this decision. Amy had become a superstar at Spy4U. She had solved more than twenty murders, all of which had stumped the police, many of whom now referred to Amy as Sherlock Bell. She also was currently supervising four Spy4U employees. Law school had long since ceased to be a goal for Amy. She loved her job at Spy4U and—rightly—credited Chester as being responsible for her wonderful career.

    Amy, there are two very happy people in my office, who are very anxious to meet with you, for two reasons. First, they have some wonderful news to tell you. And second, they want to hire you and Spy4U to solve a murder. I have already worked out all the details with them regarding retaining our firm to investigate the murder. However, as usual with murder cases, the decision as to whether to accept the case will be up to you.

    Amy was beside herself with excitement.

    Oh my god, Mr. Murray, oh my god! I have no idea which two people could possibly be in your office and what kind of news they could have. And to top it all off, a new murder case! Oh my god!

    Still breathing hard, Amy accompanied her boss to his office and rushed ahead of him to open his office door. On the sofa were a couple Amy immediately recognized. They were smiling and holding hands. Amy took note of what appeared to be an engagement ring on the woman's left hand.

    Oh my god! Nancy Pernitz and Paul Deauville! Are you guys—

    Yes, Amy, interrupted Nancy, we're newly engaged to be married! And without you, we would never have even met!

    The couple proceeded to kiss passionately for about ten seconds.

    We owe it all to you, and we are very anxious for you and your husband to attend our wedding at the Bayside Inn on November 16 of this year.

    Amy had first met Nancy and Paul in the course of her investigation of the murder of a personal injury attorney. Based on her interviews with them, she decided that they would be a perfect romantic match. Amy introduced them to each other in late March of the current year via a blind date where they double-dated with herself and her husband, Jeremy. The couple hit it off immediately, exactly as Amy had expected, but of course, you never know for sure in advance.

    This was not Amy's first success as a matchmaker. Nancy and Paul's union was going to be the third marriage due to Amy's talents.

    Yes, of course, Jerry and I will be thrilled to attend!

    Unlike everyone else, Amy usually addressed and referred to her husband as Jerry; she viewed it as their special thing.

    Okay, now, Chester chimed in with a big smile, I'm also delighted for the both of you, but this is the time to tell Amy about the murder you want her and Spy4U to solve.

    Paul nodded and began his presentation. "Sure thing. As you know, Amy, before I opened my art gallery in Astoria, I was, for many years, a freelance investment advisor—in fact, I still am. For many years, until his death, Scott Maybank was my client, and I did very well for him. We became very good friends. He consulted with me when he and his partner were in the process of founding the Best Bodies Super Gym in Astoria, only a few blocks from my art gallery.

    "I was thrilled with Scott's success regarding his gym. I even worked out there on occasion but not nearly as often as I should have—I'm about twenty pounds overweight. Recently, he was making preliminary plans to expand by opening Super Gyms in Phoenix and Denver. He even explained to me why he had selected those two particular cities, and he gave his justifications for the specific locations he had in mind.

    Scott usually stayed in his office after closing on Wednesdays, doing whatever administrative work and planning was necessary for that week. Sometimes, he asked one of his senior staff to join him. This was not a secret. The gym employees were aware of this.

    Paul, interrupted Amy, "what exactly were the hours

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