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Sharing Katie
Sharing Katie
Sharing Katie
Ebook137 pages2 hours

Sharing Katie

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About this ebook

When their old friend Alec is down on his luck Kate and Connor invite him to stay, hoping to help him get back on his feet. It feels a little strange now that Kate and Connor are married. The trio don't seem to fit the same way they used to.


An offhanded remark by Alec about how attractive Kate is is the spark that sets the simmering tension between them ablaze.


A low on angst, high on heat wife sharing story.

PublisherArnica Butler
Release dateJan 26, 2024
Sharing Katie

Arnica Butler

Arnica Butler loves writing stories about naughty wives. They're definitely real fantasies of mine...who knows? Sometimes something true ends up in my stories as well. I hope you enjoy them! Follow me on Twitter @ArnicaButler, or send my publisher (me) and email at I love reader feedback - your suggestions might just end up in the next story!  

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    Book preview

    Sharing Katie - Arnica Butler

    Sharing Katie

    Arnica Butler

    Copyright © 2024 by Arnica Butler

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.















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    Chapter one


    Connor opened the front door, stretched his arms out to his sides and smiled.

    Alec immediately started laughing. He stepped into the house, dropped the gym bag hanging from his shoulder onto the floor and went in for the quick bro-hug.

    I don’t know, man. You’re looking pretty good to me, Connor said, clapping him on the back. He looked Alec up and down a few times. He was as fit and athletic as he had been when Connor had last seen him. He seemed fine.

    I feel great, trust me. It’s not that I don’t have energy or anything. I just had a run of bad luck and didn’t know who else to turn to, he explained. I just couldn’t hang after what happened with Justine. I had to get out of town and you were the only two people I felt comfortable asking. I really hope it’s not too much trouble, he said.

    Hey, Connor said, clapping a hand on his shoulder. You’ve come to the right place. We’re gonna’ sort you right out.

    Oh, wow. If it isn't the lovely Katie!

    Connor turned and looked up the staircase just as Kate came bouncing down. He couldn’t help but cringe inwardly at what she was wearing. Her feet were bare, showing off her well-manicured, red-tipped toes, and black tights clung to the tender shapeliness of her thighs.

    An almost-too-small white t-shirt stretched thinly across the shape of her breasts, and with no bra, her dark caramel nipples were poking up against the fabric.

    Connor's eyes darted to Alec, who was smiling. His eyes were obviously on the same spot his had been. He made a mental note to mention it to Kate later, as her carefree thoughtlessness with her wardrobe gave an acidic bite to his thoughts.

    In the meantime, she walked right up to Alec and threw her arms around him. All Connor could think about was the way her taut nipples were protected by the thinnest layer of white t-shirt fabric.

    I can’t believe it’s been so long, she said, her voice muffled as she nuzzled Connor's neck. She hugged him long enough that he glanced at Connor, looking a little uncomfortable about the long, intimate embrace.

    "All right. Hey, hey! Connor said, tapping her shoulder and feeling the need to intervene on Alec’s behalf. You don’t get to hog him all to yourself."

    Kate pulled away. She put a hand on either side of Alec’s face and rubbed his cheekbones with her thumbs. You okay? she asked, putting on her most concerned expression.

    I’m fine. I’m fine, Alec said, gently easing her away. Just a run of bad luck. I won’t be a hassle, I promise.

    Connor didn’t miss the way Alec’s eyes darted down to Kate’s perky breasts again. They moved to his almost immediately afterwards, like Alec had realized he’d been caught in the act. The red that burned beneath his skin was familiar to Connor: a lot of men got this way when Kate threw herself at them.

    Grab your bag and let’s get you installed. I’m so looking forward to hanging out, Kate said, grabbing Alec’s hand and waiting for him to pick up his gym bag. Are you super tired? Was it a long bus ride? she asked.

    Alec glanced at Connor again, who gave him a reassuring nod. The last time they’d seen each other they’d all just been friends. Now he and Kate were married, but she was acting like it was the good old days again. This was something that didn’t go unnoticed between guys, and no matter what Alec said to Kate, she forgot or didn't believe that she was being too forward with her male friends.

    No amount of explaining seemed to make it through to her: she couldn't bounce around in skimpy clothing, hugging men who weren't her husband. It sent a message, even if she didn't think so.

    As Kate dragged Alec towards the stairs Connor gave him a thumbs up and mouthed: it’s cool. He followed them up to the second floor.

    Kate pulled Alec into the guest bedroom then flopped down onto the bed, letting her hands fall down on the mattress above her head. Her t-shirt flipped up, exposing her trim belly and her lower rib cage. She seemed completely oblivious to how uncomfortable she was making Alec.

    And Connor. The bus ride was fine, Alec said, averting his gaze from her bare skin and walking over to the window. Wow. Backyard and everything. You guys really scored with this place.

    Got in before the real estate rush started, Connor explained.

    Amazing, Alec said. Is that a hot tub? he asked, his eyes widening.

    Yeah. It’s old though. We haven’t tried firing it up yet. I don’t want the hassle, Connor said. His eyes darted to his wife, who was still lying seductively on the bed.

    Really doing the settle down in the suburbs thing all the way, huh? Alec asked, chuckling. He turned and held his hands out. Listen guys, I really appreciate you doing this for me. I promise I’m not going to be a bother, and I’m not going to overstay my welcome. I’m going to look for a job first thing Monday and take whatever I can get. Maximum I see is two months tops and then I can have enough saved to get my own place.

    Connor shook his head. You don’t have to worry about overstaying your welcome, he said. We’re like family, remember? You’d do the same for us. Do you, uh, do you want to talk about what happened? he asked.

    Alec sighed and shook his head. It’s all right. We don’t have to. It’s not that. It’s just a long story, Alec explained. Do you guys mind if I have a shower first? Absolutely not, Connor said, showing him the bathroom across the hall. But long stories sound like they might need some beer to go with them?

    Alec smiled. I’d love to, but I literally just spent the last cent I had on the bus ticket here. All right. Then it sounds like I’m buying tonight. Fresh towels in the little linen cupboard above the toilet, he said.

    You guys are the best, Alec said. He put an arm around Connor.

    Kate jumped up off the bed and ducked under his other arm. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, her hand rubbing the front of his chest.

    Connor got a funny feeling seeing that. Did she really not understand she was being inappropriate acting like that now that they were married? Alec was visibly uncomfortable. Wives didn’t touch other men like that in front of their husbands. Or was he the one being crazy?

    Alec patted them both on the back, kicked his shoes off and walked to the bathroom. I’ll be out in just a bit. We’ll get beers and dinner rolling! Connor called out after him.

    As soon as Alec had closed the bathroom door he turned to Kate.

    Hey, he said.

    Hey yourself, she replied, smiling at him. Call you to do the beer run, if that’s what you were going to say.

    He chuckled. I’ll do the beer run, no problem. You want me to get some takeout, too? Or you feel like cooking?

    She screwed her mouth up sideways and looked up at the ceiling. No. We’ve got that chicken we bought yesterday. I’ll make the chicken and leeks and potatoes so it doesn’t go bad. Actually, why don’t I get started -

    He grabbed her by the arm as she started to walk away. Hey, Kate? Hmm? That’s not actually what I was going to say. What’s up? she asked.

    He glanced down at her t-shirt and the black tights that showcased her delightfully round ass. Hey, I think now that we’re married, Alec might be a little uncomfortable with you being so…casual.

    She furrowed her brow at him. Casual?

    I just mean walking around without a bra and in just your tights.

    When Kate looked ready to crumple, or explode, he added: It’s a guy thing.

    She narrowed her eyes and folded her arms over her chest. A guy thing, huh? she said.

    He could tell she was already getting a little touchy. He hated it when she got touchy. "I just mean…you’re a very attractive woman, Kate. Alec’s a guy. I think that maybe while he’s here you could just, I don’t know? Put on a sweatshirt or a bra or something?"

    Her eyes widened and her hands fell to her hips. Oh-no-you-didn’t, she said quietly.

    Connor closed his eyes and sighed. "Please don’t get like that with me. I’m just telling you what I saw. He was trying really hard to keep his eyes off of you. You mean off of my nipples? she asked, drawing circles around them. Or were you talking about my ass?" she asked, drawing a wide circle around that.

    Okay, forget I said anything, Connor said, shaking his head. He reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out his keys.

    She pressed a hand against his chest as he tried to walk past her. Oh no. You don’t get away with it that easy.

    Katie come on. I’m just trying to be an adult here. Alec’s had a hard time. He’s here because he needs our help. I think if you put on a sweatshirt or a bra and wore some shorts or jeans you might make him feel more comfortable.

    I’ll wear what I want to wear, and he can deal with it, she said. "This is my house. Maybe he needs to be a big boy. Or maybe it’s you that has the problem and not Alec? she asked, tilting her head to one side. Are you feeling…jealous, Connor?" she

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