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Herobrine's Hunters Book 1: Herobrine's Rising...Who Will Stop Him
Herobrine's Hunters Book 1: Herobrine's Rising...Who Will Stop Him
Herobrine's Hunters Book 1: Herobrine's Rising...Who Will Stop Him
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Herobrine's Hunters Book 1: Herobrine's Rising...Who Will Stop Him

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Minecraft has always been Lakely's safe haven. The game, it's inner workings, and everything it offered allowed Lakely to be happy and do what she does best: create skins and play the game. Now, she's hunting Herobrine. After Herobrine seemingly taunts her by hacking her computer, Lakely and her friends log in to hunt him down. What they didn't

Release dateNov 10, 2023
Herobrine's Hunters Book 1: Herobrine's Rising...Who Will Stop Him

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    Herobrine's Hunters Book 1 - Mini Miner

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    Chapter One - The Real World

    I stared out the window with my head in my hands. The sky was a brilliant blue, and the grass was the greenest I’d ever seen.

    It was a perfect day to game, and yet, here I was— stuck in school.

    With a sigh, I put my head back on my desk. I tugged at the edges of my sleeves and sighedangrily. I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to be in the game. I wanted to be with my friends. I wanted to be doing what I was born to do.

    Finding Herobrine.


    Ms. Miller’s voice snapped me back to reality. She looked at me sternly, obviously aware of my dislike of being in the classroom. I stared at her with wide eyes, not sure what to do.

    Can you answer the problem on the board for us?

    I stared at the math problem in front of me and swallowed. I hate math, and yet, fractions are looking me dead in the eye.… I rubbed the back of my neck.

    Ms. Miller shot me a sympathetic look as color climbed up my cheeks.

    What is the first step we take here, Lakely?

    She gestured towards the board with a big, eager smile on her face. She pointed at the fractions, and I took a deep breath.

    Um...well, first we find a common denominator?

    Ms. Miller’s face lit up. "Yes! Perfect!’

    I felt relief wash over me like a wave. Hopefully, she would move to someone else now and leave me alone. Sure enough, she asked the goody two shoes in the front row with her math notes out and color coded what to do next.

    I sighed and looked down at my own math book. My fraction pies were Minecraft cakes. My word problems were decorated by skeletons and creepers. On the top right corner of each of my pages, I had drawn a silly chicken animation.

    Some people would say I was obsessed with Minecraft, and they wouldn’t be wrong. There was something about the game that made me feel better than I was. It made me feel smarter. Sure, I couldn’t solve fractions, but I could easily build a self-sorting machine out of redstone and building blocks. Maybe I wasn’t the most popular kid in school, but I was a legend online. That’s where I belonged, not here.

    I continued to daydream through the rest of math class. When the bell rang, I almost jumped for joy. Now I could go home and—


    Ms. Miller stopped me before I could follow the rest of the kids out the door. She looked worried about something. What it was, I couldn’t be sure.

    Yes? I said.

    Can you stay for a moment? We need to discuss your grades.

    I swallowed., I need to walk home—

    I promise I’ll make it quick, Ms. Miller smiled.

    I looked at my shoes for a moment, not saying anything.

    Lakely, you’re failing. You need to start doing better in this class or you’ll have to take it in summer school.

    I froze. If I had school in the summer, I wouldn’t be able to go to my Minecraft conventions. Or worse, I wouldn’t have nearly as much time to play.

    What? I asked. Ms. Miller—

    Lakely, I’m going to work with you on this, okay? Here.

    She handed me three fraction worksheets.

    If you complete these correctly, I will drop your three lowest grades. That will get you to passing.

    I nodded numbly. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

    When is this due? I asked finally.

    How about this Friday? Ms. Miller asks with a smile. Does that work?

    I guess, I mumble.

    Lakely, listen, Ms. Miller places a gentle hand on my shoulder with a smile. This will all be okay. I promise.

    But it’s Wednesday, I whispered.

    Can you get these done by Friday?

    Yes ma’am, I nodded slowly.

    Ms. Miller beamed. Awesome. I’ll see you tomorrow, kiddo.

    I nodded and walked out of the classroom feeling numb. The last thing I needed was more homework. I had to find Herobrine!

    I knew he was out there. I saw him.

    I made my way towards the little duplex that me and my mom shared. We lived a simple ten minute walk away from school, making my life ten times easier. When I unlocked the door, I was met with the happy face of my pug.

    Hey, Pickle, I laughed, scratching behind her ears as she jumped at my feet.

    I shut the door behind me quickly so Pickle couldn’t escape. Then, I locked it.

    I knelt down and scratched Pickle’s tummy and her back before going to give her more food. The house was dimly lit, meaning mom was probably asleep or at work already. I slowly poured food in Pickle’s bowl, trying not to wake my mom.

    She was an RN at the nearest hospital. She worked the night shifts often, and usually, whenever I got home, she would already be at work. During the day when I could see her, she would be sleeping. On her off days we would spend time together, but she hasn’t had a day off in some time.

    I grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry and water from the fridge. That should be enough to hold me over until dinnertime. I guess I would be making scrambled eggs again.

    I tiptoed past her room with Pickle in tow. When we made it to my room, I gently shut my door.

    The second my door was closed, I collapsed into my gaming chair. Pickle made her way to my lap, her favorite napping place, while I booted up Minecraft. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my backpack and the fraction papers along with it.

    For a moment, I wondered if I should wait.

    Then, I shook my head. Now wasn’t the time to worry about life.

    Now was the time to get lost.

    I noticed that none of my friends were online yet. I shrugged and pulled up my skin making software. This was how I made my money.

    My skins were always in high demand. I had made free ones for me and my friends, and suddenly, everyone on the server wanted one just like it. The next thing I knew, I was getting all sorts of skin requests. I was making nearly one hundred skins a month, and at 4 bucks a pop, I was rolling in some serious cash.

    All of that of course went into my gaming equipment. Whatever my mom couldn’t get me, I’d buy myself. It was that easy. Today, I was making a Batman skin for one of the guys on the last server I was on. Crunching on chips, I absentmindedly worked on the skin.

    Strangely enough, something just didn’t feel right.

    I narrowed my eyes before opening a new tab on my computer. I logged into Reddit and began browsing my Herobrine forum, looking for anything new.

    There had recently been a team of gamers that had been searching for him, and I was worried about their progress. If they beat me, I would be distraught. I wanted to be the first one to find Herobrine, not them. I tried to get some new clues from thembut I couldn’t.

    Shrugging, I went to click out of the forum.

    However, when I clicked the close out button, nothing happened.

    I titled my head as Pickle readjusted in my lap. That was odd. I had one of the greatest PC’s money could buy thanks to mom and Santa, but for some reason, the website wouldn’t close.

    I clicked it again.


    Now I was getting frustrated. Was there something wrong with the wifi? Was there something I was doing wrong? Had a virus passed through my malware to my actual computer?

    Before I could think of any other excuses, however, the Reddit forum began to glitch.

    I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The page glitched in and out, colored pixels flickering on and off in front of me.

    No no no… I groaned, trying to figure out what to do.

    I clicked my mouse aggressively, cursing under my breath. Why wasn’t it working?

    I tried to force quit. Still nothing. I held down the power button, trying to force my monitor off. Still nothing.

    I had never seen a glitch like this before.

    Defeated, I stared at the glitching page. Then, something caught my eye. The pixels weren’t glitching, they were spelling something. Icons flashed across the screen, icons that looked eerily familiar to the enchanted table writing.

    Is that…? I wondered out loud before the question was answered for me.

    The glitching pixels came together to flash a message.

    Two empty spaces, probably acting as eyes, sat above a message:

    You’ll never find me.

    I felt a chill roll down my spine as I backed up in my

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