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The Crown BloodBound
The Crown BloodBound
The Crown BloodBound
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The Crown BloodBound

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The adventure continues as Lake races to recover what some call "the power of the universe"--The Crown. A mysterious, alien-made gauntlet that bonds to the flesh and seemingly grants every desire to cross the mind of the wearer.

Recently having fallen into the wrong hands, the universe is in grave danger and the Galactic Military is on a mission to prevent the plans that organized crime lord--Mr. Victor, has in store.

Along for the ride to the frozen planet Hail, Lake and her friends attempt not to step on anyone's toes as they prepare for their own agenda. However they have no such luck when it turns out a pompous double-agent, spy is out to stand in her way at every turn. Lake may have more difficulty than she'd thought in reclaiming what she believes is rightfully meant for her. Of course it only makes matters worse when she declares herself the sworn nemesis of the spy who turns out to be half Azorian...

With every new revelation, Lake begins to question and even doubt herself, helped along by the unabashed opinions of her friends who believe she should give up the Crown for her own good. Do they really have her best interests at heart, can she trust them? And is it even worth it? Lake makes a discovery that may very well lead her to reconsider how she feels about her allies when she is addressed by another...

Is Lake the hero the universe is going to need? Can the Crown fix all her problems? Will she fall to her inner struggle of accepting who she is? Or is it all a cleverly designed distraction to keep from facing the real demon that's been plaguing her mind--HIM.

The path to self-discovery has never been more emotional...more physical...more PAINFUL.

PublisherC.M Morin
Release dateJan 26, 2024
The Crown BloodBound

C.M Morin

C.M Morin is an artist and dreamer that loves the gift that stories deliver to audiences: the ability to suppress reality, inspire hope and challenge choice in the name of changing the world.  --"Dare To Dream"

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    The Crown BloodBound - C.M Morin

    The Crown BloodBound

    C.M Morin

    Published by C.M Morin, 2024.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. January 26, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 C.M Morin.

    ISBN: 979-8224508754

    Written by C.M Morin.

    Volume II


    By: C.M. Morin

    Text copyright c 2014 C.M. Morin

    All Rights Reserved

    To my son, Xander—defender of mankind

    Dare to dream

    Table of contents





























    Though I was covered head to toe in military-grade, cold-weather gear, I was freezing my ass off.

    We continued to wait restlessly for the rendezvous with the man on the inside of Mr. Victor’s operation. His name was Link and that was all I knew, aside from how supposedly trustworthy everyone kept saying he was.  

    I held my hands, rubbing them together slowly over the fire our camp was circled around. The air was extremely frigid at this early hour, though it was always a negative degree on Hail. My toes had gone numb in my cold-weather boots about an hour before. My feet were drenched in sweat and I really should have changed my socks for going on the sixth time, but I couldn’t bring myself to stray from the warmth of the open flames.

    I heard the crunching of heavy footsteps through frozen snow behind me. I wasn’t surprised when Landon stopped by my side, spreading his own fingers over our contained fire in a can.

    You know Roark better be right about the time and place of this whole thing this time. I won’t make it another night in this, he said, his voice muffled from behind his snow-mask.

    I chuckled, though I knew he wasn’t kidding. We’d been living out of tents for nearly a month, slowly moving in on Mr. Victor’s secret operation, via Intel from Link. We were supposed to have met with him when we first landed, but circumstances had prevented it thus far. Either way our next stop was a Galactic Military, underground hideout that hadn’t been used in who knew how many years. The other team, consisting of Dr. Cheffield or Darrin, and Captain’s Walter and Anders, were to meet up with us there.

    There hadn’t been any real action in the past weeks, mostly boring spy stuff that was left to Roark and a few other soldiers, but I was not one of the soldier’s and neither was my team. We had declared we were here on our own agenda and that was fine with them with one stipulation—under no circumstance were we to interfere with their mission. I wasn’t worried about it much. Now that we’d hitched a ride here, Landon, Rei and I that is, there wasn’t much they could do to stop us from getting in the way. Though my intentions were purely on retrieving the Crown, things always seemed to go differently than planned when I was around.

    I glanced at my watch and noticed it was about time; and as if on cue more crunching came from somewhere in the thick pine forest to our left. I didn’t bother addressing it with much attention. Everyone else in the camp was already wide awake and expecting Link’s appearance.

    I watched carelessly as his tall, slender figure emerged from the darkness and into the small light cast out by the fire. He dropped a pack from his back to his feet and yanked off his black snow-mask. His skin was pale porcelain, reminding me slightly of my own. His face was long with a fine jaw line and smooth forehead. His eyebrows were thick and dark, matching the underside of his hair, the top had clearly been intentionally bleached at the tips; which were longer than the rest. It was ruffled on end at the moment but almost looked styled. He wore a very tight expression as Roark approached him.

    I watched their lips move in the short distance, but they were still out of ear-shot. Link’s eyes darted toward me and Landon and met mine briefly. I stared back unabashed. I couldn’t tell their color from where I stood, only that there was a lot going on behind them. His expression didn’t change as they let me go. He turned away and followed Roark into a tent.

    Could you gawk anymore obviously? said Landon, glaring at me. He pulled off his own ski-mask, his dark eyes scrutinizing me.   

    I wasn’t gawking, I responded defensively. I wanted to get a good look at the guy we’ve all so desperately been waiting for.

    Really, because it looked like you were checking him out. Landon pursed his lips and gave me a facetious look.  

    Oh, stuff it! I said, punching him in the arm.

    He grinned broadly, attempting to put me in a headlock. We scuffled for a few minutes, behaving like children, the way we usually did when we were bored.

    If you two are done, we’re getting a move on it! Rei scolded from the mouth of the tent the three of us shared. She whipped her curtain of perfect blonde hair over her shoulder.

    "They want to go now? I asked, frowning. My question was immediately answered as tents began collapsing all around the camp. But it’s cold and I’m tired!" I whined.

    I stuffed my gloves back over my numb fingers and prepared to be of some use.

    Link says there’s a storm on the way. You can rest at the hideout. Rei said as she pulled her white fur-trimmed hood up and tightened it around her face.

    Oh, well if Link says. I mocked, trudging over to her.

    We began pulling the stakes that anchored our tent and Landon lifted up the main bar on the inside, collapsing the whole thing.

    How the hell did I ever agree to this? Landon huffed as we bundled everything up. The entire camp was at work now, breaking down and packing up.

    Cause you had nothing better to do. I reminded him.

    Yeah, well you left out the winter wonderland part.

    Hey, I didn’t pick the destination. Feel free to take a hike at any time! I said. Though I couldn’t help but agree entirely. I hated the cold—with a passion!

    I would, but I know how much you need me, he answered, his voice strained as he loaded multiple heavy bars and tent tarps on the flatbed of one of the snowmobile trucks.

    Let’s move out, Roark called from the cab of the truck at the front of our convoy.

    I quickly checked to see that Landon and Rei were all set before running up to Roark’s truck and hopping up the ladder steps. I took him by surprise as I forced my way into the full cab. Aside from getting out of the cold, I saw this as the perfect opportunity to interrogate Roark. I couldn’t help but feel that he’d been avoiding me ever since we’d landed.

    Roark was a spy in the Galactic Military, who had been undercover during a mission I had been on for a man named Mr. Victor. Back then he had gone by Travis to protect his true identity. According to Roark, the whole mission—which had been to recover a powerful ancient artifact called the Crown—had been a setup from the beginning.

    When the team that had been hired, which had included Landon, Rei and I as well, completed the mission, instead of getting paid, Roark thought we’d all be executed by Kane.

    Kane was thought to be Mr. Victor’s right hand man, who took care of all the dirty work so that Mr. Victor never had to pay up. This was all of Roark’s speculation from studying his operation for the past few years and now he had come to the planet Hail to bring him down.

    After things had gone sticky on our mission and we had been captured by a crew of Azorians, (native alien race of the planet Azorah) I had actually found the Crown. It really had been like nothing I’d ever seen or in my case used before. I still had the jagged scars on my right forearm where it had bonded to me and then released when my mother had taken it off with a special key. She had then taken it for herself and fled. Apparently she too was in with Mr. Victor, and that was why I had come to Hail with Roark’s unit, to confront my mother and retrieve the Crown.

    Lake? Roark gave me a quizzical look, raising his eyebrows so that a line creased across his broad forehead. He scratched the back of his shaved head and continued to pierce me with his ice blue eyes.

    I thought we could have a word, you and I. I said seriously.

    Now? He glanced around at the rest of the company in the filled cab. It consisted of a driver and Link. They would all be sitting comfortably across the one large bench-seat, had I not crammed myself in the door and forced them all to bunch up together.

    Oh I’m sorry, is this a bad time? I asked sardonically. I noticed Link watching me closely. Can I help you? I rounded on him.

    I doubt you could, he answered in a strange, calm voice. His tone was airy and velvety textured.

    I had never heard a man’s voice sound so smooth and yet attractive. I leaned my head back away from him, appalled instantly by the thought. I had already decided I didn’t like him and I planned to stick to it. I didn’t have any real reason of course, but I refused to play nice with someone so pretty who I could tell thought so highly of himself.

    Then I guess you’re a lost cause, zip it! I snapped and turned back to Roark who was still watching me, bemused. If you don’t want me screwing up your plans, then you best make me privy to them.

    I am going to call a meeting when we safely get to the hideout with the other unit, he explained calmly.

    And I’m going to be taking a nap when we get there. So spill, I folded my arms tightly across my chest.

    Roark sighed heavily.

    May I? Link asked Roark in his silky soft purr.

    No you may not. I told him with a dirty look.

    Lake is it? he asked, his tone not straying one bit.

    This guy was unbelievable. He might just be a job for Landon and me both. I have now made it my personal mission to crack him. One way or the other I would have him pulling out his pretty hair and begging for reprieve. I cast my glare on him, ignoring him obviously.

    When it was clear I wasn’t going to say anything he continued.

    Well Lake, I’m Link, he leaned forward to accentuate his words. "And I have just replaced my good buddy Roark here in command and I am now overseeing this mission. He does not have the authority to release anything to you. So why don’t you hop on out and walk like a good girl... you’re taking up space!" With the last words his voice suddenly became ice cold and his eyes hardened with it.

    My lips crept up in the hint of a smile, though nothing appeared to be funny to anyone else. The driver twitched in his seat and Roark remained silent.

    "Make ME!" I threw my feet up on the dashboard, still grinning wickedly. That’s when I saw them...

    Though the cab was long and narrow, it was tall. Link stood easily in a slight crouch, revealing the left side of his face for the first time. My eyes darted to the markings imprinted in the flesh above his ear, beneath his buzzed hair. I could only make out one jagged blue line, the rest disappeared into his thicker hair, but I knew exactly what it was.

    I had only ever seen markings like it on one race. But Link was human, wasn’t he? He certainly looked human. I frowned in confusion, unable to even react fast enough when I finally realized why he’d gotten to his feet in the first place—he was making me—with one swift movement, Link had looped his arm around both my ankles and thrown the door open. Roark had even pulled his legs up onto the seat to give him room—traitor!

    Hey! Wait, let’s be reasonable, I tried to protest.

    Goodbye Lake, Link said softly before rolling me out of the moving truck and slamming the door.

    I let out a small yelp as I landed in the deep snow. The trucks didn’t move very fast, but with the wind and the snow the fall off of one still sucked. I swore loudly, getting to my feet as the rest of the convoy continued by.

    Maybe you should have waited, Landon called from the window of the last truck passing by. He smiled and waved.

    Let me in, I yelled against the wind, chasing after the truck. It slowed as I approached, then took off again as I was about to climb in.

    Landon burst out laughing and did this several more times as I called him every bad name I could think of the book of bad language.

    I hate you, I said through chattering teeth, when I finally made it into the cab.

    You’re such a sweetie pie. He sat back heavily on the seat, pinching my frozen cheek.

    I threw a glare at Rei who was driving and she gave me a guilty smile in return.

    I used the remainder of the ride to the hideout to tell them in great detail exactly what I thought of Link.

    You don’t like anyone who tells you what to do, Rei pointed out. I thought he was very gentleman like.

    Ha! snorted Landon and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as well.

    He had Azorian markings. How is that possible? I asked, suddenly remembering why I had been rendered defenseless to getting thrown out of the truck.

    Half-blood probably, Landon shrugged.

    I didn’t think of that, I muttered.

    This had given me something to consider. I had seen other types of multi-raced people. The thought just never occurred to me that Azorians too could be. Maybe because the only one I had ever really known had made it seem like all Azorians would never reproduce with another race because of how proud and honorable they were of their own kind.

    But then there had been the Emphilian-Azorians I’d briefly met, but they hadn’t had the markings. They had been covered in reptile-like scales, which was a common Emphilian trait. I quickly brushed the thoughts away. Azorian anything was the last thing I wanted to think about.

    The trucks had started down an incline that grew steeper and began to curve up ahead. The convoy was already disappearing into a dark tunnel, surrounded by snow and tall, thick pines.

    You can’t tell now because we have a couple of days of darkness left in the planets rotation, but we’re heading under a mountain, Landon informed Rei and me.

    I pressed my nose to the cold window, desperately trying to see through the darkness, but it was no use.


    Inside the old underground Galactic Military hideout the lights were dim and flickered often. The entire place reminded me of an abandoned mental institute, where patients had surely been experimented on, and I was sure I wouldn’t be able to sleep there at all. I eagerly accepted Rei’s offer when she asked if I wanted to bunk with her.

    This place smells funky, she said, crinkling her nose. She was putting a pillowcase on her issued lump of cotton.  

    I held my own up, observing it with disgust. The outside was heavily stained and I had to stop my overly creative imagination from wondering with what.

    Looks like shit, smells like shit, must be shit. This place is a dump! I complained, stuffing my own pillow in a case and tossing it down on the freshly covered mattress.

    It’s no resort, she agreed bitterly, but it’s better than the tents in the cold!

    Touché, I said, grinning.

    Landon opened our door just then, without knocking, and threw himself across my bed.

    What’s the matter? Haven’t made any new friends? I asked sarcastically.

    Nope, nobody wants to play with me. Plus I knew you ladies were probably scared of the creepy hideout and could use a man around.

    You think far too highly of yourself. I told him.

    Whatever! He waved me off. I’m amazing! he continued to chuckle cockily.

    Have you had a chance to explore? Rei asked him. She finished putting the rest of her things away neatly in the locker on her side of the room.

    No way, I’m not wandering these halls alone. I’ll get eaten by the abominable snowman, he answered animatedly.

    Who needs who now? I said.

    I turned and tried to stuff my pack in the skinny locker on my side. It got stuck, so I ended up using my boot to cram it the rest of the way in. I slammed the locker shut and threw on a lock, pocketing the keys. I only had one change of cold climate clothes, some toiletries and my baby blanket that was left with me in the orphanage I lived at on earth. It was the blanket I’d been protecting all my life, since it was the only shred of anything I had from my father.

    Let’s go find that meeting. I yawned loudly, coming back from my personal thoughts. I had wanted a nap, but I wasn’t going to do it alone and I couldn’t miss out on finding out what the hell was happening.

    We walked aimlessly down the hallway passed all of the sleeping quarters and took a left at a four way hall-intersection. The place seemed to be entirely deserted, so I figured we must be late, as usual. Everyone else had probably already gotten together...wherever it was we were supposed to.

    The next hall was just as empty, but all the doors were closed, locked and dark within. I stopped and looked around, wondering if we should have taken a right at the intersection.

    Now what, I asked Rei and Landon.

    They both looked at me with blank expressions.

    You don’t know? Rei asked timidly.

    Huh? I answered.

    We were following you. Landon said, scratching at the back of his head. I noticed his dark hair had gotten a few inches longer since I’d met him. He continued to pull at it stupidly.

    Great. You know I have no idea where I’m going? I said as I put my hands on my hips and started gnawing at my bottom lip.

    Really? asked Rei. You always move with such a purpose. I guess I forgot you haven’t been here before either.

    Thanks, I guess. I answered awkwardly. I absently began to move farther down the hallway and peeked around the next corner.

    Should we follow? Landon called.

    I turned around to yell at him, but something caught my eye. Moving around the corner quickly something suddenly lunged at me. I let out a scream and reached for my knife in my right boot. Rolling out of its way just in time, I recovered, getting to my feet. I brandished my knife at the shadows where the thing that had attacked me disappeared in the dark corner of the hall.

    Lake, you okay? Landon said, coming around the corner.

    Shhh, I hissed at him and moved slowly towards the shadows harboring my assailant.

    Don’t stick me! A full-bodied Glider jumped into the light before us. Its synthetic voice had been programmed into an obnoxiously high-pitched male tone.

    What the...? Landon said, cocking his head to one side as he observed the bot.

    I won’t...I guess. I said, taken aback. I lowered my knife.

    Oh, thank goodness! The Glider squealed. He was about as tall as me and had two arms and two legs that had been given a tan, latex skin-coating. He had holes in a few places, revealing a shiny, silver undercoat and he was wearing a ragged, black Galactic Military uniform.

    Where did you come from? I asked it.

    I’ve been here for years, since the hideout was last in use actually. I’ve been up-keeping it, he replied extremely chipper.

    I studied his round hairless head and electric blue eyes. This was the most advanced Glider I had ever met; save the giant war machine my mother had named Muffin and sent after me on Hera...

    Wow. Rei whispered when I didn’t say anything more.

    The three of us stood, gaping at him. It didn’t seem to bother him. His latex face continued to smile all the while. He even had bright white, artificial teeth.  

    Perhaps I could help you with something, he offered, after a moment.

    Sure, I said warily. We are trying to find a meeting where everybody should be gathered right now.

    That would be held in the war room, his high-pitched voice practically sung at us. I can take you if you like. He smiled widely as if excited to finally be of some use.

    By all means, I said, holding out a hand for him to lead the way.

    When he walked it was silent and smooth and so very lifelike. Landon, Rei and I followed behind, exchanging bewildered looks.

    The Glider led us up the hall and through several adjoining rooms. He then came to a stop before two closed double doors.

    Is there anything else I can do for you? he asked happily.

    No, thanks this is great. I told him. Umm, do you have a name or? I asked, not wanting to seem rude.

    I am called Marvin, because I am a Marv-123 model, he explained joyfully. One, two, three as in ready to go and up to speed, no faults or lingering in between, he chimed his rhyme.

    Oh, okay. Thanks Marvin. I’m Lake. I held out my hand.

    Lake, he nearly jumped for joy as he took my hand eagerly. No one has ever shaken my hand before!

    Oh, I said.

    I turned to Landon who reluctantly followed my lead. Marvin was nearly vibrating with happiness by the time Rei introduced herself. Unlike Landon she was just as genuine about it as I was.

    Will you be coming in, Marvin? Rei asked him politely.

    Oh, no, I am never invited to military briefings that do not concern me, he answered, his tone falling a bit.

    Well, be sure to come and say hi later. We’ll be in the barracks, I told him, smiling. He was quite a charming character.

    I’d be delighted! Marvin sung as he headed off silently down the hall.

    What a weirdo! Landon snickered when the Glider was out of earshot.

    Why? I thought he was neat. I said sincerely and Rei agreed.

    He’s just a stupid robot. Landon shrugged, pushing through the double doors and into a theater sized room.

    A group of soldiers were circled around Roark and Link, including the other unit we were supposed to meet here. The group was gathered at the lower end of the massive room, across from us, around a large, long table.  Large monitors hung from the ceiling behind the table, displaying maps and coordinates; all highlighted in green against a black backdrop, making the figures stand out better in the dark room.

    I recognized Captains Anders and Walter, as well as Dr. Cheffield. Everyone stopped their discussion at the sound of the double door slamming closed behind Landon. All heads turned at once to stare at the three of us.

    I met Roark’s disapproving eyes before moving on to Link’s glaring ones. Landon gave me a shove from behind, so I began to lead us down the slightly inclined floor. I stopped just outside the circle of light cast by the only lamp sitting on the table.

    I preferred to stand in shadow when I was getting chewed out. It made me seem more ominous and untouchable—I thought so anyway.  I chuckled to myself at my little private joke as Link came storming over.

    "If you want to receive invitations to my briefings, then arrive on time. Next time you’ll find your asses back out in the snow, since none of you are here on military orders!" he snarled.

    I clenched my fists automatically in front of me, cracking my knuckles. My loathing for Link had tripled in a few short seconds.

    We’re really sorry, we got los- Rei attempted to begin apologizing.

    Get on with it! I snapped at Link contemptuously, cutting Rei off. I refused to be sorry to the pompous likes of this pretty boy.

    Link and I locked eyes furiously. If looks could kill, we’d both have been torn to pieces.

    Link, let’s continue, shall we? Roark calmly intervened, placing a firm hand on one of Link’s shoulders.

    Link continued to glare at me for a moment longer before shrugging out of Roark’s grip and returning to his place at the table. He retrieved a laser-pointer from his breast pocket and began flashing it across the largest monitor displaying blueprints.

    "Mr. Victor’s castle is built above ground directly on the other side of this mountain. He started, picking up from wherever he had left off before we interrupted him. I say castle because, this is no ordinary hideout. It is a vastly secured fortress that I had a personal hand in developing. Aside from Kane Sheppard, I am Mr. Victor’s most trusted man. While Kane is busy with Mr. Victor’s business off-world, I have been maintaining and running his home-based operation of organized crime. All of Mr. Victor’s dealings pass directly through me before anyone else.

    "This hideout of the Galactic Militaries that we are currently using was built many years ago as a training facility. Long after it was abandoned I strategically suggested Hail and the mountain above us as the perfect place for Mr. Victor to build. He has no knowledge of this facility that leads right beneath his own supposedly ‘impenetrable walls.  

    I have waited very patiently for a very long time to bring this bastard down. And it is my pleasure to tell you that we are just days away from taking down the largest crime syndicate in the Known Universe. Link paused and a few of the soldiers whistled and applauded. 

    I rolled my eyes but moved closer to the table anyway to get a better look. I watched Link outline the underground passage that would be taken into Mr. Victor’s fortress.

    "Mr. Victor doesn’t stay in any one place for long, but he is coming to Hail because of the thing he wants most—the artifact known as the Crown. His mistress obtained the artifact recently and has been here on Hail waiting for Mr. Victor

    "I have seen the thing with my own eyes, though she guards it every second. It was I who assured Mr. Victor that it did exist and it was truly here. I told him to come immediately.

    There can be no mistakes. This mission’s success is of the highest priority for the Galactic Military.

    I shivered in disgust as Link referred to my mother as Mr. Victor’s mistress. And I had assumed they would be after her for the Crown when I had told them exactly why I didn’t have it. I never would have guessed she was with Mr. Victor all along in her search for it and that Kane was sent to do what he does best and kill me on Tae Bay to cover Mr. Victor’s filthy tracks.

    "Now, our mission is to take Mr. Victor at all costs. I prefer to get him alive, but I will take wounded or dead if absolutely necessary. Our mission has nothing to do with his mistress or the Crown though if we come across them, I would like her apprehended and I believe it would be best for the universe if we acquired the Crown as well..."

    I choked loudly at his words, which then turned into a strangled cough, interrupting Link mid-sentence. If he thought he was getting my Crown, it’d be over my dead body.

    If you interrupt me again— He began to threaten furiously.

    "I don’t know if you’re ignorant or just plain stupid. But you’re only mission is Victor. You don’t need to worry about my mother or my Crown!"

    His face hardened and his eyes widened for just a second before he covered it up with his flourishing anger.

    Excuse me? Link tried to push over to me, to get in my face, I assumed. Roark and Captain Anders took hold of him and held him back.

    "You heard me Barbie-boy! I’m ...we’re, I corrected, gesturing to Rei and Landon, here to take care of that. I’ve got all kinds of permission that comes from way up higher than your pretty head! I placed my hands on the smooth, polished surface of the table and leaned over it, to antagonize him. Deal with it darling!" I said sharply, giving him a scathing look.

    She’s right, Link. She has Admiral’s permission. Captain Walter told him plainly.

    I tried to catch the Captain’s eye, but he avoided my gaze. I sensed that he didn’t like taking my side or any side in general.

    Link pushed out of Roark and Captain Ander’s grips.

    So the military is supposed to stand aside and let some silly little girl obtain the power of the universe? I’ll be having a word with the Admiral! he announced heatedly, giving me a sly smile. Till then, I guess it will be a race. He then added devilishly.

    His sickly sweet voice was all I could take, provoking me. I kicked my heel back and Landon cried out in pain. I didn’t want him trying to stop me and I knew that unless he was put out of action he would try.

    Everyone’s eyes darted to Landon and that brief second was all the distraction I needed. No one was ready when I hopped up upon the table and dive bombed Link.

    I threw my elbow down at his chest as I came down on him with all my weight. He buckled and we both hit the floor. My left hand found his neck quickly, while my right went ballistic on his right eye.

    It was like a dream, when fighting someone but just unable to hit them hard enough. So I tried to hit harder with every punch. I got about six rounds in before he pulled some

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