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A Year of Daily Devotional: 365 Bible-Based Reflections Embracing Gratitude, Abundance, and Positive Thinking Through Faith: Deepening Your Faith with Scripture-Inspired Reflections.
A Year of Daily Devotional: 365 Bible-Based Reflections Embracing Gratitude, Abundance, and Positive Thinking Through Faith: Deepening Your Faith with Scripture-Inspired Reflections.
A Year of Daily Devotional: 365 Bible-Based Reflections Embracing Gratitude, Abundance, and Positive Thinking Through Faith: Deepening Your Faith with Scripture-Inspired Reflections.
Ebook602 pages6 hours

A Year of Daily Devotional: 365 Bible-Based Reflections Embracing Gratitude, Abundance, and Positive Thinking Through Faith: Deepening Your Faith with Scripture-Inspired Reflections.

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Embark on a transformative spiritual journey with "A Year of Daily Devotional: 365 Bible-Based Reflections". This inspiring collection offers a daily respite from the hustle and bustle of life, guiding you through a year-long exploration of faith, reflection, and personal growth. Each day presents a unique, scripture-inspired reflection, carefully crafted to deepen your connection with God and to foster a sense of peace and purpose in your everyday life.

This book is meticulously designed to cultivate a heart of gratitude, abundance, and positive thinking. Its pages are filled with devotionals that cover a diverse range of themes – from finding inner peace, extending grace to others, and embracing digital discipleship, to loving more deeply, understanding the nature of Father God, and discovering the power of forgiveness. It delves into the importance of self-reflection, the healing touch of the Divine, the joy of thankfulness, the honor of motherhood, the essence of discipleship, and the spirit of giving.

With each page, you'll be encouraged to pause and ponder, embracing the teachings of the Bible in a way that is both accessible and deeply enriching. The devotionals are thoughtfully arranged to mirror the journey of life, offering insights and wisdom that are relevant to the challenges and joys of everyday experiences.

"A Year of Daily Devotional: 365 Bible-Based Reflections" is more than just a book; it's a companion for those seeking to enhance their spiritual well-being. Whether you're new to the practice of daily devotionals or have been engaging in spiritual reflection for years, this book offers a fresh perspective that is both encouraging and uplifting. It's a perfect tool for anyone looking to infuse their days with a renewed sense of faith, hope, and love.

Join us on this journey of faith and transformation, one day at a time, and discover the abundant blessings that await in the practice of daily devotion and reflection.

PublisherNick Tsai
Release dateJan 18, 2024
A Year of Daily Devotional: 365 Bible-Based Reflections Embracing Gratitude, Abundance, and Positive Thinking Through Faith: Deepening Your Faith with Scripture-Inspired Reflections.

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    A Year of Daily Devotional - Nick Tsai



    365 Bible-Based Reflections


    Embracing Gratitude, Abundance, and Positive

    Thinking Through Faith: Deepening Your

    Faith with Scripture-Inspired Reflections.

    John Wishstone & Nick Tsai


    by Jaime Wishstone & Nick Tsai

    Published by Wishstone Trading Limited

    Copyright © 2023 Easy Fitness Branding

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions contact:

    Table of content


    Devotions on Finding Peace

    Devotions on Extending Grace

    Devotions on Digital Discipleship

    Devotions on Loving Others

    Devotions on Father God

    Devotions On FORGIVENESS

    Devotions On REFLECTION

    Devotions On THE HEALER

    Devotionals On THANKFULNESS


    Devotions On DISCIPLESHIP

    Devotionals On GIVING



    Welcome to a devotional journey designed to enrich your spiritual walk and deepen your faith. In this book, you will find a collection of thirty-day devotions, each focusing on a unique aspect of Christian life and practice. As you turn these pages, you are invited to explore themes that resonate at the core of a believer's heart: from finding peace in tumultuous times to extending grace to others, from the digital age's challenges in discipleship to the profound love for others.

    This book is more than a daily reading; it's an invitation to a transformative experience.

    Each day's devotion is designed to be brief yet profound, perfect for morning reflections or evening contemplation. Accompanied by relevant scriptures, thoughtful questions, and practical applications, these devotions aim to guide you in your daily walk with Christ.

    As you embark on this 365-day journey, may you find your heart uplifted, your faith strengthened, and your life enriched by the grace and love of God. Let each page turn be a step closer to Him, as you navigate the challenges and joys of life with a renewed sense of purpose and peace.

    Welcome to your daily steps of faith. May this journey be as transformative for you as it has been for us in creating it.

    Devotions on

    Finding Peace

    Pray for Peace

    The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance.

    – ACTS 12:6

    While attending a Jewish feast, Peter was apprehended and imprisoned by King Herod. He had every reason to be fearful for his life. James was another follower that Herod had ordered executed a few days prior.

    However, Peter slept comfortably the night before his meeting with Herod. The majority of people would be awake, pacing the floor and attempting to think of the perfect words to persuade such an evil man to spare their lives.

    Not Peter, though. How did he manage to get such a good night's sleep that night? The scripture Acts 12:5 has the solution.

    So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.

    It may seem insignificant to pray for a friend to experience tranquility prior to surgery or a job interview. However, it does. Not only are your prayers powerful, but they also have the ability to comfort people who are living in the unknown.

    I pray to God today on behalf of [friend's name]. I beg for calm while they deal with [circumstance]. As they need it, grant them judgment and wisdom. Permit Your love to envelop them. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Peace in the Unexpected

    "The Lord gives strength to his people;

    the Lord blesses his people with peace."

    – PSALM 29:11

    Arielle took her normally lively toddler to the doctor when she saw that the child was starting to sleep for extended periods of time and looked to be getting sick slowly. After examining the girl's vitals, the pediatrician advised taking the mother and daughter to the emergency department.

    A doctor came into a white room and gave Arielle a pleasant smile. As of right now, we don't know anything, but we're hoping that she just has a small ailment. But, in order to ensure that she is not gravely unwell, we must perform additional tests tomorrow he said.

    Arielle messaged her family and friends right away. In order to assist her, many of them agreed to meet at the hospital the following day.

    However, a local expert showed up that evening and requested to start the testing right away. Arielle felt more alone than she had ever felt in her life as she watched them carry her tiny girl off to her surgery.

    She began to pray in order to stop herself from picturing the worst. She sensed a comforting presence as she continued. In that small room, I knew that God was with me no matter what, and I felt an unfathomable peace.

    A few hours later, the specialist brought her kid back. He clarified that, contrary to his fears, the young girl did not have cancer. She would need to stay for a few days due to an infection, but she would fully recover.

    God, please help me when life seems to be throwing me for a loop. Please remind me once more that You are always at my side. This very moment. In the present. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Peace with Others

    "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you,

    live at peace with everyone."

    – ROMANS 12:18

    Sandra cherished her house. It was precisely the kind of home she had imagined herself growing up in. The front yard had a lovely flower bed with fragrant flowers that grew all year round. Her children enjoyed playing on the tire swing and slide in the backyard.

    Her neighbor next door was the one drawback of her house. The neighbor was an old woman with a reputation for being a grumpy person in the neighborhood. She was always complaining.

    She didn't like Sandra's trashcan's first placement. She expressed her displeasure that the children's garden playtime was very noisy. The family dog had never tried to escape, yet she worried that he would somehow manage to get away.

    Sandra decided to treat the older woman with kindness after interacting with her multiple times. I was first incredibly irritated by her incessant complaints. Then it occurred to me that she probably was just lonely and in need of attention.

    Sandra began bringing cookies and homemade dinners to her neighbor's house. She offered to mend the other woman's noisy porch step and clean her gutters.

    Sandra's neighbor eventually warmed up to her, and the two became close. I'm glad that I didn't react badly to her grievances and break off any chance of a relationship. Now, everyone in the neighborhood views her in a different light Sandra says

    God, showing love to those around me is not always simple. They annoy me sometimes, and all I want to do is get even. Please help me to respond kindly so that I can radiate Your love. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Seek Peace

    "Turn from evil and do good;

    seek peace and pursue it."

    – PSALM 34:14

    Bobby was a sophomore in highschool when he heard that his best buddy had died in a drive-by shooting. The tension and hostility in the air overpowered him when he reconnected with his group of buddies.

    Everyone was just interested in getting even with the gang. Bobby was pondering what to do as retaliation ideas started to flow. A part of him desired to take part and exact revenge on those responsible for this.

    He considered the fact that there would always be a void at his friend's family's table. His closest friend would never be able to go to his ideal college or attend prom. He would never marry his high school girlfriend or assist his father in the family business.

    What should we do, Bobby? One of the group's troublemakers enquired.

    Taking a big breath, Bobby said, I want to hurt them. I want to hurt everyone, but that won't help us at all. We simply keep doing harm to one another, and the cycle continues. Nobody else has to pass away. Jimmy wouldn't approve of that.

    Thankfully, the group paid attention to Bobby's advice and refrained from attacking the gang. A few weeks later, numerous gang members were apprehended by the authorities and sentenced to prison terms for their offenses.

    God, I'm so tempted to behave based just on my feelings. I need your help to calm down and put you first. Even though it's difficult, I want to stroll in silence. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Focus on Peace

    You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

    – ISAIAH 26:3

    Luke was invited to a special Monday afternoon meeting by his supervisor. He was anxious about the impending conversation all weekend. Luke had been hearing whispers about his company's financial difficulties for weeks.

    He was almost going crazy at the thought of losing his work. It went beyond losing one's job. Years before, he had been let go from another company. He and his spouse had already modified their expenses and handled the situation quite well at the time.

    However, that was prior to his son's undeveloped organs and many weeks early birth. To survive, the small newborn required 24-hour care and a variety of costly treatments.

    Luke resisted the want to cry as he headed off for work on Monday. The radio played a praise hymn with a trust-in-God theme. Luke said, Please, help me to keep my faith in You and not in my job, and to concentrate on Your promises of supply.

    Luke was given good news by his boss as soon as he entered the meeting. You're getting promoted because you have the new account we needed.

    God, it's not always simple to put your trust in your words. Please assist me to rely on your serenity when I'm inclined to worry. Tell me once more that you are able to and will provide for me. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Sharing Peace

    "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled

    and do not be afraid."

    – JOHN 14:27

    Carrie woke up from a long surgical procedure. Her body had trouble metabolizing medicine, thus she frequently experienced bizarre and unanticipated side effects. The medical staff decided to bind her arms and legs to her gurney for protection.

    Carrie, still experiencing the side effects of the medication, started to tremble all over and felt chilly all over. She attempted to talk, but the tube in her throat hadn't been taken out yet.

    When a nurse touched her hand, she was really scared and felt alone. She leaned over her gently and spoke in a comforting voice.

    "You're afraid right now, I know that. You probably feel queasy since you just had surgery. But in the hospital room, you're secure. I'll be with you right now till you start feeling better.

    Carrie was immediately relieved by the nurse's words. Her worry started to fade as soon as her tremors stopped. She is grateful that God provided her a kind nurse to comfort her throughout a frightening experience.

    God, please show me compassion when I meet someone who is nervous. Teach me to calm and soothe them so that they experience your presence. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Embrace Peace

    He says, Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.

    – PSALM 46:10

    Anna worked all day long. She rarely rested from the time she got up until she went to bed every night. She enjoyed having so many responsibilities and people depending on her.

    Then everything was altered by a vehicle accident. She required surgery since she had a broken back. However, the surgeon clarified that the surgery would be exceedingly dangerous for Anna. "I would like you to take it easy for the next six weeks as you are not a good candidate for surgery. It's possible that your body will cure itself.

    Anna first felt bored and annoyed. She was limited to doing nothing but lie in the hospital bed and counts the day’s one by one. Anna, however, made the decision to put her time to better use. She started daily Bible study and journaling of her newfound knowledge.

    After a few years, Anna noticed a publishing company was looking for writers for Bible studies. She eventually recovered fully. When the corporation expressed interest in using the study she had completed while in the hospital, she was overjoyed.

    Quiet time used to seem like a waste of time to me. However, I now understand that God uses every season of my life, including the quiet ones.

    God, please enable me to stop struggling when You tell me to remain still. Once more, prove to me that You have everything under control. Please help me to rely on You for support. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Unified in Peace

    "Make every effort to keep the unity of the

    Spirit through the bond of peace."

    – EPHESIANS 4:3

    Inhaling deeply, Shane clicked the email's send button. He had written and rewritten it for several days. It was a challenging message to write, being so long. He saw in his friend a mindset that he knew would result in sin.

    Shane was concerned when he didn't hear back from his friend despite his best effort to approach him in a humble manner in the email. He talked to his friend multiple times a week on average, but this week he had heard nothing.

    Shane did not know how to proceed. He ran into his buddy at the grocery store as he was praying about the circumstance. His friend gave him a warm greeting and a smile.

    Shane's friend reached over to give him an embrace as their talk came to a conclusion. "I appreciate you sending that message. I had to give it some time to sink in, but I see now what you were saying. I appreciate your concern for me.

    God, please enable me to face sin with love. I don't want to act with conceit or haughtiness. Let my buddies and I share a togetherness that unites us. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Go in Peace

    Then David accepted from her hand what she had brought him and said, "Go home in peace. I have heard your

    words and granted your request."

    – 1 SAMUEL 25:35

    One of Abigail's workers arrived to warn her as she was taking care of her house. He explained that for months, David and his men had been watching out for their shepherds and defending her husband's sheep.

    However, your spouse did not accept it when David sent a message requesting food and water for his soldiers. David is coming this way now, and he appears to be very irate. We will all die as a result of your husband's insult.

    Abigail rallied her family in a hurry. She first sent out food to David and his men before going to meet him on the walk leading to her home. She quickly pleaded for his forgiveness, explaining that she had not seen the men.

    Rather than react with force or rage, Abigail approached with humility. She saved her entire household and provided harmony to a tough situation.

    Keep Abigail in mind the next time you're tempted to react angrily to someone. She diverted David's anger with a gentle response and a compassionate demeanor.

    God, watch over how I respond to things today. Please help me to approach every problem with humility with the goal of reaching a mutually agreeable solution. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Peace in His Arms

    "He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently

    leads those that have young."

    – ISAIAH 40:11

    Having five children already, Mary and her husband learned that they were expecting their sixth child. Aaron had to stay in the hospital for several weeks after his early birth.

    After he got home, Aaron frequently had trouble eating. The doctor said that was common in preemies, Mary remarks. They don't necessarily have as robust digestive systems. Aaron would therefore sob uncontrollably after each meal.

    The only person who could soothe the tiny infant was Aaron's father. No matter how early Cameron had to rise for work the following day, it didn't matter. All through the night, he would wake up to console Aaron. He walked the floor with him for hours one night.

    In difficult times, it's simple to believe that God has forgotten about you. But God gets up to console you, just as Cameron got up to cradle his son every time he sobbed.

    He may sometimes accomplish this by sending a buddy to console you, meeting your material needs, or placing a listener in your way.

    God, please enable me to remember that you are holding onto me when I need consolation. Please hold me in the comfort of Your arms. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Gathering in Peace

    "Let us therefore make every effort to do what

    leads to peace and to mutual edification."

    – ROMANS 14:19

    Since her children's early years, Angela had insisted on family meals. Their dining room was too small to be featured in a magazine, and their dinners were not elaborate. But love had always surrounded the table in plenty.

    As the children grew into teenagers, Angela observed a change in their perspectives. Dinnertime together was now more about arguing than it was about spending time together. The children teased and battled over who was supposed to do the chores.

    In the end, Angela made the decision to draft a new regulation. "We come together in harmony. It's okay if you need to talk to your siblings about a problem. However, we're not here to argue. Our objective as a family is to support and uplift one another.

    Disagreements arise in even the most loving families. However, a disagreement doesn't have to escalate into an argument or a squabble. You can stay calm and politely talk about significant subjects.

    God, please provide for my family and me. Sometimes it's difficult for us to be kind and nice to one another. Show me how to live a united and peaceful example. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    When Peace Is Hard to Find

    "Do not fret because of those who are evil

    or be envious of those who do wrong..."

    – PSALM 37:1

    Jacob felt sad as he watched the news. It was hard to see all the sadness and suffering. However, the more he observed, the more powerless he started to feel. At last, he turned off the news and started working.

    Jacob ran into Austin, a coworker, while he was getting his coffee in the morning. Have you watched the news? Jacob enquired before diving into a graphic news article.

    I hardly ever watch the news, Austin shook his head. I used to get really engrossed in what other people were doing. If no one else is going to live a moral life, I wonder why I should."

    Jacob halted, what did you ultimately decide, then?

    I think life is about focus, Austin remarked. I want to put my attention on the individuals I can support and adore. It is my responsibility to carry out the good deeds God has assigned me."

    Occasionally, news coverage can cause you to lose focus on everything that is wrong with the world. Although having knowledge is crucial, try not to let the negative get to you. Concentrate on assisting people and serving God.

    God, please direct my gaze to you. If I'm constantly thinking about the bad, I won't be able to be a lovely blessing to others. Let my attention be on love for now. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Peace in the Storm

    "He stilled the storm to a whisper;

    the waves of the sea were hushed."

    – PSALM 107:29

    The elderly parents of Serena were caught in the path of a powerful hurricane. She begged them to purchase plane tickets so they could travel to be with her. She remarked, referring to her young sons, The boys love seeing you and we have plenty of room.

    Her parents attempted to purchase airline tickets, but they were unable to make reservations because the banks in their area had closed. The elderly couple ultimately made the decision to travel inland and book a motel.

    They were shocked when they got back home three days later. Their neighborhood was nothing more than a jumble of crumbling foundations and damaged houses. Serena's father discovered some vintage family pictures as they picked through the debris.

    Several banknotes flew in the air as he retrieved them from the chaos. He gathered them up fast, laughing when he realized how many there were. Exactly two plane tickets to their daughter's house might be purchased with it.

    Everyone experiences storms in life at some point. It could be a medical condition, money issue, or vehicle mishap. Even if you have no control over the storms, you can find calm by putting your faith in God.

    God, please assist me to turn to You for calm when the storms around me rage. Calm the tempest in my heart and give peace to Your weak child. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Be a Peacemaker

    "Blessed are the peacemakers,

    for they will be called children of God."

    – MATTHEW 5:9

    Anger swept through Bill as he thought about hi coworker's latest behavior. Bill's employment was now in jeopardy since the other man had transferred the blame for a project gone wrong onto him.

    He turned on the radio to hear a pastor recite Matthew 5:9 while he thought about his reply. God, I don't want to be a peacemaker, he exclaimed out loud as he hastily turned off the radio. I'm looking to exert revenge. It's unfair, and I'm upset about it.

    Bill thought immediately of Jesus hanging on the cross. That wasn't fair either, God, and You used it for my good, he muttered. Please help me to treat my coworker with grace. Please be at ease while I work today.

    The following day, Bill asked his coworker how he was, and he smiled sincere at him. With an embarrassed expression, the other man said that he had forgotten about the project and begged Bill's pardon.

    When you want to protect yourself or get revenge on the person who mistreated you, it might be difficult to be a peacemaker. However, you are expected to walk in peace wherever you can as a child of God.

    God, please enable me to keep Matthew 5:9 in mind when I come across unfair circumstances. I aspire to be like Jesus and extend charity to others. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Peace in the Middle of a Detour

    "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,

    since as members of one body you were

    called to peace. And be thankful."

    – COLOSSIANS 3:15

    Olivia heard a cry for assistance as she was preoccupied with her grocery shopping. Glancing up, she saw a wobbling woman in the checkout line.

    Olivia hastily left her cart behind and rushed to the other woman. After guiding her to a bench, she started questioning her. Madam, how are you doing? Do you suffer from a health issue like diabetes?

    With a feeble explanation, the other woman said that she had been working in her yard all day and had neglected to eat. A shopper grabbed a drink for the woman while a store clerk gave her a tray of food.

    Olivia had a ton of errands to run that day, but her path was blocked by construction. She was happy to be there to assist the other customer in need when she made the decision to head to the grocery store first.

    God may occasionally reroute your everyday course to allow you to serve the less fortunate. God might want you to console a weeping youngster or perhaps He wants you to provide words of encouragement to a single mother you encounter.

    God, I'm so tempted sometimes to stick rigidly to my daily schedule. However, today is yours to do with as you like. Wherever You want me to minister, move me. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Peaceful Conversations

    "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and

    self-control. Against such things there is no law."

    – GALATIANS 5:22-23

    Edith missed her best buddy when she moved to a new place. She started giving her friend weekly phone calls. But she discovered a troubling pattern after two or three conversations. Her friend took a bad train each time she called.

    She would bemoan her work, her kids, and her spouse. Her remarks were full of doom and gloom, with every good being distorted in some way.

    In the end, Edith made the decision to subtly change her friend's perspective. Edith used to pose a question when the other woman started to whine.

    What positive things have happened in your life this week, she inquired?

    For what are you giving thanks to God today?

    This month, who has been a blessing to you?

    Her companion gradually started to shift her attention from the bad to the good. You might know someone who, like Edith, is constantly picturing the worst case scenario—a friend or loved one. However, you might gently support your friend by posing inquiries that cause her to change her emphasis.

    God, please provide me the courage to encourage my friends and family with my words. I don't want my pessimistic attitude to bring them down. During our chats, teach me how to encourage and serve others. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Peace Be with You

    A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, Peace be with you!

    – JOHN 20:26

    Jesus' followers were concerned that they might become the next targets once following his crucifixion. They thus assembled in a room and went into hiding. They shut out the lights, locked the doors, and bided their time.

    Then Jesus appears. He doesn't gently tap on the door. He does not make a big deal out of his being here. He just appears in the center of the space and says, Peace be with you!

    We all have problems we would like to run away from, so it's difficult to hold the disciples responsible. Perhaps all you want to do is stay away from the doctor's calls while you wait for the results of the tests you did.

    Maybe you've recently discovered that your partner is unfaithful, and you're reluctant to return home. Perhaps you wish to flee from your neighborhood because there is an outstanding warrant for your son's arrest.

    You can be confident that Jesus is with you at all times, no matter what. Peace be with you, He said to His disciples, just as He is saying it to you.

    God, I'm so overcome with guilt and terror. I'm terrified because it feels like everything is crumbling. I'm prepared to disappear. Kindly let me know that you are present. Please give me the serenity that comes from being with You. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Peace for Friends

    I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!

    – JOHN 16:33

    Gary was startled in the middle of the night. He started to pray since he was unable to fall back asleep. His friend Keith kept coming to mind while he prayed. He started to pray fervently, pleading with God to provide Keith safety and serenity.

    Gary got a call from Keith's wife the following day. As a police officer on active duty, Keith had been shot in the course of his work. Keith was able to calm those around him in spite of the chaos happening all around him.

    Keith's wife stated, You should have seen him earlier, but he's sleeping now. He was so peaceful. He appeared to be in perfect health as he sat on the stretcher, grinning.

    It can be challenging at times to know what to pray for a friend. Remember Gary's advice and offer up prayers for your friend to find serenity in any circumstance.

    God, please give (name of your friend) comfort. Whatever occurs this week let them sense Your serenity and presence. Send your love to comfort them. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Peace without Answers

    "I will listen to what God the LORD says; he promises

    peace to his people, his faithful servants—but let

    them not turn to folly."

    – PSALM 85:8

    In order to take care of her adult daughter who had been hurt in an automobile accident, Andrea resigned from her job. Her husband died of a heart attack a few months later.

    However, Andrea's kind nature never faded. She continued to participate in her community and church despite being in agony. She helped others and gave them consolation throughout their loss.

    Andrea responded, I thought if I could just get answers to my questions, I would be OK, in response to a question about how she could maintain her faith. But my desperation grew the more I looked for it. I had to let go of my doubts and accept the consolation of my loving Heavenly Father.

    Like Andrea, you might face challenging circumstances in life. It makes sense that you might have lots of inquiries. However, knowing the answers won't help you feel better or less hurt. You can only truly find serenity when you are in God's presence.

    God, please provide me serenity today. I'm worn out from the fight. I'm putting all of my worries and inquiries to rest. Please envelop me in Your love. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

    Sleep in Peace

    "I lie down and sleep; I wake again,

    because the LORD sustains me."

    – PSALM 3:5

    When Michael's older sons made the decision to watch a movie, they didn't realize that Aiden, their youngest brother, was present in the room. The boys turned on the zombie movie, oblivious that the toddler was playing behind the couch. Aiden was terrified by what he saw, and for the following two weeks, he had nightmares.

    Michael got up each time to console his son. He put a night light in the boy's room, looked beneath the bed for monsters, and played calming music in an attempt to make the room seem less dangerous.

    Michael was feeling tired one night when he suddenly remembered the fourth line of Psalm 121. He softly read the passage from memory that he had learned as a young child: In fact, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

    "My son Aiden, know that God is always keeping an eye on you.

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