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Treasure Island: The Parrot's Perspective: Classics Reimagined: A Comedic Twist, #3
Treasure Island: The Parrot's Perspective: Classics Reimagined: A Comedic Twist, #3
Treasure Island: The Parrot's Perspective: Classics Reimagined: A Comedic Twist, #3
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Treasure Island: The Parrot's Perspective: Classics Reimagined: A Comedic Twist, #3

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About this ebook

"Treasure Island: The Parrot's Perspective" is the third book in the "Classics Reimagined: A Comedic Twist" series, offering a unique and humorous retelling of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic.

Narrated by the witty and mischievous parrot, Captain Squawks, this novella invites readers into a world where the familiar tale of treasure and piracy is infused with lighthearted humor and unexpected twists.

From the bustling port of Bristol to the mysterious Treasure Island, each scene is reimagined through the eyes of Captain Squawks, whose bird's-eye view provides fresh insights and comical misunderstandings. The novella blends adventure with hilarity, as Captain Squawks interacts with iconic characters like Jim Hawkins, Long John Silver, and Dr. Livesey, often influencing the course of events in amusing ways.

This whimsical journey is not just about hunting for treasure; it's a voyage filled with slapstick scenarios, clever dialogues, and a modern twist on classic pirate tales. The story maintains the essence of the original while adding layers of humor, making it accessible and entertaining for all ages.

Why is this novella?

  • To offer a fresh and humorous perspective on a classic tale.
  • To blend traditional storytelling with modern humor and sensibilities.
  • To create a fun and engaging reading experience for all ages.


What is in this novella? (Or What I "as a reader" will get from this novella.)

  • A unique retelling of "Treasure Island" from a parrot's point of view.
  • A blend of adventure, comedy, and lighthearted fun.
  • Memorable characters reimagined with a twist of humor.
  • Engaging narrative with witty dialogues and amusing scenarios.


For whom is this novella?

  • Fans of classic literature looking for a fresh take.
  • Readers who enjoy comedy and adventure stories.
  • Families seeking entertaining and light-hearted reading.
  • Anyone who loves a good pirate story with a twist.


What is special about this novella?

  • It is narrated by a charismatic and humorous parrot.
  • Offers a unique blend of classic storytelling and modern humor.
  • It's part of a series that creatively reimagines classic tales.
  • Suitable for a wide range of readers, from young to old.


Why should I acquire this novella?

  • To experience a beloved classic in a new and entertaining way.
  • To enjoy a story that combines humor, adventure, and timeless themes.
  • Perfect for light reading that uplifts and amuses.
  • Great addition for any collection of humorous or classic literature.


PublisherSaid Al Azri
Release dateJan 28, 2024
Treasure Island: The Parrot's Perspective: Classics Reimagined: A Comedic Twist, #3

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    Book preview

    Treasure Island - Said Al Azri

    Main Characters and Venues

    Main Characters:

    Captain Flint's Parrot (Protagonist):

    Named 'Captain Squawks', this parrot believes he's the real mastermind behind the treasure hunt. He's humorous, astute, and often misinterprets situations in comical ways. His backstory involves being raised among pirates, leading him to mimic their behavior and attitudes. He wears a tiny, comical pirate hat and speaks in a mix of pirate lingo and modern slang, appealing to a wide audience.

    Jim Hawkins (Secondary Protagonist):

    A tech-savvy teenager in modern times, Jim discovers an encrypted map online that leads to the treasure. He's resourceful, a bit naive, and sees Captain Squawks as a mentor, often humorously misinterpreting the parrot's squawks as profound advice.

    Long John Silver (Antagonist):

    Reimagined as a charismatic startup CEO with a secret pirate ancestry, Silver is a master of manipulation with a love for theatricality. He secretly seeks the treasure for his own gain.

    Dr. Livesey:

    A retired navy medic turned vlogger, he documents the treasure hunt for his online followers, often providing humorous commentary and medical trivia.

    Squire Trelawney:

    An eccentric millionaire and history enthusiast, Trelawney funds the expedition, often getting overly excited about the smallest historical finds, adding to the comic relief.

    Main Venues:

    The Hispaniola (Ship):

    A modern luxury yacht outfitted with high-tech equipment but adorned with pirate-themed decor. It's a blend of sleek modern design and nostalgic pirate elements, leading to humorous juxtapositions.

    Treasure Island:

    A remote island, now a protected nature reserve, with hidden coves and ancient ruins. The island is a hotspot for adventure tourists, adding to the comedic elements as the crew navigates around oblivious vacationers.

    Bristol Harbor:

    The starting point of the journey, a bustling, modern marina filled with yachts, cafes, and tourists, providing a stark contrast to the pirate-themed adventure that unfolds.

    Silver’s Office:

    A high-tech, modern office space with pirate-themed decor, subtly hinting at Long John Silver’s true intentions.

    Ben Gunn’s Cave:

    A hidden, tech-filled hideout on the island, where Ben Gunn, a quirky hacker living off-grid, has set up his base, adding a twist to the original character.

    Act 1: The Mysterious Map

    Scene 1: The Digital X Marks the Spot

    (Narrated by Captain Squawks)

    Ahoy there, mateys! Captain Squawks at your service, the one and only true captain of this here high-tech pirate saga. Don't let the feathers fool ya; beneath this colorful plumage beats the heart of a seasoned sea dog. Or sea bird, if we're being picky.

    Ah, gather 'round, me hearties, for I've a tale to spin that'll ruffle your feathers and set your sails a-flutter. Picture this: we're back in the bustling port of Bristol, the adventure's end, and the treasure's been found. But every legend has its beginning, and ours started with a lad and a laptop.

    There we were, Jim Hawkins and I, lounging in a cozy café by the docks, reminiscing about the wild winds of fortune that had blown our way. The aroma of fresh coffee mixed with the salty sea air, and the sounds of the bustling port provided a lively backdrop to our musings.

    Remember how it all started, Captain Squawks? Jim asked, a twinkle in his eye as he sipped his latte.

    Aye, lad, like it was yesterday, I replied, preening my feathers. Ye were just a bright-eyed youngster with a knack for tech and a thirst for adventure.

    Jim chuckled, his fingers idly tapping the table. I had no idea what I was getting into. Just me, my trusty laptop, and a digital mystery waiting to be solved.

    And what a mystery it was! Picture it, friends: Jim, hunched over his laptop in this very café, his eyes scanning lines of code that would baffle even the sharpest of minds. It was a map, but not your typical, run-of-the-mill treasure map. No, this was the 21st century – we're talking about an encrypted digital map, hidden in the deep, shadowy corners of the internet.

    I was just browsing some old maritime archives, Jim continued, his voice tinged with nostalgia. And there it was, hidden in a file labeled 'Uncharted Waters'. A string of numbers, coordinates, and a riddle that mentioned 'where the land kisses the sea, and the palm trees whisper secrets.'

    Ah, but Jim was a clever one. He knew there was more to it than met the eye. With a few clicks and a bit of hacking magic – the kind that'd make Blackbeard's beard curl – he started to unravel the code. The map began to take shape, a digital path leading to an unknown treasure on a distant island.

    But I couldn't have done it without you, Captain Squawks, Jim said, giving me a knowing look.

    True enough, lad, I squawked proudly. But that's a story for the next scene. For now, let's bask in the glory of that first discovery.

    And what a discovery it was! As Jim decoded the map, his excitement grew. The promise of adventure, the lure of the unknown, the thrill of the hunt – it was all there, laid out in bits and bytes before him.

    I knew I needed help, someone who knew the ways of the sea, Jim said, his gaze drifting to the bustling harbor. And that's when fate brought us together.

    Aye, fate and a fair bit of feathered fortune, I added with a wink.

    We clinked our coffee cups together, a toast to the beginning of an adventure that had taken us across stormy seas, through perilous encounters, and to the heart of a mystery as old as the waves themselves.

    So, there you have it, the start of a legend. A boy and his laptop, a digital map, and a world of possibilities waiting just over the horizon. Little did we know the wild ride that awaited us, the dangers we'd face, and the friendships we'd forge.

    But that's a tale for another time. For now, let's just say that the winds of fate were blowing in our favor, and the adventure of a lifetime was just beginning.

    So, hoist the sails, tighten your bootstraps, and keep a weather eye on the horizon.

    And remember, in the world of treasure hunting, it's not just about the gold or the jewels. It's about the journey, the mystery, and the friendships forged along the way. So come aboard, and let's set sail on an adventure you'll never forget.

    Captain Squawks and crew are on the case, so, let's raise our cups to the spirit of adventure, to the call of the unknown, and to the treasures – both literal and metaphorical – that lie waiting for those brave enough to seek them.


    Scene 2: The Captain's Claim

    Ah, the day young Jim and I properly met – a day that'll go down in the annals of pirate (and parrot) history! It was a day of chance, a day of fate, a day of... well, let's just get on with it, shall we?

    There I was, Captain Squawks, perched regally atop an old barrel by the bustling docks of Bristol, overseeing my domain. The sun was shining, the gulls were squabbling, and the smell of fish and chips hung heavy in the air – a perfect day for a parrot with a penchant for piracy.

    Then I spotted him, our hero, Jim Hawkins. He was ambling along the docks, his eyes glued to a curious device in his hands. A smartphone, I believe they call it. Aye, even a parrot keeps up with the times. He was so engrossed in his gadgetry that he nearly bumped

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