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Dragon Orol: Awakening!
Dragon Orol: Awakening!
Dragon Orol: Awakening!
Ebook84 pages55 minutes

Dragon Orol: Awakening!

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? Dragon Orol: Awakening ?✨

Embark on a riveting journey into a world where ancient dragons and cutting-edge technology collide in "Dragon Orol: Awakening." ??

When brilliant scientist Dr. Amelia Evergreen discovers flaws in the revolutionary Sertech technology, she unravels a dark truth about Sertex Corporation's experiments. As she joins forces with the heroic Eco-Alliance, a diverse team with unique abilities, they uncover the hidden legacy of the last Kremauster titan, Anur Orol.

In a quest to restore the delicate balance between technology and nature, the Eco-Alliance faces formidable adversaries, political intrigues, and a world on the brink. Will the awakening of Dragon Orol bring salvation or chaos? ??

Get ready for an epic adventure filled with colossal creatures, thought-provoking debates, and the heroic potential within each individual. "Dragon Orol: Awakening" is a sci-fi masterpiece that explores the boundaries of innovation, heroism, and the mysteries that lurk beneath the surface. ?✨

PublisherNuh ibn Safar
Release dateJan 29, 2024
Dragon Orol: Awakening!

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    Book preview

    Dragon Orol - Nuh ibn Safar


    Part 1: Whispers of Dissent

    The world stood on the brink of a new era, a fusion of technology and nature orchestrated by the influential Saner Corporation. Dr. Alexander Saneus, the enigmatic CEO, touted the benefits of Sanetech, a revolutionary technology allowing humans to merge with powerful creatures known as Titanimals. As the populace marveled at this union, dissent quietly simmered beneath the surface.

    Dr. Amelia Evergreen, a brilliant scientist within the heart of Saner Corporation, discovered the dark secret of Sanetech. The merging process was corrupting the human mind, leading to a descent into madness and uncontrollable power. Determined to save humanity from this impending catastrophe, Dr. Evergreen embarked on a perilous journey to find a solution.

    Meanwhile, a group of rebels known as the Technotopians emerged, vehemently opposing the coexistence of nature and technology. Their charismatic leader, known only as Cipher, rallied followers against what they perceived as the threat of Titanimals to human progress.

    In the midst of this ideological clash, the Eco-Alliance formed. Leon Stormrider, a Skyrender Whisperer; Lgiza Fozilova, an Embermaw Rider with a mysterious past; Noila Temirova, an Aquarius Guardian with a deep connection to marine life; and Kain Stonebreaker, a Terrakarn Warden, joined forces with Dr. Evergreen. Together, they set out to expose the dark secrets of Saner Corporation.

    As whispers of dissent grew louder, the Eco-Alliance faced its first challenge: uncovering the truth behind Lgiza's lineage. Guided by ancestral whispers, she learned of her Embermaw Whisperer ancestry, revealing a heritage entwined with a past rebellion against corporate tyranny.

    The alliance's attention turned to Tashkent, the fortress-like headquarters of Saner Corporation. Deep within its labyrinthine corridors, Lgiza and Noila embarked on a covert mission to expose the corporation's sinister experiments with Titanimals.

    As they infiltrated the heart of corporate power, Lgiza's fiery abilities and Noila's affinity with marine life became invaluable. Encountering advanced security measures and facing corporate enforcers, they navigated the shadows, inching closer to the truth.

    Simultaneously, Leon, Kain, and Dr. Evergreen wrestled with external threats orchestrated by Technotopian forces seeking to disrupt the Eco-Alliance's mission. The alliance's unity would be tested as they confronted ideological adversaries and powerful corporate interests.

    In the depths of Tashkent, a revelation awaited Lgiza and Noila — the artificial enhancement of Titanimals. Shocked by the corporation's twisted ambitions, they hurriedly gathered evidence, unaware that their findings would unravel a conspiracy threatening the delicate balance between humanity and nature.

    As whispers of dissent turned into a resounding call for action, the Eco-Alliance, unknowingly entangled in a web of corporate intrigue, prepared to expose the truth to the world. Little did they know that their journey had only just begun, and the Clash of Titans would define the fate of humanity and Titanimals alike.

    Part 2: 1000 BC - Birth of the Azure Guardian

    In the ancient land of Thule, nestled within what is now the Norwegian territory, a tale unfolded that would resonate through the ages. The people of Thule, known as the Thulians, lived in harmony with the natural world, their lives intertwined with the majestic Titanimals that roamed the untamed wilderness.

    Deep within the heart of Thule, where mystical energies converged, a phenomenon occurred that would shape the destiny of the land. The birth of Anur Orol, the Azure Guardian, marked a turning point in the delicate balance between humanity and Titanimals.

    Legend spoke of a celestial event, a convergence of stars and elements that bestowed upon Anur Orol a unique essence. As the Thulians marveled at the dragon's emergence from the depths of the ancient fjords, they recognized the significance of this creature — a symbol of the inseparable bond between their people and the Titanimals.

    The Thulians, guided by an ancient prophecy, believed that Anur Orol was destined to protect the natural order. The dragon's scales shimmered with a deep blue hue, a reflection of the pristine waters that surrounded Thule. As Anur Orol grew, so did the reverence bestowed upon him by the Thulians, who saw in him a guardian spirit embodying the raw power of the untamed land.

    In the mythological tapestry woven by the Thulians, Anur Orol became a figure of both awe and respect. He was said to possess the wisdom of the ages, a sentient being with a consciousness that transcended the ordinary understanding of Titanimals. Anur Orol's presence was considered a blessing, a testament to the harmonious coexistence between humanity and the natural world.

    However, as the centuries passed, Thule faced external threats. Tribes from neighboring regions sought to exploit the land's resources, endangering the delicate equilibrium that had allowed Titanimals and

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