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I Witnessed Miracles of God
I Witnessed Miracles of God
I Witnessed Miracles of God
Ebook32 pages15 minutes

I Witnessed Miracles of God

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What I personally experienced and saw was not an illusion, mental aberration, nor the unfounded ramblings of a stroke victim --of which I am one. In a way, I actually died along with my wife, Gracie, on that fateful night of April 14, 2023, Later, I will more fully explain.
Release dateJan 25, 2024
I Witnessed Miracles of God

Wendell Fountain

Dr. Wendell V. Fountain – Wendell holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of North Florida, a master’s degree in human resources management from Pepperdine University, and an earned doctoral degree D.B.A. (doctorate in business administration) from Nova Southeastern University. He has completed post-graduate studies at Harvard Business School, The University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, and The Wharton School. He worked for many years for AT&T and the Department of Defense (DOD), as well as many small and medium size businesses. He taught graduate business courses for numerous colleges and universities for 38 years, which now includes teaching graduate business courses for Grand Canyon University in Leadership & Organizational Behavior.

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    I Witnessed Miracles of God - Wendell Fountain

    © 2024 Wendell Fountain. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 12/28/2023

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-2016-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-2015-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023924630

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    As Gracie, the love of my life, used to say, There are no accidents, it’s just God acting anonymously.


    Books also by Wendell Vanderbilt Fountain

    As Gracie, the love of my life, used

    to say, "There are no accidents, it’s

    just God acting anonymously."

    Over the years, I’ve written on numerous topics of interest to me; however, I’ve never attempted to write, nor did I ever want to write about, the death of my wife--Gracie. Even writing these

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