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My Alamo Wins - A Walk of Faith
My Alamo Wins - A Walk of Faith
My Alamo Wins - A Walk of Faith
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My Alamo Wins - A Walk of Faith

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After securing God's acknowledgment that it is okay by Him that I pursue my heart's desire to be a pilot, I leave Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, taking with me the teachings of Pastor Terry L. Mize, practical applications of God's Word, every day expecting some form of manifestation of God's presence, knowing that He has an interest in my best interest.

Part 1 is about learning who I am in Christ Jesus. Part 2 chronicles twenty-five years of walking by faith, seeing lifelong prayers being answered, witnessing heart's desires being affirmed, and experiencing the manifestation of dreams come true. Part 3 records five years of life wherein it appears that one financial decision does not transpire in a way that I was taught. It is here that readers see a condition of hopelessness and despair where it seems all hell broke loose to affect my downfall. It is spiritual warfare, and I liken the condition with that of being confined within the walls of an old Spanish mission originally called San Antonio de Valero.

Commencing with the financial crisis of 2009-2010, not only mine but also my family's dreams are shattered. I find it difficult to press on. Living by faith is strenuous. I know, however, that it is my defining moment--my moment of destiny. Grounded in solid teaching, I take a stand against overwhelming forces seemingly all around me, trusting that my pleas for help to the Most High will not fall upon deaf ears, believing that financial help will soon arrive. It is not unlike that of 1836, wherein 182 Texans resolved to take a stand against an opposing force of over two thousand heavily armed men, an overwhelming odds of ten to one. Contrary to Texas history, however, in the end, my Alamo wins!

Release dateJan 30, 2024
My Alamo Wins - A Walk of Faith

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    My Alamo Wins - A Walk of Faith - Buster Desselles


    My Alamo Wins - A Walk of Faith

    Buster Desselles

    ISBN 979-8-88943-247-0 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89043-784-6 (hardcover)

    ISBN 979-8-88943-248-7 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by Buster Desselles

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    All biblical citations were taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible unless otherwise indicated.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    To those I love who fought the good fight. Now what I'd give for one more day with you. (Lyrics, Scars in Heaven, by Casting Crowns)


    Preface: What Is Faith?

    What Is Faith?


    On the Move


    So Many Questions


    I Know There's More


    A Place for Learning


    An Unassuming Church Building




    Then Be a Pilot


    Check Chandler


    Let's Sign the Contract

    An Overt God


    The Statesman


    Take the Tyler Run


    The Thirteenth






    My First Jet


    Another Leap of Faith


    I Remembered


    By the End of the Day

    My Alamo






    Digging Deep


    You Overcome


    I Need Him to Visit Me


    If It's Just an Inkling


    You Need Someone on the Inside on Your Side


    Holding On One More Day


    Concerning Prayer


    My Alamo Wins



    Scripture Index

    To those I love who fought the good fight. Now what I'd give for one more day with you. (Lyrics, Scars in Heaven, by Casting Crowns)


    Salvation is what it's all about. The Bible's central, standalone theme is famously announced in John 3:16 and Mark 16:15–18: God loves the world and get the gospel to the world! The only way we can effectively accomplish this divine mission is to understand and live out a life of faith.

    If you're sick, you can't do for the Lord what you would like to. If you're in poverty, how will you be able to help someone? If you're being beaten up by the world's system, then why would anyone want to be like you?

    The word of God is full of promises—an inheritance that we have to learn to possess and act upon. To be more than a conqueror and accomplish something significant for heaven, then we have to change our thinking and begin to think the way that God does.

    Buster and I go way back and have a lot of history. I had the privilege of being his pastor when he was a young guy getting started without much more than a dream of flying. His wife, Diann, helped my wife and me personally; and I had the honor of officiating at their marriage. A lot of years have passed, and I'm pleased to recommend him, them, and this uplifting message.

    I had no idea that he was writing this book or that I would be featured so prominently in it. But I am very glad I could speak into his Life and be a blessing to him and his family.

    Those that know me also know I am big on purpose and big on honor and legacy. Spiritual fathers are a big deal to me, and heritage is very important. I am proud of my spiritual sons and daughters.

    As I've continued in ministry and missions for over fifty years, I can truly echo the words of the apostle John when he said, I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth (3 John 1:4).

    Any impact that I or this ministry has had is to the credit of the Holy Spirit. I'm thrilled to have had some impact on Buster, Diann, and their family. What a joy it is to read of this life of faith, to hear the testimonies and the steadfast trust in the promises of God, and to be reminded of the Lord's unlimited faithfulness!

    This book will encourage, challenge, and light a fire in you to reach for more in your relationship with the God of the universe and all He has for you!

    Terry L. Mize

    Preface: What Is Faith?

    What Is Faith?

    Living by faith requires an element of believing that God is good and that His Word is true. The question is—what is faith? The Bible says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1 KJV). So, for all practical purposes, faith can be analogous to the air that we breathe. It cannot be seen, but its presence is evident or else we would be dead. It is in this sense that air is acknowledged as a valuable resource [ substance ]. So, too, faith is a valuable resource for that of Christians. Its presence is evident by the course that we live. So then faith in God's Word is the substance by which all Christians strive to walk the talk. It is this faith that is applied on a daily basis.

    Faith is the substance that birth's encouragement for forward movement toward endeavors despite an unknown future. Faith is the substance by which one can continue to live and breathe in a world of unknown certainties. Faith is the substance that gives one purpose to continue when everything seems hopeless. Faith is the substance that instills strength, which enables one to get up when he or she is down. Faith is the substance that fills a void when failure seems inevitable. Faith is the substance that convinces one that he or she will succeed despite all odds. So regardless of era, nationality, civilization, profession, full-time ministry, or otherwise, living by faith is the key to Christian living.

    It is an application of faith in the physical with faith in the spiritual—the application of faith in one's ability extended beyond oneself to that of a higher order. It is relying on God's provision with power and comfort from the Holy Spirit in order to accomplish one's personal endeavors. So then it is this way of life that we stand on the scripture of Hebrews 11:6, which states, Without faith it is impossible to please God, because everyone who comes to him must believe that he exists; and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

    Furthermore, by reading the second chapter of the book of James, one can easily grasp the scriptural intent of living by faith. It is more than a belief in one's heart. It is an outward expression of one's soul—an expression of one's mind, emotion, and will. James 2:18–22 tells us that some people believe that there is a God, that this is well indeed, but the devil also believes, and he trembles. It is in this regard that we are told, therefore, that faith without works is dead, and that by works, faith is made perfect. It is in this sense that James describes an action word, and, as such, it is imperative that we make this word a way of life. To this end, the writer of Hebrews goes to great lengths to explain the concept of living by faith. In the eleventh chapter, the faith chapter, he acknowledges biblical characters that excelled in faith, a must read for all Christians.

    Moreover, in order for Christians to succeed in living by faith, it is imperative to understand that there are two distinct aspects of life that are constantly at work with each other—those that are in opposition and those that are in conjunction, those within the physical and those within the spiritual—both influencing the other for better or for worse. With that knowledge then, there should be no surprise that, as Christians, we will encounter struggles, hardships, and battles. The extent to which we overcome these trials and tribulations is directly proportional to an accompaniment of corresponding prayer. We cannot dismiss this aspect of life because doing so will add frustration when, during the heat of battle, all hope in God's Word is easily lost. It is, therefore, imperative that we be mindfully acquainted with the following:

    For we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12); Fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12); Building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit (Jude 1:20); The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up (James 5:15); Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication (Ephesians 6:17, 18); Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass (Luke 21:36).

    Lastly, as Christians, we should not expect to overcome trials and tribulations unless we believe that God is able and willing that we should—and He does—as can be attested to by observing the words of Saint John: Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2). Anyone that would expect otherwise will put forth effort toward foolishness. Not I because I believe wholeheartedly in a living God, that He is good, that His Word is true, and that He has an interest in my best interest.


    After becoming fully equipped to handle the spiritual warfare that had been raging for my soul, and after securing God's acknowledgment that it was okay by Him that I pursue my heart's desire to be a pilot, I left Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, taking with me the teachings of Pastor Terry L. Mize—a practical application of God's Word, every day expecting some form of manifestation of God's presence, knowing that He has an interest in my best interest.

    According to the principles of Joshua 1:8–9 and Psalm 91:9–16, I knew that when I pray, He will do for me as He did for those of old. He will send angels to fight my battles, thus move heaven and earth in my behalf. During my visualization as an adopted son of God, joint heir with Jesus, baptized in the Holy Spirit, and standing in faith; when challenges would present themselves, I would poise myself with confidence and assurance knowing that the wiles of the devil and the gates of hell will not prevail.

    Notwithstanding this maturing of faith of thirty years, a culmination of decisive events did not transpire as I hoped, prayed, and believed that they would. I liken my condition with that of being confined within the Alamo, a condition that gave me a feeling of hopelessness and despair, a feeling that I may as well give up and suffer the consequences of an unconditional surrender, wherein no quarter would be given—possibly the same state of mind that befell William Barrett Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crocket.

    My condition, albeit spiritual in nature, was not unlike that of these men, and I felt a stirring deep within my soul, a stirring that they must have felt as the line was being drawn in the sand. With their option of surrendering and bowing to defeat contrary to overwhelming odds, despite the reality that they faced while hunkered down within the hallowed walls of an old Spanish mission originally called San Antonio de Valero, a resolve within their souls was inflamed, and a determination was made that they would take a stand.

    The scene at the Alamo, wherein approximately 182 Texans took a stand against an overwhelming force of over two thousand armed men is more than a story of disenfranchisement. It is a story of faith because it was within the context of this timeframe that early Americans got caught up in a simple phrase turned movement called Manifest Destiny. A mindset founded upon a belief that it was God's divine will and purpose for the expansion of the United States. This gave momentum for frontiersmen to seek their fortunes in the west despite adversity—Texas being deeply entrenched within the realm of that influence.

    In like fashion, facing my own reality, albeit spiritual in nature, I, too, had to make a decision. It was my defining moment—my moment of destiny. I was compelled to take a stand against overwhelming forces seemingly all around me, trusting that my pleas for help, my prayers to the Most High would not fall upon deaf ears, and believing that reinforcements would soon arrive, even if they came at the last moment.

    With my lifelong prayers being answered, with most of my heart's desires being affirmed, and the manifestation of a dream come true, I descended upon my newly acquired piece of property of twenty acres that in Texas tradition, I gave it the name—Southern Grace. After thirteen previous years of being told that my wife could not have children, and after only three months of acquiring my little piece of Texas, my son was bestowed by the hand of a private adoption. After two years of beseeching God for a girl sibling for his companion, a daughter was granted again by the hand of a private adoption. To an outsider, this may not seem strange, but it was from sources that were either unaware of our predicament or not privy to our prayers.

    For twenty years, I had been practicing what I had learned in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, and for twenty years, I had been exercising God's Word in every aspect of my life. I had acquired a spiritual mindset that I had entered all the way into the throne room of God, believing in the words of Deuteronomy 28:8 that Buster Wayne Desselles Jr., adopted son of God, joint heir with Jesus Christ to the kingdom of heaven would not, could not lose!

    Living on our twenty acres, my income was sufficient to sustain a lifestyle in which my wife did not have to work outside of the home, and so she had the privilege of homeschooling our children. In 2005, however, at the same time that the land next door came up for sale, my mother-in-law became ill with only a few months to live. Knowing that my father-in-law in his eighties was not capable of properly caring for her and not wanting to sell their house of thirty years, just to put her in a convalescent home, Diann and I decided to move them in with us in our 1,175-square-foot two-bedroom-one-bath home. So when the 1,800-square-foot house with an accompanying eighty-eight acres next door came up for sale, I figured that it was God's provision. I believed that it was my destiny to own that piece of property.

    The greatest act of living by faith is an act of not relying on your capabilities but on that of another. The biblical definition simply states that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1) So with the culmination of a literal dream come true—the birth of my children, and now a call from out of the blue—my faith in God was soaring to such a high degree that The Last of the Mohicans theme music was resounding in my ears, convincing me that I cannot lose.

    Pondering upon the outcomes of each of my decisions, it occurred to me that there comes a time in a Christian man's life that, after praying incessantly, at some point, he has to believe that which is before him is a manifestation of God Himself. It's not an easy step to take, that's why it's called living by faith.

    In the process, things were not transpiring as smoothly as I had witnessed in the past. Sure, I had experienced hardships before, but every time a provision would present itself, either by the initiation of me or that of another, it did not matter. I would always attribute it to a provision of God, knowing that He, more often than not, uses people to accomplish His good pleasure. Had I done something wrong? Did I miss God? Was I wrong in my faith that perhaps the phone call was just a fluke? Was God teaching me something? Was the teaching that I had received twenty years prior totally absurd? Was it out of God's will that I possess that piece of property? Or when it comes to bestowing His good pleasure, perhaps God differentiates between those who are in the full-time ministry from those who are not. First I started questioning my faith. Then I started questioning God. Later I started blaming myself, thinking that it must have been a sin that required long-term consequential effects—but what sin?

    This book is my life story of trusting in God to meet all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ

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