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I Am Not Ready To Die: Warfare Prayers Against The Spirit of Premature Death
I Am Not Ready To Die: Warfare Prayers Against The Spirit of Premature Death
I Am Not Ready To Die: Warfare Prayers Against The Spirit of Premature Death
Ebook96 pages1 hour

I Am Not Ready To Die: Warfare Prayers Against The Spirit of Premature Death

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About this ebook

God created man to fulfill his purpose on earth. But today, the cemetery is full of unfulfilled destinies, cut short in the prime of their life and as a result, they could not fulfill the original purpose of God for their life. Premature death is now frequent, even among believers.

 I am happy to tell you that every believer can claim victory over untimely death. Long life is one of God’s covenant rights for us. Are you ready to live? Do you want to fulfill your days after the orders of our covenant fathers in the Old Testament, who lived for many years on the earth? If your answer is capital YES. Then, this book is for you.

This book will show you the top secret of long life, and reveal to you how you can avoid, and defeat the spirit of premature death. Get this book, and you will set yourself, free from the fear of premature death. Long life is your heritage!


Release dateMay 9, 2018
I Am Not Ready To Die: Warfare Prayers Against The Spirit of Premature Death

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    This book is first of all dedicated to the Almighty God who has given us life.

    Secondly, it is dedicated to my darling wife Grace. With her, the grace of God has always been sufficient for me.

    Finally, it is dedicated to my beautiful children, Success, Favor, Gold, and Esther. They have always been sources of joy to me.



    I am indebted to the Ancient of Days who gave me the grace to write this book. To Him be the glory and honor.

    My special thanks to my late parents, Elder and Mrs, Remilekun, who taught me love, and kindness, and brought me, up in the way of God.

    May their gentle souls, rest in perfect peace, in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Also, I will appreciate all my senior colleagues in ministry, who encouraged me and played significant roles in my work with the Almighty God and their enormous assistance in making this work of a great value.

    My greatest thanks go to my darling wife and partner in ministry, Sis. Grace Remilekun and my four wonderful children- Success, Favor, Gold, and Esther, whose love and support have galvanized me against any discouragement while writing this book.

    I want to acknowledge my mentors, who have impacted my spiritual life greatly.

    I want to acknowledge my grandfather in the Lord Pastor E.A Adeboye, who through his humility I learned how to be humble and through his teachings, I learned how to teach others. Sir, you are highly celebrated.

    Also, I want to acknowledge Bishop David Oyedepo, my mentor, my teacher and my bishop. Who taught me so much about faith and made a statement that changed my perception about warfare, when he declared this statement: ‘’THIS WORLD IS NOT A PLAYGROUND, BUT A BATTLEFIELD’’. God bless you, Bishop.

    I want to also acknowledge the greatest revivalist of our time, Dr. D. K Olukoya, May the fire of revival, never depart from you. God bless you with more fire. More Grace Sir!

    I also want to celebrate other men and women of God who have impacted my life through their books and teaching; Bishop T.D Jakes, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollars, Joyce Meyer, Ann Spangler, Mathew Robert, John Miller, Rebecca Brown, Billy Graham and Pastor W.F Kumuyi, just to mention a few. God bless you all.

    Above all, thanks, be to the Holy Spirit, Who commanded and inspired this work. I give you praise, Lord






    Chapter 1- Sin Is The Major Cause Of Death

    Chapter 2- This Is The Top Secret

    Chapter 3- What You Should Know

    Chapter 4- What Is The Minimum Age To Live

    Chapter 5- Old Age is The Best

    Chapter 6- Is It Biblical To Fulfill Your Days

    Chapter 7- Agents Of Premature Death

    Chapter 8- Mysteries Of Divine Protection For Longevity

    Chapter 9- I Am Not Ready To Die

    Chapter 10- The Graveyard Spirit

    Chapter 11- Warfare Prayers And Declarations For Long Life

    Chapter 12- Testimonies                                          



     "Thou will prolong the King’s life, and his years as many generations.’’ Psalm 61 verses 6

    As a believer, you are a king here on earth and naturally, kings do not die young. The moment you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior, a new divine kingship anointing is upon your life.

    By the power of this kingship anointing, you are no longer permitted to die young in life. Therefore, long life must be your heritage in Christ Jesus. God will prolong your life and your years as many generations, in Jesus name.

    Why should you die young, when you have not finished your assignment here on earth?

     Why should you die young when you have the whole eternity to spend in heaven?

    I was down in the spirit one day, and I heard a voice calling me in my native name ‘’Segun’’, if you die now, you are a wicked fellow, because a lot of life is attached to your life, what will happen to them, if you die young, most of them may lose hope in life and derail from the path of truth. I have sent you to them as their destiny helpers.’’

    Every believer can claim victory over untimely death. Long life is one of God’s covenant rights for us. Are you ready to live?

    Do you want to fulfill your days after the orders of our covenant fathers in the Old Testament, who lived for many years on the earth?

    To understand that premature death is not from God, let us go back to the beginning of the creation of man. You have to understand that when God created Adam and Eve, they were created with His own image and nature, which is eternal life.

     Man was not originally designed for death; Death was never God’s plan for man. Man was a partaker of His divine nature and to fellowship with Him on daily basis. From this glorious position of honor, man fell via sin, so death replaced life.

    Death is the consequence of sin. Immediately sin came, death came.

     Declare this loud: I am not ready to die now, in Jesus name! (3times)

    Chapter 1 Sin the major cause of death

     Chapter 1

    Sin the major cause of death

    Romans 5:12-‘’  Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into this world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned’’.

    Death passed upon all men because of Adam’s sin, and sin brought death.

    Sin has always been a corrupter.  It corrupts humans; it corrupts even the creation as noted in Romans 8:22,

    "We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.

    "Sin is seen as a disease and it separates man from God.  And when there is a separation from the Life Giver, then life becomes a casualty.  Since the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23), this could extend to the creation itself.  Rebellion against God always incurs a cost. Sin is the number one rebel spirit against the Almighty God.

    Sin Shortens Life

    It is no surprise that today there are more drugs and alcohol addictions and abuse than ever before.  These sins are known to shorten a person’s life.  We know that drinking in excess and drug abuse destroy brain cells, the liver, and other muscular and

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