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The Dream Seers: Volume I
The Dream Seers: Volume I
The Dream Seers: Volume I
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The Dream Seers: Volume I

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Intergalactic conflict reaches the Milky Way when two alien factions battle near Earth. The talented, young veterinarian, Dr. Jason Maze, can somehow sense he and his family are in jeopardy. While the aliens secretly approach Earth, Jason must convince his wife, Xenia, trouble is forthcoming. Only when the alien creatures appear does Xenia believe Jason's warning. But what are the aliens' missions? Jason must quickly decide who is friend and who is foe. Xenia fears she and Jason will become prey or specimens in an alien zoo. Once the aliens reveal their intentions, Jason and Xenia make an alliance which will take them beyond the solar system. Regardless the outcome, human kind will have a new purpose in the universe.

Release dateJul 16, 2017
The Dream Seers: Volume I

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    The Dream Seers - Nathan Skaggs

    Volume I

    The Dream Seers

    By Nathan Skaggs

    BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

    Munich, Germany

    © 2013 by Nathan Skaggs.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine, or journal.

    Third edition

    All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    BookRix GmbH & Co. KG has allowed this work to remain exactly as the author intended, verbatim, without, editorial input.

    ISBN: 978-3-7309-4801-9


    BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

    Einsteinstrasse 28 81675

    Munich, Germany


    For eons, unique individuals across the universe have glimpsed the future through dreams. This amazing saga begins in the late 20th century following a gifted dreamer’s nightmare about a horrifying creature. The dreamer later discovers his amazing ability when the creature from his nightmare and other dreadful beings appear. From generation to generation, the dreamer’s family perceives they are destined for something greater than the world around them. As time passes, the dreamer’s descendants complete pieces of an extraordinary puzzle. Their actions will have impact far beyond Earth and the human race. Finally after 10 centuries, the dreamer’s descendants will understand their family’s importance in the universe. In the age of interstellar exploration, all will be revealed.

    Chapter 1

    The Gatherers

    Deep in intergalactic space, two alien vessels were engaged in a battle. The first ship to appear was the Interceptor, an enormous and stealthy ebony wing. The Interceptor was pursued by the Menagerie, a colossal silver colored disk. The Interceptor’s crew appeared. They were Chiropterans-human sized bats with white skin. The Chiropterans were on course to the Clouds of Magellan. As the Chiropterans fled towards the Large Magellanic Cloud, they fired upon the Menagerie’s weapons. The Chiropterans soon disabled all of the Menagerie’s weapons and tracking systems. Unfortunately for the Chiropterans, the Interceptor’s propulsion system was damaged in the battle.

    Helmsman, the battle’s a stalemate. Keep us away from the Menagerie for a few more seconds! Navigator, we can’t escape the disk, but we can find a hiding place! "Brigadier General Pirro of the Interceptor ordered.

    Sir, we can seek refuge in that nearby spiral galaxy! The helmsman reported.

    General, scanners have located a tiny blue planet in the far edge of one of the galaxy’s spiral arms. It’s in a solar system of nine planets! The navigator interjected.

    Helmsman, you heard the navigator! Take us to that planet! Fastest possible speed! Navigator, scan the planet’s atmosphere, life forms, and technology. Pirro ordered. This planet’s technology is primitive to ours. The navigator responded.

    Perfect. We’ll seek refuge in this planet’s orbit while we make vital repairs to our ship. Pirro stated.

    Damage to weapons and tracking systems forced the Menagerie to withdraw from battle. As repairs were under way, the elusive Interceptor escaped. Inside the disk was a crew of giant, bipedal, white, tailless, salamander like amphibians- the Caudatans. Even their eyes and blood were white.

    I need immediate status reports from all areas of the ship! Navigator, estimate the Chiropterans’ last known heading. Rear Admiral Mandra ordered.

    Admiral, the damage is extensive, so the repair time will be substantial. 1st Officer, Captain Sophia stated.

    Once our repairs are complete, we’ll resume pursuit of the Chiropterans. We can only hope the Chiropterans will not complete their repairs before ours.

    Fortunately, our precious cargo is unharmed. 2nd Officer, Commander Charlon stated.

    Engineering crews rapidly began repairing the Interceptor’s damaged thrusters. Pirro knew Mandra was equally cunning and tenacious so he summoned the 1st and 2nd Officers to his briefing room.

    I just sent a distress call to Chiroptera since the Menagerie is still out of tracking range. Before the Interceptor is at full capacity, I wish to survey the planet. Pirro stated.

    I’ve already selected a 10 member survey party to scout the planet. The survey commander, Major Tirrus, has selected a sparsely populated agricultural area to be surveyed under the cover of darkness. With stealth technology engaged, neither the Menagerie nor native sensors will be able to detect the Interceptor. 1st Officer, Colonel Murci responded.

    Ma’am, Major Tirrus is reporting. 2nd Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Marea stated

    The survey party is ready for lightning transport to the surface. Our force fields are at full strength. Tirrus said.

    As a safety measure, I’m generating an electrical storm to mask your arrival. The transport will appear as normal meteorological phenomena, thus thwarting the Menagerie’s search attempts. Marea stated.

    I want a secure communication link at all times. Good Luck. Murci said.

    Moments later, the survey party was transported to an altitude two miles above the planet’s surface.

    There are two nearby settlements. We will focus our survey on the creek and the woods halfway between the settlements. Since I’m an exobiologist, I will observe the native fauna. My wife and alien planet expert, Major Elaga, will perform geological research. Tirrus said.

    Tirrus, an early Chiropteran ultra light speed expedition charted this planet eons ago, but they never made any landings. The inhabitants call it Earth. Elaga stated.

    So we really are walking on new territory! Captain Nato exclaimed.

    "Yes we are. Captains Nato, Timo, Melana, and Volan, you will catalog native flora. Lieutenants Talon, Xenon, Surin, and Zabine will study atmospheric conditions. I’ll monitor the various media, so I can program our language translator system. Tirrus said.

    In the early Saturday morning hours of the 1975 Columbus Day weekend, Jason Daryl Maze was having a vivid dream. In the dream, it was the perfect fall afternoon. Jason and his wife, Xenia Rosa Lago Maze, enjoyed a delightful match of badminton. Even though they had been married for 13 years, Jason still found Xenia as attractive as the day he met her at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana agronomy conference. Xenia’s feelings were mutual. With his dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, and athletic build, Jason still looked as if he were in his twenties. Xenia was equally striking with her short red hair, dark brown eyes, and girlish figure. It was hard to believe the couple was 36 and 34, respectively. When the match was finished, Xenia took the rackets and birdies to the back porch while Jason picked some apricots from the front yard. The dream became a nightmare when Xenia terrifyingly screamed Jason. Jason quickly ran towards the back porch to see Xenia petrified as she looked up at an enormous bat hovering near the second story roof top. This bat was not an average bat. He was about six foot tall with a wing span of more than 12 feet, and he was wearing a striped, gray, double breasted suit. Other than that, he had white skin, light brown hair, and blue eyes. The bat’s presence made Jason’s heart race. Suddenly, loud thunder awoke Jason from his nightmare. Jason looked outside and saw brilliant lightning bolts. Jason’s sudden awakening also awoke Xenia.

    Is everything all right? What happened? she asked.

    I’m o.k. I was just having a dream then the storm woke me up. Jason said.

    Let’s go back to sleep. Xenia said.

    Jason looked at the clock. It was precisely 3:00 a.m. The alarm was set for 8:00 a.m., but Jason’s adrenaline rush would make sleep difficult.

    One other thing still bothered Jason. It was a gift he had to presage the future through dreams. Since childhood, Jason had dreams about unfortunate events. Events similar to those of his dreams later occurred. When Jason had such dreams, he awoke with an upset stomach and a tingling in his spine and kidneys. He had that feeling tonight. How can I be worried by a giant bat dressed like Al Capone? He thought. At best he figured he or someone else might come in contact with a possibly rabid bat. Thank God I’m a veterinarian with an ample supply of rabies vaccine, he thought. As Jason went back to sleep, he tried to dismiss the dream all together, because giant bats simply do not exist. Unfortunately, he could not shake that nervous feeling.

    Mandra simultaneously approved Sophia’s selection of a 10 member survey party when the Chiropterans entered the Milky Way nearest spiral arm.

    I’m confident we can find the Interceptor based on her last known heading. Mandra said. Lt. Commander Darro’s team can begin searching once we find a likely planet. Sophia stated.

    I’ll study fauna while Lt. Commander Nora performs geological research. Darro said. Our remaining officers, Lieutenants Etan, Reggus, Wuana, and Halan will study flora and Ensigns Xerxes, Gleu, Mara, and Larat who study the atmosphere. Nora said.

    The Menagerie should be fully functional in 14 hours. Commander Charlon reported. We’ll need some patience to find the Interceptor, because several solar systems in this spiral arm have suitable atmospheres for bats and amphibians. Pirro could be waiting in any of them. Mandra explained.

    At 8:30 a.m., Jason and Xenia were preparing breakfast. Jason told Xenia about his strange dream which she found amusing.

    I know it was only a dream, but I haven’t had a dream shake me like that for a while.

    "I can understand being nervous about dream in which something more real and down to earth happens, but this shouldn’t bother you. It’s pure science fiction. I have to admit I lost some sleep over The Creature From The Black Lagoon when I was little.

    You and me both!

    Well I’ll tell you what. If I see a giant bat wearing a gray double breasted suit, I’ll protect you.

    I feel better already. Now I can make it through day. Oh by the way, what do you want to do this weekend, since the kids are with my mom and dad?

    I was thinking maybe would go canoeing down Salt Creek then we could go to Springfield and see Jaws or something.

    Sounds good to me. Here’s another idea for the Sunday. We could go hang gliding in Mason City. My old buddy McHaley’s hosting the hang gliding demonstration at the air strip.

    That’ll be great! We’ll probably have more fun than the kids and your parents at Six Flags. Are we supposed to pick up Eric and Nicholas at your parents Monday night?

    No. I asked mom and dad to bring the kids here Monday night on their way back to Mason City. I told them I’d make pizza.

    Once Jason and Xenia finished breakfast, they invited their friends, Lloyd Wallis, and his wife, Connie to go canoeing with them.

    We can’t join you, because Connie, our three kids, and I will be taking the riverboat cruise on the Sangamon River near New Salem. Lloyd explained.

    I can take you and Xenia to the Hubly Bridge so you can launch your canoe. Connie offered.

    I gladly accept that offer. Xenia said.

    At 9:30 a.m., Connie and Lloyd arrived. Lloyd followed Jason to the Salt Creek Railroad Bridge where Jason left his pickup, so he and Xenia would not have to carry the canoe back to their house. The two couples later took Lloyd’s truck to the Hubly Bridge. To repay Lloyd and Connie’s kindness, Jason invited them over for pizza Monday night.

    That’ll be great! Lloyd said.

    We’ll see you Monday! Connie said.

    Jason and Xenia began journeying down Salt Creek at 10:30 a.m. It would take them a few hours to make the trip. They were of course in no rush, because this was their weekend to relax and enjoy themselves. Xenia was enjoying the beautiful fall weather and colors. Jason made the same observation, but he could not understand why so many birds seemed to be flying away from them. The normally visible deer were also few and far between today. The lack of animals caused Jason’s nervous sensation to return. Xenia also noticed the strange animal behavior. Occasionally, shadows similar to soaring eagles appeared overhead. Jason was convinced that bald eagles must have scared away the other birds, because he saw what appeared to be a bald eagle fishing upstream. Xenia saw something similar downstream. How strange, she thought. She had only seen a wild eagle once in Greenview, Illinois. Now she and Jason thought they saw two eagles in one day. Little did they know, alien eyes were upon them. Their lives were about to change forever. Jason now felt as if they were being watched.

    Does something seem eerie and out of the ordinary to you today? Jason asked.

    I was about to ask you the same thing. To answer your question, yes. Xenia answered.

    When have you ever seen more than one eagle at a time around here?

    I haven’t. The only place I remember seeing so many eagles in one place was the time we went to Glacier National Park.

    I would expect to see that in Montana, but not here. Maybe they’re not eagles, but turkey vultures or blue herons.

    Major Tirrus was analyzing the conversation.

    Everybody keep a further distance from the humans. They’re suspicious. Tirrus said. Even though Tirrus was on duty, he was enjoying the assignment, because he had never seen a human nor any other Earth creature. As Tirrus and his officers withdrew, the native animals quickly returned to the creek. He noticed that Jason and Xenia now appeared more relaxed.

    The male knows something. But how? As a further safety measure, everybody activate your holograms, so we appear as native fauna. Let’s not startle the humans with our appearance. Tirrus ordered.

    In the meantime, Elaga studied the agricultural systems. She found the area to be extremely fertile. Captains Nato,Timo, Melana, and Volan informed Elaga that the Earth flora could thrive on Chiroptera.

    Our native flora could also thrive on Earth! Volan said.

    I notice the human agricultural systems could be greatly improved. Food shortages could be serious in about 30 years. Melana reported.

    I agree, but overpopulation will result if food production increases geometrically. Elaga concluded.

    Lieutenants Talon, Xenon, Surin, and Zabine completed their atmospheric survey of Earth. They reported their finding to Tirrus. The findings revealed that Earth’s atmosphere was similar to that of numerous other inhabitable planets throughout the universe. The lieutenants did have one major concern. The planet had high concentrations of pollution due to fossil fuels.

    Rampant deforestation and their infant nuclear energy are time bombs. Talon stated. We could give them formulas for alternative fuels. Xenon stated.

    I like the idea, but we’re prohibited from giving superior technology to less advanced species. Tirrus responded.

    Mandra believed the Interceptor headed for Earth to make repairs. The

    Caudatans had also heard of this underdeveloped planet, but they never attempted any landings either. Mandra hoped to find the bats and any other undiscovered life forms on Earth. Mandra knew General Pirro commanded a superior spaceship. Mandra did have one advantage over Pirro-the Menagerie's precious cargo. Pirro and his crew would not do anything to harm the cargo. Thus Pirro would not destroy the Menagerie in battle. Pirro had the advantage of knowing Mandra was looking to capture Chiropterans, but not harm them. The two adversaries would attempt to exploit each others' weakness. Mandra could never determine how Pirro always seemed to be one step ahead of him. Do I have a spy on my ship? He thought. Mandra summoned Sophia to his briefing room to discuss the current situation.

    Do you believe we have a spy in our midst? Mandra said.

    I have entertained that thought myself. Pirro always knows where and when we'll be.

    I guess it's possible there are surveillance devices in our habitat or cargo areas. Unfortunately, I do not have any evidence indicating espionage. Do you suspect any of the crew?

    I am convinced our crew is 100% loyal. If anything, I would blame incompetence before disloyalty.

    Whose incompetence?

    Commander Charlon. You are aware he wanted to be 1st officer, but you chose me instead. Charlon was furious I bested him.

    Charlon remains onboard only because the Governing Council wants an experienced 2nd officer. You could talk yourself out of trouble, but Charlon’s loud mouth and brutish actions would only bring more trouble to him and those unfortunate enough to be near him.

    Do you ever see him with his own command?

    Only in his dreams! Mandra laughed. He could only rise in the ranks if all other officers died prematurely. Even so, the enlisted personnel would probably kill him before he accepted command.

    Sir, I have one more question. Why did you choose Lt. Reggus, Lt. Wuana, and Ensign Gleu for the survey party? They’re loose cannons like Charlon.

    That crossed my mind, too. I figure they can’t harm the Menagerie if they’re surveying a planet.

    At 12:30 p.m., Jason and Xenia were nearing the Salt Creek Rail Road Bridge.

    They saw the bird shaped shadows cross over them briefly once again. As they reached the bridge, the shadows quickly vanished into the trees. Xenia looked toward the Mason City side of the creek and saw their colleagues, John Antwerp, and his wife Lynn.

    I was wondering why your truck was here. Lynn asked.

    We needed some way to bring the canoe back home. How’s the fishing? Xenia replied.

    We caught quite a few until you scared them away. Did you two enjoy the U of I veterinary and agronomy conferences? John asked.

    We certainly did. We’ll have quite a lot of new technology and techniques to implement at Bio Research Unlimited. Jason answered.

    The home office in Chicago might make you two department directors if you keep up the good work. That’s how I became director of botany. John said.

    While you two were away, I was promoted to chief accountant for the Mason City office! Lynn said.

    Well, hopefully we’ll be promoted soon. Xenia said.

    Hey, we could always use a raise! Jason said.

    Would you two like some sandwiches for lunch? Lynn offered.

    Jason and Xenia accepted the offer then loaded their canoe.

    I’ll bring you the sandwiches. John said.

    I want to see the view from the top of the bridge. Did you two see any strange animal behavior? Jason asked.

    We haven’t seen anything strange. Lynn stated.

    The birds flew away when all four of us climbed on the bridge. John said.

    It’s a shame you didn’t see the eagles. Xenia mentioned.

    After lunch, the two couples walked around the Menard County side then Mason County side of Salt Creek. Jason began to feel as though they were being watched once again, but he concealed his feeling. Jason’s kidneys started tingling. He now knew something was on the way. Jason was prepared for trouble. That’s why he brought rabies vaccine in his first aid kit. He still expected a large colony of rabid bats to descend upon them. If this fear did not materialize, Jason expected something similar to happen to his parents, Geoffrey and Olivia, and his sons. Geoffrey and Olivia planned to take Eric and Nicholas to Illinois Caves Sunday morning. Xenia noticed something was amiss with Jason, because he was awfully quiet.

    Jason’s a little shaken, because he dreamed about a giant bat gangster. Xenia said.

    That might rattle my nerves, too. Lynn said.

    I’m not worried. Bat sightings are rare in central Illinois. John said.

    Underneath it all, I’m perturbed that no one sees fit to worry about rabid bats. It only takes one bite. Such is the curse of a veterinarian. I’ll call Mom and Dad once we get home. Maybe they’ll at least humor me. Jason said.

    Jason and Xenia walked into their house at 2:30 p.m. to hear the phone ringing. Jason quickly answered. It was his father.

    "Hi Dad! How’s Six Flags?

    It’s actually quite nice. Your mom and I are watching Eric and Nicholas enjoy themselves, and we don’t have to raise a finger.

    Dad, could you do me a favor and not go to Illinois Caves tomorrow?

    Well, that’s why I called. Nicholas and I had dreams about bats in caves last night, so Olivia and I decided to visit Meramec Caverns this morning before going to Six Flags. I suspect you dreamed about bats last night.

    "You’re right. How’d you ever guess?

    I’m your dad. I know that you, Nicholas, and I have the same ability.

    I suppose Eric was mad.

    Eric thought Nick was being a sissy. Your mom was relieved to visit a more accessible cave. Besides, a local St. Louis radio station reported that two people were bitten by bats in Illinois Caves late yesterday afternoon. There were also rabid bats found near the cave. As a result, the Illinois Conservation Police advised visitors to bypass the caves until everything appears safe.

    You’ve certainly eased my fears. I’ll sleep like a baby tonight. Why don’t you take the kids to Fort Kaskaskia Sunday morning? You could also visit Pierre Menard’s Home and Fort Des Chartes.

    That sounds great! I have to go. The kids are ready for the Tiltmore Hotel.

    O.K., Dad. I’ll see you Monday night. Bye.

    The interceptor orbited 500 miles above Greenview. Pirro called Colonel Murci and Lt. Colonel Marea to his briefing room. They discussed the current situation.

    Do you two think my ruse has fooled the Caudatans? Pirro asked.

    "Sir, your ruse worked so well that I was almost fooled. Murci replied.

    What ruse gentlemen? I have no idea what either of you mean! Marea said.

    Laughter quickly filled the room.

    I should soon have the Caudatans right where I want them. They should be able to track our last known heading to Earth. Pirro said.

    But won’t they go after the humans, sir? Marea asked.

    We’re counting on it, Marea. Murci said.

    We know exactly where they are now. I expect them in two and a half hours. I’m still trying to figure out what the strange signal coming from the Menagerie is. Pirro said.

    It’s almost a beacon. Do you suspect a trap? Murci asked.

    It surely can’t be a trap, because Mandra knows it would expose their location. At this point, Mandra probably suspects he has a saboteur on board. Marea said.

    I have to agree. The signal is definitely not Caudatan in origin. I believe a captive on the ship must have created a distress signal. Pirro said.

    With the briefing complete, Pirro sent a ship wide message.

    All crewmembers should expect a battle ready Menagerie in a few hours. As protocol demands, everyone must now be armed. Activate defenses. Pirro ordered.

    Once the Menagerie’s repairs were complete, Mandra prepared for battle.

    Crewmembers, arm yourselves and activate defense systems. Mandra ordered.

    Sophia and Charlon joined Mandra in his briefing room.

    I’ve prepared several battle plans, Sir. Sophia reported.

    I’m coordinating apprehension strategies with the survey party. Charlon stated. Although we’ve battled and captured countless other species, we should expect an especially violent encounter with the Chiropterans. Charlon, I will dismiss you so you can make final preparations with Commander Darro. Mandra said then Charlon exited.

    I always had reservations about this mission. Charlon, on the other hand, is a ‘good soldier.’ He would never question the governing council’s decisions. Sophia said.

    We are much better at improvising in critical situations while Charlon blindly follows orders which might be doomed to failure. I understand the importance of the chain of command, but I also need officers who could think independently and assume command if I’m injured or killed. You are clearly capable of assuming command.

    Charlon, on the other hand, is a sycophant with little ability. Charlon will eventually bring disaster to us.

    That’s why I do my best to keep Charlon out of the decision making process.

    At 4:00 p.m. Jason and Xenia had just finished their daily chores. Jason fed the horses, sheep, dogs, cats, and chickens while Xenia trimmed the limbs and twigs around the house. They now had plenty of time to be in Springfield for dinner at Aurelio’s before seeing 7:50 show of Jaws at the Esquire. They planned to go dancing at the Forum 30 Hilton afterwards.

    Since the kids are in St. Louis, could I persuade you to join me in the shower? Xenia hinted.

    I don’t need much persuading. Jason answered.

    The dogs, Mercury and Venus, were barking incessantly, but neither Xenia nor Jason was paying attention. Extraterrestrials were now outside the house. When Jason and Xenia finished showering, the dogs were still barking.

    Why are they still barking? Xenia asked.

    I figure a raccoon is stalking chickens again, but I’m going to let Mercury and Venus take care of it. Jason stated.

    Jason and Xenia left the house at 5:00 p.m. Xenia went to get her car out of the garage. As Jason locked the house and walked toward the garage, an intense tingling ran through his kidneys.

    Jason! Xenia screamed in terror. Jason saw horror in Xenia eyes. Instinctively, Jason jumped 180 degrees.

    Jesus! Jason shouted horrified upon seeing a man sized bat hovering just below tree level.

    By now every living thing on the farm was in an uproar. As Xenia ran toward Jason, nine other bats surrounded them. When Jason nudged Xenia backwards toward the car, a bat hanging upside down from a tree was looking them in the eye. Surprisingly, the bats had not touched them. They simply hovered above and screeched at them.

    Why don’t they hurt us? Xenia asked.

    Jason looked the seemingly alpha male in the eye. He remembered the nightmare from early in the morning. At that moment, Jason realized the bat was not there to hurt them.

    They’re trying to warn us! Jason shouted.

    Suddenly, 10 amphibious creatures resembling salamanders appeared. Two of the amphibians fire weapons at Jason and Xenia. An electrified net immediately enveloped Jason and Xenia who fell to the ground in agony. The remaining eight amphibians fired upon the bats. Their weapons had no effect on the bats, because they possessed energy shields. The bats returned fire. For a few seconds, an intense firefight occurred between the bats and the amphibians. The alpha male bat fired his weapons at Jason and Xenia crystallizing their bindings. Jason and Xenia broke free as the aliens continued fighting. The bats modified their weapons, so the amphibians lost their shields. When Jason and Xenia ran towards the car, Lt. Wuana seized Xenia. Xenia then fought viciously to free herself. Jason noticed the amphibian weapons were also weakening. Xenia had since kicked herself free from Wuana’s grip. Jason grabbed a corn knife from the garage and thrust it into Wuana’s stomach. He then stabbed at her neck and stomach a few more times. As Wuana fell dead to the ground, Ensign Gleu attacked Jason with from behind causing him to drop the corn knife. Xenia grabbed the corn knife and severed Gleu’s right hand. With Wuana dead and Gleu injured, the amphibians along with their spilt white blood vanished.

    With the skirmish over, Jason and Xenia began to speak as the bats continued examining them.

    What are they doing now? Xenia asked.

    I think they’re curious and want to see humans up close. Jason responded.

    I’d say they’ve done that. Now do they feed on us?

    They’re not vampire bats. Their like giant Malaysian fruit bats I saw at the university, but their wings are almost giant hands like ours. I mean talons.

    You knew they were coming. How did you know?

    I always know. I dreamed it. Now do you believe me?

    The alpha male then released two flying gnat sized objects. The

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