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Reiki – holistic energy work: Level 1 to 4
Reiki – holistic energy work: Level 1 to 4
Reiki – holistic energy work: Level 1 to 4
Ebook108 pages59 minutes

Reiki – holistic energy work: Level 1 to 4

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Recognize polarities through valuable energy work, discover inner beauty, gain divine power glow radiantly and finally heal ... with Reiki. According to the method of Dr. Mikao Usui.


A millenary life energy, an energy-exchange with the possibility of correcting energy channels to reduce or eliminate physical and emotional discomfort. By means of energy transfer, it becomes possible to balance body and soul, refocus, harmonize and heal. Universal power as life energy.

Level 1 to 4. 

Release dateJan 12, 2017
Reiki – holistic energy work: Level 1 to 4

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    Reiki – holistic energy work - Luise Hakasi

    I would like to introduce myself

    Hello, I am called Luise. I stand with both feet firmly on the ground, I am a happy person; not overly religious, but a die-hard fan of the Creator, his love and artful creations. I know that I am loved by him, because I can feel his love. I am a follower of the teachings unforgettable masters like Jesus, Krishna, Paramahansa Yogananda, Lao Tse, Yogi Bhajan, Deepak Chopra, Gandhi, the Dalai Lama and Sathya Sai Baba. They stood by me in different stages of life and showed me the way of truth. I am a certified athletic trainer, including with specializations such as Iyengar and Hatha Yoga and Reiki 3 (Usui Tibetano). I believe that our life is a course, which wants to teach us to love. When it comes to this unique item, I will always be an apprentice ... Would you like to recognize your polarities, discover inner beauty, gain divine power and illuminate brightly? Reiki helps you.

    Reiki as a therapy?

    Does Reiki really belong to the therapies? One cannot call this hand-laying a massage. A masseur relaxes with his hands, fingers and even loosens tense muscles with his elbow.

    So what exactly is Reiki? Some people define Reiki as a manipulation of the soft body tissues for therapeutic purposes, healing or relaxation. I think, the word manipulation is not the perfect explication, though. It is true that Reiki can often be learned in massage schools, because it belongs to the field of wellness and health.

    By the original description, however, Reiki will balance the life force in the body through energy transfer. An ancient oriental philosophy that when the body's energy is exhausted or is in an imbalance, an individual is vulnerable to physical and emotional discomfort. Reiki practitioners try to correct the energy channel of their clients and promote healing. In fact, this may lead to touch, but not to a massage.

    Reiki was developed by the Japanese Dr. Mikao Usui, who was a ministers and heads of a Christian school, has studied for years in Buddhist monasteries and temples. At the end of 21 days of Lent he showed himself enlightened by the method, shared his knowledge with Dr. Chujiro Hyashi and Hawayo Takata, who trained 22 Reiki Masters who shared the knowledge with thousands of others.

    Basic characteristics of Reiki is the transfer of energy, in which the master merely acts as a channel so that the patient wears the active role and finally the responsibility for his own healing. Energy can be balanced, realigned and the body can be harmonized. So, no religion, but a lot of spirituality at work with Reiki so. God or a universal life force is recognized as the source of all life energy.

    What doctors and scientists dismissed for a long time as placebo, has now been proven: patients feel better and even rats responded in experiments on the energy exchange.

    Reiki is now scientifically explained

    Researches evaluated the benefits of alternative therapies

    Reiki practitioners believe in the benefits of the energy from the therapist's hands that are placed on the patient's body against diseases. To understand the biological changes of Reiki, psycho-biologist tested this treatment on mice with cancer.

    Animals like mice have no psychological evolution, faith, hope or empathy towards the handler. On the basis of experiments with mice, researchers tried to eliminate the placebo effect. USP in Brazil was chosen among others; Reiki has been carried out here in all different hand practices, without religious connotations.

    In the experiment, 60 mice with tumors were divided into three groups. The control group received no treatment. The group glove received Reiki treatment by a pair of gloves by the means of 50 cm long wooden sticks. The Direct Group received a traditional Reiki treatment always by the hands of the same person.

    After the release of the animals the immune question could be answered properly. How much tumor tissue could be destroyed by the body? The Direct Group had doubled the white blood cells and immune cells and destroys the cancer cells.

    We do not yet know exactly how Reiki energy works; magnetically, electrically or electromagnetically. But it was proved that subtle energy generates physical waves that release different hormones which activate defense cells of the body. A placebo effect could be ruled out with certainty.

    Current studies analyze the effect of Reiki on people. Until now, there only were recorded positive results. The results indicate an improvement in the quality of life, with significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.

    Complementary therapies also showed positive results in tests in patients with sleep apnea; up to 60% improvement could be achieved. Current research on this interesting topic show that science is becoming more and more interested in the mechanism and the effects of alternative therapies.

    The History of Reiki

    The traditional story of Reiki begins in 1800, although Reiki energy was already known before this time.

    Mikao Usui, Director of the University in Kyoto Doshita / Japan, whowas at the same time Christian minister was

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