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Ryan’s Taxidermy and Kidnapping
Ryan’s Taxidermy and Kidnapping
Ryan’s Taxidermy and Kidnapping
Ebook46 pages38 minutes

Ryan’s Taxidermy and Kidnapping

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A trip to the taxidermist turns sour after Macy is attacked and choked unconscious. Upon waking, she discovers shes been buried neck deep and can't get out! Another victim, barely clinging to life, is her only hope of getting free. Can she keep her promise of their escape, or will they become just another failed experiment at the hands of a psycotic taxidermist? 


Release dateMay 8, 2021
Ryan’s Taxidermy and Kidnapping

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    Ryan’s Taxidermy and Kidnapping - Elizabeth-Ann M Savage

    Cover Page

    Ryan's Taxidermy and Kidnapping 

    A Short Horror Story

    Written By;

    Alex Harmony Sage


    Thank you to my family, my friends, and my future in-laws.

    Words: 11,030


    Derry, New Hampshire 03038

    Table of Content

    Table of Contents:

    Chapter One; Popped 

    Chapter Two; Gardening

    Chapter Three; First Night 

    Chapter Four; Nutrition 

    Chapter Five; Freed 

    Chapter Six; Perfect 

    Chapter Seven; Stand-Off 

    Chapter One; Popped

    Chapter One; Popped

    It had taken an hour just to get there, but she had finally made it. ‘Ryan’s Taxidermy and Animal Preservation’ was a small shop on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. The only other vehicle in the lot, assumedly, was Ryan’s. Macy pulled in next to him and parked.

    She took a moment to breathe before collecting the blanket her pet was wrapped in. She got out of her car and locked it up behind. She paused to peer at her reflection in the window. Evidence of her tears were still fresh on her face. She positioned her rabbit in the crook of her arm to adjust her makeup and brush her dark curls from her face. Satisfied she didn’t look as distraught; she approached the building.

    As she reached for the handle, she noticed it was a chunk of polished amber, with a spider encased within. Neat. She turned it and entered, a chime announcing her presence.

    Morning. Welcome to Ryan’s taxidermy; I’m Ryan. Looking for anything specific? she turned her attention to a thin and pale man. He was covered in tattoos of animal skulls and random bones. His hair was overgrown, sitting messily atop his head.

    Hi Ryan, I’m Macy. I was hoping I could get my rabbit taxidermized? she asked, wondering if that was even the right word. He looked her up and down, almost as if he were irritated, before gesturing for her to follow him. He led her to the register counter.

    Was it a pet? he snipped, turning on the computer that sat next to the register.

    Yes, her name was Miss Honey. She never got bigger than ten pounds, she had to take another deep breath before the waterworks broke loose.

    Okay. And what do you want me to do to her? Soft-mount her? Mount her? Clean the bones? she placed the blanket on the counter, unsure. While he waited for an answer, he less than gently unraveled the blanket. Miss Honey flopped with a thud onto the counter. Macy shut her eyes as a pang of hurt flared in her stomach and chest. What was the deal with this guy?

    Soft-mount please. And I would like to keep her bones. My friend wants to articulate her for me and put her in a display case, she managed to find her voice.

    Mm. She’s not frozen. You just . . . wrapped her up and drove her here? he asked, disgust dripping from his words. She swallowed, feeling embarrassed and out of place. She had no idea what she was doing.

    Er, no. I found her this morning and just . . ., she let her sentence trail off rather than simply repeat what he had said.

    "So, did you

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