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Holy Mary: Not without my angels
Holy Mary: Not without my angels
Holy Mary: Not without my angels
Ebook49 pages27 minutes

Holy Mary: Not without my angels

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Mary was chosen by God Almighty as mother for his Son on Earth. At the announcement she said to the angel: "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." Then she was suddenly pregnant and not yet married. Those times such women were stoned. Great panic came over her that she fainted from exhaustion. She dreamed of evil monsters snatching the child from her and she cried desperately: "Would that I had died before this! Would that I had been a thing forgotten and out of sight." In the distance she heard her guardian angels singing: "For He shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways." And because Mary firmly believed in her guardian angels, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. 

Release dateJul 6, 2018
Holy Mary: Not without my angels

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    Book preview

    Holy Mary - Ingeborg Kazek

    Chapter 1: Hell Fall of Satan

    Seen from distant space, the earth lay in the murky and dark shadows blocking the view to the continents. On one side of the earth was night, on the other day. People down there longed for peace and stability; however, it could not come, because there was no peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. As we all know, God the Almighty, the wonderful Trinity of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit had first created the angels out of fire and then adorned the sky with the sun, the moon and the stars. It was not until the seventh day that he created man out of clay. God the Almighty told Adam and Eve the rules and then he gathered all the angels in heaven and said:

    From now on, you will serve not only me but also humans.

     Image 1: Hell fall of the angels

    The angels sang:

    Praise the Lord

    but one third of all the angels disagreed, and they questioned God's command. Archangel Satanel, sometimes also called Lucifer, leader of the rebels and at the same time the supreme angel in heaven said:

    I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.

    A bitter fight broke out and in the end Satanel's entourage lost. Angel Michael, who had defeated Satanel, now became the supreme angel in the Kingdom of Heaven. God in his infinite goodness decided that fallen angels have a right to repent. Because of this, the defeated angels were not destroyed, but were overthrown by the Celestial Army down to the earth. There they live to this day, deep beneath the upper layer of the earth in Hell, whose gates are never closed. People call these gates volcanoes and are afraid of them. From that day on, Archangel Satanel was called Satan.

    Chapter 2: God Almighty has an idea

     Endless millions of years had passed since Adam and Eve had to leave paradise and the angels to fell to hell. Immediately after Cain killed his brother Abel, God Almighty appointed prophets on earth who taught the heavenly rules of human coexistence. Seeing that many people did not listen to the prophets, he called Moses and gave him the Ten Commandments, which were to apply to all. The Commandments were

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