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Summary of Same as Ever by Morgan Housel: A Guide to What Never Changes
Summary of Same as Ever by Morgan Housel: A Guide to What Never Changes
Summary of Same as Ever by Morgan Housel: A Guide to What Never Changes
Ebook59 pages45 minutes

Summary of Same as Ever by Morgan Housel: A Guide to What Never Changes

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This book does not in any capacity mean to replace the original book but to serve as a vast summary of the original book.
Summary of Same as Ever by Morgan Housel: A Guide to What Never Changes
  • Chapter astute outline of the main contents.
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  • Exceptionally summarized content that you may skip in the original book
Morgan Housel's book, "Same as Ever," offers a powerful tool to understand the changing world. The book teaches us to focus on what remains constant, rather than speculating about the future. Housel's approach to investing involves optimizing risk, seizing opportunities, and living our best life. By focusing on what is permanently true, we can better anticipate the big stuff and achieve success in both financial comforts and a well-lived life. 
Release dateNov 8, 2023
Summary of Same as Ever by Morgan Housel: A Guide to What Never Changes

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    Summary of Same as Ever by Morgan Housel - GP SUMMARY

    title page

    Summary of Same as Ever


    Summary of Morgan Housel’s book

    A Guide to What Never Changes


    Summary of Same as Ever by Morgan Housel: A Guide to What Never Changes


    All rights reserved.

    Author: GP SUMMARY


    Cover, illustration: GP SUMMARY

    Editing, proofreading: GP SUMMARY

    Other collaborators: GP SUMMARY


    This is an unofficial summary & analysis of Morgan Housel’s Same as Ever: A Guide to What Never Changes designed to enrich your reading experience.


    The contents of the summary are not intended to replace the original book. It is meant as a supplement to enhance the reader's understanding. The contents within can neither be stored electronically, transferred, nor kept in a database. Neither part nor full can the document be copied, scanned, faxed, or retained without the approval from the publisher or creator.

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    In this book, the author discusses the timeless wisdom that remains unchanged in a changing world. The author shares his experiences with Warren Buffett and Jim, who were discussing the global economy's decline during a lunch conversation. The author argues that history is filled with surprises and surprises, but also contains timeless wisdom. The author explains that people fall for greed and fear, risk, jealousy, and tribal affiliations in familiar ways, while overconfidence and shortsightedness are relatable to today's behavior.

    The author believes that these timeless lessons can help us make better sense of our own lives, understand why the world is the way it is, and become more at ease with what the future holds. He also highlights the importance of focusing on universal truths, which don't rely on chance, luck, or accident. For example, the author cites Naval Ravikant's quote about living in a way that if his life played out 1,000 times, he would be successful 999 times.

    The book is divided into twenty-three chapters, each with a personal story about the scariest day of his life. The author believes that these universal truths will be as relevant in every imaginable version of one's life, as they were in the past. The author encourages readers to read independently and consider the relevance of these topics in their own lives.

    Hanging by a Thread

    The author shares a personal story about a ski accident that led to the author's interest in history. Growing up in Lake Tahoe, the author was part of the Squaw Valley Ski Team, which consisted of a dozen racers. They had become inseparable friends and skied six days a week, traveling the globe to find snow. On February 15, 2001, the team had just returned from a race in Colorado when a blizzard extreme hit. The storm left three feet of heavy, wet snow, creating textbook avalanche conditions. Ski resorts are good at protecting customers from avalanches by closing off dangerous slopes and using explosives to set them off late at night.

    On February 21, 2001, the author and two friends decided to ski the backside of Squaw Valley (now Palisades Tahoe) after an avalanche. The author was caught in the snow, realizing they had no control in these situations. The avalanche ended quickly, and the author agreed to pick up Brendan and Bryan to avoid having to hitchhike back.

    However, the author found Brendan and Bryan missing and had to drive around

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