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Summary of Bookshops & Bonedust (Legends & Lattes) by Travis Baldree
Summary of Bookshops & Bonedust (Legends & Lattes) by Travis Baldree
Summary of Bookshops & Bonedust (Legends & Lattes) by Travis Baldree
Ebook94 pages51 minutes

Summary of Bookshops & Bonedust (Legends & Lattes) by Travis Baldree

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This book does not in any capacity mean to replace the original book but to serve as a vast summary of the original book.


Summary of Bookshops & Bonedust (Legends & Lattes) by Travis Baldree




  • Chapter astute outline of the main contents.
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  • Exceptionally summarized content that you may skip in the original book



Bookshops & Bonedust is a Barnes & Noble Best Fantasy Book of 2023, set in the world of New York Times bestselling Legends & Lattes. The story follows a young orc named Viv, who is injured during a hunt for a powerful necromancer. She decides to recuperate in the sleepy beach town of Murk, where she finds herself working at a beleaguered bookshop. The book offers a wholesome, cozy novel that feels like a warm hug, offering a break from epic battles and saving the world.

Release dateNov 12, 2023
Summary of Bookshops & Bonedust (Legends & Lattes) by Travis Baldree

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    Summary of Bookshops & Bonedust (Legends & Lattes) by Travis Baldree - GP SUMMARY

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    Summary of Bookshops & Bonedust

    (Legends & Lattes)


    Summary of Travis Baldree’s book


    Summary of Bookshops & Bonedust (Legends & Lattes) by Travis Baldree


    All rights reserved.

    Author: GP SUMMARY


    Cover, illustration: GP SUMMARY

    Editing, proofreading: GP SUMMARY

    Other collaborators: GP SUMMARY


    This is an unofficial summary & analysis of Travis Baldree’s Bookshops & Bonedust (Legends & Lattes) designed to enrich your reading experience.


    The contents of the summary are not intended to replace the original book. It is meant as a supplement to enhance the reader's understanding. The contents within can neither be stored electronically, transferred, nor kept in a database. Neither part nor full can the document be copied, scanned, faxed, or retained without the approval from the publisher or creator.

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    Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.


    Viv, a young warrior, fought against Varine the Pale's army of skeletal soldiers, causing destruction and splinters. She was ahead of Rackam's Ravens, leading the charge. Despite the slow pace of the skeletal soldiers, Viv managed to crush and shearing through them, causing their shields to tear apart.

    As Rackam's crew dealt with the chaff and wights, Viv's leg lit up with a cold fire that turned hot in half a second. She staggered and pivoted on the other foot, just as a pike's head withdrew from her thigh. The blood came, and Viv roared, knocking the pike aside and slashing its wight in half.

    Viv collapsed under her leg, bleeding everywhere. A skeletal revenant loomed above her, carrying a rusty tower shield. Viv caught the edge of the shield with her maul, but lost her grip. The revenant raised the shield again, and Viv lost her grip.

    Rackam barreled into the creature, obliterating it with a single swing of his flanged mace. He warned Viv to stay put and try not to die. Rackam's Ravens charged past, leveling the foe before them. They disappeared into the mist, leaving Viv alone, staring in disbelief as her life pumped out of her leg.

    Viv regains consciousness and sees Rackam's flinty eyes and a wounded leg. She braces herself against an oak and tries to bind her wound around a moss. Rackam brings her back with a gentle slap, stating that the battle is done. He gives even odds to every new prospect, as younger people are always dumber and wising up takes blood and time. He pats Viv's forearm, and they head north to find her.

    Viv struggles to stand against the trunk with her left leg, feeling resentful and resentful. Rackam tells her it's only a few miles to a sea town, and they will pass through when they're done. If Viv is still around, they'll take her back on. He shrugges and says it's the end of the battle. Viv isn't stupid, but she shuts up, not wanting to make another mistake.


    Viv, a woman with a broken leg, lies on the floor of a small room with a strawtick mattress and a broken leg. She has been bedbound for two days, experiencing hallucinations and hallucinations. After a few days, her head is clear and she can feel everything with complete clarity. The room is mostly barren, with a crude bedframe, table, and window. She smells the sea, dry beach grass, and fish.

    Her leg is cleanly wrapped and splinted, but her trouser leg has been cut away. She scrubs herself with a rag and tries to use her crutch, but her vision pulses black. She belts on her saber, but finds the room at the top of a flight of narrow stairs. She curses Rackam by name, finding it more satisfying to curse someone by name. As she descends, she can smell the ghost of bacon, which motivates her to carry on.

    In a rough-timbered dining area in an inn or tavern, Viv is greeted by a tall sea-fey who offers her breakfast. Viv is surprised to hear a casual joke at her expense, as she is used to being an obvious threat. The sea-fey offers her a hash of potatoes, crispy pork, and two runny eggs, which she almost bursts into joyful tears. Viv almost bursts into joyful tears as she eats the food.

    The sea-fey asks Viv if she feels better, and she complies. He is amused by her and asks if the Ravens paid up her stay. The barkeep explains that the fellow he sent to put her up was practically a gentleman, who paid four days. Viv tries to shake her hand, but she refuses.

    The sea-fey introduces her as Brand, and they both have hard grips. He invites her to Murk, a small part of the western coast, and introduces her to The Perch, her place. Viv feels more comfortable with the idea of exploring the town and is excited to see her in ten minutes. She raps a knuckle on the counter and promises to see her in ten minutes.


    Viv, a woman, leaves her porch and looks out over the sea, seeing Murk and the ocean. The town is surrounded by an old stone fortress wall, with The Perch on a sandy upslope. The city seems half asleep, and Viv feels left behind. Rackam had dropped her in these misbegotten borderlands, and she believes he never planned to return. As she limped out of the shade, the sun fell on her, and she walked slowly, using a crutch to navigate the cobbles.

    The slope was slightly downward, and Viv saw gulls startling from the dunes. The first person Viv saw was another orc, dragging a wagon behind him. He had

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