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Affiliate Marketing Sales Strategies: Free Buyer Traffic Strategies Compilation To Generate Online Sales!
Affiliate Marketing Sales Strategies: Free Buyer Traffic Strategies Compilation To Generate Online Sales!
Affiliate Marketing Sales Strategies: Free Buyer Traffic Strategies Compilation To Generate Online Sales!
Ebook130 pages1 hour

Affiliate Marketing Sales Strategies: Free Buyer Traffic Strategies Compilation To Generate Online Sales!

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About this ebook

This eBook contains many of the free and paid traffic strategies I have used over the years since 2011 to generate sales with affiliate marketing. A combination of my top Medium articles about affiliate marketing traffic strategies.


But before you get into the money-making side of things, this eBook will guide you through the professional side of making money with affiliate marketing. Like how to understand the purpose and how to create your traffic strategies for online sales.


Learn how to use simple free traffic strategies to generate sales, or choose to use the paid traffic options. Learn how to build trust with free exposure strategies that will knock your socks off once you start seeing the sales.


Everything you need to know about generating sales with affiliate marketing, or by any other means. By simply having a profitable and proven content marketing structure with affiliate marketing. If you want to make money with affiliate marketing, then this is it!


Please understand, if you are here to make $1,000,000 by tomorrow then you’re in the wrong place. These affiliate sales strategies will make you that side income you have been dreaming about. Exactly how much you make will depend on your efforts, and how well you follow through.

Release dateDec 17, 2023
Affiliate Marketing Sales Strategies: Free Buyer Traffic Strategies Compilation To Generate Online Sales!

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    Affiliate Marketing Sales Strategies - Deon Christie

    Note To The Reader


    This eBook is a guide and serves as a first guide. In addition, please obtain additional expert affiliate marketing advice from fellow professionals.

    This eBook is based on traffic strategies and methods researched, tested, and put together by the Author since starting his online career in 2011.

    All analytic illustrations and screenshots are real, and nothing is manufactured.

    This eBook content and screenshot illustrations are primarily for tutorial and guidance purposes.

    You will be guided step by step, even if you have never made a single dime with affiliate marketing online before.

    As this eBook serves as a basic guide it might be required that you do further research while following the steps. Do not skip any steps or these strategies will not work for you.

    This eBook is a compilation of articles written and published by the author on Medium. Each chapter is a different article and also a different content marketing strategy.

    At the end of each chapter, you will find the canonical URL that links to the original article on Medium.

    The author assumes responsibility for the provenance, copyright, and authenticity of all images and screenshots used in this tutorial eBook.

    All illustrational screenshots which serve as guidance are captured with Microsoft Paint 3D. While all other images are designed with Canva.

    Some of the products and tools offered in this eBook are links to affiliate products from affiliate networks where the author is a registered affiliate.

    When you purchase any of the affiliate products, the author will earn a small commission on the sale at no extra cost to you.

    All affiliate products and tools come with a full 30 to 60 days money-back guarantee depending on the product.

    All affiliate products and tools you find in this eBook have been thoroughly tested and/or researched by the Author himself to verify that they live up to their claims.

    You do not have to purchase anything to drive high-quality targeted traffic by following these unique traffic strategies for affiliate marketing. You only need to pay attention.



    This eBook contains many of the free and paid traffic strategies I have used over the years since 2011 to generate sales with affiliate marketing. A combination of my top Medium articles about affiliate marketing traffic strategies. But before you get into the money-making side of things, this eBook will guide you through the professional side of making money with affiliate marketing. Like how to understand the purpose and how to create your traffic strategies for online sales.

    Learn how to use simple free traffic strategies to generate sales, or choose to use the paid traffic options. Learn how to build trust with free exposure strategies that will knock your socks off once you start seeing the sales. Everything you need to know about generating sales with affiliate marketing, or by any other means. By simply having a profitable and proven content marketing structure with affiliate marketing. If you want to make money with affiliate marketing, then this is it!

    But please understand, if you are here to make $1,000,000 by tomorrow then you’re in the wrong place. These affiliate sales strategies will make you that side income you have been dreaming about. Exactly how much you make will depend on your efforts, and how well you follow through. If I can make money with this, then so can you!

    Table Of Contents


    Chapter 1 - Note To The Reader And Introduction

    Chapter 2 - What 10 Years Of Failure Taught Me

    Chapter 3 - Keyword Research And Search Volume Prediction

    Chapter 4 - GEO Location And Timing For Increased Sales

    Chapter 5 - Affiliate Marketing With DFY Bridge Pages

    Chapter 6 - Affiliate Sales with 23 Free Affiliate Niche Stores

    Chapter 7 - Creating High-Quality Content To Generate Sales

    Chapter 8 - USA Google Ads Affiliate Link Traffic For 0.012 Cents

    Chapter 9 - Drive Almost 1 Million Content Views Per Month

    Chapter 10 - Email Marketing VS Viral List Building

    Chapter 11 - Index Affiliate Links In Major Search Engines

    Chapter 12 - 9 Browser Extensions And Plugins For Marketers

    Chapter 13 - Get Content on Quora and Redirect to Medium

    Chapter 14 - Rank YouTube Videos Page One In 60 Seconds

    Chapter 15 - Why Professionals Never Use Links In Comments

    Chapter 16 - Disclaimer And Terms Of Use Agreement

    About The Author


    I have spent over a decade doing more research than I care to recall. Because like everyone else, I also had to start at the bottom. That bottom of no traffic and no sales with affiliate marketing, no matter how hard you try. Most times it just feels like no matter how hard you try, the results stay the same, failing!

    This is why I do not sell every single solution I come up with (although I have a few digital products online), because I will never forget how I struggled to get started. Throwing myself in the deep end with a niche I knew nothing about at the time.

    Lucky for me, nothing that hard work and research cannot remedy. The most frustrating part is the waiting, and the keep trying amidst all the failure. So, I like to provide my audiences with bite-size steps to follow my lead.

    But like with any other online tutorial. I can only offer you the extent of my knowledge based on personal research and testing. As can any online professional in my opinion. While your results depend entirely on you.

    I came across these strategies for Affiliate Marketing Sales and it truly blew me away. Because although I did expect this to work, I just didn’t expect it to work that well that fast! Within the first 2 months, I started seeing affiliate sales with Clickbank, Warrior Plus, and JVZoo!

    I joined Medium on 6 October 2022 and managed to get article views up to 1,797 views per day. Done with simple but effective traffic strategies that even complete beginners can follow! With my Medium publications, writer’s articles hit page one position one within hours!

    Ways To Contact The Author


    Should you feel the need to contact the author, there are several ways of doing that. Below is a list including the author's blog, website, and primary social media platform profiles.

    Personal Blog – Easy Internet Jobs Online

    Canva Website – DC Marketing Daily

    Medium – Deon Christie Online

    Quora – Deon Christie

    Facebook – Deon Christie

    Twitter – Deon Christie

    TikTok – Deon Christie

    Instagram – WordPress Warrior

    YouTube – Affiliate Marketing Sales

    Please only contact the author when you have inquiries about, or need more information with regards to the content marketing strategies contained in this eBook.

    2 - What 10 Years Of Failure Taught Me


    Why did it take me nearly 10 years to see real affiliate sales?

    With "real sales" I mean above average, but most certainly not at dotcom millionaire level…yet. That may take a little more time, and that is precisely why it took me that long. Getting started back in 2011/2012, like most beginners I too was a lead contender in the race to that "magic button". You know that button that turns PCs into ATMs overnight?

    Yeah, that does not exist and rather disturbing is the way you find out when reality starts setting in.

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