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My Baby Faced Assassin
My Baby Faced Assassin
My Baby Faced Assassin
Ebook73 pages36 minutes

My Baby Faced Assassin

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About this ebook

She wasn’t born a killer, she was just an ordinary girl planning to go on holiday with her boyfriend who had paid and organised a welcome break from the monotonous routine of life, only that she had also planned to kick her boyfriend out of her life as soon as they returned home. What could possible go wrong ?


It took just one little decision to transform our cute little teenager into a bloody notorious serial killer, even she did not understand where the transformation started and who was the catalyst to aid her makeover.


In this collection of nineteen poems and ten thousand words this prolific poet drags you down one teenage girls road to hell, while most ladies grow up on a slowly rising curve our deadly assassin finds herself dropped in the deep end and this here story is about her survival and how she manages to overcome all her deadly situations, she questions herself constantly, is she cursed , is she perverse, did she do something so bad that it ruptured the fabric of reality ?  

Release dateNov 13, 2022
My Baby Faced Assassin

Darren Hobson

Darren Hobson was born in Preston,Lancashire in England and moved to Italy in 1998.Currently living near Rome working for a multinational company. In his spare time he loves traveling to historical cities for inspiration him to write more intense poetry. The poet started submitting his work for inclusion in many anthologies between 1990 and 2009, but with the help of social network sites and self publishing sites he started to publish his own books in 2014.

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    Book preview

    My Baby Faced Assassin - Darren Hobson


    Another hot evening

    Sweltering at work

    Waiting the tables

    Surrounded by jerks

    Lots too clean

    Lots to do

    That’s when you notice

    His eyes on you

    You choose to ignore because

    The boss is a little raw

    Must have not slept much

    His ego bruised and sore

    More families arrive

    Wanting spritz or sprite

    You’ve got to be careful

    To write those down right

    Bloody pigeons attack the tables

    The uneaten nuts a feast

    Another glass falls to the floor

    A danger to all the nude feet

    Drinks are ready

    The snacks are not

    The sun blinds you

    It’s too bloody hot.

    The Englishman at the bar

    Wants another beer

    Shit he drinks too much

    Why does he come here

    You try to be nice

    Flash a quick false smile

    That’s when you notice

    Your boyfriends eyes on you

    Piercing and burning

    Into the back of your head

    The stare the anger

    Does he want the Englishman dead

    How can he be jealous

    Of an old dinosaur like him

    You are eighteen after all

    Not fifty like him

    Your co-workers are crazy

    And a little spaced out

    Always too slow at work

    And no balls no doubt

    Tiny tips from old aged pensioners

    Who only come here to ogle

    Fifty cents for a little show

    Enough shit to make your blood boil

    The notepad is missing

    And the pen has ran out

    The grill house is calling

    Get the aperitifs out

    Running around like a headless chicken

    No time to see if your boyfriend is alright

    You know he’s a little bit possessive

    But you don’t need his shit tonight

    Another beer for the Englishman

    You wish he would fuck off home

    It’s not your problem he’s an alcoholic

    He’s out of his comfort zone

    That’s when you feel your boyfriends

    Ever piercing stare

    If he stared any harder

    He would disintegrate your hair

    Piercing and burning

    Into the back of your head

    The stare the anger

    You hope he wants the Englishman dead

    Leaning against the bar

    For hours on end

    A dark shadow of hopelessness

    That drives you around the bend

    Fuck you have burnt the sandwiches

    No longer toast but annihilated

    The sink full of endless dirty glasses

    The boss is watching the football match

    Just when things start to get busy

    You find yourself in the kiosk alone

    Everybody has an excuse to do nothing

    Posting a new update on their phone

    So you get nervous and you look sweet

    But you don’t get yourself too uptight

    Bottles of water for the kiddies

    It’s definitely going to be a long night

    Five second breather

    Clean your glasses again

    Check the beer of the Englishman

    Tonight he’s not being a pain

    Look over to your boyfriend

    Your eyes interlock

    What is he actually thinking

    Would it come as a shock

    Do you love him and his stare

    Piercing so deep into you

    What would his reaction be

    When you tell him that you are through.


    Everyone needs to get away

    Take a break, a holiday

    To relax to breathe

    To meditate in self

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