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Cigarettes, Honey, & Illicit Love
Cigarettes, Honey, & Illicit Love
Cigarettes, Honey, & Illicit Love
Ebook131 pages1 hour

Cigarettes, Honey, & Illicit Love

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Monica Rivas was a sheltered young woman, who’s grandfather was not only the most feared person in Los Angeles, California, but he also had a twisted personality. She thought she knew everything about him and that wasn’t until she met the bad boy, a guy who had a personal vendetta against her grandfather. Before she knew it, she was head over heels for Xavier King.


Forbidden by choice, love by fate.



Why be a king when you can be a god?

He/him, 28, bisexual with a female lean. Cocky asshole, tattoo artist and piercer. Former art student. 


Xavier Nathaniel King.


Just another asshole who doesn’t give two fucks. Xavier is a player who will play with your heart and leave you in the dust.




You’ll never get away from me.

Her/she, 28, straight. Sheltered brat and art student.


Monica Mae Rivas.


Monica is off-limits. Because of this, she comes off as hard to get. Don’t be fooled though, she’s only looking for a good time.

Release dateAug 22, 2022
Cigarettes, Honey, & Illicit Love

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    Cigarettes, Honey, & Illicit Love - Linzy Salvini

    Title Page Content

    Linzy Salvini




    Illicit Love

    © 2022 Linzy Salvini

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    BookRix GmBh & Co. KG




    You’re probably wondering what this is about and how people play a part in other people’s lives.

    This story is about a fate so twisted and vial, that a forbidden love is created out of the dust.

    Let’s meet our man. The bad boy himself.

    Xavier Nathaniel King.

    Xavier was born October 31st in California to Jack and Vanessa King. He’s now twenty-eight and your typical leather jacket wearing ‘bad boy’ with too many bad habits. He has also broken way too many hearts, his last one being his ex-boyfriend. They split because of Xavier’s inability to stay committed. If you want Xavier all to yourself, good luck… it won’t be easy.

    Xavier is indeed an asshole but very charming at the same time. He’s known as the nicest asshole you’ll ever meet. He has the ability to talk almost everyone into bed with him. Whether it’s to fuck or to simply just cuddle. He will never call you a bad name in the book… unless you piss him off. Never piss him off, it won’t be pretty.

    While growing up, Xavier was both bullied and the bully. He was a victim of sexual abuse by a family friend. This may be one of the reasons for his rebel behavior.

    Xavier identifies as bisexual. He lost his virginity at a very young age of fourteen to his first girlfriend. He soon broke it off and became sexually actively. At the age of sixteen he had his first male experience when he found out he had a crush on a boy in his class. They ended up having sex in the boy’s garage during a sleep over and Xavier began having many sexual encounters with both men and women.

    When Xavier turned eighteen, he met his second girlfriend, Megan, who he actually fell in love with. Unfortunately, she was killed in a car crash a year after they started dating. Xavier went back to his old way, sleeping around and drinking.

    At the age of twenty-one, Xavier met a co-worker of his, Dallas, and they began to fool around. At first Xavier didn’t want it to turn into anything in fear of coming out to his parents. But soon Dallas talked him into it and they became official. It didn’t take long before Xavier started sleeping around behind Dallas’ back. Dallas became fed up, broke it off, and moved out of state - leaving Xavier behind.

    Two years ago, when Xavier was twenty-six, his parents were robbed and shot by gang members. Xavier inherited all of their money, which nobody would know about unless he told you. He used part of the money to go to school but had recently dropped out. He currently works as a body mod artist.

    Are you ready to meet our princess of the story? The sweet, innocent angel.

    Monica Mae Rivas

    Monica was born in California in the middle of December. Her parents names were Lucinda and Luis Rivas. She grew up completely shut off from the real world. She’s never been close to anyone, nor does she have any close friends. She mastered playing hard to get from all her alone time and is always up for a good time… if she was allowed it.

    Monica comes from a family twisted and dark. Drugs, gangs, and wealth. If she’s not at the church that belonged to the bikers of her family in Torrance, California; she’s at her grandfather’s casino in Los Angeles. Royale Rivas is the most feared person all across the state. His gang and himself are nothing but ruthless, killing machines. No one dared to cross the path of this evil man. And with the death of his only son - Monica’s father - and his son’s wife due to hardcore drugs such a meth, heroin, and cocaine; Royale vowed to make sure his only grandchild didn’t live the same life. This made Monica rebellious behind his back. She developed a drug addiction to Molly and ecstasy and nothing stopped her from drowning down bottle after bottle of hard liquor. She only knew the side of her grandfather that was in control of her life. He was strict and mean. She knew never to cross the line in front of his eyes.

    She fell in love once with a boy named Ayden. They were both twenty-three at the time. He was the Vice President of her grandfather’s gang, or VP as she would call him. She lost Ayden to a freak accident in a matter of days after finally declaring her love to him, but she knew in her heart it wasn’t what it seemed. Someone murdered him. She knew it. But who?

    She vowed she’d never fall for anyone ever again.

    Monica is now twenty-eight and currently attending art school online. When she’s not in class, she’s drawing up projects to show off at Royale’s casino. She feels lost now and she doesn’t want to be empty anymore.

    That isn’t until she meets Xavier by coincidence. His past tying into her presence.


    She had a past.

    She had a present.

    But what she really wanted was a future.

    All she’s known her entire life is the business her grandfather runs and the biker gang he’s the president of. Either way no one was allowed around her or even get to know her - it was forbidden.

    That was until she met the man of her dreams, but how their fates brought them together was even more fucked up. It was one person - a man - that tied them together.

    Monica Mae Rivas is your normal twenty-eight year old woman. Even though she was sheltered away most of her life, that didn’t stop her from getting her degree in arts. When she’s not painting for the casino, she’s doing it for her own pleasure. She lost both her parents to drugs when she was very young, she doesn’t even have any knowledge of what they look like anymore. All she had was her grandparents growing up and when her grandmother died, it was just her and her grandfather.

    Royale Rivas was one of the most feared, yet respected person in the community. He had it all and then some. His business was blooming at the Casino that he didn’t need to be there all the time, except to check up on Monica of course. She hated it so much, she wanted to retaliate and run away, but she knew he’d find her somehow.

    Monica was allowed to explore outside the walls of gambling, but she wasn’t allowed to go far. Royale always warned her of the dangers that were lurking in every shadow. This didn’t stop her from becoming an alcoholic. Even though the drugs were off limits to her, chasing down liquor was not.

    But could anyone blame her?

    She had nothing…

    … she had everything to lose.

    It started with the one

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