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Beyond The Space
Beyond The Space
Beyond The Space
Ebook123 pages1 hour

Beyond The Space

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Miranda 24, one of the farthest planets in space, sent a spaceship in search of new life. They've been receiving a signal from one of the solar system's planets for some time now. But for mechanical reasons, this spaceship crashed on Earth. One of the two astronauts in the spaceship somehow escaped. Mida, the survivor astronaut, was human-like. At first, she was taken aback by the similarities she discovered between herself and humans. She later realized, however, that humans are truly different. In their hearts, the fires of greed, selfishness, and vengeance are still burning. At the same time, some of the world's rulers wish to use war to occupy other countries. Thus, they are moving towards destruction, their final destiny, designed by themselves as it happened on their planet thousands of years ago.

Mida fell in love with a human journalist who took her in and promised to protect her from the earth's human rulers. However, D. Nova Walker, an outer space life researcher, identified her as an alien after a few days. Alex, the journalist, took her and hid her in an unknown location. Is it possible for earth scientists to figure out why they have physical similarities, or do they investigate why they differ psychologically from humans?

Release dateFeb 28, 2023
Beyond The Space

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    Beyond The Space - TARAK GHOSH

    About the book

    Beyond The Space by Tarak Ghosh

    Other titles from the author

    Castle Waits (Romance, Paperback & E-book)  Silent Cockpit ( Non-fiction),  Flight 73 (Non-Fiction), Silent Shriek (Non-Fiction), Hunger Never Fades Away (Romantic Fiction Paperback & E-book), Lucy (Collection of short stories, E-book), Hell Flower (Sci-Fi, Paperback & E-book), The Snake Woman (Sci-Fi, Paperback & E-book), Lust & Poison (Sci-Fi, Paperback & E-book), I Am Suzan (Romance, Paperback & E-book), Indian Meditation (Paperback & E-book)

    Cover Image: Pixabay

    Cover Design: T. Kashyap


    I’d like to thank my wife, Lipika, for her support and understanding of all the hours I spent in front of my computer; my children, Sayani and Soura, for always believing in my dream. I also thank Pencil Publication for giving me a chance to publish this book. And above all, I want to honor the readers who spend their money and time on buying this author’s works and reading them.


    This book is dedicated to my wife Lipika.

    Beyond the Space

    Miranda 24, one of the farthest planets in space, sent a spaceship in search of new life. They've been receiving a signal from one of the solar system's planets for some time now. But for mechanical reasons, this spaceship crashed on Earth. One of the two astronauts in the spaceship somehow escaped. Mida, the survivor astronaut, was human-like. At first, she was taken aback by the similarities she discovered between herself and humans. She later realized, however, that humans are truly different. In their hearts, the fires of greed, selfishness, and vengeance are still burning. At the same time, some of the world's rulers wish to use war to occupy other countries. Thus, they are moving towards destruction, their final destiny, designed by themselves as it happened on their planet thousands of years ago.

    Mida fell in love with a human journalist who took her in and promised to protect her from the earth's human rulers. However, D. Nova Walker, an outer space life researcher, identified her as an alien after a few days. Alex, the journalist, took her and hid her in an unknown location. Is it possible for earth scientists to figure out why they have physical similarities, or do they investigate why they differ psychologically from humans?

    Chapter 1

    The girl opened her eyes very slowly, blinking at the painful brightness and immediately taking a deep breath. She was dimly aware of the pain throbbing in the back of her head. She shook her head, trying to clear away the final few filaments of fog that still blanketed her brain. Her memory was returning. She could not recall how long she had lost consciousness. She barely remembered who she was and what she was doing. Slowly, she shook her head to get rid of the dizziness. Everything was spinning around her. White flashes danced before her eyes.

    When she came to her complete senses, she discovered herself lying on the grassland. Her space helmet was thrown somewhere, yet she could breathe. It meant this unknown planet had the same atmosphere as hers. A blue sky came into her view. She could see the sun high in the sky, and she used her hand to shield her eyes from the harsh rays.

    The entire area looked like dead land. She took a moment to listen to her surroundings. She could hear only the mild sound of the passing wind. She was not sure what planet it was. The presence of oxygen proved that it had the same environment as her planet to live without any support. She scanned the area with her green eyes. They were the same trees, but the color was different. On her planet, the trees were blue and not so tall. She looked at the sky. It was blue. Her sky was green. She looked at her hand and was startled with great fear. The sphere device had been lost, and it meant that she could not contact Miranda 24 anymore. Above all, she could not make herself invisible when she needed to.

    She turned her head and started to explore the spot where their starship crashed landed. A couple of miles away were some rolling hills covered with trees. She could discover the wreckage of their starship at the edge of the hill. Only a small part was visible, but the rest was completely out of sight. But she was luckily saved. She tried to stand up, but her mind told her, Don't stress about anything here. She slowed her breathing and tried to feel how damaged her insides were. No, it seemed alright, she thought. Mida turned and looked around to see if the crash had drawn any attention. But there was no one visible.

    There was a silence that seemed to cloak and envelop the entire area, just the ghostly whistle of the light breeze. She moved her head right and left to scan the surroundings. Maybe it's a planet without habitation, she thought. Her space uniform was isolated from any kind of weather. So she was safe from the heat and cosmic rays. She felt happy to discover it intact. It meant the weather of this planet could not faze her.

    The spaceship was originally designed to travel 15 light years in 1 space hour. The Space Research Center had a mission to improve relations between the space-faring races at the ends of the galaxy and them. They had been trying to communicate with the living creatures outside of their planet for more than 200 Miranda years. The Space Research Center of Miranda 24 has never focused on this area before. But the organization suddenly received a signal a few months before their outer space exploration started. It came from the solar system area. The outer space research agency decided to send a spacecraft to find out the source of the signal and they made a program. The program's primary goals were to discover planets around other stars, characterize their properties, and identify planets that could harbor life.

    Finally, it was decided to send a team of two astronauts. Kaity and Mida were assigned to this special mission to search for a new planet in that area. This was Mida's second mission and Kaity's fourth. They had only one duty: to discover a new one and send information to the space research organization. Mida could remember the words of flight commander Kaity before the ship caught fire. My starship caught fire and started malfunctioning. The electrical systems are not functioning properly. I'm trying hard to make an emergency landing on the nearest planet. But I am not sure whether the nearest planet will be a safe place for the landing. Even I don't know how the inhabitants would be, friendly or not. After a fraction of a second, they discovered the blue planet. Kaity contracted with the Space Organization.

    Yes, I just discovered a blue planet 50 light years from Miranda 24, so it's close to our system but unexplored.

    Mida tried to ease the acceleration before entering the atmosphere of the blue planet, but the engine ceased completely 30 thousand feet above the surface. Before sending another message, Kaity saw the ship heading directly for the plane to land. She turned her head toward Mida and said, smilingly, We are going to crash-land. If we die, no problem, but if I die, please try to save our planet with your effort. If you get the chance, please tell my son that I still love him. Her eyes were not on the planet that was rushing towards them at great speed but on the landing control. Moments later, the red indicator flashed, the ship crashed on the ground, and she was ejected immediately from the chair.

    Finally, Mida stood up on her feet. But her legs began to tremble as she stood up, and her heart started pounding just a little harder with the extra effort. Her throat was dry and her mind was still a blur. Kaity's last words echoed in her mind. Now and then, her face was remembered; an unknown cry, an unknown fear seemed to surround Mida's heart.

    She looked around and could see a clear stream running through a valley in the hills. She could easily recognize it as a river. There are many such rivers on the planet. She stopped, looking at the flowing water. She could think herself very insecure. She began to take herself alone today for the first time in a long time. It felt as if she was alone and powerless in this vast cosmos.

    She brushed her long hair away from her face and peered around, but nothing caught her eye.It appeared to be a lifeless planet. She whispered. But her expertise told her that this planet was alive and that intelligent creatures might be present.

    The only sign of life came after nearly ten minutes. Mida heard the noise: a low rumbling from the sky. She spun her head around, not being able to make out where the sound was coming from. She raised her head and looked at the sky, shielding her eyes in an attempt to spot the object. Suddenly, she could see an object flying over her head. It was a helicopter, similar to the ones she'd seen in old digital textbooks. It was used by her forefathers 1000 years ago. They've started using flying dishes to get around now.

    She realized that she could be caught at any time. Her sixth sense alerted her that the inhabitants of this planet might be her

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