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Two steps ahead of the police
Two steps ahead of the police
Two steps ahead of the police
Ebook155 pages1 hour

Two steps ahead of the police

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A day of reckoning is in store for law enforcement. The band of criminals they are about to encounter can easily overpower them. Outwit them.


Head Ranger Maurice Tray’s job is in jeopardy. He hasn’t foiled any major crime gangs. In months.


Can he save his job and society by catching the mighty, cunning band of robbers terrorizing his community? There is only one way to find out. Click “Buy Now”.

Release dateMay 25, 2021
Two steps ahead of the police

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    Two steps ahead of the police - Todd Hicks

    Two steps ahead of the police

    Two steps ahead of the police

    By Todd Hicks

    Copyright by Todd Hicks in August 2019, January 2024

    If you want to get the scoop on each new book release of mine, please subscribe to my mailing list by sending an email with book fan on the subject line to: - you may unsubscribe anytime.

    About the book

    A day of reckoning is in store for law enforcement. The band of criminals they are about to encounter can easily overpower them.

    More importantly, these bandits are deft at staying at least one step ahead of the police. The longer they’re on the street and antagonized by hostages, the meaner they become and the more the community is in danger.

    This book is suitable for all age levels. The places you'll read about have names which are made up. Any similarity between the characters and any actual persons is purely coincidental.

    Character cast


    Taylor Chin (white man and the ringleader of the underground gang)  

    Jet Check (white man) 

    Raj Abdul (black man from the Middle East)

    Huy Chen (Asian man) 

    Jeff Orange (black man) 

    Martina Bride (white woman) 

    Cody Filling (white man) 

    Montell Chain (black man) 

    DeAndre Dray (black man) 

    10. Milton Thome (white lookout man)

    B. Arlington rangers

    1. Maurice Tray (black man and head ranger)

    2. Ned Moorer (white deputy)

    3. Trey Lingo (black man)

    4. Della Reese (white lady)

    5. Riley Matthews (white guy)

    6. Terrell Snow (black man)

    Chapter 1

    It was designated Happy Hour but the name was truly not a match for the mood. The mood was anything but happy.

    Another drink, guys? asked the bartender.

    Yes, replied Taylor somberly.

    Taylor’s cronies nodded their request for another drink with little enthusiasm. As all these individuals savored the second round of booze, they had a casual conversation that would lead to something drastic.

    Here we are having run-of-the-mill alcoholic beverages. It would be more enjoyable to get a taste of food and drinks which are in a higher class, in my opinion, blurted Montell.

    Yes; on the contrary, I can't afford it because I work a minimum wage job at the fast-food joint up the road, Huy admitted.

    Cody added, I don't make much more than that myself despite being considered a leader and having been on the job for years.

    The rest of the gang pointed out their economic struggles and displeasure with punching a time clock. A sense of despair hung over them.

    Determined to break out of the hopelessness, Taylor inputted, Enough struggling from 9-to-5 jobs. I have an idea.

    He whispered what would go down as his buddies huddled close.

    Later at the city's most popular casino...

    People were having fun playing slot machines and placing wagers in poker and other card games. Winning hundreds from a machine made a man giddy.

    Look at all this money! We can buy a few big-ticket items now! he beamed while holding a large wad of cash.

    Exactly; we can now buy a new refrigerator/freezer unit, honey, his wife said.

    Taylor and his henchmen barged into the room armed and masked. Some members of the gang held a revolver while the rest brandished a rifle.

    Taylor commanded, Everyone gets against the closest wall. When we reach you, put your money and jewelry into our bags.

    The crew began pilfering. Most of the victims had enough sense to cooperate with no lip. Still, there was a white guy among them who should have kept his mouth shut.

    I don't care if you take my money but please let me keep my Rolex so I can keep track of the time, he pleaded.

    Shut up, ordered DeAndre while backhanding the audacious man's head with his left hand.

    The dude surrendered his wallet and watch with no more resistance. Neither he nor the other gamblers there could call the police or run out because they were watched so closely and the exit was blocked by Martina. Several minutes later, all patrons were stripped of their money and jewelry.

    Carry on, they were instructed by Milt as the bandits walked out.

    After exiting the premises, they fled in a black van, with Raj doing the driving. As some of his cronies counted the money, they became discontent.

    We robbed what must have been about four scores of gamblers but it turns out we barely exceeded 500 dollars, balked Cody.

    A lot of those turkeys either carried no cash or didn't have more than 10 bucks in their wallets or purses, squawked Montell.

    Taylor stated, Crime is supposed to pay. We'll find more lucrative ways to make our money.

    A few hours later...

    The automated teller machine at the bank on Clover Street was a good target; there were no residents on this side of the street. The fact it was now dark with all surrounding stores closed for the night created even more opportunity. Crowbars rained blows on the ATM. Tens of thousands of dollars were now for the taking.

    Look what we have here. We hit pay dirt, exalted Jet.

    Taylor chimed in, I told you this would be more lucrative than robbing gamblers.

    All the present crew members began loading their sacks of money into their van. They were undeterred as a white man arrived in an armored truck just a few feet away. Rather, this emboldened them. Jeff stepped in front of the truck.

    Step out and you don't get hurt, he ordered.

    The guard (Christopher Walks) defiantly reached for his holster. Seeing the bulletproof vest he had on, Jeff shot him in the neck. If only he knew the consequences in store for his band.

    Shouldn't have tried to be a hero, Jeff told the guard through the broken windshield.

    How is he? asked Martina.

    Looks like he died instantly, answered Jeff callously.

    What in blazes did you do that for? interrogated DeAndre.

    Jeff: He was going for his gun; so, I had to waste him.

    DeAndre: Oh well. Let's finish bagging the money then hightail it out of here.

    A two-man patrol car arrived a few yards away, with another one right behind. As the bad guys opened fire on them, they were hit center mass. Because the driver wasn't wearing a vest, he was done for. His black partner (Alexander Hamill) was on his own. 

    He fired his own shot, which missed. As he and two of his colleagues (Officer 1) and (Officer 2) were now on their knees behind their patrol car doors, they were in for a fierce battle with the bad guys who were taking shelter themselves behind their van. Knowing they were armed with heavy artillery, Jeff and Cody stepped from behind the van and rained bullets on the do-gooders.

    Officer 1 fired a shot as he emerged from taking shelter but missed. Getting shot in the neck by Cody was his downfall. Officer 2 stood up and blasted Cody. Because this cop was wearing a vest only designed to stop small-caliber bullets, his armor couldn't protect him from the slug he took from Jeff. 

    Jeff walked over to Alex to shoot him in the chest. A few minutes later, the posse fled with their money. The crime scene was grisly.

    Are there any casualties? asked Sgt. David Spades.

    Mack McKey, head of police detectives in Las Vegas, responded sullenly, Officer Alexander Hamill was shot twice but will be fine. Unfortunately, an armored guard plus three of your fellow police officers are casualties. 

    He followed this sad news by naming the slain officers.

    Beginning to weep, David gasped, Aw man.

    Consoling David with his left hand on his right shoulder, Mack said, This is a sad day for all of us but our profession is dangerous. Each time we don our uniform, we know we might not make it home at the end of our shift.

    I understand. The most we can do is protect and serve with valor and professionalism, returned David.

    Any other casualties or injuries? he continued.

    On the bright side, one of the robbers died in the shootout, answered Mack.

    That means our guys accomplished something in this lost battle, David perked up slightly.

    Even if they hadn't managed to kill one of the bad guys, they would have achieved something merely by showing up and doing their job, said Mack with a narrow smile.

    David: Are there witnesses?

    Mack: A fellow saw them bagging money out of the vandalized ATM as he walked by.

    David: Was he able to provide a good description of the bandits?

    Mack: He didn't see enough of them because it's dark and his fear made him leave the scene in a hurry upon the crooks seeing his face.

    David: I understand. Anyhow, I wish to gather all the evidence I can.

    Mack: Granted. The crime scene technician on duty is on his way.

    Seconds later, Jack Jacks (crime scene technician) arrived. Stepping out of his police van, he began looking for evidence.

    Granting David the okay to autonomously work the scene, Mack told him, It’s all yours.

    Have you found significant evidence? David asked Jack upon Mack departing.

    Jack: I haven’t found anything to implicate the thugs. The surveillance camera inside the ATM is damaged and no fingerprints were left behind. These guys must have worn gloves.

    David: It looks like they got away with it. Dag.

    Jack: I can’t argue with you on that.

    The robbers’ hideout…

    Seeing his cohorts who were in on the

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