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Embracing Radiant Self-Love: A Journey to Inner Bliss
Embracing Radiant Self-Love: A Journey to Inner Bliss
Embracing Radiant Self-Love: A Journey to Inner Bliss
Ebook79 pages42 minutes

Embracing Radiant Self-Love: A Journey to Inner Bliss

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About this ebook

"Embracing Radiant Self-Love: A Journey to Inner Blissis" is a guidebook that explores the concept of self-love and its significance in personal growth and well-being. Divided into ten chapters, it covers various aspects of cultivating self-love and embracing one's authentic self. The book begins by defining self-love and debunking misconceptions, highlighting the benefits of nurturing a loving relationship with oneself. It then delves into topics such as discovering one's true identity, creating a personalized self-care routine, cultivating positive self-talk, building healthy relationships, honoring personal needs and desires, forgiveness and letting go, practicing self-compassion, embracing gratitude and mindfulness, and empowering one's inner journey. The conclusion encourages readers to reflect on their self-love journey and continue practicing self-love for a life of inner bliss and well-being.

Release dateFeb 1, 2024
Embracing Radiant Self-Love: A Journey to Inner Bliss


Alix was born in Taiwan and has lived and worked in various countries such as the United States, Japan, and Singapore. and fluent in multiple languages. Currently residing in Burgundy, France, Alix works in the wine export industry. From a young age, Alix has had a passion for writing and has even received some awards. They have a particular fondness for suspense novels. Inspired by a spiritual mentor, Alix finally gathered the courage to publish their first collection of short stories.

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    Embracing Radiant Self-Love - AlixH






    My Master Sri Akarshana who inspired me to write this book. Team of IAMVERSE, who taught me the value of life.

    My two adorable dogs sleep on the couch while I write.. and my dad (who gave birth to me!) and my two handsome brothers and cousin.

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Understanding Self-Love

    Chapter 2: Unveiling Your Authentic Self

    Chapter 3: Nurturing Self-Care Practices

    Chapter 4: Cultivating Positive Self-Talk

    Chapter 5: Building Healthy Relationships 

    Chapter 6: Honoring Your Needs and Desires

    Chapter 7: Forgiveness and Letting Go

    Chapter 8: Embracing Self-Compassion

    Chapter 9: Embracing Gratitude and Mindfulness 

    Chapter 10: Empowering Your Inner Journey


    You don't need to be perfect,

    because your birth has brought this world close to perfection

    Defining self-love and its significance in personal growth

    Defining self-love and its significance in personal growth


    If you do not love yourself more , who will ?


    Self-love involves caring for, accepting, and valuing oneself. It is crucial for personal growth because it increases self-esteem, promotes emotional well-being, establishes boundaries and self-care, encourages authenticity and self-expression, and fosters resilience and self-empowerment. By practicing self-love, individuals develop a positive relationship with themselves, leading to enhanced confidence, self-acceptance, and the ability to overcome challenges and achieve personal goals.


    Debunking common misconceptions about self-love

    Debunking common misconceptions about self-love


    Self-love is not a destination, it is a journey. It is not something that can be achieved overnight, but rather a continuous practice that one must commit to. Many people believe that self-love is selfish and narcissistic, but in reality, it is the foundation of a healthy and fulfilling life.

    By loving ourselves, we are able to show up as our best selves and give love to others. One common misconception about self-love is that it means putting ourselves above others. However, true self-love is about finding a balance between our own needs and the needs of those around us. It is about setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing our well-being while still being compassionate and empathetic towards others.

    Self-love also involves recognizing and acknowledging our flaws and imperfections, and accepting ourselves for who we are. Another misconception about self-love is that it is a selfish act. However, self-love is not just about pampering ourselves or indulging in our desires. It is about taking care of ourselves in a holistic way - physically, mentally, and emotionally. This involves making healthy choices, setting goals, and working towards personal growth.

    By loving ourselves, we are able to live a more fulfilling life and become better versions of ourselves. In conclusion, self-love is not a selfish or narcissistic act, but rather a journey towards self-awareness, acceptance, and growth. It is about finding a balance between our own needs and the needs of others, and taking care of ourselves in a holistic way. By debunking these common misconceptions, we can truly understand the importance of self-love and its impact on our overall well-being.

    Exploring the benefits of cultivating self-love

    Exploring the benefits of cultivating self-love

    Once upon a time in a small village nestled within a lush green valley, lived a young woman named Maya. Maya was known for her kind heart and gentle nature, but she often found herself struggling with self-doubt and a lack of self-love. Determined to find a way to overcome these feelings, Maya embarked on a journey to explore the benefits of cultivating

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