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Summary of Not the End of the World by Hannah Ritchie: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet
Summary of Not the End of the World by Hannah Ritchie: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet
Summary of Not the End of the World by Hannah Ritchie: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet
Ebook64 pages49 minutes

Summary of Not the End of the World by Hannah Ritchie: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet

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This book does not in any capacity mean to replace the original book but to serve as a vast summary of the original book.
Summary of Not the End of the World by Hannah Ritchie: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet
  • - Chapter astute outline of the main contents.
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  • - Exceptionally summarized content that you may skip in the original book
Not the End of the World is a book by Hannah Ritchie, a data scientist, that challenges the common belief that climate change will lead to child mortality. It argues that we have made significant progress on these environmental issues, and that we could be on track to achieve true sustainability for the first time in human history. The book provides practical guidance and graphics to help readers understand the current crisis and make lifestyle changes that have an impact.
Release dateJan 13, 2024
Summary of Not the End of the World by Hannah Ritchie: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet

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    Summary of Not the End of the World by Hannah Ritchie - GP SUMMARY

    title page

    Summary of

    Not the End of the World


    Summary of Hannah Ritchie’s book

    How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet


    Summary of Not the End of the World by Hannah Ritchie: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet


    All rights reserved.

    Author: GP SUMMARY


    Cover, illustration: GP SUMMARY

    Editing, proofreading: GP SUMMARY

    Other collaborators: GP SUMMARY


    This is an unofficial summary & analysis of Kelly Weinersmith’s Not the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet designed to enrich your reading experience.


    The contents of the summary are not intended to replace the original book. It is meant as a supplement to enhance the reader's understanding. The contents within can neither be stored electronically, transferred, nor kept in a database. Neither part nor full can the document be copied, scanned, faxed, or retained without the approval from the publisher or creator.

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    Climate change is a pressing issue that many young people believe will lead to their death. A recent global survey found that over three-quarters of 16- to 25-year-olds think the future is frightening, and more than half say humanity is doomed. This pessimism is widespread across the globe, regardless of wealth or security. Additionally, two in five young people were hesitant to have children, with 11% of American adults not having children citing climate change as a major reason for not having them.

    A recent study suggests that non-environmentalists are 60% more likely to have children than committed ones. This suggests that when people feel anxious about having kids, they are not bluffing. The author shares their own experience of believing they didn't have a future left to live for due to climate change.

    The author began studying environmental issues at the University of Edinburgh, but found that the world was moving in the opposite direction. These basic misconceptions became even more ingrained during their time at the university. Despite working tirelessly to get their degree, the author started applying for jobs far away from environmental science. One evening, a Swedish physician, statistician, and public speaker, Hans Rosling, changed the author's mind by showing them facts rooted in solid data. Rosling would get crowds of intellectuals, business leaders, scientists, and even global health experts at TED, Google, or the World Bank, and show them that they were completely ignorant of the most basic facts about the world. His generosity as a teacher is impossible to replicate.

    In his lectures, Hans Rosling emphasized the importance of examining data to understand the changes in global development and human well-being. He argued that news headlines do not provide a comprehensive understanding of these changes, as they often focus on individual events or rare events rather than the larger picture. Rosling, a misfit scientist at the University of Oxford, emphasized that building an environmental worldview based on the latest news is not effective.

    Rosling argued that humanity is uniquely positioned to build a sustainable world, and that taking a step back and looking at long-term data can reveal radical, life-changing solutions. He also criticized doomsday thinking, which often focuses on the need for people to wake up and pay attention to environmental issues.

    Rosling argued that while the apocalyptic environmental story is important, it is not enough to bring attention to the magnitude of potential impacts. Instead, he argued that bringing attention to the magnitude of potential impacts is essential for change.

    Doomsday narratives are often untrue, making scientists appear like idiots and childing public trust away from them. He argued that by the end of the book, he hoped to convince readers that while these problems are big and

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