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Indigo Nights
Indigo Nights
Indigo Nights
Ebook123 pages

Indigo Nights

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About this ebook

Laney Nichols


Always the good girl, Laney gave into her wild side and had a summer fling her last summer of senior year of college. When he catfished and ghosted her, leaving her pregnant, she never expected to see him again, only for their paths to cross five years later. Now he's her new boss and the flame is still there. But he broke her heart once before, can she trust him not to do it again?



Malcolm Griffin


Tired of gold-digging socialites who only want him for his money, Malcolm assumes a fake name and hides away in a little beach town for the summer. He never expected to meet the woman of his dreams. Laney was everything he could ever want; smart, funny, beautiful, and liked him for who he was, not his bank account. Except, she didn't know who he really was. When the summer was over, he had to go back to his real life, but he never forgot about the one who got away. 

Five years later she's back and he has a lot to make up for. Can he win back her love or will he be left out in the cold?

PublisherAngel Nyx
Release dateMay 3, 2024
Indigo Nights

Angel Nyx

Angel Nyx is an author of paranormal, contemporary, and historical romances. Her passion for literature was instilled in her at a young age when her mother read her fairy tale stories at bedtime. Her vivid imagination helps her get in tune with her characters to bring them to life for her readers. She is also a mom, a reader, an avid gamer chick, and a non-medical in-home caregiver.  She was once told that her 'OCD is queen' because it allows her to find errors in written word others miss. As a result, she has recently branched out to offer her proofreading services to other Indie authors.  When she's not working, writing, reading, or gaming, she is usually relaxing to music, spending time with family, or finding new authors to fall in love with.  She has a long time love affair with the city of New Orleans, which is why so much of her work is set there, and plans to visit the city as often as possible in the coming years. You can contact Angel via email at and follow her at any of the following links: Facebook Author Fan Page:   GoodReads:   Instagram:  AllAuthor:  BookBub: Website:

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    Book preview

    Indigo Nights - Angel Nyx

    Indigo Nights

    Angel Nyx

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidences are either products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

    Copyright ©2024 by Angel Nyx. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission of the publisher.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen


    Bonus Epilogue

    Other Books

    About the Author



    Growing up in a conservative household, Delaney Nichols was the epitome of a 'good girl'. She didn't drink, didn't smoke, didn't go out to parties, and she was always getting straight A's in school. She was the youngest of five and the only girl and that often made her brothers protective, sometimes too protective. She was a bit of a tomboy growing up, having mostly boys around all the time did not enhance her feminine side, but then she met her best friend, Cassidy, in the sixth grade when Cassidy and her family moved into their upscale neighborhood. The two quickly became inseparable. Cassidy helped Laney to get in touch with her 'girly' side and Laney helped Cassidy to stand up for herself.

    When high school ended and college came around, they went to the same college, took many of the same courses, and talked about where they wanted their lives to go after graduation. The only time they weren't together, excluding classes, was when Cassidy went to one party or another. Laney wasn't much for the party scene, but she was supportive of her best friend's wild side. She gave Cassidy some balance when things got too insane.

    With one semester left, they were heading into their summer break, and Laney was trying to decide what she wanted to do for the three months she wouldn't have to worry about school.

    You should come to the beach house with me, Terry, and Nik, Cassidy said. She was stretched out on her bed looking at posts on one of the many social media sites she was on while they talked.

    I don't know, Cass, she replied. Maybe I should just get a head start on my resume.

    Cassidy rolled her eyes. "Laney, this is our last semester of college, the last time we can play the irresponsible young adults and have some fun. You've been the good girl all these years, I think it'll do you some good to cut loose for a change. It's just four girls hanging out at the beach, getting some sun, going to clubs at night, you need this, girl. You need to step out of that box your folks forced you into by being so damn strict all the time."

    It was Laney's turn to roll her eyes. You act like I'm a virgin who's never even been on a date before. Just because I'm not the wild party girl you are doesn't mean I'm an inexperienced angel, she said and threw a pillow at her.

    Oh, excuse me, I forgot about that jerk you dated for a while. I still can't believe he pulled that shit, dumped you as soon as he got you to have sex with him.

    Laney shrugged. I should have known that was all he was after. I ignored my instincts with that one. She'd only dated a couple of guys between high school and college and only two had been serious enough she'd felt comfortable getting naked with them. The second had been a total mistake on her part.

    We can't always be perfect, Cassidy teased her. Come on, come to the beach house with us this summer. I'll do the puppy dog eyes if you say no, she added.

    Laney laughed. Fine, I'll come.

    Yes! I knew I would wear you down, Cassidy replied with a grin. This is going to be an awesome summer!


    Malcolm Griffin, only son of Maxwell Griffin, founder and CEO of GlobeNet Solutions, one of the most lucrative companies of all things online, had spent his teen and college years with first girls, and then women, throwing themselves at him because of his deep pockets. He'd even had a girl in college try to trick him into having unprotected sex on the off-chance she could get pregnant and thus nab herself a 'rich husband'. It was really starting to get old. Weren't there any women out there who just went after a guy because they were attracted to them? Were they all so shallow?

    You're Malcolm Griffin, aren't you?

    He was at yet another of the boring 'parties' his father insisted he attend where he rubbed elbows with some of the wealthiest people in the world. The parties were intended to get him more involved in the business side of the company. Not that it was really working.

    At the voice he was pulled from his thoughts and turned his attention to the woman who spoke. Bottle blonde hair done up in a twist that looked almost painful was the first thing he noticed. Her dress was expensive, but a bit revealing with it's low-cut neckline intended to draw the eye to her cleavage. He was betting her tits weren't real. What was it with women thinking the bottle blonde, silicone look was attractive? I am, he said politely. And you are?

    Shayla Andrews, she replied and sidled closer to him.

    Andrews. Any relation to Michael Andrews? he asked. He had a feeling he already knew the answer.

    He's my father, she replied with an inviting smile.

    Ah. Michael Andrews was an associate of his father's. He wasn't as high on the social or financial ladder as Maxwell Griffin but he was getting there. It seemed his daughter wanted to be in the upper echelon herself. He knew exactly what she was after and he wasn't interested. His thoughts were confirmed with her next words.

    We should get together sometime. We could make quite the pair, she said and gave him a look he was sure was supposed to be seductive.

    I'm sorry, Shayla, I'm not really looking to get involved with anyone. Excuse me, I see someone I need to talk to, he said and quickly made his escape. The 'someone' was his best friend, Ben Richards.

    Another one trying to get her claws in you? Ben asked when he saw Malcolm headed for him.

    Yeah. I swear to god, I am so sick of these fake women pretending to be interested when all they're looking for is someone with deep pockets so they can brag about it to their friends.

    Maybe you should go somewhere where people don't know you on sight. You could use a fake name and have some fun, Ben joked.

    Thus the idea was born. It was said in jest, but Malcolm took it to heart and he knew just the place to go.


    Admit it, Laney, this was a great idea. Cassidy watched her best friend from the corner of her eye. They'd been relaxing on the beach, enjoying the sun and talking, and had already had a couple of guys flirting with them.

    Yeah, yeah, it was a great idea. I never doubted that, Laney countered.

    You just weren't sure if coming was a great idea for you, Cass pointed out.

    Oh, hush, Laney said with a soft laugh. You were right, I was wrong, happy?

    Yes, yes I am. Hey, tonight we should hit that club those guys were talking about. It sounded like an awesome place to hang out, listen to good music, and look at hotties.

    "It sounded

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