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Zero To 5 Dates Every Week: Actionable Steps
Zero To 5 Dates Every Week: Actionable Steps
Zero To 5 Dates Every Week: Actionable Steps
Ebook473 pages51 minutes

Zero To 5 Dates Every Week: Actionable Steps

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About this ebook

Tired of the dating drought? Does your calendar look emptier than you'd like? If getting dates seems like an uphill battle, you're not alone. The struggle is real, but the solution is closer than you think.


Imagine a world where your week is filled with exciting dates instead of lonely evenings. The frustration of not knowing how to turn things around can be disheartening. You deserve a social life that's buzzing with connections and fun experiences.


Enter "Zero To 5 Dates Every Week: Actionable Steps." Authored by a dating expert with a proven track record, this book is your ultimate guide to transforming your dating life. Packed with actionable steps and practical tips, it's time to say goodbye to the dating blues.


Ready to fill your calendar with exciting dates? Dive into "Zero To 5 Dates Every Week" now. Don't let another week pass without the social life you crave. Your dating adventure begins with a simple click – grab your guide to a more vibrant social calendar today!

PublisherWilson Jena
Release dateFeb 3, 2024
Zero To 5 Dates Every Week: Actionable Steps

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    Zero To 5 Dates Every Week - Wilson Jena

    10X Dating Accelerator Program

    What’s this mentoring program about?

    ●  Its’ an 8-week elite mentoring program.

    ●  A full-packed on the step-by-step process to date 3 high-quality women each month.

    Can I join this mentorship program?

    ●  Yes!

    ●  If you want to generate at least 1-3 dates a week with high-quality women or attract your dream girlfriend within the next 8 weeks, then you must definitely join this program - Click here to get started

    10X Dating Program Is A No-Bulls*it, No Fluff, Guaranteed Way To:

    ●  Meet and date the kind of women you've always wanted

    ●  Approach and attract ANY girl ANYWHERE you go

    ●  Know exactly what to say, when to say, and how to say it

    ●  Have a playboy-looking IG even if you're broke & unattractive

    ●  Build a thriving social circle & an elite lifestyle in your city

    ●  Network with other high-quality men all over the world⁣⁣⁣⁣

    If you answered YES to the below questions, then this is for you:

    ●  Are you struggling to generate high-quality dates on a consistent basis?

    ●  Are you tired of just relying on luck and you want to have a proven dating system?

    ●  Do you want to know how to attract, approach and seduce any women you want?

    ●  Do you want to be respected, appreciated, and loved by the most beautiful women?

    ●  Do you can generate dates but you have trouble retaining quality ones long-term?

    ●  Do you feel like you've hit a glass ceiling and you want to skyrocket your lifestyle?

    ●  Do you want to build a thriving social circle in your city and network like a pro?

    Check Out The Results Other Men Like You Have Have Got From 10X Dating Program:

    10X Dating Accelerator program has been battle-tested and proven with over 500+ students around the world. 

    Here's a summary of everything you get today:

    In just 8-weeks, you'll be ARMED with the most cutting-edge dating systems in the world

    ●  ​8-Week Training Program

    ●  ​Action Items & Workbooks

    ●  ​Premium Content & Guidance

    ●  ​24/7 Ongoing Help & Support

    ●  ​Community + Weekly Q&A Calls

    ●  ​Lifetime Access To The Program (+ All future updates)

    By Joining 10X Mentoring Program:

    ●  You’ll get direct support and coaching from my mentor Limo Queslati and

    ●  You'll meet Limo 2 times a week inside our private mentoring zoom calls (Every Wednesday and Sunday at 8 PM CET).

    ●  You'll have EVERYTHING in the mentoring & course + a VIP seat for our 3-Day Bootcamp Uplevel Program which happens IN REAL LIFE. (ONLY IF YOU JOIN THE VIP MENTORING PROGRAM).

    ●  You also get a 100% money-back guarantee.

    ●  You follow the process and use our systems, you will get at least 3 dates a month or more.

    Click Here To Get Started



    To all those who have ever felt the tug of self-doubt and the flutter of nerves when facing the prospect of connecting with another soul.

    This book is dedicated to those who are ready to break free from the chains of their own thoughts, to step boldly into the realm of genuine connections, and to discover the incredible power that lies within them.

    May these pages serve as a guiding light on your journey to unlocking confidence and embracing the beauty of authentic conversations. Your courage and determination inspire every word written here.


    Wilson Jena

    Men’s Dating Advisor



    10X Dating Accelerator Program................................................................2

    What’s this mentoring program about?..........................................................2

    Can I join this mentorship program?............................................................2

    10X Dating Program Is A No-Bulls*it, No Fluff, Guaranteed Way To:.....................................3

    If you answered YES to the below questions, then this is for you:......................................3

    Check Out The Results Other Men Like You Have Have Got From 10X Dating Program:......................4

    10X Dating Accelerator program has been battle-tested and proven with over 500+ students around the world.......6

    Here's a summary of everything you get

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