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About this ebook

Investigator Alex Thompson is a detective who has arrived into a quiet town called Riverton which has been shaken with the death of resident, Samuel Blackstone. The novel is the very embodiment of mystery and combines several themes such as thriller and certain elements of hitchcock. Not all is what it seems. Not everyone is to be trusted. As the novel continues, secrets and hidden pasts come to light and are exposed; the true nature of events are revealed...

PublisherAmeen Woly
Release dateFeb 4, 2024

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    Book preview

    Who? - Ameen Woly

    Chapter 1

    A Divided Town

    Riverton, once a thriving community, now seemed perpetually shrouded in shadows. The once bustling streets were now lined with empty storefronts and dilapidated buildings, reflecting the loss that had befallen the town. Samuel Blackstone's untimely death had fractured Riverton, dividing its inhabitants into two distinct factions.

    As Alex Thompson arrived on the outskirts of town, he couldn't help but notice the palpable tension in the air. The whispers of grief mixed with murmurs of relief, creating a cacophony of conflicting emotions. The townspeople moved through their daily routines with downcast eyes and sidelong glances, their expressions betraying a sense of instability.

    Alex, tall and lean with sharp features and piercing blue eyes, made his way through the grieving town, his footsteps steady and purposeful. He stopped at a small cafe where a group of locals gathered, their faces etched with sorrow. Taking a seat at the counter, he struck up a conversation with Jane, a middle-aged woman who had known Samuel since childhood.

    He was a good man, Jane said, her voice tinged with sadness. Samuel didn't deserve to die like that.

    Alex nodded empathetically, his analytical mind already piecing together the fragments of information. Do you have any idea who might have wanted him dead?

    Jane's eyes darted around nervously before she leaned in closer, lowering her voice. Some say it was his business rivals, others suspect someone from his own family. But nobody knows for sure.

    The web of suspicion grew wider as Alex continued his exploration of the town. He visited the local library, where he stumbled upon a heated discussion between two elderly men.

    It's about time something happened to him, Harold growled, his voice dripping with bitterness. Samuel thought he could control everything and everyone in Riverton.

    Beside him, George shook his head, his eyes filled with regret. I may not have liked the man, but that doesn't mean I wanted him dead. This town will never be the same again.

    Alex absorbed their words, his instincts urging him to dig deeper. He wandered through the deserted streets, observing the dilapidated buildings and abandoned businesses. The division in Riverton was undeniable, like a gaping wound tearing through the heart of the town.

    In the distance, he spotted a family gathered at Samuel's elegant mansion – a stark contrast to the desolation surrounding it. Their mournful expressions revealed their grief, but Alex couldn't shake a sense of unease emanating from the grand estate.

    As he approached, Alex noticed a man leaning against a nearby tree, his face hidden in shadows. Intrigued, Alex hesitated before stepping closer to the stranger.

    Can I help you? the man asked, his voice tinged with skepticism.

    Alex shook his head, his analytical mind already at work. Just passing through, he replied casually. Seems like this town has seen better days.

    The stranger's eyes narrowed as he looked Alex up and down. You're not from around here, are you?

    Alex smiled faintly. No, just an outsider looking for some answers.

    Well, good luck with that, the stranger murmured cryptically before melting back into the shadows.

    Curiosity piqued, Alex continued toward Samuel's mansion. Peering through the iron gates, he watched as the grieving family consoled each other. His gaze settled on Lucas Blackstone, Samuel's estranged son who had become a prime suspect in the murder investigation.

    Lucas, troubled and brooding, had always been an enigma to the townspeople. As Alex observed him from afar, he couldn't help but notice the determination etched into every line of Lucas' face. This was a man who was fighting to clear his name, to prove his innocence amidst the whispers of suspicion.

    Alex's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. He turned to find Amelia Sinclair, an alluring woman with captivating hazel eyes, standing before him.

    You're not the only one seeking answers, Amelia said, her voice tinged with desperation. Samuel's death has torn me apart. I need to know the truth.

    Alex studied her carefully, detecting a glimmer of fear behind her guarded expression. And what is your connection to Samuel?

    Amelia hesitated before answering, her voice barely above a whisper. I was... close to him. But there are things about Samuel that I never understood. Things that make me question everything.

    Their shared desire for answers formed an invisible bond between them, Alex sensing a kindred spirit in Amelia's search for truth. With the divide in Riverton growing deeper by the day, they both knew they had to uncover the secrets hidden within the shadows to bring justice and restore order.

    Little did they know, their investigation would lead them down a path filled with deception and danger, where unraveling the web of shadows would become a matter of life and death.

    Alex Thompson arrived at the local diner, a place known for its gossip and rumors. He took a seat at the counter, glancing around to get a sense of the town's dynamics. It didn't take long for him to notice the divided reactions among the townspeople.

    Sitting next to him was Sarah, a young woman in her twenties who had lived in Riverton her entire life. She seemed burdened with sadness, her eyes red from crying.

    Sarah, right? Alex asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

    She looked up, startled. Yes, that's me. Do I know you?

    Alex smiled reassuringly. No, I just arrived in town. I'm Alex Thompson, a detective investigating Samuel Blackstone's murder. Mind if I ask you a few questions?

    Sarah hesitated for a moment before nodding. I guess there's no harm in talking to you.

    Alex leaned in closer, his voice low. How did you know Samuel? Did you have any interactions with him?

    Sarah sighed, wiping away a tear that had escaped down her cheek. Samuel was my boss at the local bookstore. He hired me when I was fresh out of high school. I thought he was kind-hearted and generous... until recently.

    What do you mean? Alex pressed.

    He started changing, Sarah explained, her voice trembling with emotion. He became colder and more distant. I couldn't understand why he was treating everyone so differently. And then... he just died suddenly.

    Alex made a mental note of Sarah's observations, sensing that Samuel's behavior could be key to understanding his death. He decided to dig deeper into Samuel's changing demeanor and how it might have affected those around him.

    Leaving the diner, Alex wandered into a nearby park, hoping to gather more insight from the locals who were seeking solace and support during this difficult time.

    He came across a group of elderly women sitting on a bench, their eyes filled with sorrow. He approached them, introducing himself and asking if they had any information about Samuel.

    Mabel, the oldest and wisest-looking among them, spoke up first. Samuel had many enemies, she said, her voice tinged with bitterness. He wasn't as benevolent as people thought. He built his fortune on the backs of hardworking townspeople.

    The others nodded in agreement, murmuring their assent. They shared stories of thwarted dreams and broken promises caused by Samuel's ruthless business tactics.

    But who would want him dead? Alex asked, his curiosity piqued.

    Harriet, a feisty woman with a no-nonsense attitude, leaned forward. You should be looking into his own family, especially his son Lucas. There was always tension between them.

    Alex noted this piece of information, understanding that family dynamics could often hide deep-seated resentments and motives for murder.

    As he explored further, Alex noticed a small group gathered near the town square, engaged in an intense discussion. He approached cautiously, joining the conversation to gather more clues.

    The group consisted of Charles, a middle-aged man with a perpetual scowl; Susan, an outspoken woman known for her quick wit; and Jonathan, a quiet and observant individual who always seemed to be listening more than speaking.

    Samuel ruled this town like a tyrant, Charles exclaimed, his voice filled with anger. He believed he was untouchable, but look at what happened to him now.

    Susan chimed in, nodding emphatically. He had it coming. Nobody can treat people like pawns and expect to get away with it.

    Jonathan maintained his silence but watched the exchange intently. Alex sensed there was more to his silence than just being a passive listener.

    You seem to know a lot about Samuel, Alex said, directing his question toward Jonathan.

    Jonathan's eyes narrowed as he sized up Alex. I know more than most, he replied cryptically. But not enough to solve his murder.

    Alex's curiosity was piqued. He could sense that Jonathan held vital information, but it would take time and trust to uncover it.

    As the conversation continued, Alex realized that Samuel's death had further deepened the divisions within Riverton. The townspeople were torn between mourning a man they once admired and seeking justice for the alleged wrongdoings committed by him.

    Leaving the group, Alex began to piece together the puzzle of Samuel Blackstone's life. It was clear that his character and actions had a profound impact on those around him, both positively and negatively. The web of resentment and hidden motives grew more complex with each person he spoke to.

    As he walked through the streets of Riverton, Alex couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. He knew that unraveling the shadows surrounding Samuel's murder would require delving into the lives of those closest to him and exposing the truth, no matter how uncomfortable or dangerous it might be.

    Little did he know, this investigation would force him to confront his own skepticism and learn to trust others in order to solve the complex mystery that lay ahead.

    Alex Thompson found himself drawn to the heart of Riverton, where the tension among the townspeople was palpable. There seemed to be a constant undercurrent of suspicion, with everyone eyeing each other warily.

    As he approached the town square, Alex noticed a commotion near the courthouse. A crowd had gathered, their voices filled with anger and frustration. Curiosity piqued, he made his way through the throng to discover what had caused such unrest.

    At the center of the chaos stood Mayor Richard Collins, his face flushed with anger as he addressed the crowd. I promise you, we will not rest until we find the person responsible for Samuel's murder! he declared, his voice booming through a megaphone.

    The townspeople responded with a mix of cheers and jeers, their emotions running high. Alex observed the scene, noting the varying reactions among the crowd. Some were genuinely grieving Samuel's death while others appeared to harbor a simmering resentment towards him.

    He approached a young woman named Emily, who seemed to be listening intently to Mayor Collins' speech. What do you make of all this? Alex asked, trying to gauge her perspective.

    Emily turned to look at him, her eyes filled with confusion. I don't know what to think, she admitted. Samuel was my landlord, and he always seemed kind and fair. But now... I don't know who to trust anymore.

    Alex sympathized with Emily's uncertainty. It seemed that everyone in Riverton had their own version of Samuel Blackstone - some saw him as a benefactor while others viewed him as a tyrant. Unraveling the truth behind his murder would require navigating these conflicting narratives.

    Seeking more perspectives, Alex struck up conversations with other townspeople in the vicinity. Each encounter revealed new layers to Samuel's character and raised further questions.

    Henry, an older gentleman with weathered hands, shared a story of Samuel's unrelenting pursuit of profits, often at the expense of hardworking individuals like himself. He was ruthless, Henry muttered, bitterness seeping into his voice. I never thought I'd live to see the day he got what was coming to him.

    On the other hand, Elizabeth, a middle-aged woman who had worked for Samuel's company, spoke of his generosity and the opportunities he provided for struggling families. He wasn't perfect, she conceded, but he genuinely cared about this town.

    As the conversations unfolded, Alex found himself caught in a web of conflicting accounts and hidden motives. It became clear that Samuel Blackstone's murder was more than just an isolated event - it was a reflection of the deep-seated resentments and rivalries that had plagued Riverton for years.

    Soon, Alex's attention turned to the Blackstone family themselves. He knew that within their tangled web of relationships lay the key to understanding Samuel's death.

    Making his way to the Blackstone mansion, Alex hoped to speak with Lucas directly. It was clear that Lucas carried the weight of suspicion on his shoulders, and Alex wanted to assess whether it was justified or merely a byproduct of heightened emotions within the town.

    Approaching the grand entrance, he encountered Vanessa Hartman, a striking woman with an air of confidence and elegance. She regarded Alex warily, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

    What business do you have here? Vanessa demanded, her voice tinged with caution.

    I'm Alex Thompson, a detective investigating Samuel Blackstone's murder, Alex replied calmly. I would like to speak with Lucas, if he's available.

    Vanessa hesitated for a moment before stepping aside with a curt nod. Very well, she said, her tone conveying both

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