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Conquers The World
Conquers The World
Conquers The World
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Conquers The World

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"There is no one more beautiful in the world than Jiankang, and no one more beautiful than Jiankang is Master Yuan Jin."
As the most beautiful young master of the Jin Dynasty from Maung Sai Phan An, you only know that I was thrown into the carriage when I went out. Rich families competed to get married, and famous people were proud to be friends with me. But you didn’t know that I could pull a five-stone bow and use it to draw a bow. The fastest knife, ride the fastest horse, kill the worst thief...
I have spent my whole life suppressing the northern siege, suppressing the southern raccoon dog, destroying the stone Zhao, sweeping away Murong, conquering the Han Dynasty, and subduing the Qianliang... The five Hu surrendered, and the four barbarians came to court. Wherever the rivers and rivers go, and where the sun and the moon shine, they are all my Jin. earth!
Release dateSep 29, 2023
Conquers The World

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    Book preview

    Conquers The World - Preston Lanier

    Chapter 1 Falling from the sky

    Chapter 2: Kill a group of people in ten steps

    Chapter 3 Everyone gets what he needs

    Chapter 4 The wealth picked up

    Chapter 5 Sima Clan

    Chapter 6: Impressive

    Chapter 7 Blood boiling

    Chapter 8 The most beautiful person in Jiankang is none other than Young Master Yuan Jin

    Chapter 9: First meeting at Tai Chi Hall

    Chapter 10: Throwing Fruit Cart

    Chapter 11 The Three Brothers of Qin and Huai

    Chapter 12 Summoned Again

    Chapter 13 Yu Linqi

    Chapter 14 Langya Wang Family

    Chapter 15 Please enlighten me

    Chapter 16 Shoot the King

    Chapter 17 Drinking, Gambling, and Talking about Mysteries

    Chapter 18 Guiding the Country

    Chapter 19 Pushing Hands

    Chapter 20 Receiving Gifts

    Chapter 21 Heart-to-heart talk between king and minister

    Chapter 22 The fish that stirs up the world

    Chapter 23 Guang Luxun

    Chapter 24 The best scenery in Wuzhong

    Chapter 25 Peerless Immortal Object

    Chapter 26 Look down on me?

    Chapter 27 The Choice of the Mother of the Nation

    Chapter 28 Entering the Ji family for the first time

    Chapter 29: The Huns are not destroyed yet, why should we take care of our family?

    Chapter 30 The first batch of chapters

    Chapter 31 Fang Flag

    Chapter 32 The hero of Jiangzuo, Mo Qiang and Zhou Chen

    Chapter 33 Wings of Country

    Chapter 34: Want to Make Immortal Brew

    Chapter 35 Good wine!

    Chapter 36 Good wine and good relationship

    Chapter 37 How handsome is Mr. Yuan Jin?

    Chapter 38 Divine Bow and Arrows

    Chapter 39 Sima Pushe

    Chapter 40 The visitor is evil

    Chapter 41 Chaos Camp

    Chapter 42 Kill

    Chapter 43 Establishing Prestige

    Chapter 44 Comfort

    Chapter 45 Sequelae

    Chapter 46 Asking Xie An

    Chapter 47 Jiangzuo celebrities

    Chapter 48 Impeachment

    Chapter 49 Have you ever known Sima Yuanjin?

    Chapter 50 Big surprise

    Chapter 51 The Emperor’s Guards

    Chapter 52 Shi Hu’s Southern Tour

    Chapter 53 Urgent Report from Liyang

    Chapter 54 Everyone has their own agenda

    Chapter 55 Taking over Jiangxi

    Chapter 56 Hu Qi is wreaking havoc

    Chapter 57 Pursuit

    Chapter 58: Furious

    Chapter 59 Kill Hu

    Chapter 60 Vector Formation

    Chapter 61 Annihilation

    Chapter 62 Anyone who offends Jin must be punished

    Chapter 63 The Great Victory of Liyang

    Chapter 64 Good news comes

    Chapter 65 The Emperor welcomes him personally

    Chapter 66 Habayashi Lang

    Chapter 67 The Wrath of Stone Tiger

    Chapter 68 Yuan Jin breaks the enemy's sword

    Chapter 69 You feel at ease

    Chapter 70 The Prime Minister’s Banquet

    Chapter 71 The war is about to begin

    Chapter 72 Asking Xie An

    Chapter 73 Beauty’s Grace

    Chapter 74: Pledge to the death

    Chapter 75 Jiangnan Pledge

    Chapter 76 Strategies to Defeat the Enemy

    Chapter 77 The troops are approaching the city

    Chapter 78 Fierce battle at the city head

    Chapter 79 Strange Formation

    Chapter 80 Raid

    Chapter 81 Hunting

    Chapter 82 Feel proud

    Chapter 83: On the verge of breaking out

    Chapter 84 Go to war

    Chapter 85 Fire Bull Formation

    Chapter 86: Forest of Spears

    Chapter 87 The enemy is defeated

    Chapter 88: The army was defeated like a mountain.

    Chapter 89: Enemy Chief Beheads

    Chapter 90 The Land of Grain Storage

    Chapter 91 Earn money and open the village gate

    Chapter 92 The flames are raging into the sky

    Chapter 93 Made a lot of money

    Chapter 94 A great victory

    Chapter 95 Shocked the Government and Opposition

    Chapter 96 Can’t believe it

    Chapter 97 The whole city celebrates

    Chapter 98 Puncture

    Chapter 99 Anyone who openly offends the powerful Jin Dynasty will be punished no matter how strong he is.

    Chapter 100 Huben Camp

    Chapter 101 Disaster Relief Plan

    Chapter 102 The warm fragrance of nephrite

    Chapter 103 Fundraising

    Chapter 104 Struggle

    Chapter 105 Zhuge, the daughter of the Wang family

    Chapter 106 Portrait

    Chapter 107 Troop Training

    Chapter 108 God’s gift

    Chapter 109 Dispute

    Chapter 110 Invitation to the Double Ninth Festival

    Chapter 111 Huan’s Consort

    Chapter 112 Talking about heroes over wine

    Chapter 113 Chrysanthemum Appreciation Party

    Chapter 114 Strong Poetry

    Chapter 115 Jiangdong Gentlemen

    Chapter 116: Expanding Habayashi Lang

    Chapter 117 Changing Houses

    Chapter 118 The Chu family’s little husband

    Chapter 119

    Chapter 120 Confidential Troubles

    Chapter 121 On the eve of the turmoil

    Chapter 122 Confidential Troubles

    Chapter 123 Leaving the Palace

    Chapter 124 Conspiracy

    Chapter 125 Shocking Change

    Chapter 126 Escape from battle

    Chapter 127 Vulnerable

    Chapter 128 Bells and Drums Ringing Together

    Chapter 129 Guard to the death

    Chapter 130: Unmoving as a mountain

    Chapter 131 Tiance takes action

    Chapter 132 After Jinfan

    Conquers The World

    Author: Preston Lanier

    Copyright Year: 2024

    Copyright Notice: by Preston Lanier. All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-312-06178-1

    There is no one more beautiful in the world than Jiankang, and no one more beautiful than Jiankang is Master Yuan Jin."

    As the most beautiful young master of the Jin Dynasty from Maung Sai Phan An, you only know that I was thrown into the carriage when I went out. Rich families competed to get married, and famous people were proud to be friends with me. But you didn’t know that I could pull a five-stone bow and use it to draw a bow. The fastest knife, ride the fastest horse, kill the worst thief...

    I have spent my whole life suppressing the northern siege, suppressing the southern raccoon dog, destroying the stone Zhao, sweeping away Murong, conquering the Han Dynasty, and subduing the Qianliang... The five Hu surrendered, and the four barbarians came to court. Wherever the rivers and rivers go, and where the sun and the moon shine, they are all my Jin. earth!

    Chapter 1 Falling from the sky

    In early summer, the Jiangnan area is already sweltering with heat, and even if a few wisps of wind occasionally blow by, there is rarely a hint of coolness.

    At the foot of Zhongshan Mountain, a spacious mountain road winds out from the foot of the mountain and extends to Jiankang City in the distance.

    On both sides of the mountain road, there are green trees. The hot sunshine still stubbornly casts mottled golden light from between the leaves. The cicadas in the forest keep making a noise of squeak, squeak, squeak, irrational and frightening to death. irrational and frightening to death.

    The sound of wheels and bells rang, and at the end of the mountain road, four or five large, ornately decorated cars slowly drove up, leaving two half-inch deep car marks on the ground. It looked like there were a lot of valuables packed in the cars.

    In front of and on both sides of the cart, there were about twenty tall men in soap robes. Except for the four men in the front who were holding water and fire sticks to clear the way, most of the men in the back were holding bright long knives, and there were even some with quivers on their backs and waists. Those with long bows and such a strict guard team clearly show the dignity of the owner of this trip.

    There are five large carts, and the two carts in front and back are ox carts. Only the one in the middle with the most gorgeous carvings is a carriage with two tall horses in front of it. The curtain of the carriage opened, and a young man wearing a black gauze crown and a green shirt stretched out. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with fair skin and a delicate face.

    Where is this place? the young man in green shirt asked.

    An old man, forty or fifty years old, appeared from the oxcart in front. He looked very capable and shrewd and said loudly: Hui Langjun, this place is at the foot of Zhongshan Mountain. It is still more than twenty miles away from the capital. It can be reached before sunset. Enter the city.

    In that case, why not take a nap in front. The young man in green shirt said.

    The old man looked ahead and saw a spacious area with green grass more than two or three hundred paces away. The trees on both sides were tall and dense, blocking the sun. It was a good place to rest.

    The group continued to move forward, and when they arrived at the wide area, the men sat down on the ground one after another, put down the things in their hands, opened their clothes, took out the water bag from their waists, and drank the water in big gulps. The calm forest suddenly became lively.

    The drivers and boy servants on the bullock cart also got off the car and sat with the guards, drinking water and chatting.

    The young man on the carriage had already opened the front curtain, revealing a small table with several plates of new fruits and a jug of wine on the table. Next to him, a pretty maidservant, who looked about twelve or thirteen years old, was picking up ice cubes from a jar and putting them into a wine jug.

    The old man also got out of the carriage and came to the carriage. He held up a leaf fan and fanned the young man in green shirt.

    The young man in green shirt also opened his clothes and slumped down on the seat, with his feet wearing wooden clogs raised casually. He took the wine bottle with ice cubes handed over by the maid next to him and took a sip, feeling full of refreshment. He smiled and said: Finally we are almost at the capital. This journey...


    A gust of wind came, and the old man felt a cold light flash in front of his eyes. When he looked up, he couldn't help but be frightened.

    An arrow, impartially, was inserted directly between the boy's eyebrows. The tail of the arrow was still trembling. The boy's eyes were filled with a look of extreme fear. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to shout, but no sound came out. , waved his hands upward twice, and then fell down.

    Before anyone could react, the wind roared loudly in the woods on both sides, and twenty or thirty feather arrows shot out like meteors, heading straight towards the people sitting on the ground resting.

    There is an assassin! One of the leading guards roared, taking the lead in raising his sword and jumping up.

    However, it was too late. After a round of arrows, nearly half of the tough guards were dead or injured, and the remaining slaves and guards totaled less than twenty people.


    There was a shout from the woods on both sides, and twenty or thirty men in black rushed out from the bushes, holding long knives in their hands, roaring towards them, and in the blink of an eye they rushed towards the guards.

    The leading guard, who was over thirty years old and extremely strong, took the lead in raising his sword to meet him. Hearing the sound of gold and iron clashing loudly, the two groups of people were fighting together in the blink of an eye.


    Just hearing a scream, a guard was hit in the face by a man in black. Blood surged from the corner of his eye. There was a slant wound on the entire face. Blood flowed all over his face in an instant, which hurt the guard. He abandoned the long knife in his hand and covered his face tightly.

    The next moment, a man in black next to him swung his knife, and the guard's neck was cut off in half. The long knife was stuck in the middle of his neck. The man in black struggled to pull out the long knife, kicked the guard down, and then Cut to another guard.

    On the grass, although the number of people on both sides was about the same, the situation was completely one-sided. Each of these men in black is not only skilled in swordsmanship, but also fast and ruthless. At first glance, they look like people who often lick blood with their swords. Opposite them are a mixture of guards and domestic slaves. Although they are strong and strong, they obviously lack fighting experience and skills. Not a match at all.

    The leading guard was a good hand. He could hold on against three or four men in black alone, but his companions fell down one after another.

    The screams of his companions disturbed his mind, and finally a ruthless man in black saw the opportunity and slashed his back with a knife.

    The leading guard felt a pain in his back and staggered forward a few steps. He gritted his steel teeth and hurriedly tried to split the knife that was coming towards him. He turned around and swung again to block the knife from behind.


    As soon as his body stopped, he was slashed again on his thigh, and blood appeared. The leading guard could no longer stand, and knowing that there was no chance of survival, he roared suddenly, endured the severe pain, and stood up. He even brought a knife and tried his best to attack the sneak attack viciously.


    The thick long knife struck the man in black's neck hard. The man in black screamed and fell down, holding his neck where blood was gushing out.


    The leading guard succeeded with one strike, but lost all control behind him. He was struck by two long knives and fell down like a straw, unable to get up again.

    A man in black stepped forward quickly, raised two swords, cut off the head of the leading guard, and held it in his hand.

    Once the leading guard died, the ensuing fight turned into a massacre. In the blink of an eye, there were only two people left on the guard side.

    More than twenty men in black swung their long knives in unison. Under the sharp blades, the remaining two guards were chopped like wooden stakes in an instant. Their flesh and blood flew everywhere, and they fell to the ground.

    On the cart's side, several men in black armed with sharp knives had killed several cart drivers one by one, and they all rushed towards the cart.

    The old man held the body of the boy in green shirt, looked at the man in black with a horrified look on his face, and said in a trembling voice: Who are you waiting for?

    The leading man in black showed a cruel smile in his eyes. He raised the long knife in his hand, pointed the sharp blade at the old man's throat, and said in a cold voice: When you get to the underworld, someone will tell you!

    Knowing that he was bound to die, the old man trembled and closed his eyes, waiting for the sharp blade to swipe and finish him off.


    Just when the old man was about to close his eyes, a black shadow flashed across his eyes, followed by a loud bang, which startled him to open his eyes.

    The scene before him stunned him and he couldn't believe his eyes.

    A naked man put his hands on the ground and stepped on the man in black who wanted to kill him. The man in black was stepped on by the naked man who fell from the sky. His sternum was shattered and he died immediately. The long knife in his hand also disappeared. I don’t know where it flew to.

    Even if he is squatting, he can still see that the naked man has a slender figure, his skin is as white as jade, but his muscles are bulging all over his body, but his long hair is disheveled, so his true appearance cannot be seen.

    In an instant, not only the old man, but also several men in black in front were stunned.

    Who is this person who fell from the sky?

    Because it was convenient for shade, the carriage stopped under a big tree. Everyone subconsciously looked at the top of the tree and then at the naked man, still full of doubts.

    Obviously, if you just jump from the tree, you won't trample people into this kind of virtue.

    The naked man who stepped on the man in black slowly opened his eyes and looked around with a confused look on his face.

    Where is I?

    He looked at the corpses there and the land stained red with blood. He quickly realized what he was doing and stood up suddenly. Mahler's Gobi, this appearance encounters a large-scale murder scene!


    A man in black woke up from a dream and took the lead in charging at the naked man with a knife.

    The naked man was looking around when he saw the masked killer in black holding a shining long knife and slashing at his head. Without thinking, he raised his fist and struck the man in black on the temple. Uppercut.


    In the midst of the lightning and flint, there was only a sound of bones and flesh shattering. The man in black still raised his long knife in the air, and blood gushed out from his eyes, mouth and nose, and he fell down without saying a word.

    Damn it... can you kill someone with just one punch? And beat him so hard?

    The naked man looked confused again, and his hands were shaking a little. But in his desperation, he couldn't care less and immediately picked up the ring-head knife dropped by the man in black.

    The men in black around them were shocked when they saw that the naked man was completely motionless and seemed to have killed a powerful master without even making a move.

    After a period of silence, the other three men in black in front of the carriage were the first to react. They looked at each other and suddenly all held out their long knives. As fast as lightning, they attacked the naked man in three directions.

    The naked man saw three more men in black and fiercely charged at him with a long knife. Although his speed was not very fast, his expression was extremely fierce. He had no choice but to take action again and quickly stabbed the throats of the three men in black. .

    The next moment, there were two more popping sounds, and blood appeared in the throats of the three men in black. They dropped their long knives one after another, covered their throats, and struggled to fall down.

    In the blink of an eye, the four men in black were killed by the naked man with lightning speed without even making a single move, shocking everyone as if they had seen a ghost.

    Everyone was shocked, but seeing that the mission was completed, Cheng Yaojin suddenly appeared on the way, and they were unwilling to give up. No matter how strong the opponent is, he is just one person. All the men in black whistled and came roaring with swords in hand, surrounding the naked man.

    The naked man already understood at this moment that his speed was too fast, so that when he saw other people's movements, they were all relatively slow movements, and his strength was too great. Every move he made was a powerful and heavy blow, so he would be killed as soon as he made a move. attack.

    He knew in his heart that all this was due to the genetically modified body.

    But it was the first time I saw so many people rushing toward me with knives. I was still a little panicked. In desperation, I gritted my teeth and rushed forward with knives.

    At this time, a mountain wind suddenly blew in the forest, and the trees roared with the mountain wind.

    What he saw in the eyes of the old man next to the carriage was another scene.

    Chapter 2: Kill a group of people in ten steps

    The wind blew fiercely, and the naked man suddenly moved his body. He saw a white phantom, rushing towards the black-clothed killer who shouted to kill, and rushed into the crowd in an instant.

    There were shouts of death, screams, and the sound of bones and flesh breaking, and then the white phantom rushed out of the crowd, stood up, and slowly turned its head.

    The mountain wind blew the naked man's long hair, revealing his face. Only then did everyone see clearly the naked man's appearance, including of course the old man.

    The moment they saw the naked man's face clearly, everyone was stunned and showed strange expressions.

    The old man held the body of the young master tightly in his arms, his mouth opened wider than a water tank;

    The long knife in the hands of the man in black in front couldn't help but fall to the ground and hurt his foot;

    Only half of the man in black had his eyes wide open and he was holding in a breath, as if he didn't dare to die.

    This is a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old, but he has a beautiful face.

    The most perfect face.

    You say eyebrows are picturesque, only those famous people from aristocratic families can draw such beautiful eyebrows.

    You say he is extraordinarily handsome, but when applied to this beautiful face, these four words seem a little too thin to describe even one percent of its beauty.

    Even though the black-clad killers have traveled all over the country and met countless handsome young men from wealthy families, they have never seen such a handsome face.

    The beautiful face, strong and powerful muscles, jade-like skin, and the heroic spirit exuding from the whole body, coupled with the long knife with cold light, actually match perfectly without any sense of disharmony, which only adds to its charm.

    The mountain wind became stronger and roared, and the naked boy's long black hair fluttered in the wind, as if flying into the sky.

    Fairy! Old Cangtou finally came back to his senses and muttered to himself.

    Could it be a mountain spirit wild charm? A man in black said in horror.

    After a round of killing, the ground was full of chaos, seven or eight people were dead or injured, and there were only thirteen or four men in black left.

    The naked man turned around and looked at the corpses on the ground. He looked a little excited and a little guilty. It was so easy to kill people. He rushed into the group of killers who were rushing towards him in slow motion. All he had to do was raise his knife and chop at it. , with a huge force stronger than that of a tiger. With one strike, either the head will fall to the ground or the limbs will be separated. It is more refreshing than cutting tofu and there is no obstacle.

    This was a completely one-sided fight. Although there were still a dozen men in black, they were like a herd of sheep and tigers in front of the naked men, with no chance of winning.

    The men in black looked at me, I looked at you, and then looked at the bodies on the ground, feeling at a loss.

    The wind is tight, pull! someone shouted.

    The black people made an uproar and fled in all directions.

    Kill him and others, otherwise there will be endless trouble! The old man shouted anxiously as he gained wisdom.

    At this time, the naked man could clearly see the scene around him. There were corpses in ancient costumes all over the ground, as well as a few large carts that only existed in ancient times. He could conclude that he had undoubtedly traveled through time.

    Hearing the old man's cry, he hesitated for a moment and then pursued him without hesitation.

    Killing one person is killing, and killing a group is killing. Otherwise, if there are consequences, he might not be able to get out of this mountain.

    Although he had never done anything like killing someone before, he actually didn't hesitate at all in an emergency... Now he was on the verge of death and there was no way out. He had already killed more than ten people, and he didn't care if he killed a dozen more people.

    The man in black ran faster, and the naked man ran faster, like a cheetah. Although the man in black ran as fast as he could, in the eyes of the naked man it was just like jogging.

    In a blink of an eye, he caught up with him and stabbed him in the back of the head. Half of his head was cut off with a click, as smooth as cutting a watermelon.

    The strength surpasses that of a tiger, the attack speed is twice as fast as a caracal, and the running speed is faster than that of a cheetah, making it so easy to kill!

    After a stick of incense, the naked man threw away the ring-headed knife and sat down on the ground. His whole body was sweating like rain, and his body and hands were trembling... Today, more people were killed than the chickens killed before. When I was very excited, I didn't have too many scruples, but once I calmed down, my hands and feet became weak.

    This is my first time to kill a living person. A living person will be gone with one strike. Am I a devil?

    After a while, he finally came to his senses and felt something strange. The hard grass roots under his butt had penetrated into his balls...

    Damn it!

    Only then did he realize that he was not wearing any yarn at all...

    He stood up hurriedly, stepped on the blood and corpses on the ground, and strode to the carriage.

    The old man hurriedly put down the body of the young master in his arms, bowed to the naked man and said, The common people pay homage to the gods...

    Before he bowed down, he was lifted up by the naked man: I am not a god, but I just happened to be passing by here and help me find some clean clothes.

    The old man woke up from a dream and hurriedly responded, climbed into the oxcart in front, worked for a while, and took out a pile of clothes.


    A delicate scream sounded from the carriage, but the maid in the carriage turned over and sat up, covering her eyes tightly.

    It turned out that the maid was so frightened that she fainted when her young master was shot. At this moment, Youyou woke up and saw a naked man in front of the car. She was very shy and hurriedly covered her eyes, but there seemed to be a vague feeling between her fingers. About revealed a slight gap.

    Sima Ke was also extremely embarrassed, so he turned around silently and quickly put on his clothes, only to find that wearing such ancient clothes was extremely troublesome.

    Finally, with the help of the old man and the maid, the naked man finally put on all his clothes, and the old man and the young man were stunned again.

    A fine gauze cage crown, a long-sleeved green shirt, and a pair of blue satin thin-soled riding boots. These are the most common clothes worn by the young master. When worn on this young man, they seem to suddenly shine, making the young man look more and more like. Immortals are like gods.

    The naked man straightened his clothes, picked up the long knife, and clasped his fists at the old man and the young man: We meet by chance, let's say goodbye. You can report to the official as soon as possible!

    After saying that, he turned around and strode forward.

    The old man stared at the young man's back in confusion, and suddenly asked: Where do you want to go?

    In the Jin Dynasty, people were generally not called gongzi in person, but langjun, and gongzi was generally used in the third person.

    The naked man stopped and did not answer his question, but asked: What night is it tonight?

    He didn't know where he was going, so he had to ask what year it was.

    The old man was stunned for a moment and replied: The early years of Xiankang in the Jin Dynasty.

    The naked man was silent for a long time, and his mind began to turn upside down.

    He was born in 1992 and died in a car accident on May 20, 2021. His current body is a body cloned by scientists. This cloned body not only incorporates seven kinds of bionic genes, but also has seven kinds of bionic abilities. It also has excellent appearance...

    In the early years of Xiankang of the Jin Dynasty... it should have been the Jin Dynasty. The error of the time machine was indeed large enough. The time machine was originally set to the Eastern Han Dynasty, which was a difference of nearly two hundred years.

    Moreover, when I traveled through time, I brought hybrid rice, corn and potato seeds with me, but now they have fallen completely naked, with not even a hair on my body...

    But I finally know the approximate age, and I have definitely verified that I have truly traveled through time. Don’t worry about being blocked by the police as soon as you step out of the mountain, and then the next day’s headlines will be about the cracking of a huge murder case.

    However, before traveling through time, I determined to come to ancient times and make achievements, be a general and a marquis, have many wives and concubines, and have a great wealth. It was just a dream. How to implement it specifically, where to go, even where to live at night, and where to eat the next meal. , none of them were found.

    He is clothed in flesh, not soul.

    Unlike those soul-transporting elder brothers, when they first appear, they are either rich sons, sons of princes, nobles, or famous generals, and even more awesome ones travel through time to become powerful generals such as Lu Bu and Zhao Yun, or even directly become emperors. No matter how bad they are, they are also the sons-in-law of wealthy people. …

    The time shuttle carried so many things, but they were all gone, and finally fell from the world naked, leaving not even a pair of underwear.

    What should I do next? Is it possible to hide in the mountains and hunt? Or be a strong cutter?

    It seems that we have to plan carefully next...

    Seeing that he was silent, the old man asked cautiously: Where is Lang Junzun's mansion? Why don't you go with me?

    The naked man's heart was moved, and he turned around and smiled bitterly: I have been in a big disaster recently. When I woke up, I had been stripped of my clothes. I heard the sound of carriages and horses. I couldn't get over it, so I had to hide in a tree. I don't know who my name is anymore. , who are my parents, let alone where I live, let alone where I want to go... I can only take one step at a time and see if I can slowly remember it.

    The old man looked at him and it didn't look like he was telling lies. Although the logic was slightly inconsistent, he didn't go into it further, and his heart became active.

    Once his son dies like this, only his grandfather and grandson are left with him. What will happen if he goes out to report to the official? If things go wrong, he will be accused of colluding with gangsters and murdering the master's family.

    And the most important thing is that his son is not an ordinary son. However, once the charges of the current prince of the royal family are confirmed, his entire family will be executed and the three clans will be wiped out. Not only will he and his granddaughter not be able to save their lives, but also his son who is far away in Xuancheng will be killed. I can’t even save my grandson...

    The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. Looking at the handsome and god-like young man in front of him, he suddenly felt like he was enlightened. He suddenly slapped his head and said loudly: I have an idea. I wonder if Mr. Lang is willing to do it.

    The naked man looked at him doubtfully and said, Why don't you tell me and listen.

    The old man stared into his eyes tightly, his voice a little excited: My husband is dead and cannot be resurrected, and this husband has lost his memory, why not just be my husband?

    The naked man was moved in his heart and asked, What should I say?

    The old man took a deep breath and said firmly: I will let you pretend to be my husband. Everything about my husband will belong to you. I am willing to serve you all my life and I will never have any second thoughts! "

    Such a good thing can't be a trap, right?

    The naked man looked at the old man and said, Can I make it more clear?

    Seeing the naked man in this state, the old man knew that something was going on, and he had a look of relief on his face.

    No matter how talented a person is, he may not be able to refuse his suggestion...

    Chapter 3 Everyone gets what he needs

    This was the early days of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

    The deceased young master was a descendant of the Jin Dynasty clan. His surname was Sima, his given name was Ke, and his courtesy name was Yuan Jin. He was born in 320 AD and was fifteen years old this year. He was the grandson of King Sima Yi of Xiyang.

    The ancients usually gave the crown ceremony and the word crown only when they were twenty years old. But there are exceptions, because Sima Ke's father died early, and his mother was depressed and sick day by day. Sima Ke became the head of the family, so when he was fourteen years old, he was crowned in advance according to the actual age of sixteen, and he got his name in advance.

    The person who performed the crowning ceremony earlier than him was the current emperor Sima Yan, who had just turned fourteen. According to the calculation at the time, he was sixteen years old, so he added the ceremony of Yuanfu and officially took charge.

    Sima Yi, the grandson of Sima Yi, the founder of the Jin Dynasty, was one of the five horses that crossed the river.

    At that time, Emperor Ming of the Jin Dynasty, Sima Shao, was seriously ill and summoned Sima Yi, together with Situ Wangdao, Shangshu Ling Bian Hu, Chariot General Xi Jian, Guard General Yu Liang, Leading General Lu Ye, and Danyang Yin Wenqiao to accept the imperial edict to assist the crown prince Sima Yan. As the Minister of Gu Ming.

    It's just a pity that although the Sima family who traveled to the south was considered a royal family, the nobles in the north and south did not like the nobles of Tianhuang. The conflict between the relatives represented by Yu Liang and the clan forces represented by the Sima Yi brothers intensified, and they fiercely competed for the power of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

    Since the emperor was only four years old when he ascended the throne, Yu Liang introduced his sister, the Queen Mother Yu Wenjun, to attend the court. With the support of the northern nobles and the Queen Mother, Yu Liang gradually gained the upper hand and controlled the real power in the court.

    But Sima Yi's fate was extremely tragic.

    The Su Jun Rebellion broke out eight years ago. Sima Yi supported Su Jun against Yu Liang and was sentenced to death at the age of forty-five.

    Also sentenced to death were Sima Bo and Sima Chong, Sima Yi's two sons, and even Sima Bo's eldest son Sima Song. However, Sima Bo's youngest son Sima Min and Sima Chong's son Sima Ke were spared because they were less than ten years old at the time and followed their families to avoid disaster in Xuancheng.

    In 335 AD, that is, this year, the current holy superior Sima Yan was crowned and officially took charge. In memory of his old kindness, he restored Sima Jin's family genealogy and issued an edict announcing that Sima Jin's descendants would serve in Beijing.

    Sima Bo's son Sima Min later became the captain of Fengche and was invited by the court, but Sima Chong's son Sima Ke was assassinated on the road.

    The old man's surname is Chen and his name is Jin. The little maid is his granddaughter, named Chen Xiaocui. Three generations of her family have served the Sima family for many years. Although he was a servant, he was also the most trusted slave of Sima Ke's parents during their lifetime. He was treated as a relative of the Sima family and allowed to handle all matters, big and small.

    At that time, Sima Ke's biological mother took seven-year-old Sima Ke to avoid trouble in Xuancheng. Although his family was wealthy, he was demoted to a commoner and was far behind his previous glory and wealth. He died in depression a year ago, but he did not survive the end, leaving Sima Ke as an orphan.

    Now that Sima Ke is dead and the son is gone, Chen Jin is still alive. Even if he is not charged with plotting to seize wealth, he still cannot escape the responsibility. Because the young master is not someone else, but a member of the royal family, and the young master has just come to Beijing to take up a post under the emperor's order, and now he is killed on the road.

    In desperation, the old man suddenly made a decision at the moment when the naked man turned around, which was perhaps the wisest decision in his life.

    Since this fairy-like young man who descended from the sky no longer knows his name, his parents, where he lives, or where he wants to go, and he is so down and out that he doesn’t even have a pair of trousers and hides in a tree with his buttocks naked. Why not let him replace Sima Ke and become his young master.

    The accompanying family slaves have been killed by men in black, leaving only his grandfather and grandson. No one remembers Sima Ke's appearance anymore. Even if he meets his fellow clansmen and old friends in the capital in the past, six years later, Sima Ke has grown from a young boy to a handsome young man. Who dares to say that the handsome and immortal young master in front of him is not Sima Ke?

    Although Sima Ke's family still has a lot of fields and properties in Xuancheng, and there are many tenants and servants who know Sima Ke, but how can those servants have the opportunity to come to Jiankang? The property there is managed by Sima Ke's uncle, who is Sima Ke's mother's cousin. However, his cousin, who has lived for more than 40 years, has never entered Jiankang City, and there will be no chance of coming to Jiankang in the future. big.

    Although the risk is high, it is better than sitting still and waiting for death.

    Chen Jin had no choice but to take this gamble!

    He also considered Chen Jin's opinion for a long time.

    If he had traveled back in time to the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms, he would have been able to achieve great success with a single strike, but in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it would have been almost impossible to stand out. In this era where wealthy families are rampant, everything depends on family status, and children from poor families have no chance to enter the upper class of society. Not to mention, he is not even from a humble family, he is a gangster who doesn't even have underwear to show up.

    It would be difficult for a gangster like him to enlist in the army or become a client of a wealthy family. Even if there is a chance to enlist in the army, even if he has strong skills, what if he can equal one to a hundred? At most, he would be a low-level officer and live a mediocre life. As for becoming a client of a wealthy family, he only plays the role of a thug. In this era, it is almost impossible to stage a plot of being spotted by a rich lady and becoming the son-in-law of a wealthy family. Even if the rich girl looks like Zhu Bajie's cousin, it is absolutely impossible. Unless you find an ordinary and well-to-do family, become a son-in-law, and become a bloody massacre, this... maybe there is a chance, but the chance is not great, most of the life will be just a son-in-law...

    Now, Chen Jin has given him the identity of a clan prince, how can he not be moved?

    When you go out, you will be worshiped by generals and become marquises, and when you enter, you will have a group of wives and concubines. More importantly, in this era when family status is above all else, the clan is undoubtedly the highest family status. Although after the Five Horses crossed the river, neither the Jiangdong gentry nor the northern overseas Chinese paid much attention to the Sima clan, but it still could not change the fact that the clan was the most noble gentry.

    Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. This trick of changing the civet cat to the prince has the risk of betraying the gang after all. But think about future generations, in the 21st century where communications are extremely developed, there are people pretending to be Saudi princes, dealing with dignitaries and even presidents in various countries, and it took 31 years for the deception to be discovered. In this era where carriages and horses are slow, letters are far away, and it is said that you can only fall in love once in a lifetime, why can't you take a gamble?

    You know, even if transportation and information problems are removed, the difficulty for a naked man to impersonate Sima Ke is much lower than the difficulty for a liar to impersonate a Saudi prince in later generations. It is simply the difference between simple mode and hell mode.

    In this way, I went from a low-profile time travel to a rare high-profile time travel in an instant.

    With almost invincible force and a prominent clan status, compared with those predecessors in time-travel novels, who has no system, who dares to compete?

    After some thought, the naked man and Chen Jin each took what they wanted and concluded the deal on the spot.

    The three people immediately began to deal with the fifty or sixty corpses at the scene. Otherwise, if they alerted passers-by later and reported them to the police, it would inevitably cause a lot of trouble in tracing them.

    Fortunately, Sima Ke was very strong, and he could handle the corpse as well as ten. It took him an hour or two to finally handle the scene.

    The sun sets in the west, and the setting sun is like blood.

    At the foot of Zhongshan Mountain, at the exit of the mountain road, five large vehicles slowly drove out. The one walking in front was the ornate carriage, driven by the old man Chen Jin, followed by four ox carts.

    The driver of the last bullock cart turned out to be thirteen-year-old Xiao Cui. Not only could he drive, he could also scold the bullock cart in front of him to keep up with the team. Children of poor people have long been in charge of the family, and it is not unusual for a thirteen-year-old girl to be able to drive a bullock cart.

    The car curtain was rolled up, and sitting behind Chen Jin was the young man who saved his life - the Naked Time Traveler.

    However, at this moment he already has his own name and identity in this era.

    Sima Ke, whose courtesy name was Yuan Jin, was the son of the clan of the Jin Dynasty and the grandson of Sima Yi, King of Xiyang. He was born in 1992 AD and entered Beijing by imperial edict in 335 AD at the age of 16...

    This year was also the year when Emperor Cheng of the Jin Dynasty, Sima Yan, performed the ceremony of Canadian Yuanfu, formally presided over the state affairs, and changed his reign name to Xiankang.

    Sima Ke, who was on the carriage, slowly closed his eyes and began to rest with his eyes closed.

    This troubled world...

    In the water town of the south of the Yangtze River, the Jin dynasty traveled south with their clothes, and the royal family, relatives, noble families in the north, nobles and powerful men in the south, as well as large and small refugees and commanders were having fun fighting each other.

    In the Central Plains, the Jie people were rampant. Shi Zhao regarded the Han people as two-legged sheep. They could kill them if they wanted and eat them if they wanted. In the eyes of the Jie people, the Han people were not even as good as livestock.

    To the north of the Great Wall is the territory of the Xianbei people, dominated by Murong Xianbei. The large and small Xianbei tribes have cavalry running across the territory, eyeing them with eagerness, intending to invade southward.

    Yizhou, Guanzhong and Xiliang were places where the Di and Qiang people were raging.

    This period of history is the darkest period in Chinese history.

    If we can't do anything for the Chinese Han people during this time-traveling journey, wouldn't this time-traveling journey be in vain?

    Chapter 4 The wealth picked up

    From a distance, Jiankang City is in sight.

    Jiankang relied on the river as a solid foundation, so it only built rammed earth city walls and no outer walls. Most of the city gates were bamboo fence gates, which roughly surrounded the city in a shape. Many fortresses were set up in critical places, such as Stone City, Jincheng, Dongfucheng, Xizhou City, Baixia City, etc. to protect the safety of the capital.

    Entering through the north gate, Sima Ke opened the curtain and stood in the car to watch.

    Jiankang City, after experiencing several rebellions by Wang Dun, Su Jun and others in recent years, is no longer as prosperous as it once was, but it is still a prosperous capital in the south of the Yangtze River.

    Sima Ke took a quick look and saw that although the entire city was lined with houses and pedestrians, except for restaurants far and near and the mansions of wealthy families in the distance, few of the houses were more than ten meters tall. Unlike later generations, even a small county town is full of high-rise buildings. It would be a waste of real estate not to build eight or ten floors.

    Looking around, where the sun shines like a ray, the large splendid buildings are probably the imperial city.

    At this time, Chen Jin whispered: Mr. Lang, last month I bought a house near Xianggong Lane in the east of Qingxi Bridge on the order of the young master. There are also many servants, maids, and nurses in the house. , although the guys who accompanied us all the way are missing, the secret will not be exposed. In two days, I am afraid that some clan members will come to inquire and greet us, so we must prepare for it in advance.

    Sima Ke nodded and said, You can do it yourself. You don't have to ask me. If you want me to come forward, just tell me.

    Naturally, this business brings a lot of wealth, but for Sima Ke, it was all picked up in vain, and he couldn't care about so much for a while. Although the old man was a little cunning, he was generally an honest person.

    As soon as Chen Jin entered Beilimen, he hired several cart drivers to speed up the journey.

    At this time, the lanterns were on, and the prosperity and excitement in Jiankang City had just begun.

    The bright lights all over the street illuminate the flat bluestone pavement like daylight, and the streets are full of people, walking back and forth, like a market everywhere.

    Sima Ke drove on the streets of Jiankang City, feeling like he was driving around Beijing at night in later generations. There were people everywhere, sweating like rain and breathing like clouds. The lights all over the city are just flowing slowly along both sides of the Qingxi River.

    There are noisy people everywhere in the city, there are crowds of crowns everywhere, there are rouge pollen everywhere, and there are singing and dancing birds everywhere. On the streets, gorgeous and luxurious bullock carts and sedan chairs abound.

    Along the way, we passed through Dongmen Bridge, Nanyin Bridge, Qingxi Middle Bridge, and finally arrived near Xianggong Lane.

    There are two famous alleys in Jiankang City. Wuyi Alley is home to noble families, while Xianggong Alley is mostly home to clan aristocrats. Not only is there a lot of money in Xianggong Lane, but even if you have money, you can't buy a house. The former residence of King Sima Yi of Xiyang has changed owners long ago. Now it is not easy to buy a house in Xianggong Lane.

    Therefore, Chen Jin had no choice but to buy a relatively decent house in the streets near Xianggong Lane.

    The house is neither too big nor too small.

    Entering the dark mansion door, passing the screen wall, and entering the hanging flower door, there are three wing rooms on the east and west sides, a well in the middle of the patio, and across the patio is a main room in the middle, with two courtyards on both sides, and a study room on the side. To the back is The courtyard, then the back room, and a medium-sized back garden.

    It seems that the original owner also came from a wealthy family. Chen Jin was able to buy this house, and I am afraid he spent a lot of money. He may also have used the name of the clan to buy it.

    As soon as he entered the house, he was greeted by a doorman and servants. After passing through the hanging flower gate, he was greeted by a group of well-behaved maids.

    These maids are not all as beautiful as flowers and jade as written in time-travel novels. It can only be said that they are all pleasing to the eye and there are no flaws. In terms of beauty, no one can compare with Xiao Cui, but Xiao Cui is only thirteen years old... don't mention it.

    Chen Jin was just pretending to be a real person, and he truly regarded Sima Ke as his young master, without any slights in his heart.

    Firstly, because Chen Jin is generally a conscientious person, and the trick of changing the civet cat for the prince is also a forced and helpless move; secondly, he is worried that if he does not do the whole thing, once he is betrayed, the consequences will be disastrous; the third point is also The most important point is that this new young master is not an easy man. Facing twenty or thirty vicious killers, he can kill them as cleanly as chopping vegetables. If he has a little different intentions, this new young master can crush them like ants. Crush him to death.

    Chen Jin asked Xiaocui to take Sima Ke to the main room, while he began to arrange the servants to work, unloading the goods and preparing dinner.

    In the main hall, Sima Ke sat down cross-legged on the couch in front of a desk. As soon as he sat down, he felt something was wrong... The wind outside was blowing coldly, and his crotch was chilly.

    It turns out that in this era, noble children still wore crotchless trousers made of fine silk, also known as trousers, or leggings, and the vital parts were vacuumed. Only farmers or soldiers would wear crotchless pants. This shank is covered by a lower skirt when standing, so it will naturally not be exposed. However, if you sit cross-legged, the spear will be pointed directly at the opposite side, which is very inelegant. If someone is sitting opposite, it will be an extremely insulting behavior.

    For example, after Jing Ke failed to assassinate the King of Qin, he knew that he would not survive, so he sat down on his back. In fact, it was an extremely insulting behavior to the King of Qin.

    Fortunately, Sima Ke saw the opportunity quickly and immediately knelt down on the soft couch without any teacher. At this time, the maid just brought the fruit plate and tea soup, avoiding the embarrassment.

    Sima Ke picked up the tea cup, opened the tea lid, blew gently, took a sip of warm tea, and glanced around. His eyes fell on the maids waiting in front, and he felt embarrassed.

    I could see those maidservants in their prime, as if they had lost their souls. They were all staring at his face tightly, as if they could no longer look away.

    Even Xiao Cui, who had been amazed before, still seemed to have no immunity and was staring at him intently, as if he couldn't get enough of it.

    When Sima Ke was on the road, he had used a bronze mirror to look at his face, and he had a rough idea.

    Actually, he's not that handsome... It's just that his face is much more delicate than those of the creamy boys in later generations, and he's also more heroic than some tough-guy-style stars. It doesn't seem to matter. Do grown men still rely on their looks? Can't eat...

    But who doesn’t want to be both smart and beautiful, and be popular among thousands of girls? Although Sima Ke looked calm on the surface, he was very happy in his heart, as if he was floating in the clouds.

    However, he was pleased with himself, but being watched by a group of nymphomaniac-like women without concealment, Sima Ke turned out to be thin-faced and even had a fever on his face. He had to lower his head and continue drinking tea to cover up his embarrassment.

    After a while, a maid brought dinner.

    Although Sima Ke was eating alone, he was not careless. Steaming crab roe buns, chicken, duck, fish, meat, plus a bottle of wine filled the whole table.

    Sima Ke's last meal was on the night of May 20, 2021 AD. It is now May 335 AD. In addition to the tragic fight during the day, he also consumed a lot of energy. Faced with a table full of delicacies, Immediately, the wind and clouds were rolling, and I was full after eating three times, five times and two times.

    If others ate this way, they would definitely be despised and thought to be no different from those who kill pigs and sell dates, or weave mats and sell shoes. However, in the eyes of the maids, it seems to have a different charm. Compared with those who chew carefully and slowly, It is much easier for a rich boy who swallows and drags his feet.

    After taking the silk silk handed over by the maid and wiping his mouth, Sima Ke waved his hand and said, Please step aside. I'll take a rest first.

    The feeling of being surrounded by people is really not good...

    After saying three sentences in a row, Xiaocui woke up from a dream and hurriedly took Sima Ke into the bedroom.

    In the spacious bedroom, there are antique gums, brocade quilts embroidered with carps and lotus flowers, exquisite pear wood furniture, soft and gorgeous silk blankets, beautiful porcelain, and a plate of fragrance lit by the bed. of sandalwood.

    The maids who finally woke up began to get busy. Some spread quilts for Sima Ke, and some brought mouthwash. Xiao Cui instructed the two maids to fetch hot water for bathing, while she gently massaged Sima Ke's temples. and shoulders.

    If it were other time-travelers, they would probably just enjoy it. But when they arrived at Sima Ke's place, they were like a hot potato. They hurriedly rinsed their mouths and kicked out the maids.

    Seeing the maids reluctantly walking out, Sima Ke hurriedly locked the door to prevent fire and theft, and then took off his clothes and jumped into the bathtub filled with hot water.

    If in the previous life, there were so many energetic young girls around, and they could do whatever they wanted, Sima Ke would have been distraught. Not to mention several maids sleeping together, at least one would have to be left to satisfy his craving.

    But when he really reached this state, Sima Ke lost his lust.

    It's like a person who doesn't have a house. Chao Si dreams of having a house to settle down and settle down. It doesn't matter if it's an ordinary building or an elevator room. It's close to the subway. If he has a degree or not, he'll be satisfied with a suite. But once you suddenly win hundreds of millions and have enough capital to buy a luxurious villa with river view, you will naturally have to be careful and not rush to buy a suite and live in it first.

    Chapter 5 Sima Clan

    In the early morning, dawn breaks in the east, and the first ray of morning light shines slantingly in Jiankang City, and shines through the window pane into Sima Ke's bedroom.

    In the bedroom, Sima Ke suddenly woke up and got up from the bed. When he looked for his phone to check the time as usual, he suddenly remembered that he had traveled through time and no longer had to go to work...

    However, the habit of getting up early for many years made Sima Ke unwilling to sleep. After thinking carefully in bed for a while, various fighting skills and sword skills suddenly appeared in his mind - additional memory fragments instilled before time travel.

    He hurriedly put on his clothes, picked up the Ganshou knife placed on the bedside, opened the door bolt and walked out. After all, these fragments of fighting skills were implanted in the brain later and needed to be consolidated and strengthened.

    The sound of the door bolt woke up the people in the outhouse. There is also a bed in the outer room, where Xiao Cui and another maid Xiao Yun sleep, so that they can be at Sima Ke's command at any time.

    Whether it's Chen Jin or Xiao Cui, whether it's Chen Jin or Xiao Cui, they really treat and serve Sima Ke as their own master. As for other servants who don't know what they're doing, they must do their duty with all their heart. These days, even if you are just a servant in the Sima Mansion, being a servant in such a wealthy family also requires

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