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Coffin Carrier
Coffin Carrier
Coffin Carrier
Ebook703 pages10 hours

Coffin Carrier

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My family has dealt with the dead for generations, and I have inherited my father’s inheritance, and I have become a coffin smith.
Every time before lifting the coffin, five sticks of incense are given to the deceased.
When people go to incense, the most taboo is three long and two short.
The incense on the corpse is the most taboo.
On that day, I lifted a coffin, and the pregnant woman in the coffin gave birth to a pair of twins!
Release dateNov 8, 2022
Coffin Carrier

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    Coffin Carrier - Michael Falzone

    Chapter 1 Dragon and Phoenix Mother Corpse

    Everyone knows three hundred and sixty lines, but they don't know one hundred and eight craftsmen.

    Three hundred and sixty lines are classified as supporting the family and living in peace.

    One hundred and eight craftsmen are treating illnesses and calming the nerves and eating food for the deceased.

    And our Zhao family has dealt with the dead for generations.

    From the beginning of the war in the ancient country, many people died in strange ways. At that time, our Zhao family professionally drove the corpses and sent them home. Later, because of the development of the times, the corpse-crawler has gradually faded and disappeared, until the modern 21st century was replaced by the coffin-carrying smith, sending the deceased from the yang house to the yin house to enjoy good health.

    Ordinary people are very taboo about our identity in this industry, and they tremble even more when they hear the word coffin.

    My name is Zhao Lan. As far as I can remember, my old man took me to see the coffin every other time. Yes, it was like visiting a museum. This is not the most horrible, you know, it is commonplace for me to sleep in the coffin. People find it unlucky, but I think I have a long experience.

    Now the old man in my family has reached the age of retirement. As the only child of the Zhao family, it is not unusual for the son to pass on his father's business, so I also became a coffin lifter.

    Of course, being a coffin lifter is more than just lifting the coffin.

    Carrying the corpse, painting the corpse, wiping the corpse, watching the water, digging the grave, ceremonial ceremonies, leading the way, sealing the coffin... you can do everything.

    In the past few years when I carried the coffin, I could earn four to five thousand more, at least one to two thousand, and my life was still quite rich.

    Just a few days ago, the old man secretly took a job for me, but the reward was only 100 yuan. This is the first time I have seen you for so little!

    Fuk it! I threw the red envelope directly on the stool.

    The old man threw me a pack of white sand smoke and smoked one himself, and sighed: Listen to me, do this thing beautifully. The one who died is a big belly in the next village, and the child in his stomach is still She was born within a month. The big belly woman committed suicide by drinking pesticides. After death, she now stays at home and refuses to leave. I am old, and there are some things that need to be handled by you on behalf of our Zhao family!

    Is the big belly woman dead? There is a child about to be born in your belly? Lai stays at home and refuses to leave?

    I looked at the one-hundred-yuan red envelope, and immediately walked outside and yelled: Don't cook my meal tonight!

    When I went to the next village on the road, I really went from my own village to the next village, and all kinds of swear words blurted out. Because this business was not taken by me at all, it was a decision made privately by my old man, but the person who handled it was myself!

    I have seen cheating fathers, never seen cheating sons.

    Angry to angry, but this is a fun thing to do.

    I hurried to the home of the deceased, a narrow alley was filled with people, and the miserable crying sound surrounded the village.

    Alan, Brother Lan, Master Zhao, Xiao Zhao... People who knew me greeted me respectfully.

    In my capacity, it is easy to enter the home of the deceased, and everyone knows to clear the way for me.

    Inside and outside the room were kneeling several people wearing linen and filial piety. I expressed my identity. They knocked three heads towards me. This etiquette was necessary. It was said that I was not only a coffin lifter, but also a guide. Without me, I died. Those who can't go to the yin house into the soil.

    But when I approached the door of the room, a smell of corpses came on my face. It's so stinky, I won't take it to the coffin for burial, too.

    Make way, let me see what's going on? I covered my nose and walked into the room with various white decorations as mourning. I noticed the dead belly on the bed. Sure enough, her belly was about to give birth. The stage of the child.

    On the way, the old man called me. He told me that the big belly had been dead for five days. Because of various relationships, even the doctor couldn't get out of bed, so he had to ask us to go to work. Originally, I was not in charge of the funeral affairs of this village, but later because of the trouble, I asked for help.

    I didn't dare to reach out and touch the female corpse. I stayed in the room for five days, not to mention other things, just all kinds of bacteria and germs are very troublesome.

    The corpse was stiff, and the plaques had already surfaced on the surface of the corpse. After looking at it for a while, I walked out of the room and went to the living room with a brand new big red coffin in the middle. Logically speaking, the coffin was not allowed to enter the house before the coffin carrier arrived.

    As long as it is related to the coffin, I know everything.

    There was also a one-to-one scarecrow lying in the red coffin, which means that someone had prepared everything before I came.

    Just as I was about to ask about this lipstick coffin, an old man in a black jacket walked in and asked, You are Zhao Lan, right?

    Who are you? I asked this guy in a very unfriendly tone.

    I came from the city to do things, talk about it? The old man handed me a business card after he finished talking.

    The old man and I moved a step and stood aside to speak, and glanced at the business card, which read Mingfeng Funeral Home, Liao Jun.

    Isn't this the funeral home where my old man went to work before? Could this old fellow be my old man's colleague?

    I know your father. Liao Jun said with a smile.

    I looked back at the coffin and said politely: Uncle Liao, right? I don’t care if you know my old man? Do you not understand the rules of the village when you come from the county? Before I enter the deceased’s house, you just take the coffin to the deceased’s house. The house is resettled? It’s not compliant. Look at the current situation. The big belly refuses to leave, but you tell me how to deal with it? I really convinced you!

    Liao Jun patted me on the shoulder, handed me a cigarette, and said seriously: "Things are not as simple as you think. Although I am just a way of doing things, I know more or less about this kind of thing. It should be understood that the child in her belly is a fetus, and the pregnant woman committed suicide by drinking pesticide.

    Chong Sha? I repeated with a frown.

    According to the gossip hexagrams, there are sixteen types of rushing evil. The innate rushing evil is Xisha and the day after tomorrow's rushing evil is resentment. Obviously, Liao Jun is talking about the acquired rushing evil. The whole village!

    I have carried the coffin for so many years, and I haven't encountered such an extreme thing.

    There is a scarecrow the size of an ordinary person in the coffin just to cover up, after all, the soul will dissipate after death, and the evil will come to ecstasy. But now that the corpse is still at home, and the soul is not scattered, and it is rushing, this kind of person will have no good results in the next life.

    Liao Jun, the old guy, is a bit capable. He used a scarecrow as a stand-in and placed it in the coffin to cover up the illusion that the deceased had been buried. But this can only solve temporary things, the most important thing is that the dead big belly has already rushed to death.

    What does rushing mean? It's nothing more than a dead man.

    but! The dead are from a village.

    One person rushed to death, and the whole village died.

    The corpse of the dragon and phoenix mother, who has not been seen once in hundreds of years, rushed to the death. Either burn the corpse on the spot, or find the worst feng shui place for direct burial.

    Chapter 2 Carrying the Coffin

    Burning the corpse on the spot definitely won't work. No one believes this kind of thing. Only me and the old man Liao Jun know this. Moreover, there are only the above two methods to solve this problem. There is no other choice. Although burning the corpse on the spot is the most straightforward, normal people can't accept it.

    And the second is to find the worst feng shui place for burial. This is even more difficult and risky. To bury the corpse of this kind of dragon and phoenix mother in the worst feng shui place is equivalent to raising the corpse. Once the corpse becomes the weather, it is not as simple as dying a villager. It harms all the nearby living creatures, and the consequences are not something I can bear.

    My old man asked me to take this job. It was really 10,000 grass mud horses running in their hearts!

    However, I am confident that my old man does not have as much experience in lifting coffins as I am. After all, he is just a funeral director at the funeral home.

    Now I have nothing to say, complaining can't save anything, I can only bite the bullet.

    Because of the rushing evil, the evil spirit must be suppressed, and the corpse must not be left in the family, and the big belly woman must be placed in the ancestral hall before the sun sets at 4:30 in the afternoon. When I walked in, I also noticed that all the people wearing linen and filial filial piety seemed to be inhaled as if they were inhaled. In this way, the whole family will be buried with the big belly.

    Taking a look at the time, it was already two o'clock that was drowsily, two and a half hours before the sun went down, so let's just go ahead and do it.

    I summoned men in the village between 20 and 35 years old and gathered at the entrance of the ancestral hall. There were probably more than 60 people. Considering that the coffin came out of the house and then went to the ancestral hall, there would be problems. Originally, there were only six people carrying the coffin. Now I have increased to 24 people in groups of six, and carried them in four groups in turns. The deceased’s house was only a few hundred meters away from the ancestral hall, but during this period, the coffin touched the ground and I couldn’t imagine what would happen.

    Don't think I'm long-winded, I have to tell you a few things here. I pointed to Liao Jun beside me and said, This uncle will lead the way. You follow his footsteps. Don't be fast. One is slow. The other thing is to close your mouth! Don't shout such nonsense, red envelopes are indispensable for you, just like that, bring the guy if there is no problem!

    Dragon stick and dragon rope are the professional names of our profession. After finishing putting a white towel on their arm, the group came to the door of the deceased's house.

    All the family members come out and leave the middle road for us. The man kneels on the left and the woman kneels on the right. Stop your crying. When the coffin goes out, don’t look down. Remember what I said, I’ll be merciless when someone commits a crime. Slap him face to face, regardless of men, women, young or old, the rules! The rules! I said solemnly.

    Not only was the house quiet, but even the whole village didn't even bark a dog. It was just after two o'clock at noon, and there was no sense of sunshine and warmth.

    Only Liao Jun and I entered the house, and the others were waiting outside waiting for my notification.

    The two of us closed the door of the house, and it suddenly became invisible inside. It took a few seconds to realize that the light of the candle was illuminating the whole house.

    Behave in a proper way and can't turn on the lights.

    Liao Jun and I looked at each other. He walked in with a large bundle of lighted incense, and then smoked from the top of the big belly woman's head to the feet with the smoke from the Zen incense.

    It's a bit cold... I whispered, rubbing my arms.

    Liao Jun looked at me dumbfounded, while I looked at the incense in his hand, all gone!

    A bundle of incense is at least three hundred, and the kind that burns very vigorously on the fire, so it is extinguished by the inexplicable air conditioner.

    There is no air current blowing into the room, which is a bit weird.

    No... Liao Jun was a little nervous.

    Soft but hard, I walked directly to the window and slammed the window with my elbow. Hearing the sound of glass shattering, there was a little sunlight coming in from outside, but the place where the sunlight was shining was on the floor. I picked up the mirror to reflect the light, and the reflected light hit the big belly woman's face.

    A few seconds later, the big belly woman's eyes suddenly opened, and Liao Jun, who was watching from the side, was shocked and took a step back.

    Quickly seal her eyes with grapefruit leaves! I said to Liao Jun, and then yelled outside: Come on, carry the corpse into the coffin!

    The door was pushed open, and a group of people walked in. According to my instructions, she moved the big belly steadily away from the bed, and walked slowly to the living room.

    I put down the mirror and found that the young man they were carrying the body was full of nervous expressions, and the whole body was struggling. A big belly was pregnant with a baby, no matter how heavy it was, six people didn't have much trouble lifting it.

    Good, good! That's it! Take your time and put it down slowly! Liao Jun repeated these words, and the big belly woman lay down in the coffin smoothly, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

    I glanced at Liao Jun, he swallowed, and he seemed to be relieved.

    This tossing lasted for another hour. After a short break, the coffin lid was closed, the dragon rope wrapped the coffin, the dragon stick wrapped the rope, and the six people raised their shoulders together.

    I walked to the door and took a look. My relatives followed my instructions. The man on the left and the woman were kneeling on the right. Looking from a distance, they knelt from the door of the house to the entrance of the alley, not to mention they were quite neat.

    I lit a bundle of firecrackers at the door, stepped on the tiles under my feet, and then blew the bullhorn, yelling: Send the coffin to the door, don't look up, don't look back, please ancestors open a clear road!

    After I finished part of the program, I gestured to the people in the room. They immediately raised their shoulders and lifted the coffin. I could see all of them muscles tensing, and I could walk towards the door with all my strength.

    However, the situation was not as bad as I thought. I kept carrying it out from the house. Now the tortoise walked halfway to the alley quickly, and quickly walked out of the alley and turned around to the ancestral hall. Liao Jun in front of him looked back at the young man who was holding the coffin from time to time, his expression was frozen and frowning, and he had never relaxed.

    It takes a few steps to change a group of people. While they were changing people, a young man suddenly said, Something is wrong...

    Don't talk! I was afraid that he would say something taboo, and I immediately said fiercely.

    This stick seems to be cracked! another young man said.

    What? Don't move! I yelled again, and immediately stepped forward to find out.

    The first horizontal dragon stick really had cracks, but it didn't seem to be a big problem, and it should be possible to continue to lift it. I waved my hand, indicating that it was okay and I could continue to raise it.


    This cracking sound was unusually harsh.

    I looked back at the dragon stick fiercely, and the cracks gradually spread.

    Boom! The dragon stick broke, and the coffin swayed and tilted forward!

    Before the coffin is placed in the soil for safety, as long as the shoulder is on, it cannot touch the ground, and it is still in the alley. If it falls to the ground, it means that another person will die.

    At the moment of the moment, I alone carried the force of the fall of the entire coffin.

    The weight of the coffin and the corpse was all on my back, and I faintly felt the sound of bones being dislocated.

    Don't move me! Don't fuking move! My feet trembled, and I shouted excitedly: Change the dragon stick! Hurry up! I can hold it, come on!

    Chapter 3 The Coffin Landed

    Liao Jun hurriedly ran towards the ancestral hall, only to ran back with empty hands, shaking his head nervously.

    I whispered more than a dozen swear words. There was no spare dragon stick for carrying the coffin in the village. Liao Jun shook his head to mean that there were no dragon sticks left in the ancestral hall. The situation is critical now, and I can't last long.

    I use all my strength to carry the coffin, and I am trying to breathe evenly to give myself the strength to speak.

    Don't be I struggled to squeeze out a word.

    Others heard my voice and then came to help carry the coffin, but the weight of the coffin was not as light as expected, even if the twenty-four people plus me carry it hard, it is still very difficult.

    When the relatives kneeling on both sides saw the incident, the men were about to get up to help stabilize the coffin together, and I roared, Kneel and don't move! Bow your head!

    With this roar, everyone kneeling in this alley bowed their heads, and I could even see them trembling with fright.

    And I also have a lot of outsiders here to help, there are probably more than 30 men, but it is still very difficult.

    I got out from under the coffin and sat on the ground, shaking my hand and taking out a cigarette, stunned.

    The senior elders of this village brought a few benches from the ancestral hall, all of which were placed under the coffin, which stabilized the coffin, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

    Ah Lan, are you okay? an elder who knew me asked me worriedly.

    I touched my waist and stood up slowly, frowned and shook my head and said: It's okay, it's just a sprain. Just wait for some active oil.

    Xiao Zhao, I can't leave! Liao Jun sighed and shook his head. Although the coffin hasn't landed, but in this situation, it is obvious that there is a temper. I am afraid that a few benches can hold the coffin!

    Liao Jun was completely right. The coffin is absolutely impossible to be this heavy. More than 30 strong men can directly lift a small car, but this coffin is heavier than a small car.


    There was another sound of wood cracking.

    Everyone's eyes fell on the benches, and the six benches began to shake slightly, and it was obvious that cracks appeared.

    My gasping voice is getting more and more rapid, and my instinct tells me that lifting the coffin this time is definitely not as simple as hitting the evil.

    The entrance of the alley faces south and the end of the alley faces north, forming a situation of headwinds and waves, which means that the wind blows from both sides to the middle, implying that the way to carry the coffin is blocked.

    Looking up at the sky, the sun was terribly hot at three o'clock, but the dark clouds quickly gathered above my head.

    The front and back roads are blocked, and the heavens seal the spirit cover. If I am not wrong, once the coffin falls into the field, it will take root and block the road.

    There is no way to go up, down, left and right, the big belly woman in the coffin wants the whole village to bury her with her!

    Will you continue to lift it? Liao Jun asked me.

    Place the coffin on the spot! I took a deep breath and swallowed it into my belly and said: This alley cannot live in this alley for the time being. All the residents in this alley will move out. When the coffin is put into the ground, I will go home and live.

    As soon as the words came out, the others began to fear, and even started to talk gossip. After all, a big red coffin was placed at their door, and it seemed unlucky for anyone to change it.

    But the fact is right before you. If you take the coffin now, you will not be able to take the coffin with a truck. Once the coffin is lifted, the dragon rope and the dragon stick will definitely be broken. When the coffin falls to the ground, it takes root, which will affect the Feng Shui destiny of the whole village.

    But money is easy to handle. I asked the families of the deceased to send red envelopes to the residents in this alley. Everyone is in the same village. Just talk well.

    So, the coffin was temporarily parked in the middle of the alley.

    Blocking roads, locking dogs, burning incense, burning candles, firing cannons, and blowing funerals are all indispensable.

    And what I need to do is much more cumbersome than this.

    There must be no mistakes in suppressing evil spirits, carrying coffins, leading the way, watching the water, digging graves, and burying them.

    Liao Jun is just a way of doing things. He doesn’t know as much as I do. As for why he robbed me and came to the deceased’s house, I will investigate this when I have time. Besides, the one-to-one scarecrow in the coffin is now No fart at all.

    It was said from Liao Jun's mouth that it was used as a funeral. Is this guy stupid as I am? Funeral goods? I don't know what it is used for? Although the funerary goods given to the deceased by various households are strange, I have seen people buried with inflatable dolls...

    This is no longer a problem, even if Liao Jun tells me the truth, it is useless.

    Then I ordered the funeral band to blow the funeral every three hours. The family members would give incense and other things in turn every hour, and they had to kneel and give incense sincerely.

    The alleys are covered with simple canvas, and apart from me and Liao Jun, even family members are not allowed to enter.

    I used bamboo poles to set up a simple tent for the coffin to prevent wind and rain all night. After all, I might not know the weather changes.

    Even if I knew that the coffin was rushing out and the corpse had problems, I couldn't use the ink line to bomb the coffin and methods to forcefully suppress it, otherwise the meeting would definitely worsen the corpse.

    Xu Fengjiao... I said the name of the big belly woman, squatted down in front of the coffin and burned her incense with some wax, and then sprinkled white yin and yang paper around the coffin.

    Said leisurely: It's a pretty name. I must have been a beautiful woman before my death, right? Born in 90 years, two years younger than me, I envy your husband. I heard from your father-in-law and mother-in-law that you are very virtuous. Why don’t you think about it after having a baby? There’s no need to find short-sightedness. Now that this is happening, what should you do with your husband and your natal family? You’re right...


    The six stools holding the coffin sink at the same time, and they will fall to the ground if they shake.

    I'll shut up! Don't mess around! I nervously said to the coffin: I will find a good place to bury you, and I won't bother you again!

    I ignited the five incense sticks and inserted them in the incense burner in a panic. I was about to leave, and there was a harsh cracking sound behind me. Even though the sound was very small, the sound I didn't want to hear was the last thing I wanted to hear.

    Looking back, the five incense sticks burned into four short and one long.

    It is most taboo for people to enjoy incense.

    The incense on the corpse is the most taboo.

    Seeing this scene, I glanced at the coffin, my teeth trembled involuntarily, and quickly left the alley.

    After asking everything over and over again, I came back home in a daze at ten o'clock in the evening.

    Come back? Just cooked the food, today your second uncle sent half a roast goose to try the taste. The old man said to me.

    It's going to die! My eyes were filled with fear, and I gritted my teeth and said softly.

    The old man looked up at me with a smile: Are you still young? It's normal for a dead person to lift the coffin for so many years.

    I finally couldn't help the anger in my heart. I overturned the table on the spot and shouted, It's going to be dead, do you know?

    The old man looked at the overturned food on the ground, shook his head and sighed: So you young people have to go to social practice, your father and I are more than 50, can't stand your young man's violent temper, hey...

    The corpse of the dragon and phoenix is charged, I don't have the ability, and a little carelessness will kill a villager! I shouted excitedly: Can you throw this kind of thing to the coffin carers in other villages? You have to lose it? I'll do it for your son. Their village is dead. Who bears this responsibility? You? Or me?

    Chapter 4 The whole village must die

    The old man didn't seem to be angry with my anger. He knew me. It was commonplace for me to lift the table and smash things since I was a kid. It's no surprise that he has been accustomed to it.

    The old man picked up the broom from the side to clean up the debris on the floor and spoke to me patiently.

    Let’s tell you something. I know a coffin lifter named Zhang Li. I forgot which village it was from. It’s just what happened in the previous two years, but the immortal has passed away. At that time, it was his son who lifted the coffin and committed the crime. What a taboo, it made a lot of trouble, and it caused several lives at once. In the end, it was discovered that a feng shui man made a statement. In the end, the tension died. His son seemed to continue to walk this way in order to inherit his father’s last wish. road.

    What do you mean? I frowned and looked at the old man and asked, Didn't you say to let me carry it for another four years and then stop? Now you tell me about this and want me to retire? I graduated from college. I’m going to do what I like, so why should I stay in this ruined place as a coffin smith? There are hundreds of people in a village in my hands, what do you think of me?

    The old man had cleaned up the residue on the ground while I was talking, and handed me the soaked instant noodles, with a kind smile on his face and said to me: I just want to tell you that no matter what line you do, you must respect it. By the way, you have the ability to be a coffin lifter, and you have the ability to guide the dead. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

    I suddenly had no words to refute. The old man said countless truths, but this sentence made me choked and unable to answer.

    After eating the noodles, take a bath, go to bed early, and raise your energy. After this level, the day will dawn. The old man patted my shoulder and walked into the room.

    I looked at the instant noodles in my hand and felt very uncomfortable.

    I have taken into consideration that when the coffin lifter steps into the coffin with half his foot, accidents may happen at any time.

    But I never thought about holding hundreds of lives in my hands. This kind of responsibility weighed on me.

    I didn't sleep well all night, thinking about the coffin in my heart.

    Judging from the reaction of the coffin and the degree of incense burning, it is not only the fetuses in the belly who refuse to leave, but Xu Fengjiao, the big belly woman, has become a thorny issue.

    I went to bed at five o'clock. I just felt like I fell asleep. A sudden loud noise in my sleep frightened me up.

    I sat up on the bed and panted, all in cold sweat, and the mat could reflect my body. I glanced at the time, and it was only half past six, and I slept for more than an hour.

    Just about to lie down and continue to sleep, I received a call from Liao Jun. He told me that something went wrong with the coffin!

    I went to the next village in a panic. The village was already discussing gossip. When I came to the alley, the family of the deceased knelt and burned incense according to my words, but Liao Jun's face was not very good.

    What's the matter? I asked with a frown.

    The expression on Liao Jun's face has never relaxed. I didn't ask him any more, and shouted at the funeral band: Stop!

    Everyone looked at me, and they seemed to know something they didn't tell me.

    I'm still a little confused now, so I ran over here to see the situation without getting enough sleep.

    Lifting the cloth blocking the alleyway, this alley was strangely foggy, and I was in a trance, unable to see what happened to the coffin, so I walked closer to find out.

    As a result, my whole expression was frozen!

    What appeared before my eyes was what I was worried about every minute and every second: the coffin... landed....

    It’s a taboo to leave the coffin to send the coffin to the ancestral hall. I used the best method to keep the coffin from falling to the ground, but reality gave me a slap to wake me up and made me a big joke.

    The fall of the coffin to the ground means that the master in the coffin is unwilling to leave, and the Feng Shui destiny of the whole village will change accordingly.

    I took a close look at the weeds that emerged from the corner of this alley. It withered overnight. There was no white mist at all. The gas had come out of the cracks in the coffin. It is the first time that I have seen black air wafting out of the coffin.

    It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. The gas is poisonous. I am a little dizzy standing in a daze now.

    I walked out of the alley holding my nose, Liao Jun glanced at me, waiting for my reply.

    San Po? Did you do what I said? I asked the deceased Xu Fengjiao's mother-in-law.

    I didn't miss anything, Xiao Zhao...Is Feng Jiao reluctant to leave? Xu Fengjiao's mother-in-law asked me worriedly.

    Don't all of you kneel down, get up. I sighed and lit a cigarette sadly: Where is the village chief?

    Eh eh eh! Here! Xiao Zhao, what's the matter? An uncle in his fifties walked over and asked, Is there anything to order?

    I walked over and took the village chief's shoulders, pulled him aside, and said very solemnly: Do you believe me?

    Believe! I'm sure! Both you and your father are well-known coffin makers in the village. I definitely believe you. Besides, I don't know you a day or two. When you were a child, I even hugged you. The village chief laughed.

    You all have to die in your village! I said earnestly with both eyes.

    The village chief was stunned for a moment. He reluctantly squeezed a smile, but the cigarette in his hand kept shaking, and I could see the fear in his heart.

    What a joke, if you say one or two die, I believe it. With so many people in our village, you say die and die? Impossible! Xiao Zhao, I believe everything you say, but don't you say it so absolutely? Although it's a funeral now, it's still auspicious. You can quickly take the coffin away later. People in the village make irresponsible remarks.

    Can't carry it away... My voice trembled slightly.

    The village chief looked up at me, and suddenly grabbed my collar with his hands, his expression changed from anger to pleading: Xiao Zhao! Please! Don't die anymore!

    I pulled away the village chief's hands and replied weakly: Try your best, I am also a human being and not a god.

    That's right, I'm just a mortal, and it's my profession to carry coffins, and that's not wrong, but! Although I know a little about Feng Shui, there is no hope of salvation when I touched Feng Shui.

    The villagers are all talking about it, and I don't have the energy to stop them from gossiping. This kind of thing is left to the village chief.

    Xiao Zhao, is there any way to deal with it now? Liao Jun asked me.

    Burn it...then this alley is sealed, the houses on the left and right are demolished, and a priest to suppress the evil will be built here to hold it down. Even if the coffin is burned, the evil spirit cannot be burned. This is the only way to do it. It just requires some funds. That's it, I said.

    Hmm... Liao Jun nodded thoughtfully and agreed with me.

    This is the only measure I can think of and must be implemented immediately.

    Can't be burned! Xiao Zhao! Can't be burned! Xu Fengjiao's father-in-law heard what I said, he pulled the corner of my clothes tightly, and cried: Leave Fengjiao for the whole body! I'm sorry for cremating the body. My son, who has passed away, besides, I have no money to pay the neighbor in this alley, Xiao Zhao! Please!

    Xu Fengjiao's family-in-law and mother-in-law suddenly knelt in front of me like this, scared me to step back.

    Get up, you get up, I can't stand your knees, I will lose my life! I tried to help the two elders to stand up, but they just knelt and refused to get up.

    In desperation, I had no choice but to be cruel and said what I didn't want to say.

    No cremation, I will carry the coffin!

    Chapter 5 Destroyed Feng Shui Land

    This remark came out of my mouth, and it can't be retrieved anymore.

    Xu Fengjiao's family-in-law and mother-in-law stood up, and I turned around and slapped myself, completely unable to control my mouth.

    I didn't leave this coffin, nor did I lift it away. Suddenly, I wanted to die. The pressure was as heavy as Mount Tai.

    The white gas in the alley has dissipated, but because the coffin fell to the ground, it caused feng shui lesions. Now the whole alley is shady, and the more you lean into the coffin, the colder it gets. It is no exaggeration to say that I am now wearing a down jacket. Smoked gloomily beside the coffin.

    Cracks appeared on the concrete floor, and the wooden coffin sank into the ground.

    Hey! I sighed and said to the coffin: Miss Xu, you don't have to embarrass me. I am the one who carries the coffin. It's not easy to eat with a mouthful of food. You have to do it this way. It makes me very difficult. Do. Besides, I have no relatives with you for no reason. If you want to do it, you will do it with your relatives. Don't do it with me as an outsider. I will kneel down for you, Sister Xu!

    Boom boom boom...

    The coffin shook suddenly, and it seemed to understand me.

    This guy frightened me to take a step back, and put a few incense sticks in the censer in a panic, so that the coffin was settled.

    The corpse has become stiff, the coffin has become evil, you can't listen to it no matter how you say it, it is no longer human. Liao Jun walked into the alley and said.

    I don't know what to do if I am a professional coffin lifter, do you have a way? I asked Liao Jun.

    I understand more or less, leave it to me to deal with it, give me three days, no life will be killed. Liao Jun said confidently.

    I frowned and looked at Liao Jun, half-believing his words.

    But this old guy has the ability to do things, and he knows a little bit about the coffin, there should be no problem...

    Need my help? I asked.

    No, I'll take care of everything, you take a good rest, and then find the worst feng shui level to bury this coffin in these three days, and then everything will be fine, no accidents will happen. Liao Jun said.

    I nodded, and left everything here to Liao Jun to deal with, and I returned home to take a good rest.

    Even though Liao Jun was watching by himself over the coffin, I still wondered whether Xu Fengjiao's body would change.

    I have rarely encountered the phenomenon of corpse transformation, even if it did, it was just opening my eyes or sitting up from the coffin. If the corpse is transformed into a death method and situation like Xu Fengjiao's, it should cause death.

    When I wanted to consult my old man about Liao Jun's affairs, the old man went away, saying that he was going to his former comrade-in-arms' house, and asked me to be careful when doing things by myself and handle the matter of carrying the coffin by myself.

    Every time there is no one at a critical moment, the old man in my family is at this age, and he knows that he is going everywhere every day.

    However, I can rest assured to find the Feng Shui Tomb and leave other matters to Liao Jun.

    Regarding the matter of feng shui, don’t think I’m a gentle college student, I still know how to learn feng shui. Finding the worst feng shui is nothing more than a corpse breeding ground. I found the person in charge of Tomb Mountain, and I have known friends for many years, but they are also my elders.

    After I got through the relationship, I came to the top of the mountain. Of the seven tombs, six of them passed by me.

    I have seen Feng Shui on this mountain a long time ago, and they all say that Feng Shui on the top of the mountain is the best, but this mountain is the most special, and Feng Shui on the top of the mountain is the worst. How bad is it?

    No grass grows, life is extinct, and the top of the mountain is in the shape of a apex. This mountain is the highest mountain in the vicinity. Because of the terrain, it did not form the Qinglong Liushui and Baihubaoshan Fengshui Gathering Bureau, but because of the Xuanwu switch, the Suzaku broke its wings and became a fierce cave. Not only will the dead be buried here, but they will also affect the fate of the three generations.

    However, Xu Fengjiao has become evil, and it is not impossible to fight poison with poison. It just needs to do a little action in the grave.

    In two days, I will fix the tomb on the top of the mountain. I distributed the red envelopes to the grave digger, and said: The head of the tomb is facing west, tilted down at 45 degrees, and the tomb is three deep and five feet wide. Earth, remember to say hello to all the incense on the graves on this mountain, and then pour white lime into the pit, and the coffin will go up the mountain at noon the day after tomorrow. You wait for my notice, don’t you know?

    I know! The six grave diggers put away the red envelopes and nodded in response to my words.

    Leaving the top of the mountain, the next day became a little boring. This kind of boredom is not really nothing to do, but flustered.

    No, I still have to take a look at the coffin! I said to myself.

    It was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and dusk fell, and you had to use a flashlight to see it when you walked the village. I hurried to the neighboring village. The village was quiet a lot. The villagers greeted me friendly when they saw me. However, I didn't see Xu Fengjiao's family wandering in the village. I guess they would all gather in the house to discuss something.

    Before coming, I didn't contact Liao Jun, fearing that he would be disturbed by me for doing serious things.

    I opened the curtain with the flashlight and walked into the alley, which was completely dark.

    I thought it was just dark, but as I walked in, I realized that it was black mist.

    Corpse gas!

    This is the strongest corpse qi I have ever seen in my life, no one.

    I held my nose and continued to walk forward. The surroundings were chilly, wearing only a short sleeve when I came, and my whole body trembled involuntarily.

    In addition to the corpse qi, I faintly smelled a fishy smell, similar to the smell of blood.

    The bloody smell is getting stronger and stronger, and it is from the coffin body.

    Under the light of the flashlight, I discovered that not only was there blood on the floor of the coffin, but also there was blood on the coffin.

    Obviously, the coffin showed signs of being opened.

    I looked around and found a gossip mirror hung on the eaves. Moonlight reflected through the gossip mirror to the front of the coffin, which was exactly the direction where Xu Fengjiao's head was lying.

    A bold idea appeared in my mind, but I was not sure if it was.

    So he bowed his head and leaned against the coffin to listen to the movement inside.




    Three different heartbeats have different beating frequencies.

    I had never blinked my eyes. I stared at the coffin like this with my big eyes. When I got back to my senses, I had already ran out of the alley and met Liao Jun.

    Liao Jun was surprised to see me here, and asked, Xiao Zhao? Why are you here?

    I saw Liao Jun holding a black sack with blood dripping from it.

    Liao Jun also noticed the change in my mood, and subconsciously squeezed the sack in his hand tightly, and smiled awkwardly.

    I went straight to Liao Jun's face with a fist, kicked him to the wall, without saying a word, another punch, pinched his neck and shouted, Are you crazy? Give blood to the coffin! You! The brain was kicked by a donkey?

    Before Liao Jun could reply, I kicked Liao Jun in the stomach again.

    Liao Jun couldn't stand my punches and kicks at his age, so he knelt on his knees and kicked wildly.

    Needing the corpse? Refining the corpse! I pointed at Liao Jun and cursed excitedly: Don't you know how many people will die?

    Chapter 6: The Devil

    Liao Jun squatted on the ground and wiped his nosebleeds. I see him getting angry now, but I don't dare to kill him. This old guy is about the same age as my old man. I might kill him if I act in real life.

    Although Liao Jun was beaten by me with a nosebleed, he was not at all angry.

    Haha... Liao Jun smiled suddenly. He looked up at me and said with a smile: You will definitely help me.

    I have never seen such a beating person. This old guy is the only person in my life who wants to kill him.

    I'm telling you, I won't do it for nothing! The next mess, you clean up yourself, if the village has something to do, you can recite it yourself! I pointed at Liao Jun and cursed.

    Feeding the coffin with blood, I can't think of the consequences, but I am also an ordinary person. Even if I have more experience in carrying the coffin, I don't want to make fun of my own life.

    I whispered and forced a few ugly swear words in front of Liao Jun. After I finished, I looked back at the coffin in the alley. The black corpse energy inside was still not dispersed, and I could feel the cold air drifting out.

    A feeling of wanting to suffocate flooded my heart, and I decisively walked towards the entrance of the village.

    But behind him came the voice of Liao Jun weakly speaking.


    The corpse of the dragon and phoenix was not what I intended. The pregnant woman had two weeks left in her childbirth period. Because she was not satisfied with the discriminatory views on her, she chose to kill herself by drinking pesticides.

    It was her father-in-law and mother-in-law who asked me to keep the dragon and phoenix fetuses in her belly. I have done rituals for more than 20 years. It was a dead baby, because Chong Sha has now turned into a dead baby. I can’t bear to watch the two about to be born babies turn into dead babies. Only when the big belly woman's dead babies are transformed can I safely give birth to my stomach. Of the dragon and phoenix!

    When I heard this sentence, even though I was 300 meters away from Liao Jun, I heard his words clearly.

    So I stopped and began to hesitate. Liao Jun explained that he just wanted to get rid of this matter. He wanted to tell me that all this was arranged by Xu Fengjiao's family-in-law and family-in-law.

    Help me! Xiao Zhao! Only you and me can save the fetus of the dragon and the phoenix. This is two lives! They are innocent! Liao Jun's tone was pleading.

    After I turned around, I walked quickly in front of Liao Jun, grabbed Liao Jun's collar with both hands, pressed him hard against the wall, glaring at him and said, Are you crazy enough? Let the dead come back to life? Can this be done? get?

    Yes! Liao Jun nodded decisively in response.

    Whether it is to feed blood to the coffin or to find a dilapidated feng shui place to bury the coffin, the result is the same. This big belly woman will surely change into a corpse. But can the dragon and phoenix fetus in her stomach survive and become a so-called living person? , Or become a corpse infant, between the two, the success rate of the first one is only one percent! I said with trembling hands.

    So... I need your help! Liao Jun pushed my hands away and kicked quickly. After a while, he said, You know more than me. Your father often mentioned you in front of me. Things, I know you are young and promising and have this ability.

    Young shit! I took out a cigarette and smoked it reluctantly, handed Liao Jun a cigarette, helped him light it, and said guiltily: I didn't break my bones? I hit someone very hard. !

    Liao Jun waved his hand and smiled reluctantly: It's okay, blame me for not telling you clearly.

    Even if Liao Jun was killed now, he couldn't make up for what he had done before. From what he said, I could tell that he was kind, but his actions were extreme. These things cannot be done by an old man, so he must turn to me for help.

    I stood in the alley and chatted with Liao Jun for half an hour, and drew out a pack of cigarettes. I can roughly sort out what is happening now and what I need to do.

    The first is about the big belly woman Xu Fengjiao. I have arranged for her to be buried the day after tomorrow, but she must be carried to Zhensha in the ancestral hall before twelve o'clock tomorrow morning.

    The most critical moment is tomorrow.

    Open the coffin and deliver the baby.

    Yes, it is to deliver the dead.

    It depends on God's will to become a living person or a corpse baby.

    If the dead baby of the dragon and phoenix in the belly is smoothly brought out and transformed into a living person, then everything will be fine, and then Xu Fengjiao will be buried in the tomb of the ruined Feng Shui Bureau without any problems.

    but! If an accident occurs during the period and the dead baby becomes a corpse baby, there is no way.

    Three words: The whole village is dead!

    Don't think that what I said is terrifying, this is a fact, I just tell the truth.

    When I was discussing matters with Liao Jun about the next two days, a strange noise came from the alley.

    Boom! Boom! Boom!

    We both looked at each other as we looked at the dark alley at the same time.

    Liao Jun was going to walk in to see, but I reached out and stopped him.

    I'm coming. I pushed Liao Jun back, picked up five incense sticks from the ground and lit it, and then smoked a cigarette and entered the alley boldly.

    I opened the curtain blocking the alley, and the black air spread inside, and the so-called invisible hand may be the current situation.

    I turned on the flashlight of my mobile phone to illuminate the vision around me. I just heard the sound of beating from the coffin. I walked quickly to the coffin. Of course, the temperature dropped rapidly. Wearing short sleeves, I was so cold. Snot, sneeze every few seconds.

    But when I approached the coffin, the sound disappeared.

    This is the second time I have heard the sound of knocking on the wood inside the coffin. I can roughly imagine what Xu Fengjiao looks like inside the coffin, absolutely fat and blessed. The corpse of Chong

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