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Metta in the Martial Arts, The Way of Nyingbulam Jujitsu
Metta in the Martial Arts, The Way of Nyingbulam Jujitsu
Metta in the Martial Arts, The Way of Nyingbulam Jujitsu
Ebook82 pages1 hour

Metta in the Martial Arts, The Way of Nyingbulam Jujitsu

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Welcome to the world of Nyingbulam, a unique Canadian martial arts discipline that combines the principles of the Buddhist Eightfold Path, universal dharma, mindfulness, compassion, and non-violence.

Founded in 2001, the art embodies the principles of mindfulness, compassion, and self-improvement. Led by Nyingbu Wangdue, the Head of Family for the ryu, this unique style of jujitsu emphasizes the integration of combat techniques with a compassionate mindset. With its motto, "Where Combat Meets Compassion," Nyingbulam Jujitsu aims to provide practitioners with a holistic approach to self-defense and personal growth.

At the core of Nyingbulam Jujitsu is the belief that martial arts should not only focus on physical techniques but also on developing a compassionate mindset. The art encourages practitioners to approach combat situations with a mindful defense and a compassionate offense. This means that while defending oneself, practitioners are taught to be aware of their surroundings and the potential consequences of their actions. They are trained to use their skills to neutralize threats without causing unnecessary harm.

Often referred to as "The Protectors Art," Nyingbulam Jujitsu equips practitioners with a wide range of techniques, including striking, throwing, joint manipulation, and pressure points. These techniques are taught in a way that emphasizes control and precision, ensuring that practitioners can effectively defend themselves while minimizing harm to their opponents. By focusing on the perfection of self through the perfection of the art, Nyingbulam Jujitsu aims to cultivate a sense of empathy and compassion within its practitioners.

Situational awareness is a key aspect of Nyingbulam Jujitsu. Practitioners are trained to be constantly aware of their surroundings, anticipating potential threats and responding accordingly. This heightened awareness not only enhances their ability to defend themselves but also allows them to assess situations with compassion. By understanding the motivations and intentions of others, practitioners can respond in a way that de-escalates conflicts and promotes peaceful resolutions.

Compassion is not only emphasized in combat situations but also in everyday life. Nyingbulam Jujitsu encourages practitioners to extend their compassionate mindset beyond the dojo and into their interactions with others. By practicing empathy and understanding, practitioners strive to create a positive impact on their communities and promote harmony.

The philosophy of Nyingbulam Jujitsu revolves around the idea that the art is a means of self-improvement. Through the rigorous training and discipline required, practitioners aim to perfect themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. By continuously striving for excellence in their techniques and embodying the principles of compassion, practitioners of Nyingbulam Jujitsu seek to become better versions of themselves.

In this ebook, we will explore the philosophy, techniques, and benefits of practicing Metta in the Martial Arts.

Release dateFeb 10, 2024
Metta in the Martial Arts, The Way of Nyingbulam Jujitsu

Nyingbu Wangdue

Nyingbu Wangdue, also known as Jason Carter, is an individual driven by compassion, empathy, and trust. With an impressive background spanning 25 years in management, manufacturing, research and design, and technology, he has consistently excelled in creating diverse and high-functioning teams. Nyingbu has been recognized for his exceptional leadership skills, having mentored and taught hundreds of production staff, technical staff, and management professionals throughout his career. Beyond his professional achievements, Nyingbu is a martial arts master and the esteemed head of the Nyingbulam jujitsu family. His expertise in martial arts has earned him the prestigious title of the 2009 Hall of Fame Master Instructor of the year for Canada. Through his dedication and commitment to his craft, Nyingbu has become a role model for aspiring martial artists worldwide. In addition to his martial arts prowess, Nyingbu is an ordained Buddhist and serves as a teacher and guide to those seeking spiritual enlightenment. He is a highly skilled meditation instructor, sharing his wisdom and techniques with students from all corners of the globe. Nyingbu's platform extends beyond geographical boundaries, as he embraces the opportunity to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Nyingbu Wangdue's bio reflects his deep-rooted empathy and understanding of others. His ability to connect with people on a profound level is evident in his teachings and interactions. With a compassionate approach, Nyingbu strives to create a nurturing and supportive environment for his students, fostering personal growth and self-discovery. In summary, Nyingbu Wangdue is a multifaceted individual who embodies compassion, empathy, and trust. His extensive experience in management, manufacturing, and technology, coupled with his mastery of martial arts and spiritual guidance, make him a truly exceptional individual. Nyingbu's dedication to helping others and his commitment to personal growth make him a valuable asset to anyone seeking guidance and inspiration.

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    Book preview

    Metta in the Martial Arts, The Way of Nyingbulam Jujitsu - Nyingbu Wangdue


    Self defense is the action of protecting something we feel compassion towards. But what we protect must not bring harm to others and the act of protecting it must not cause undue harm as well

    Nyingbu Wangdue. Sensei

    Head of Family, Nyingbulam

    The Origins of Nyingbulam

    Founder & Head of Family

    Nyingbulam is a Canadian martial arts system established by Jason Carter (Nyingbu Wangdue. sensei) in 2001. Sensei Carter started his martial arts training in 1982 in Black dragon Kung fu and then transitioned to Judo taught by Ron McKay from 1985-86. In 1996 he started training in Shotokan Karate and Nihon Jutsu under Sensei Lance Anderson and Sensei Stephen Lonsdale. (Both were awarded Black Belt certification from renowned teacher the late Sensei Kim-Hooi Wong, Shotokan Karate Association of Malaysia). Sensei Lonsdale also received his Black Belt certification from Nidai Soke Ryuho Okuyama in Hakkoryu and also holds Black Belt certification in Nihon Goshin Jutsu. In 1999 Jason received his Black Belt certification (Shodan) in Shotokan Karate and Seishindo (Nihon Jujitsu) from Sensei Lance Anderson & Sensei (Soke) Stephen Lonsdale. Jason continued his studies under both of these men and eventually received his Nidan in 2002, Sandan in 2004 in both Shotokan Karate and Seishindo. And in 2006 after 10+ years of martial study Sensei Carter received his Yondan and the title of Shihan in the art of Seishindo.

    The syllabus grew out of a group of classes first taught in Clinton Ont. in 2001/02. These classes at that time were called Jiyu Yoshikido and consisted of a combination of the heavy strikes of Shotokan and the rugged joint locks and throws of Nihon Jutsu. Then in 2002 Jason’s life changed when he started to study under Karma Yeshe Wangpo of Nyingje Companions in Tibetan Kaygu Linage Buddhism. Karma Yeshe Wangpo, B.A., M.Ed was a retired Tibetan Buddhist monk of the Karma Kagyu lineage, and a student of the Very Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche. Jason continued to train under Karma Yeshe’s guidance until his passing in 2021 and considers him as his spiritual catalyst. This was the third piece of the puzzle that Jason was missing in his martial/spiritual training and was the catalyst needed to transform Jiyu Yoshikido in what would become the harmonious art of Nyingbulam.

    The way of Nyingbulam was originally formulated as a family system of personal protection, physical, mental and spiritual health for the founders’ direct family line. Since its fruition it has been taught to select others outside of the family and has grown to be known world wide as Nyingbulam Jujitsu and the Nyingje Jujitsu Sangha.

    The self-defense art of Nyingbulam is an eclectic sampling of ancient and modern techniques of self-defense as they were developed in Japan. The martial techniques primarily consist of striking, throwing, joint locking, chocking techniques and pressure points. It is a hard style of JuJitsu which means it uses hard punching, kicking and limb trapping skills to distract an attacker allowing the defender to unbalance the attacker by throwing him to the ground using one of the many throws or sweeps taught in the syllabus. Once the attacker is unbalanced a painful joint lock can be applied to control him or he can be rendered ineffective by having the joint dislocated or broken. Other options include further striking techniques, joint locks, choking into submission or disengagement. It must also be said that it is a Full Circle Jujitsu because ALL areas of defense and offense are taught, from the standing and the ground. But major emphasis is given to finishing in a standing or /kneeling (on one knee) position because this is truly the safest position to be in.

    Sensei Carter also adapted many of the martial techniques that are taught in Japanese Kobudo (Weapons) and have applied these to everyday items in which he calls Non-conventional Weapons or Tools of Self Defense. These Non-conventional weapons are simple everyday items we carry that can be used in a highly effective way to protect yourself once trained to do so. These items may include things like a Baseball Cap, Sunglasses, Ball Point Pen, Magazine, Book, Credit Card, Leather Belt, Scarf, Jacket, Footwear, Briefcase or even a Purse.

    This martial side is deeply blended with a path of practice and spiritual development which leads to insight into the true nature of reality. These practices such as meditation and mindfulness practices are means of changing oneself in order to develop the qualities of awareness, kindness, and wisdom. The tenets of Nyingbulam’s spiritual practice and teachings are straightforward and practical, nothing is fixed or permanent; actions have consequences; change is possible. It teaches students practical methods which enable them to realize and use its teachings in order to transform their experience, to be fully responsible for their lives, their safety and the safety of others around them.


    Behind the Name of Nyingbulam

    The name Nyingbulam Jujitsu holds deep significance and reflects the origins and values of its founder. Both the founder's name and the family system's name, Nyingbulam, have Tibetan Buddhist origins. They are derived from the founder's Tibetan Buddhist names given to him during vow ceremonies while studying under his teacher Karma Yeshe Wangpo.

    The founder, Jason Whitney Carter, was born in Clinton, Ontario, Canada, in 1971. However, it was during his spiritual journey that he adopted the name Nyingje Norbu, which translates to Compassionate Excellence. This name was given to him during his Refuge Vows in 2002, under the guidance of

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