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The Art of Manifesting
The Art of Manifesting
The Art of Manifesting
Ebook136 pages2 hours

The Art of Manifesting

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 20, 2023
The Art of Manifesting

Kirk Pierce

I was born March 8th, 1960 in Denver, Colorado. Graduated from Lakewood High School in Lakewood, Colorado: received, Diploma on June 6, 1978. Graduated from Electronic Technical Institute in Denver, Colorado received, Electronics Technician Diploma on September 30, 1982. Graduated from Community College of Denver in Denver, Colorado received, The Certificate of Computer Assisted Drafting on May 13, 1998. Graduated from Community College of Denver in Denver, Colorado: received, The Associate Degree of General Studies on August 8, 1998. Graduated from Drury University in Springfield, Missouri received The Degree of Bachelor of Science on December 18, 2010. I currently work at SRC Electrical, in Springfield, Missouri as Electronic Technician, I repair Display Units, Armrest Units, Skid Steer Units. They are Control panels PCB Units I played Five years of football, I played Seven years of Baseball, I played Two years of Basketball, and I played Two of Soccer. I have been a Magician, Manager in two different Magic Shops, performed big stage magic act at Elitch Gardens Amusement Park for the Season in 1977, and Big stage show out in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee for the Season 1978. I have been a Assistant Manager at Pet Ranch. I was a Quality Control Technician at Pharmaceutical Basics Incorporated in Denver, Colorado. I was a Chemist at Phoenix Analytical Laboratory. I repaired Slot Machines in the Casino's up at Central City, and Blackhawk, Colorado. Lots of different jobs.

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    The Art of Manifesting - Kirk Pierce



    Kirk Pierce

    Copyright © 2023 by Kirk Pierce.

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    Rev. date: 12/19/2023







    The Art Of Manifesting



    The Law Of One


    A Map To Your Mind

    Now It Is Time To Train Your Mind

    Power Of Thought

    Power Of Words And Emotions

    The Substance Of Faith

    Thoughts Are Things

    Keep An Open Mind

    A Matter Of Perspective


    Feeling List

    Feeling List With Opposite Feeling

    Words II

    A Map To Your Mind II

    Thoughts Are Things II

    The Train Of Thought

    The Creation Of A Train Of Thought

    Thinking Correctly

    Faith Is An Emotion

    Develop Faith

    Faith Is Not Blind

    To Become

    Action Speaks Louder Than Words

    The Living Sermon

    Three Elements Of Obtaining Your Goal

    Getting Our Subconscious Mind To Work For Us

    Get Clear On What You Want!

    The Past Does Not Equal The Future

    The Two Controlling Forces Pain And Pleasure


    Renewing Your Mind


    Heal The Inner Child


    Being Thankful Is A Key That Unlocks The Doors

    Change Is Ongoing



    This book has ideas on how to manifest things that we would like to have in our lives. My mom loved the book The Magic of Believing "by Claude M. Bristol. I have read the book and found it a subject worth researching. I spent about twenty years researching the idea of how to think about a rose and then having it appear in my hand, just like magic. Everything in our lives comes from the unmanifested state of being into what we call the manifested state of being The Physical world we find ourselves in today. This is a small simple book with infinite possibilities. Enjoy!


    It is a simple fact that I drafted this book from:

    January 1, 2003, to July 15, 2004.

    Say it:

    I have the power to change my Life.

    My Mom and Dad were from Grand Island, Nebraska. As soon as they could get married, they moved to Denver. I was born in Denver on March 8th, 1960. School was exceedingly difficult until I got to high school and a counselor talked to me at school and gave me a battery of tests to see what was going on with me. Turned out that I have a disability in reading and spelling. However, they found out that I was a genius. My mom and dad did not tell me about the genius part until I was in my late twenties. They thought it might inflate my ego, so they did not tell me. I found out by doing some special exercises with a psychiatrist that helped me learn what was going on with me. I told my mom what I found out from the test results, and she said, yeah we didn’t tell you because we thought it would go to your head.

    When I was young, I got interested in magic because of a television show I saw on television. This Chinese magician was producing a dove out of thin air. I got to go to a magic shop for the first time in my life, when I was 10 years old. The first magic trick I got is called a HOT ROD. Cool name. I would practice for hours and show people in my family, and they would say it was good or no you need more practice.

    I graduated from Lakewood High School, Lakewood, Colorado, Diploma, on March 31, 1978. I graduated from Electronics Technical Institute with, an Electronics Technician, Diploma, Oct. 31, 1982. I graduated from the Community College of Denver with, an Associate Degree in General Studies in 1998. I graduated from the Community College of Denver with, a Drafting and AutoCAD Drafting Certificate in 1998. I graduated from Drury University, Art and Design, Bachelor of Science. December 8, 2010.

    I was a professional Magician for 35 years. I did shows in Colorado, Tennessee, California, Ohio, Oregon, Idaho, Texas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Wyoming. When I was in Tennessee, I got with a group of people, and we performed a magic show at Magic World in Pigeon Forge. We drove from Pigeon Forge over to see Doug Henning in Knoxville where he was performing and after his show, we waited until Doug Henning walked out of the curtain and we all got to meet him. He was a long-haired buck-toothed little skinny guy who was holding onto my girlfriend’s hands and talking way too much to her and yeah, I got jealous. I could author a book about all the Magic Careers I had several moons ago.

    I went to school for Chemistry in Sedalia, Missouri, and worked at Phoenix Analytical Laboratory in Broomfield, Coin the early ninety’s.

    I have worked in electronics off and on since October 1982. I have had lots of different jobs in my life. Right now, I am currently working at SRC Electrical as an Electronic Repair Tech in the Electronics Department. I have done so many things in my life. Manifesting just came easy for me.

    I would love to be able to pour all my knowledge into everyone who reads this book, it will change your life for the good. It sure changed my life, for the good. Thank you for buying my book!

    In the Midnight hours, I restore my life.


    It was the Spring of 1979 when I was going to school for electronics at the Denver Institute of Technology in North Denver. I was up to my nose with studying Mathematics, AC, and DC circuitry. When one of my sisters invited me to a painting party. She was painting bookshelves in her apartment in South Denver, and she wanted me to help her make it go faster. I did not have a car at the time, so she got me around 4:00 pm Friday after school. She was also attending a college in South Denver called Loretta Height’s College, her major was in Theater. When she picked me up she said that her boyfriend Rob was going to be at her apartment at 5:00 pm, and their college friends might stop by for the party. I was looking forward to seeing Rob again and meeting their college friends. After we had been at her apartment for a while we started to get the painting stuff together and about the time we had everything ready, Rob showed up. While Rob and I were talking, Rachel my sister, started making Margarita’s. Rob and I helped ourselves to one and then we started painting the bookshelves.

    A couple of hours had past us by and we were finished with the painting. We were just sitting there talking when somebody knocked at the door. Rachel went to the door and opened it, and it was Rob’s college friends. They came in and Rachel got them drinks and then she introduced them to me. They seemed like they were pretty cool. We were all talking about the play that they were all involved in at the time in school. The play sounded like it was a lot of fun, as well as challenging work remembering all the lines and then the acting parts. I had seen some of the school plays before and they were really good, however, this new one The Godspell sounded even better. The play was a musical and they had to learn the songs, as well as their lines and the acting parts. After about an hour had passed by, one of Rob’s friends said to me So, we understand that you can do magic At first I thought how did they know that I was a magician? (I started learning magic tricks when I was ten years old and I had worked at a few different magic shops in town, so, I had a dove act that I did at night clubs and parties.) Then I realized that my sister must have told them about me doing magic. I said Yeah, do you want to see a trick? they all said Yes. I got out a cigarette and did cigarette sleight of hand for them. They thought that the tricks we good however they said, That’s not real magic. I said, It is as real as magic gets. They told me that they were talking about real magic. They said, It’s like holding an image of a rose in your mind and concentrating on it until it appears in your hand. I said, Yeah right, nobody can do that, they said, You can because you are a really powerful person. I said as I showed them my little finger Yeah, I have more power in the tip of my little finger than you have in your entire body. They said seriously Yeah, you do. I was startled and I did not know what to say. So, I said in a puzzled fashion I have no idea what you guys are talking about. They laughed and said, Well Kirk, we are what you would call Wizards and we would like for you to join us. You are a very powerful person, and you would fly right through the magic course we are studying. You would be one of the top wizards in no time. I was floored they thought I was a powerful person, what a joke. I told them that I would have to take some time to think about it. I changed the subject back to their play and we all talked until about 10:00 pm when Rob gave me a ride

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