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THE FALLEN RING 2 A NEW NEMESIS: A YA Action Thriller Novella
THE FALLEN RING 2 A NEW NEMESIS: A YA Action Thriller Novella
THE FALLEN RING 2 A NEW NEMESIS: A YA Action Thriller Novella
Ebook96 pages1 hour

THE FALLEN RING 2 A NEW NEMESIS: A YA Action Thriller Novella

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Simon Jones is a university student by day and a superpowered vigilante by night. As London's guardian, he fights criminals under the cover of darkness, relishing the thrill of his alter ego's power.

However, when he discovers the existence of another Fallen Ring bearer, one wi

PublisherKey Dawkins
Release dateFeb 3, 2024
THE FALLEN RING 2 A NEW NEMESIS: A YA Action Thriller Novella

Key Dawkins

Key Dawkins is a writer and author from the UK. Since childhood, he's always wanted to write and publish a book. This is his second one within the young adult and thriller genre, following the first The Fallen Ring novella.


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    Book preview


    Chapter 1


    City, University of London buzzed with the energy of young minds eager to explore the vast possibilities of knowledge. Among the throngs of students traversing the campus, Simon Jones walked with purpose, his gaze drawn to the vibrant autumn leaves that danced in the crisp breeze. It had been two years since the events that had changed his life forever – two years since the loss of his best friend, James Huang.

    Now nineteen and in his first year at the university, he had chosen to study cybersecurity – an arena where his passion for technology could make a difference. Yet, despite his academic pursuits, he couldn’t escape the veil of silence that shrouded him, preventing him from forming new connections. The silver Fallen Ring adorned his middle finger, its ancient runes etched around its rim. It was his constant companion, a source of both comfort and turmoil. Since that fateful day when he’d found it and become its chosen bearer, the Ring had whispered to him in a voice only he could hear.

    As Simon settled into the cybersecurity lecture, his eyes inadvertently fell upon a familiar face: a beautiful brunette he had seen in previous lectures. She exuded warmth, and a gentle curiosity gleamed in her eyes. Layla Thompson, he recalled her name was. She was sitting a few rows ahead, and he couldn’t help but be captivated by her presence.

    The voice of the Fallen Ring interrupted his thoughts, its words a gentle murmur in his mind. Layla, it whispered, a familiar face that draws your attention. Perhaps an opportunity for a connection?

    Simon couldn’t help but smile at the Ring’s observation. Maybe, he replied silently, his thoughts a mixture of curiosity and hesitance.

    As the professor delved into the intricacies of digital security, Simon’s attention remained unwavering – a testament to his dedication to the subject. But Layla’s presence lingered at the back of his mind, offering a brief distraction from the complexities of his studies.

    After the lecture, as his classmates chatted animatedly, Simon quietly gathered together his belongings. He watched Layla from a distance, her interactions with others seemingly effortless. His feelings of isolation deepened, and he withdrew into his familiar cocoon of silence.

    As he made his way through the campus courtyard, Simon couldn’t help but wonder about Layla, the intrigue of a potential connection sparking hope within him. Yet, his past sat heavy on him, leaving him uncertain about even the possibility of taking the first step. He glanced at the Ring on his finger. For now, he would simply relish in the friendship he shared with the Fallen Ring – a companion that had been with him through thick and thin. Its whispers of reassurance echoed softly in his mind, offering comfort as he navigated the complexities of university life.

    Leaving the campus at the end of the day, Simon subconsciously stroked the silver Ring, its presence always a comfort. The busy London streets bustled around him, but he felt removed from the cut and thrust of the rush-hour, unable to shake a feeling that fate had something in store for him – an opportunity, perhaps, to step beyond the veil of silence and embrace the possibilities that lay ahead.

    Later that evening, in his room, as he immersed himself in his books, researching security software, the Ring’s whispering voice returned to his thoughts. Layla, it said. She seems kind and understanding. Perhaps you should take a chance and talk to her.

    Simon pondered the suggestion, considering the possibility of initiating a conversation with Layla. The thought both excited and terrified him. But what would he say to her? How could he bridge the gap between them? Maybe tomorrow, he mused.

    The Ring remained silent, a witness to his inner dialogue.

    Simon turned his attention back to his books, but the idea kept nudging its way into his thoughts, growing on him, and a sense of anticipation tingled within him. It had been a long time since he’d allowed himself to hope for a connection with someone outside his family, and the thought of taking that step both thrilled and frightened him.

    As the night darkened, Simon drifted off to sleep, dreams of the future mingling with memories of the past. The journey ahead would bring new challenges, but for the first time in a long while there was a glimmer of hope – a glimmer that whispered of the possibility of healing, of forming new bonds and of being released from the grip of grief.

    Chapter 2


    The morning sun filtered through the curtains, bathing Simon’s room in an orange glow as he woke from a peaceful slumber. Stretching, he yawned and got out of bed, feeling for the comforting softness of his Crocs with his outstretched feet. Slipping them on, he made his way to the kitchen, the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. His mother, Sarah, smiled warmly as he entered the kitchen.

    ‘Good morning, Simon. Did you sleep well?’ she asked, pouring hot chocolate into a mug.

    ‘Morning, Mum,’ he replied with a nod, accepting the warm drink. ‘Yes, I did, thanks.’

    She glanced at her son, her eyes filled with maternal concern. ‘You know, you can always talk to me if something’s bothering you. You seem a bit distant again.’

    He offered a reassuring smile, masking the complexities that churned within. ‘It’s just university and all. Getting used to the workload, you know.’ He didn’t want to burden his mother with his inner struggles.

    ‘I understand, dear,’ she said gently, brushing a hand on his cheek. ‘Remember, I’m here for you, always.’

    Simon nodded, appreciating her understanding. His mother’s support had always been a source of strength as he navigated through life.

    After a brief conversation, Simon retreated to his room. Sitting at his desk, he gazed at the silver Fallen Ring on his finger, its ancient runes catching the light. The words the Ring had spoken the previous evening crept back into his thoughts. It was always whispering different forms of advice, sometimes pushing him towards a darker path. It had done so in the past, so he had to be cautious and keep his desires in check. With such a monumental power bestowed upon him, he needed to ensure that he remained steadfast.

    Contemplating the

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