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The Chic, The Shock, And A Very Big Check: 23 Ultra Short Sex Stories With Rich People
The Chic, The Shock, And A Very Big Check: 23 Ultra Short Sex Stories With Rich People
The Chic, The Shock, And A Very Big Check: 23 Ultra Short Sex Stories With Rich People
Ebook196 pages2 hours

The Chic, The Shock, And A Very Big Check: 23 Ultra Short Sex Stories With Rich People

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Are you ready to get downright dirty?
This hot taboo stories bundle includes a variety of kinky and exciting stories to satisfy your sinful, secret, and hidden desires.
You know you want this, so come and get it -- then come again, and again!!

PublisherAmanda Banks
Release dateFeb 5, 2024
The Chic, The Shock, And A Very Big Check: 23 Ultra Short Sex Stories With Rich People

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    The Chic, The Shock, And A Very Big Check - Amanda Banks

    *-*-*  The Art of Desire

    The room was ablaze with the dazzling lights of a thousand crystals, casting a warm glow on the elegant guests who had gathered for the grand gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Amidst the crowd, Isabella, a curator at the esteemed museum, moved gracefully, her eyes scanning the gathered artworks with a discerning gaze.

    Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Startled, she turned around to find a tall, dark, and handsome man standing before her. His eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as he extended his hand towards her.

    Good evening, Isabella. I'm Damien, a collector of art and other rare treasures.

    Isabella hesitated for a moment before taking his hand. A sudden jolt of electricity seemed to pass through her body as she felt his warm touch.

    I've heard a lot about you, Mr. Damien. Your collection is renowned in art circles.

    Damien's lips curved into a smug smile. Please, call me Damien. And I'm always on the lookout for new additions to my collection. May I have the pleasure of your company for a drink?

    Isabella hesitated for a brief moment before nodding her assent. As they made their way to the bar, Damien regaled her with tales of his travels and acquisitions, his eyes lighting up with passion as he spoke of his love for art.

    Tell me, Isabella, what is it that draws you to the world of art? he asked, his voice low and seductive.

    Isabella took a moment to gather her thoughts. Art has the power to transport us to different worlds, to evoke emotions that we thought were long lost. It's a way to connect with the past, present, and future all at once.

    Damien leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. I couldn't agree more. Art is a way of life, a passion that consumes us. And I can see that same passion burning in your eyes.

    Isabella felt her heart race as Damien's words sent shivers down her spine. She took a sip of her drink, her hand shaking slightly as she put it down.

    Tell me, Damien, what is it that you collect besides art?

    Damien's eyes gleamed with a hint of mystery. Oh, I collect all sorts of things. Experiences, emotions, memories...all the things that make life worth living.

    Isabella felt a sudden sense of unease. What do you mean?

    Damien leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear. I mean that life is too short to be limited to just one form of pleasure. I seek out new experiences, new sensations, new ways to feel alive.

    Isabella felt her heart race as Damien's words sent a thrill down her spine. She couldn't help but feel drawn to this mysterious man who seemed to embody passion and excitement.

    As the night wore on, Isabella found herself lost in conversation with Damien, her thoughts consumed by the enigmatic collector. She couldn't help but feel a sense of longing, a desire to explore the world of passion and pleasure that he seemed to offer.

    Finally, as the night drew to a close, Damien took Isabella's hand in his. Will you allow me to show you a world beyond your wildest dreams, Isabella? A world of passion, pleasure, and art like you've never experienced before?

    Isabella hesitated for a moment before nodding her assent. She couldn't resist the pull of this mysterious man, the allure of a world that she had never experienced before.

    As they left the gala together, Isabella couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement, a thrill that coursed through her veins. She was about to embark on a journey of passion and pleasure, a journey that would change her life forever.

    Damien led Isabella to his sleek, black town car, the driver holding the door open for them. As they settled into the plush leather seats, Isabella felt a shiver of anticipation run down her spine. She knew that she was about to enter a world that she had never experienced before, a world filled with passion and pleasure.

    Damien took her hand in his, his fingers tracing a slow, sensual path up her arm. I'm going to show you things tonight that you've never seen before, Isabella. Things that will awaken your senses and make you feel alive.

    Isabella's breath caught in her throat as Damien's lips brushed against her ear. She could feel the heat radiating from his body, the anticipation building inside her.

    The car pulled up to a nondescript building in a seedy part of town. Isabella's heart raced as Damien led her inside, her senses on high alert.

    The room was dimly lit, filled with the soft sounds of jazz music and low murmurs of conversation. Damien led Isabella to a secluded corner, where a plush velvet couch beckoned.

    Welcome to my world, Isabella, Damien said, his voice low and husky. A world of art, passion, and pleasure.

    Isabella looked around the room, her eyes widening as she took in the sights around her. She saw couples entwined on couches, their bodies moving in a slow, sensual dance. She saw paintings on the walls that depicted explicit scenes of desire and pleasure.

    Damien took a sip of his drink, his eyes never leaving Isabella's face. Do you like what you see, Isabella?

    Isabella felt her face flush with heat. Yes, she whispered, her voice barely audible.

    Damien leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear. Good. Because I have so much more to show you.

    He took Isabella's hand and led her to a private room, the walls covered in red velvet. A large four-poster bed dominated the space, the sheets rumpled and inviting.

    Damien turned to face Isabella, his eyes burning with desire. Take off your clothes, Isabella, he commanded.

    Isabella hesitated for a moment before slowly beginning to undress. She felt a rush of excitement as Damien watched her, his gaze intense and hungry.

    Once she was naked, Damien approached her, his fingers tracing a slow, sensual path down her body. You're so beautiful, Isabella, he murmured.

    Isabella felt a shiver of pleasure run down her spine as Damien's lips brushed against her neck. She could feel the heat radiating from his body, the anticipation building inside her.

    Damien's hands explored her body, his fingers teasing and tantalizing. Isabella felt herself losing control, her body moving in rhythm with Damien's touch.

    Suddenly, Damien pulled away, a mischievous glint in his eye. I have a surprise for you, Isabella, he said.

    He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, silver object. Isabella's eyes widened as she realized what it was - a pair of handcuffs.

    I want to show you a new form of pleasure, Isabella. One that will push your boundaries and make you feel alive.

    Isabella hesitated for a moment before nodding her assent. She felt a thrill of excitement as Damien handcuffed her to the bedpost, her body at his mercy.

    Damien explored Isabella's body with a newfound intensity, his touch more urgent and demanding. Isabella felt herself losing control, her body moving in rhythm with Damien's touch.

    As they reached their climax, Damien looked into Isabella's eyes, a satisfied smile on his face. I told you that I would show you a world beyond your wildest dreams, Isabella. A world of passion, pleasure, and art like you've never experienced before.

    Isabella nodded, her body still trembling with pleasure. She knew that she had entered a world that she had never experienced before, a world filled with passion and pleasure.

    As they left the club together, Isabella couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement, a thrill that coursed through her veins. She knew that her life had changed forever, thanks to Damien and his world of passion, pleasure, and art.

    Fuck, Damien, Isabella moaned as he nipped at her neck, his fingers expertly exploring her body. I want you harder.

    Damien chuckled, his breath hot against her skin. Patience, my dear. We have all night.

    But Isabella didn't want to wait. She wanted him now, inside her, filling her up and making her scream with pleasure. She writhed beneath him, trying to free herself from the handcuffs that bound her to the bedpost.

    Damien, please, she begged, her voice laced with desperation.

    But Damien just smiled, a wicked glint in his eye. Patience, Isabella. Trust me, it will be worth the wait.

    And with that, he began to kiss his way down her body, his lips and tongue leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Isabella moaned and writhed, her body on fire with desire. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter, her body aching for release.

    Finally, Damien reached her core, his tongue flicking and teasing her clit. Isabella cried out, her body arching off the bed as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge, her body trembling with anticipation.

    And then, just as she was about to come, Damien stopped.

    Damien! Isabella cried out in frustration, her body still throbbing with need.

    But Damien just smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Patience, my dear. I want to make you come harder than you ever have before.

    And with that, he reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a small, silver object. Isabella's eyes widened as she realized what it was - a vibrator.

    Oh god, she moaned as Damien turned it on and slowly slid it inside her. She could feel it pulsing and vibrating, hitting all the right spots. She was so close, so close to climaxing.

    And then, suddenly, the door burst open and in walked a group of Damien's friends.

    Surprise! they yelled, holding up bottles of champagne.

    Isabella and Damien froze, their eyes locked in a moment of shock and embarrassment.

    Uh, guys, Damien stammered, trying to cover himself up. This isn't what it looks like.

    But Isabella just started laughing, the sound echoing through the room. She couldn't believe it - she had been caught having sex with Damien in handcuffs by a group of his friends. It was the most unexpected and funny twist she could have ever imagined.

    As the friends left, Damien looked at Isabella with a sheepish grin. I guess the surprise is on us.

    Isabella just laughed, feeling more alive and free than she ever had before. She knew that this night was one that she would never forget, a night filled with passion, pleasure, and laughter.

    The next day, Isabella woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. She couldn't believe what had happened the night before - it was like a dream come true. She and Damien had laughed about it over breakfast, rehashing every funny detail and reliving the moment over and over again.

    As they went about their day, Isabella couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. She knew that this was just the beginning, that there would be many more nights of passion and pleasure to come. And she couldn't wait to see what Damien had in store for her next.

    Note: This text contains explicit and adult content, it's a work of fiction and not intended to promote or condone any harmful behavior.

    *-*-*  The Billionaire's Game

    On a humid summer evening in the bustling city of Manchester, professional footballer Jack Evans found himself in the VIP suite of the Old Trafford stadium. The air was thick with anticipation, not just for the upcoming match, but also for the meeting Jack was about to have with the team owner's daughter, Isabella Hartley.

    As he waited, Jack couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. He had admired Isabella from afar for months now, but they had never officially met. He had heard stories about her intelligence, her beauty, and her fierce independence. And now, he was about to meet her in person.

    The doors to the VIP suite swung open, and in walked Isabella, looking every bit as stunning as Jack had imagined. She was dressed in a fitted blue dress that accentuated her curves and brought out the color of her eyes. Her long, dark hair cascaded down her shoulders, and she wore a confident smile that made Jack's heart

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