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The Fall of 21 in America
The Fall of 21 in America
The Fall of 21 in America
Ebook82 pages55 minutes

The Fall of 21 in America

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This book addresses the question of family in America dissolving into one parent homes. Directed by no father figure in 2000,s what is the chance of reaching twenty one as a successful adult and not incarcerated? What programs are there for single adult families? What solutions can be found to deter mass shootings by these individuals from broken homes.

Release dateFeb 6, 2024
The Fall of 21 in America

Bruce Bruno Williams

Im 55years old with 4 books on Amazon Kindle . I have study to be an elementary science teacher, I was a Grand Canyon University student, born in Tallahassee Fla. The second of ten children, Florida native writing biographies, fiction, geography, history,learning tools for children.

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    The Fall of 21 in America - Bruce Bruno Williams


    Thank you for purchasing this novel. This novel is a documentary into the growing rate of young murders 21, years old and younger in America 2000, s. The subject has never really been discussed or taken seriously to see what new approaches should be taken to curb this type of senseless violence. The impact is very sad on the victims and the people of American households who are caught unexpectedly by these murders. So, what is the answer are their things that could have been done differently to keep this escalation from happening in 2000, s. This novel shows a growing escalation of juvenile criminal acts and the warning signs are there for you to examine and discuss at home, on the job, and with your spouse.

    The Fall of 21 in America


    Bruce Bruno Williams

    Chapter One – America 2000

    THE PHENOMENAL RISE of murders by American males at twenty-one in 2000, is growing at an alarming rate. The majority of these murders are sense-less with no reason for committing the murders by the assailants. So, what is the reason for this growing crime rate by young males and the answers? The answers could be in the morals taught in households of America in 2000 or the rise of YouTube and false propaganda with the wrong message. In this novel we will explore some ideals or reasons to focus on this new division of hate in America preying on family members and innocent victims.

    IN THE TRUMP ERA THE media portrays false hopes, lies and terrible morals of American families. Like, the American president cheating on his wife, while being supported by women and the Republican Party not concerned with morals just politics. How is there a woman’s movement with the 75% vote of women for a sexist president? The women’s movement has to be fake with no clear agenda and no role model status in the household just monetary gains for selfish goals not realizing there has to be balance in the American household instead of who has the biggest mouth and wallet. The era of Oprah Winfrey emboldening women to raise their children as single parents while the father is on child support and not available with a struggle to work. Financial gain is difficult without a driver’s license or supporting two households which is often a struggle of a man on child-support. Fatherless households can be the result often when young males choose to commit murder as a way of acting out. The targets of murderous outrage are usually innocent bystander’s classmates, motorists, regular citizens just conducting their lives without any idea of the actions of these young men. Facebook could be a supporter of this type of murderous behavior with many young males using the media source for love and relationships. The role models for many young males is not available with the fast pace of America’s parenting cycle and domestic laws which places the blame on the parent without custody of the child or father figure

    MURDERS BY YOUNG MALES under 21 years old, or at that stage in life is growing with no slowing pace. This epidemic of hate usually involves males with the murder of family members and lovers. These murders usually take place without prior knowledge or provocation. A murder committed at the spur of the moment takes place by something done to trigger the anger of these young males  without any thought of the consequences. In some cases, even radicalization from YouTube sites has encouraged young men to kill. Let’s investigate a series of murders to dwell into the cause and effect of this un-calculated move to kill.

    NICHOLAS CRUZ, CHOSE to walk into a school and kill 17, school age friends and members of his former high-school Marjory Stoneman Douglas High. The details of this murder as always are not clear and the perpetrator was not killed just caught to observe in jail. This young male had a passion to kill and was frequent on the Internet playing games, acquiring firearms, making threats. Nicholas was 19 years old at the time of these senseless murders with no desire to kill him the law enforcement just apprehended him for this heinous crime. This young male was disciplined by his mother in the past, but no father in the picture that the media was aware of at the time of the murders. Many people overlooked the warning signs of this growing young murder including his mother who passed with the flu before the shootings. Understanding the police were aware of this individual having made threats with a

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